21 research outputs found

    A prohibition of equilibrium spin currents in multi-terminal ballistic devices

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    We show that in the multi-terminal ballistic devices with intrinsic spin-orbit interaction connected to normal metal contacts there are no equilibrium spin currents present at any given electron energy. Obviously, this statement holds also after the integration over all occupied states. Based on the proof of this fact, a number of scenarios involving nonequilibrium spin currents is identified and further analyzed. In particular, it is shown that an arbitrary two-terminal device cannot polarize transient current. The same is true for the output terminal of an N-terminal device when all N-1 inputs are connected in parallel.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure; presented at the DARPA SPinS review (#Th-19), San Francisco, CA, October 25-28, 200

    Tunneling into fractional quantum Hall liquids

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    Motivated by the recent experiment by Grayson et.al., we investigate a non-ohmic current-voltage characteristics for the tunneling into fractional quantum Hall liquids. We give a possible explanation for the experiment in terms of the chiral Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory. We study the interaction between the charge and neutral modes, and found that the leading order correction to the exponent α\alpha (IVα)(I\sim V^\alpha) is of the order of ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon} (ϵ=vn/vc)(\epsilon=v_n/v_c), which reduces the exponent α\alpha. We suggest that it could explain the systematic discrepancy between the observed exponents and the exact α=1/ν\alpha =1/\nu dependence.Comment: Latex, 5 page

    Spontaneous spin-polarized current in a nonuniform Rashba interaction system

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    We investigate the electron transport through a two-dimensional semiconductor with a nonuniform Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Due to the combination of the coherence effect and the Rashba interaction, a spontaneous spin-polarized current emerges in the absence of any magnetic material and magnetic field. For a two-terminal device, only the local current contains polarization; however, with a four-terminal setup, a polarized total current is produced. This phenomenon may offer a novel way for generating a spin-polarized current, replacing the traditional spin-injection method.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Quantum transport theory for nanostructures with Rashba spin-orbital interaction

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    We report on a general theory for analyzing quantum transport through devices in the Metal-QD-Metal configuration where QD is a quantum dot or the device scattering region which contains Rashba spin-orbital and electron-electron interactions. The metal leads may or may not be ferromagnetic, they are assumed to weakly couple to the QD region. Our theory is formulated by second quantizing the Rashba spin-orbital interaction in spectral space (instead of real space), and quantum transport is then analyzed within the Keldysh nonequilibrium Green's function formalism. The Rashba interaction causes two main effects to the Hamiltonian: (i) it gives rise to an extra spin-dependent phase factor in the coupling matrix elements between the leads and the QD; (ii) it gives rise to an inter-level spin-flip term but forbids any intra-level spin-flips. Our formalism provides a starting point for analyzing many quantum transport issues where spin-orbital effects are important. As an example, we investigate transport properties of a Aharnov-Bohm ring in which a QD having Rashba spin-orbital and e-e interactions is located in one arm of the ring. A substantial spin-polarized conductance or current emerges in this device due to a combined effect of a magnetic flux and the Rashba interaction. The direction and strength of the spin-polarization are shown to be controllable by both the magnetic flux and a gate voltage.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Random-phase Approximation Treatment Of Edge Magnetoplasmons: Edge-state Screening And Nonlocality

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    A random-phase approximation (RPA) treatment of edge magnetoplasmons (EMP) is presented for strong magnetic fields, low temperatures, and integer filling factors \nu. It is valid for negligible dissipation and lateral confining potentials smooth on the scale of the magnetic length \ell_{0} but sufficiently steep that the Landau-level (LL) flattening can be neglected. LL coupling, screening by edge states, and nonlocal contributions to the current density are taken into account. In addition to the fundamental mode with typical dispersion relation \omega\sim q_x \ln(q_{x}), fundamental modes with {\it acoustic} dispersion relation \omega\sim q_x are obtained for \nu>2. For \nu=1,2 a {\bf dipole} mode exists, with dispersion relation \omega\sim q_x^3, that is directly related to nonlocal responses.Comment: Text 12 pages in Latex/Revtex format, 4 Postscript figure

    Renormalization group approach of itinerant electron systems near the Lifshitz point

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    Using the renormalization approach proposed by Millis for the itinerant electron systems we calculated the specific heat coefficient γ(T)\gamma(T) for the magnetic fluctuations with susceptibility χ1δ+ωα+f(q)\chi^{-1}\sim |\delta+\omega|^\alpha+f(q) near the Lifshitz point. The constant value obtained for α=4/5\alpha=4/5 and the logarithmic temperature dependence, specific for the non-Fermi behavior, have been obtained in agreement with the experimental dat.Comment: 6 pages, Revte

    Magnetic field influence on the proximity effect in semiconductor - superconductor hybrid structures and their thermal conductance

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    We show that a magnetic field can influnce the proximity effect in NS junctions via diamagnetic screening current flowing in the superconductor. Using ballistic quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) electron channels as an example, we show that the supercurrent flow shifts the proximity-induced minigap in the excitation spectrum of a Q1D system from the Fermi level to higher quasiparticle energies. Thermal conductance of a Q1D channel (normalized by that of a normal Q1D ballistic system) is predicted to manifest such a spectral feature as a nonmonotonic behavior at temperatures corresponding to the energy of excitation into the gapful part of the spectrum.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, revised version with a new titl

    Collective Edge Excitations In The Quantum Hall Regime: Edge Helicons And Landau-level Structure

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    Based on a microscopic evaluation of the local current density, a treatment of edge magnetoplasmons (EMP) is presented for confining potentials that allow Landau level (LL) flattening to be neglected. Mode damping due to electron-phonon interaction is evaluated. For nu=1, 2 there exist independent modes spatially symmetric or antisymmetric with respect to the edge. Certain modes, changing shape during propagation, are nearly undamped even for very strong dissipation and are termed edge helicons. For nu > 2 inter-LL Coulomb coupling leads to a strong repulsion of the decoupled LL fundamental modes. The theory agrees well with recent experiments.Comment: 4 pages in Latex/Revtex/two-column format, 3 ps figure

    Spin transport of electrons through quantum wires with spatially-modulated strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction

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    We study ballistic transport of spin-polarized electrons through quantum wires in which the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction (SOI) is spatially modulated. Subband mixing, due to SOI, between the two lowest subbands is taken into account. Simplified approximate expressions for the transmission are obtained for electron energies close to the bottom of the first subband and near the value for which anticrossing of the two lowest subbands occurs. In structures with periodically varied SOI strength, {\it square-wave} modulation on the spin transmission is found when only one subband is occupied and its possible application to the spin transistor is discussed. When two subbands are occupied the transmission is strongly affected by the existence of SOI interfaces as well as by the subband mixing

    Theory of finite temperature crossovers near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical dimension

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    A systematic method for the computation of finite temperature (TT) crossover functions near quantum critical points close to, or above, their upper-critical dimension is devised. We describe the physics of the various regions in the TT and critical tuning parameter (tt) plane. The quantum critical point is at T=0T=0, t=0t=0, and in many cases there is a line of finite temperature transitions at T=Tc(t)T = T_c (t), t<0t < 0 with Tc(0)=0T_c (0) = 0. For the relativistic, nn-component ϕ4\phi^4 continuum quantum field theory (which describes lattice quantum rotor (n2n \geq 2) and transverse field Ising (n=1n=1) models) the upper critical dimension is d=3d=3, and for d<3d<3, ϵ=3d\epsilon=3-d is the control parameter over the entire phase diagram. In the region TTc(t)Tc(t)|T - T_c (t)| \ll T_c (t), we obtain an ϵ\epsilon expansion for coupling constants which then are input as arguments of known {\em classical, tricritical,} crossover functions. In the high TT region of the continuum theory, an expansion in integer powers of ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon}, modulo powers of lnϵ\ln \epsilon, holds for all thermodynamic observables, static correlators, and dynamic properties at all Matsubara frequencies; for the imaginary part of correlators at real frequencies (ω\omega), the perturbative ϵ\sqrt{\epsilon} expansion describes quantum relaxation at ωkBT\hbar \omega \sim k_B T or larger, but fails for ωϵkBT\hbar \omega \sim \sqrt{\epsilon} k_B T or smaller. An important principle, underlying the whole calculation, is the analyticity of all observables as functions of tt at t=0t=0, for T>0T>0; indeed, analytic continuation in tt is used to obtain results in a portion of the phase diagram. Our method also applies to a large class of other quantum critical points and their associated continuum quantum field theories.Comment: 36 pages, 4 eps figure