83 research outputs found

    Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822) Utilization Distribution and Habitat Selection in Ujung Kulon National Park

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    Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822) is one of world's rarest endangered species (IUCN 2008). Currently,  their distribution  is  limited  to Ujung Kulon National Park  (UKNP) of  Indonesia. Natural disasters, disease, poaching, encroachment, and competition are threats  facing Javan rhino's population, hence creating pockets of habitats outside  the UKNP was necessary and  should be based on  scientific  studies of  javan  rhino utilization distribution and habitat selection in UKNP as the natural habitat. The objectives of the study were to determine  the utilization distribution of Javan rhino and  its habitat characteristics and determine  javan rhino habitat selection within UKNP.  The research  indicated  that Javan rhinos highest use of areas comprised of swampy shrub (w = 2.197) and shrub (w = 2.012), relatively open habitat (w = 4.233), flat area (w = 1.313) and slightly sloping areas (w = 1.007), lowland (w = 1.346), close to river (w = 1.087), close to road network (w = 1.395), close to coasts/beaches (w = 1.862), close  to wallowing areas (w = 3.709), and close  to rumpang (w = 3.783).  The results suggested  that  javan  rhino  showed  selection and preferences  for  its habitat


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    The size and type of animal groups is affected by various ecological factors, such as vegetation and seasonal changes. Understanding of the environmental factors that influence the variation of size and type of the group is important to manage the species according to its behaviour. This study was conducted by using video trap. There were two types of barking deer group size, solitary (97%) and family unit (3%). Solitary barking deer most frequently recorded in secondary forest, while family unit in shrub vegetation. Six types of group were identified: 46% male groups; 32% female groups; 19% sub adult groups; 3% mixed adult groups; 0.003% adult and sub adult groups; and  0.001% family group. Adult and sub adult groups and family group captured most frequently in shrub, while male, female, and sub adult groups in secondary forest. Mixed adult groups captured most frequently both in shrub and secondary forest. Chi-square test indicated that both group size and group type variation were not correlated with vegetation types. Group types significantly related to the time of survey, but group size was not correlated. Keywords: Barking deer, Group type, Group size, Ujung Kulon National Park, Vegetation  types

    Composition of Plants and Spread Analysis of Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia Mart.) in Ujung Kulon National Park

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    Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia) is one of the species of the Arenga clan, which has a wide distribution in Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP). The aim of study was to determine the pattern of spreading langkap in order to support the management of Javan Rhino habitat. The vegetation analysis method used is a combination method between the line method and the path method. Langkap is the dominant species in UKNP at the sapling growth rate, with a density of 480-624 individuals/ha and INP value of 61.47% -78.30%, while the catch density at seedling growth rate is 900- 2,200 individuals/ha with INP value of 21.31% -49.41%. The standard Morisita coefficient value of langkap in each research block and growth rate is obtained in the range of values (-0.32) - 0.51, the spreading pattern shows a clustered spread pattern (Ip> 0) and uniform (Ip <0). The tendency of langkap domination in the research block can be seen from the ratio of catch density compared to the total density or its relative density at various growth rates. This shows that in the dominant catchment area there is a reduction in the density of plants other than langkap, especially the Javan Rhino feed plants.Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia) is one of the species of the Arenga clan, which has a wide distribution in Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP). The aim of study was to determine the pattern of spreading langkap in order to support the management of Javan Rhino habitat. The vegetation analysis method used is a combination method between the line method and the path method. Langkap is the dominant species in UKNP at the sapling growth rate, with a density of 480-624 individuals/ha and INP value of 61.47% -78.30%, while the catch density at seedling growth rate is 900- 2,200 individuals/ha with INP value of 21.31% -49.41%. The standard Morisita coefficient value of langkap in each research block and growth rate is obtained in the range of values (-0.32) - 0.51, the spreading pattern shows a clustered spread pattern (Ip> 0) and uniform (Ip <0). The tendency of langkap domination in the research block can be seen from the ratio of catch density compared to the total density or its relative density at various growth rates. This shows that in the dominant catchment area there is a reduction in the density of plants other than langkap, especially the Javan Rhino feed plants


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    Inventory of the rare javan rhino population keep doing continuously to know the trend of javan rhino population. However, inventory of javan rhino population hard to be done by people because javan rhino very sensitive to human presence. Inventory of javan rhino has improved by using camera trap but not every camera trap effective on capture the javan rhino. One of the problem is the location of camera trap not appropriate with javan rhino movement. Therefore, analizing correlation between characteristic of camera trap site with the success of recording javan rhino is necessary. The objective of this research is to identify the correlation between some of the characteristic of camera trap site which is estimated related to the success of recording javan rhino. The result of this research indicates that distance between camera trap with feces, footprint, human track and topography has correlation with the amount of  javan rhino clip. Keywords: camera trap, javan rhino, Ujung Kulon National Park


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    Long tailed macaqueis one of the prospective species in international trade and still facing seriously threatened due to high demand for exporting purposes.The research was aimed at the estimation of demographic parameter and  population growth model.The inventory was conducted using sensus method by concentration point Analyses were conducted on demography parameter (size and density, sex ratio,natality and mortality),  and population growth model estimation. The result showed that long-tailed macaque in Peucang island, Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP) had total population size 82 individuals, was found in 4 groups of Macaca. Population size in general was between 9 – 42 individuals/group. The age structure of the populazioln was  progressive population  with global sex ratio of 1 : 1,2. The life-span of long tailed macaque  is beetween 0,6-0,86 depend on age structure and the general fecundity figures throughout this locationis 0.23. Fecundity ratein this research was obtained by dividing the number of individuals existing infants and compared with the individual number of productive females. The growth model of long-tailed macaquein Peucang Island was growth model adrift age. Keywords : Demographic parameter,Growth Model, Long-tailed macaque, Spatial distribution,Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP)

    Analisis Preferensi Habitat Badak Jawa ( Rhinoceros sondaicus, Desmarest 1822) di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the rarest rhinoceros that are still existing today. Their distribution is limited to only a handful of countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, and possibly in Cambodia and Laos. In Indonesia, the species is only found in Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP). Its population is concentrated in the Ujung Kulon peninsula. Theoretically, large animals have preferences in their habitat and therefore tend to distribute uniformly or clumped. In consequence, the management of javan rhino population and habitat must consider their habitat preference. The objectives of this study were: 1) to identify dominant habitat components that determine the presence of Javan Rhinoceros in UKNP, and 2) to formulate habitat preference typology. The study was carried out in Management Section II area of UKNP, Pandeglang District, Banten Province. Method applied was direct field observation and literature review.  Based on multiple linear regressions, the dominant habitat factors preferred  javan rhino were soil pH (X7) and salinity (X9). The equation formulated was  Y = 6.25 – 1.12 X7 + 3.88 X9.  Using Neu’s method of preferential index analysis, it was revealed that Citadahan, Cibandawoh, Cikeusik and Cigenter had preferential indices greater than 1.  The data shows that javan rhinoceros mostly prefer habitats located 400-600 m from the coast, and areas located 0-400 m was considered as their second preference

    Analisis Preferensi Habitat Badak Jawa ( Rhinoceros sondaicus, Desmarest 1822) di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon

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    Javan rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the rarest rhinoceros that are still existing today. Their distribution is limited to only a handful of countries including Indonesia, Vietnam, and possibly in Cambodia and Laos. In Indonesia, the species is only found in Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP). Its population is concentrated in the Ujung Kulon peninsula. Theoretically, large animals have preferences in their habitat and therefore tend to distribute uniformly or clumped. In consequence, the management of javan rhino population and habitat must consider their habitat preference. The objectives of this study were: 1) to identify dominant habitat components that determine the presence of Javan Rhinoceros in UKNP, and 2) to formulate habitat preference typology. The study was carried out in Management Section II area of UKNP, Pandeglang District, Banten Province. Method applied was direct field observation and literature review.  Based on multiple linear regressions, the dominant habitat factors preferred  javan rhino were soil pH (X7) and salinity (X9). The equation formulated was  Y = 6.25 – 1.12 X7 + 3.88 X9.  Using Neu’s method of preferential index analysis, it was revealed that Citadahan, Cibandawoh, Cikeusik and Cigenter had preferential indices greater than 1.  The data shows that javan rhinoceros mostly prefer habitats located 400-600 m from the coast, and areas located 0-400 m was considered as their second preference

    Role of promoters in hoisting the catalytic performance for enhanced CO methanation

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    The increasing demand of natural gas and its rising cost have urged some countries to take initiatives to fulfil their energy needs. The production of substituted natural gas (SNG) by syngas (CO + H2) from coal or biomass is one of the most effective methods. As a promising source of energy, SNG has attracted much attention on research and applications due to the high demand for environmental protection. It is regarded as a clean energy source and an effective method for the application of coal resources, particularly in the regions with abundant coal resources but scarce natural gas such as in China [1-3]. SNG has attracted increasing attention due to its lower emission of sulphur and particulate matter. SNG is expected to be one of the main energy sources of the 21st century. It is environmentally friendly and less costly, has high calorific value, complete combustion, and smoke free compared to other energy sources. It has significant importance for the industrial level and transportation sectors


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    Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is one of the rarest species in the world so categorized as critically endangered by IUCN. Survival of the rhino in Ujung Kulon National Park is threatened by a variety of factors that could cause these extinct animals, such as: invasion langkap, competition with the bulls, and inbreeding. The strategy should be promoted in maintaining and developing population that is making a second habitat. The purpose of this research is to know the suitability level of Cikepuh Wildlife Reserves (CWR) as javan rhino’s second habitat. The method used is the field observations. Results showed that the CWR have high suitability as javan rhino’s second habitat with an area of 6886.4 ha (84.72% CWR). Cikepuh Wildlife Reserves components that have a high potential as second habitat are on aspects altitude, air temperature, humidity, water availability, and soil pH. Strategies that can be done in improving the suitability of the CWR as second habitat includ: create pools ofthe rhino, planting food plants that have a high palatability and reduce human pressure through strict enforcement, public education, standardized regular patrols, rehabilitation and enrichment of degraded area, livestock expenses , and review the MoU regarding the use of the area as a military Cikepuh SM. Keywords: Cikepuh Wildlife Reserve, habitat suitability, javan rhino, second habita

    Habitat Suitability Modeling of Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822) Ujung Kulon National Park

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    Javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822) is the rarest species among 5 species of rhinos in the world. Its distribution is currently limited only in Ujung Kulon National Park (UKNP), Indonesia.  Due to the small population size and its limited distribution, it is listed as critically endangered species in the IUCN Redlist. The main objectives of this research were: 1) to identify the dominant habitat components that determine the presence of javan rhino in UKNP; 2) to analyze habitat suitability of javan rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus Desmarest 1822) in UKNP using geographical information system; and 3) to examine its habitat condition. Results of the research found eight components identified to be crucial for Javan rhino habitat and appropriate for spatial modelling of habitat suitability, of which four were the most dominant factors influencing the frequency of javan rhino presence. These four dominants factors were slope, distance from wallow sites, distance from rumpang (open area), and distance from beach
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