16,033 research outputs found

    Constraining the Higgs sector from False Vacua in the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We study the mass, the mixing and the coupling with ZZ boson of the lightest Higgs boson in the next-to-minimal supersymmetric standard model. The vacuum structure of the Higgs potential is analyzed and the new false vacua are discussed. The significant parameter region can be excluded by requiring that the realistic vacuum is deeper than false vacua, which result in constraints on the properties of the lightest Higgs boson.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    A look inside charmed-strange baryons from lattice QCD

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    The electromagnetic form factors of the spin-3/2 Ω\Omega baryons, namely Ω\Omega, Ωc∗\Omega_c^\ast, Ωcc∗\Omega_{cc}^\ast and Ωccc\Omega_{ccc}, are calculated in full QCD on 323×6432^3\times 64 PACS-CS lattices with a pion mass of 156(9) MeV. The electric charge radii and magnetic moments from the E0E0 and M1M1 multipole form factors are extracted. Results for the electric quadrupole form factors, E2E2, are also given. Quark sector contributions are computed individually for each observable and then combined to obtain the baryon properties. We find that the charm quark contributions are systematically smaller than the strange-quark contributions in the case of the charge radii and magnetic moments. E2E2 moments of the Ωcc∗\Omega_{cc}^\ast and Ωccc\Omega_{ccc} provide a statistically significant data to conclude that their electric charge distributions are deformed to an oblate shape. Properties of the spin-1/2 Ωc\Omega_c and Ωcc\Omega_{cc} baryons are also computed and a thorough comparison is given. This complete study gives valuable hints about the heavy-quark dynamics in charmed hadrons.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures. Includes a subsection on the systematic effect

    Electromagnetic structure of charmed baryons in Lattice QCD

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    As a continuation of our recent work on the electromagnetic properties of the doubly charmed Ξcc\Xi_{cc} baryon, we compute the charge radii and the magnetic moments of the singly charmed Σc\Sigma_c, Ωc\Omega_c and the doubly charmed Ωcc\Omega_{cc} baryons in 2+1 flavor Lattice QCD. In general, the charmed baryons are found to be compact as compared to the proton. The charm quark acts to decrease the size of the baryons to smaller values. We discuss the mechanism behind the dependence of the charge radii on the light valence- and sea-quark masses. The magnetic moments are found to be almost stable with respect to changing quark mass. We investigate the individual quark sector contributions to the charge radii and the magnetic moments. The magnetic moments of the singly charmed baryons are found to be dominantly determined by the light quark and the role of the charm quark is significantly enhanced for the doubly charmed baryons.Comment: Updated results, improved analysis. Version to appear in JHE

    How to Measure the Quantum State of Collective Atomic Spin Excitation

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    The spin state of an atomic ensemble can be viewed as two bosonic modes, i.e., a quantum signal mode and a cc-numbered ``local oscillator'' mode when large numbers of spin-1/2 atoms are spin-polarized along a certain axis and collectively manipulated within the vicinity of the axis. We present a concrete procedure which determines the spin-excitation-number distribution, i.e., the diagonal elements of the density matrix in the Dicke basis for the collective spin state. By seeing the collective spin state as a statistical mixture of the inherently-entangled Dicke states, the physical picture of its multi-particle entanglement is made clear.Comment: 6 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electromagnetic properties of doubly charmed baryons in Lattice QCD

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    We compute the electromagnetic properties of \Xi_cc baryons in 2+1 flavor Lattice QCD. By measuring the electric charge and magnetic form factors of \Xi_cc baryons, we extract the magnetic moments, charge and magnetic radii as well as the \Xi_cc \Xi_cc \rho coupling constant, which provide important information to understand the size, shape and couplings of the doubly charmed baryons. We find that the two heavy charm quarks drive the charge radii and the magnetic moment of \Xi_cc to smaller values as compared to those of, e.g., the proton.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; added discussions and references, version accepted by PL

    Vector and axial-vector couplings of D and D* mesons in 2+1 flavor Lattice QCD

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    Using the axial-vector coupling and the electromagnetic form factors of the D and D* mesons in 2+1 flavor Lattice QCD, we compute the D*D\pi, DD\rho and D*D*\rho coupling constants, which play an important role in describing the charm hadron interactions in terms of meson-exchange models. We also extract the charge radii of D and D* mesons and determine the contributions of the light and charm quarks separately.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures; added references and comments, published versio

    Numerical Study on GRB-Jet Formation in Collapsars

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    Two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations are performed using the ZEUS-2D code to investigate the dynamics of a collapsar that generates a GRB jet, taking account of realistic equation of state, neutrino cooling and heating processes, magnetic fields, and gravitational force from the central black hole and self gravity. It is found that neutrino heating processes are not so efficient to launch a jet in this study. It is also found that a jet is launched mainly by B_\phi fields that are amplified by the winding-up effect. However, since the ratio of total energy relative to the rest mass energy in the jet is not so high as several hundred, we conclude that the jets seen in this study are not be a GRB jet. This result suggests that general relativistic effects, which are not included in this study, will be important to generate a GRB jet. Also, the accretion disk with magnetic fields may still play an important role to launch a GRB jet, although a simulation for much longer physical time (\sim 10-100 s) is required to confirm this effect. It is shown that considerable amount of 56Ni is synthesized in the accretion disk. Thus there will be a possibility for the accretion disk to supply sufficient amount of 56Ni required to explain the luminosity of a hypernova. Also, it is shown that neutron-rich matter due to electron captures with high entropy per baryon is ejected along the polar axis. Moreover, it is found that the electron fraction becomes larger than 0.5 around the polar axis near the black hole by \nu_e capture at the region. Thus there will be a possibility that r-process and r/p-process nucleosynthesis occur at these regions. Finally, much neutrons will be ejected from the jet, which suggests that signals from the neutron decays may be observed as the delayed bump of afterglow or gamma-rays.Comment: 54 pages with 19 postscript figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ. High resolution version is available at http://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~nagataki/collapsar.pd

    Unidirectional terahertz light absorption in the pyroelectric ferrimagnet CaBaCo4O7

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    Spin excitations were studied by absorption spectroscopy in CaBaCo4O7 which is a type-I multiferroic compound with the largest magnetic-order induced ferroelectric polarization ({\Delta}P=17mC/m2) reported, so far. We observed two optical magnon branches: a solely electric dipole allowed one and a mixed magnetoelectric resonance. The entangled magnetization and polarization dynamics of the magnetoelectric resonance gives rise to unidirectional light absorption, i.e. that magnon mode absorbs the electromagnetic radiation for one propagation direction but not for the opposite direction. Our systematic study of the magnetic field and temperature dependence of magnon modes provides information about the energies and symmetries of spin excitations, which is required to develop a microscopic spin model of CaBaCo4O7.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Spectra of Quarkonia at Finite Temperature

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    Finite-temperature spectra of heavy quarkonia are calculated by combining potential model and thermofield dynamics formalisms. The mass spectra of the heavy quarkonia with various quark contents are calculated. It is found that binding mass of the quarkonium decreases as temperature increases.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. To appear Mod.Phys.Lett.
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