1,676 research outputs found

    Study on Pramana Shareera in relation to Prakriti

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    Ayurveda in its principle has given importance to individualistic approach rather than generalize. Application of this examination can be clearly seem like even though two patients suffering from same disease, the treatment modality may change depending upon the results of Dashvidha Pariksha. Prakruti and Pramana both used in Dashvidha Pariksha. Both determine the health of the individual and Bala (strength) of Rogi (Patient). Ayurveda followed Swa-angula Pramana as the unit of measurement for measuring the different parts of the body which is prime step assessing patient before treatment. Sushruta and Charaka had stated different Angula Pramana of each Pratyanga (body parts). Specificity is the characteristic property of Swa-angula Pramana. This can be applicable in present era for example artificial limbs. A scientific research includes collection, compilation, analysis and lastly scrutiny of entire findings to arrive at a conclusion. Study of Pramana and its relation with Prakruti was conducted in 1000 volunteers using Prakruti Parkishan proforma with an objective of evaluation of Anguli Pramana in various Prakriti. It was observed co-relating Pramana in each Prakruti and Granthokta Pramana that there is no vast difference in measurement of head, upper limb and lower limb. The observational study shows closer relation of features with classical texts

    Importance of Pramana Pareeksha in Clinical Practice

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    In Ayurveda the term Pareeksha is used in place of Pramana. The synonyms of Pareeksha are Pramana, Saadana, Jnana, Upalabdhi. Pariksha means through which investigation cognition of valid apprehension of the state of the object arise is called Pariksha. Which is investigated in depth, establishment of reality of an object is Pareeksha. “Rogamadou Pareekshet Tathonantaram Aoushadam” it is very essential that before planning any treatment one should have complete knowledge of Roga and Rogibala. The purpose of examination is to obtain knowledge regarding span of life, strength and intensity of morbidity. Hence patient to be examined in respect of Prakruti (constitution of body), Vikruti (pathological examination), Sara (examination of elemental tissue and mind), Samhana (examination of compactness of body), Pramana (measurement), Satmya (suitability), Satva (examination of mental constitution), Aaharashakti (examination of digestive power), Vyayamashakti (examination of strength by exercise), Vaya (examination of age). Among these Dashavidha Pareeksha except Vikruti Pareeksha is to be done to understand the overview condition of the person. Vikrutipariksha is to be done to elicit the factors which are responsible for the pathogenesis of the diseases

    Critical analysis on physiological understanding of Indriya

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    According to Ayurveda classic texts Indriyas (Sense organ) are the apparatus to attain knowledge for Atma. These are the tools for obtaining knowledge. The Gyanendriya (sensory faculties) present inside body conjoins with the Mana (mind) which is unites with Atma and thereafter knowledge is perceived. Lastly the Buddhi (intellect) aspect of the respective Indriya knowledge is gained. Indriya are Panchabautika. Each Gyanendriya has dominance of one Mahabhuta and particular Indriya receives only Guna of that Mahabhuta in the form of stimulus. This is the reason behind reception of specific sensation by its respective Indriya. E.g., Prithvi Mahabhuta dominates Ghranendriya and receives knowledge of Gandha. Considering the above said, present paper focuses upon critical analysis on physiological aspects of Gyanendriyas. Understanding the concept of Gyanendriya is an important step in learning of Kriya Sharir. It enables scholars of Ayurveda to learn normal physiology of Indriya (senses) to diagnose any illness related to it

    Different factors influencing Deha Prakriti (constitution) and influenced by Prakriti (constitution)

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    Complete psychosomatic architect of an individual is represented by his Prakriti (constitution) which starts to take shape at the very first step of conception in mother’s womb. Deeds of previous incarnation, physical and psychological state of mother and father during conception, nutrition and regimen of mother, social melue, practice of wholesomeness by mother (during pregnancy) and child in postnatal period and many more factors are attributed in the Prakriti formation. Thus generated Prakriti helps in understanding the health and disease state of an individual and facilitate in promotive and curative aspects. Not only this, inherited psycho constution (Manasik Prakriti) is also very helpful in prediction and deciding the profession, effectiveness and efficiency evaluation too. Management education sector, Life and Health insurance sectors are now showing a keen interest in incorporating concept of Prakriti (constitution) in their business. Genomic relations of Prakriti concept of Ayurveda in the recent researches in India and abroad has established the facts that the difference in genomic make up is responsible for all variations in health and disease state of life which we have analyzed and summarized in this review. In the present literary research paper all the factors which influence the Prakriti are enumerated in classified manner and different types of psychosomatic contributions are detailed along with their effect on health and disease condition of life as well as preventive and promotive aspects

    An experimental investigation of dynamic ground effect

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    A 60-degree delta wing, an F-106B, and an XB-70 model with and without flap deflections were tested in static and dynamic ground effect in the 36-by 51-inch subsonic wind tunnel at the University of Kansas. Dynamic ground effect was measured with movable sting support. For flow visualization, a tufted wire grid was mounted on the movable sting behind the model. Test results showed that lift and drag increments in dynamic ground effect were always lower than static values. Effect of the trailing edge flap deflections on lift increments was slight. The fuselage reduced the lift increments at a given ground height. From flow visualization under static conditions, the vortex core was seen to enlarge as the ground was approached

    An experimental investigation of dynamic ground effect

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    Experimental studies were conducted to determine the longitudinal force and moment aerodynamic coefficients for a 1/48 scale model of an F-106 aircraft and a 0.01 scale model of an XB-70-1 aircraft. The two airplanes and one 60 degree delta wing model were designed and fabricated to satisfy the specific test conditions of the Kansas University wind tunnel with a 3 by 4.3 test section. Results of the tests are give

    Scaling law of Wolff cluster surface energy

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    We study the scaling properties of the clusters grown by the Wolff algorithm on seven different Sierpinski-type fractals of Hausdorff dimension 1<df≤31 < d_f \le 3 in the framework of the Ising model. The mean absolute value of the surface energy of Wolff cluster follows a power law with respect to the lattice size. Moreover, we investigate the probability density distribution of the surface energy of Wolff cluster and are able to establish a new scaling relation. It enables us to introduce a new exponent associated to the surface energy of Wolff cluster. Finally, this new exponent is linked to a dynamical exponent via an inequality.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. To appear in PR


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    Objective: Gram-negative bacteria provoke polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN) to release reactive oxygen species in chronic periodontitis (CP). Inability to maintain a balance between oxidative stress and antioxidant levels makes patients more susceptible to periodontal disease. The present study aims to estimate and compare salivary total antioxidant capacity (TAOC) in subjects with clinically healthy periodontium and patients with CP.Methods: After fulfilling the selection criteria, a total of 20 subjects (10 with clinically healthy periodontium and 10 with CP) were subjected to unstimulated salivary sample collection for biochemical estimation of TAOC by spectrophotometric assay using Kovacevic method. Analysis of data was done with unpaired student t-test, using SPSS version 22 statistical program.Results: Salivary TAOC was significantly higher in subjects with clinically healthy periodontium compared to CP patients. It was statistically significant (p&lt;0.001).Conclusion: This study indicated increased levels of salivary TAOC in patients with CP compared to clinically healthy periodontium. Alteration in defensive antioxidant status could be a risk factor in the progression of periodontal disease

    Dislocation Emission around Nanoindentations on a (001) fcc Metal Surface Studied by STM and Atomistic Simulations

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    We present a combined study by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and atomistic simulations of the emission of dissociated dislocation loops by nanoindentation on a (001) fcc surface. The latter consist of two stacking-fault ribbons bounded by Shockley partials and a stair-rod dislocation. These dissociated loops, which intersect the surface, are shown to originate from loops of interstitial character emitted along the directions and are usually located at hundreds of angstroms away from the indentation point. Simulations reproduce the nucleation and glide of these dislocation loops.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
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