12 research outputs found

    Climate Dynamics: A Network-Based Approach for the Analysis of Global Precipitation

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    Precipitation is one of the most important meteorological variables for defining the climate dynamics, but the spatial patterns of precipitation have not been fully investigated yet. The complex network theory, which provides a robust tool to investigate the statistical interdependence of many interacting elements, is used here to analyze the spatial dynamics of annual precipitation over seventy years (1941-2010). The precipitation network is built associating a node to a geographical region, which has a temporal distribution of precipitation, and identifying possible links among nodes through the correlation function. The precipitation network reveals significant spatial variability with barely connected regions, as Eastern China and Japan, and highly connected regions, such as the African Sahel, Eastern Australia and, to a lesser extent, Northern Europe. Sahel and Eastern Australia are remarkably dry regions, where low amounts of rainfall are uniformly distributed on continental scales and small-scale extreme events are rare. As a consequence, the precipitation gradient is low, making these regions well connected on a large spatial scale. On the contrary, the Asiatic South-East is often reached by extreme events such as monsoons, tropical cyclones and heat waves, which can all contribute to reduce the correlation to the short-range scale only. Some patterns emerging between mid-latitude and tropical regions suggest a possible impact of the propagation of planetary waves on precipitation at a global scale. Other links can be qualitatively associated to the atmospheric and oceanic circulation. To analyze the sensitivity of the network to the physical closeness of the nodes, short-term connections are broken. The African Sahel, Eastern Australia and Northern Europe regions again appear as the supernodes of the network, confirming furthermore their long-range connection structure. Almost all North-American and Asian nodes vanish, revealing that extreme events can enhance high precipitation gradients, leading to a systematic absence of long-range patterns

    Suspension fluorescence in situ hybridization (S-FISH) combined with automatic detection and laser microdissection for STR profiling of male cells in male/female mixtures

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    Laser microdissection is a valuable tool for isolating specific cells from mixtures, such as male cells in a mixture with female cells, e.g., in cases of sexual assault. These cells can be stained with Y-chromosome-specific probes. We developed an automatic screening method to detect male cells after fluorescence in situ hybridization in suspension (S-FISH). To simulate forensic casework, the method was tested on female saliva after cataglottis (a kiss involving tongue-to-tongue contact) and on licking traces (swabs of dried male saliva on female skin) even after drying. After isolation of the detected cells, short tandem repeat profiling was performed. Full DNA profiles could consistently be obtained from as little as ten buccal cells. Isolation of five cells resulted in a mean of 98% (SD of 3.4%) of the alleles detected, showing that the developed S-FISH staining had no significant negative influence on DNA recovery and can be used in forensic casework

    Pestov spark counter prototype development for the CERN-LHC ALICE experiment

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    A prototype Pestov Spark Counter with 2-dimensional position resolution has been developed. The position resolution is 0.32 mm and <2 mm in transverse and longitudinal direction, respectively. Beam tests yielded both the time resolution and the efficiency in accordance with earlier results obtained at BNIP Novosibirsk. A longterm stability test has been performed and stable behaviour for more then 3 months was observed. (orig.)10 refs.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: RO 801(95-74) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Advanced Molecular Probes for Sequence-Specific DNA Recognition

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    DNA detection can be achieved using theWatson-Crick base pairing with oligonucleotides or oligonucleotide analogs, followed by generation of a physical or chemical signal coupled with a transducer device. The nature of the probe is an essential feature which determines the performances of the sensing device. Many synthetic processes are presently available for “molecular engineering” of DNA probes, enabling label-free and PCR-free detection to be performed. Furthermore, many DNA analogs with improved performances are available and are under development; locked nucleic acids (LNA), peptide nucleic acids (PNA) and their analogs, morpholino oligonucleotides (MO) and other modified probes have shown improved properties of affinity and selectivity in target recognition compared to those of simple DNA probes. The performances of these probes in sensing devices, and the requirements for detection of unamplified DNA will be discussed in this chapter. Chemistry and architectures for conjugation of probes to reporter units, surfaces and nanostructures will also be discussed. Examples of probes used in ultrasensitive detection of unamplified DNA are listed