830 research outputs found

    Multiple system atrophy is distinguished from idiopathic Parkinson's disease bythe arginine growth hormone stimulation test

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    Objective: Multiple system atrophy (MSA) may be difficult to distinguish from idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (PD). Our aim was to evaluate the accuracy of the arginine growth hormone (GH) stimulation test in distinguishing between MSA and PD in large populations of patients. Methods: We measured the GH response to arginine in 69 MSA (43 MSAp [parkinsonism as the main motor feature] and 26 MSAc [cerebellar features predominated]) patients, 35 PD patients, and 90 healthy control subjects. We used receiver-operating curve analysis to establish the arginine cutoff value that best differentiated between MSA and PD. Results: The GH response to arginine was significantly lower (p 0.01) in MSA than in either PD patients or control subjects. At a cutoff level of 4g/L, arginine distinguished MSAp from PD with a sensitivity and specificity of 91% and MSAc from PD with a sensitivity of 96% and specificity of 91%. The arginine test had a positive predictive value for MSA of 95%. The GH response to arginine was not affected by disease duration or severity, MSA motor subtype, pyramidal signs, response to dopaminergic therapy, or magnetic resonance imaging findings. Interpretation: The GH response to arginine differentiates MSA from PD with a high diagnostic accuracy. The results suggest an impairment of cholinergic central systems modulating GH release in MSA

    Typing Late Prehistoric Cows and Bulls—Osteology and Genetics of Cattle at the Eketorp Ringfort on the Öland Island in Sweden

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    Human management of livestock and the presence of different breeds have been discussed in archaeozoology and animal breeding. Traditionally osteometrics has been the main tool in addressing these questions. We combine osteometrics with molecular sex identifications of 104 of 340 morphometrically analysed bones in order to investigate the use of cattle at the Eketorp ringfort on the Öland island in Sweden. The fort is dated to 300–1220/50 A.D., revealing three different building phases. In order to investigate specific patterns and shifts through time in the use of cattle the genetic data is evaluated in relation to osteometric patterns and occurrence of pathologies on cattle metapodia. Males were genotyped for a Y-chromosomal SNP in UTY19 that separates the two major haplogroups, Y1 and Y2, in taurine cattle. A subset of the samples were also genotyped for one SNP involved in coat coloration (MC1R), one SNP putatively involved in resistance to cattle plague (TLR4), and one SNP in intron 5 of the IGF-1 gene that has been associated to size and reproduction

    Solution Structure of the Iron−Sulfur Cluster Cochaperone HscB and Its Binding Surface for the Iron−Sulfur Assembly Scaffold Protein IscU†‡

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    ABSTRACT: The interaction between IscU and HscB is critical for successful assembly of iron-sulfur clusters. NMR experiments were performed on HscB to investigate which of its residues might be part of the IscU binding surface. Residual dipolar couplings ( 1 DHN and 1 DCRHR) indicated that the crystal structure of HscB [Cupp-Vickery, J. R., and Vickery, L. E. (2000) Crystal structure of Hsc20, a J-type cochaperone from Escherichia coli, J. Mol. Biol. 304, 835-845] faithfully represents its solution state. NMR relaxation rates ( 15 N R1, R2) and 1 H- 15 N heteronuclear NOE values indicated that HscB is rigid along its entire backbone except for three short regions which exhibit flexibility on a fast time scale. Changes in the NMR spectrum of HscB upon addition of IscU mapped to the J-domain/C-domain interface, the interdomain linker, and the C-domain. Sequence conservation is low in the interface and in the linker, and NMR changes observed for these residues likely result from indirect effects of IscU binding. NMR changes observed in the conserved patch of residues in the C-domain (L92, M93, L96, E97, E100, E104, and F153) were suggestive of a direct interaction with IscU. To test this, we replaced several of these residues with alanine and assayed for the ability of HscB to interact with IscU and to stimulate HscA ATPase activity. HscB(L92A,M93A,F153A) and HscB(E97A,E100A,E104A) both showed decreased binding affinity for IscU; the (L92A,M93A,F153A) substitution also strongly perturbed the allosteric interactio

    A best practice fall prevention exercise program to improve balance, strength / power, and psychosocial health in older adults: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Using steered molecular dynamics to predict and assess Hsp70 substrate-binding domain mutants that alter prion propagation.

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    Genetic screens using Saccharomyces cerevisiae have identified an array of cytosolic Hsp70 mutants that are impaired in the ability to propagate the yeast [PSI(+)] prion. The best characterized of these mutants is the Ssa1 L483W mutant (so-called SSA1-21), which is located in the substrate-binding domain of the protein. However, biochemical analysis of some of these Hsp70 mutants has so far failed to provide major insight into the specific functional changes in Hsp70 that cause prion impairment. In order to gain a better understanding of the mechanism of Hsp70 impairment of prions we have taken an in silico approach and focused on the Escherichia coli Hsp70 ortholog DnaK. Using steered molecular dynamics simulations (SMD) we demonstrate that DnaK variant L484W (analogous to SSA1-21) is predicted to bind substrate more avidly than wild-type DnaK due to an increase in numbers of hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions between chaperone and peptide. Additionally the presence of the larger tryptophan side chain is predicted to cause a conformational change in the peptide-binding domain that physically impairs substrate dissociation. The DnaK L484W variant in combination with some SSA1-21 phenotypic second-site suppressor mutations exhibits chaperone-substrate interactions that are similar to wild-type protein and this provides a rationale for the phenotypic suppression that is observed. Our computational analysis fits well with previous yeast genetics studies regarding the functionality of the Ssa1-21 protein and provides further evidence suggesting that manipulation of the Hsp70 ATPase cycle to favor the ADP/substrate-bound form impairs prion propagation. Furthermore, we demonstrate how SMD can be used as a computational tool for predicting Hsp70 peptide-binding domain mutants that impair prion propagation

    Scaling Up ART Adherence Clubs in the Public Sector Health System in the Western Cape, South Africa: a Study of the Institutionalisation of a Pilot Innovation

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    In 2011, a decision was made to scale up a pilot innovation involving ‘adherence clubs’ as a form of differentiated care for HIV positive people in the public sector antiretroviral therapy programme in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. In 2016 we were involved in the qualitative aspect of an evaluation of the adherence club model, the overall objective of which was to assess the health outcomes for patients accessing clubs through epidemiological analysis, and to conduct a health systems analysis to evaluate how the model of care performed at scale. In this paper we adopt a complex adaptive systems lens to analyse planned organisational change through intervention in a state health system. We explore the challenges associated with taking to scale a pilot that began as a relatively simple innovation by a non-governmental organisation

    Rare tandem repeat expansions associate with genes involved in synaptic and neuronal signaling functions in schizophrenia

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    Tandem repeat expansions (TREs) are associated with over 60 monogenic disorders and have recently been implicated in complex disorders such as cancer and autism spectrum disorder. The role of TREs in schizophrenia is now emerging. In this study, we have performed a genome-wide investigation of TREs in schizophrenia. Using genome sequence data from 1154 Swedish schizophrenia cases and 934 ancestry-matched population controls, we have detected genome-wide rare (<0.1% population frequency) TREs that have motifs with a length of 2–20 base pairs. We find that the proportion of individuals carrying rare TREs is significantly higher in the schizophrenia group. There is a significantly higher burden of rare TREs in schizophrenia cases than in controls in genic regions, particularly in postsynaptic genes, in genes overlapping brain expression quantitative trait loci, and in brain-expressed genes that are differentially expressed between schizophrenia cases and controls. We demonstrate that TRE-associated genes are more constrained and primarily impact synaptic and neuronal signaling functions. These results have been replicated in an independent Canadian sample that consisted of 252 schizophrenia cases of European ancestry and 222 ancestry-matched controls. Our results support the involvement of rare TREs in schizophrenia etiology

    Hsp70 chaperones: Cellular functions and molecular mechanism

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    Hsp70 proteins are central components of the cellular network of molecular chaperones and folding catalysts. They assist a large variety of protein folding processes in the cell by transient association of their substrate binding domain with short hydrophobic peptide segments within their substrate proteins. The substrate binding and release cycle is driven by the switching of Hsp70 between the low-affinity ATP bound state and the high-affinity ADP bound state. Thus, ATP binding and hydrolysis are essential in vitro and in vivo for the chaperone activity of Hsp70 proteins. This ATPase cycle is controlled by co-chaperones of the family of J-domain proteins, which target Hsp70s to their substrates, and by nucleotide exchange factors, which determine the lifetime of the Hsp70-substrate complex. Additional co-chaperones fine-tune this chaperone cycle. For specific tasks the Hsp70 cycle is coupled to the action of other chaperones, such as Hsp90 and Hsp100