17,923 research outputs found

    The Mass Function of Field Galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1.2 Derived From the MUNICS K-Selected Sample

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    We derive the number density evolution of massive field galaxies in the redshift range 0.4 < z < 1.2 using the K-band selected field galaxy sample from the Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS). We rely on spectroscopically calibrated photometric redshifts to determine distances and absolute magnitudes in the rest-frame K-band. To assign mass-to-light ratios, we use two different approaches. First, we use an approach which maximizes the stellar mass for any K-band luminosity at any redshift. We take the mass-to-light ratio of a Simple Stellar Population (SSP) which is as old as the universe at the galaxy's redshift as a likely upper limit. Second, we assign each galaxy a mass-to-light ratio by fitting the galaxy's colours against a grid of composite stellar population models and taking their M/L. We compute the number density of galaxies more massive than 2 x 10^10 h^-2 Msun, 5 x 10^10 h^-2 Msun, and 1 x 10^11 h^-2 Msun, finding that the integrated stellar mass function is roughly constant for the lowest mass limit and that it decreases with redshift by a factor of ~ 3 and by a factor of ~ 6 for the two higher mass limits, respectively. This finding is in qualitative agreement with models of hierarchical galaxy formation, which predict that the number density of ~ M* objects is fairly constant while it decreases faster for more massive systems over the redshift range our data probe.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the ESO/USM Workshop "The Mass of Galaxies at Low and High Redshift", Venice (Italy), October 24-26, 200

    Non-adiabatic collapse of a quasi-spherical radiating star

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    A model is proposed of a collapsing quasi-spherical radiating star with matter content as shear-free isotropic fluid undergoing radial heat-flow with outgoing radiation. To describe the radiation of the system, we have considered both plane symmetric and spherical Vaidya solutions. Physical conditions and thermodynamical relations are studied using local conservation of momentum and surface red-shift. We have found that for existence of radiation on the boundary, pressure on the boundary is not necessary.Comment: 8 Latex pages, No figures, Revtex styl

    The Munich Near-Infrared Cluster Survey (MUNICS) - Number density evolution of massive field galaxies to z ~ 1.2 as derived from the K-band selected survey

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    We derive the number density evolution of massive field galaxies in the redshift range 0.4 < z < 1.2 using the K-band selected field galaxy sample from the Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS). We rely on spectroscopically calibrated photometric redshifts to determine distances and absolute magnitudes in the rest-frame K-band. To assign mass-to-light ratios, we use an approach which maximizes the stellar mass for any K-band luminosity at any redshift. We take the mass-to-light ratio, M/L_K, of a Simple Stellar Population (SSP) which is as old as the universe at the galaxy's redshift as a likely upper limit. This is the most extreme case of pure luminosity evolution and in a more realistic model M/L_K will probably decrease faster with redshift due to increased star formation. We compute the number density of galaxies more massive than 2 10^10 h^-2 solar masses, 5 10^10 h^-2 solar masses, and 1 10^11 h^-2 solar masses, finding that the integrated stellar mass function is roughly constant for the lowest mass limit and that it decreases with redshift by a factor of roughly 3 and by a factor of roughly 6 for the two higher mass limits, respectively. This finding is in qualitative agreement with models of hierarchical galaxy formation, which predict that the number density of ~ M* objects is fairly constant while it decreases faster for more massive systems over the redshift range our data probe.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Large-Scale Structure in the NIR-Selected MUNICS Survey

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    The Munich Near-IR Cluster Survey (MUNICS) is a wide-area, medium-deep, photometric survey selected in the K' band. The project's main scientific aims are the identification of galaxy clusters up to redshifts of unity and the selection of a large sample of field early-type galaxies up to z < 1.5 for evolutionary studies. We created a Large Scale Structure catalog, using a new structure finding technique specialized for photometric datasets, that we developed on the basis of a friends-of-friends algorithm. We tested the plausibility of the resulting galaxy group and cluster catalog with the help of Color-Magnitude Diagrams (CMD), as well as a likelihood- and Voronoi-approach.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in "The Evolution of Galaxies III. From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models", proceedings of the 3rd EuroConference on the evolution of galaxies, held in Kiel, Germany, July 16-20, 200


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    The present article presents some theoretical considerations about the implications due the change of the oxidizer in a bipropellant propulsion system. Preliminary analysis conducted on the NTO/UDMH 400 N engine of a roll control system shows that this engine could be capable of operation with HTP90 without significant modification in the design. The new propellant combination is less toxic, can be handled more easily, has a wider operational temperature range, and yields a more amenable thermal environment from the combustion down to the exhaustion. Even with a decrease in liquid film cooling, the HTP90/UDMH engine would present a satisfactory reduction of the combustion chamber temperature and approximately the same performance level of the original NTO/UDMH engine
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