1,026 research outputs found

    One-loop Einstein-Hilbert term in minimally supersymmetric type IIB orientifolds

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    We evaluate string one-loop contributions to the Einstein-Hilbert term in toroidal minimally supersymmetric type IIB orientifolds with D-branes. These have potential applications to the determination of quantum corrections to the moduli Kahler metric in these models

    Field redefinitions and Kähler potential in string theory at 1-loop

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    Field redefinitions at string 1-loop order are often required by supersymmetry, for instance in order to make the Kahler structure of the scalar kinetic terms manifest. We derive the general structure of the field redefinitions and the Kahler potential at string 1-loop order in a certain class of string theory models (4-dimensional toroidal type IIB orientifolds with N = 1 supersymmetry) and for a certain subsector of fields (untwisted Kahler moduli and the 4-dimensional dilaton). To do so we make use of supersymmetry, perturbative axionic shift symmetries and a particular ansatz for the form of the 1-loop corrections to the metric on the moduli space. Our results also show which terms in the low-energy effective action have to be calculated via concrete string amplitudes in order to fix the values of the coefficients (in the field redefinitions and the Kahler potential) that are left undetermined by our general analysis based on (super)symmetry

    D-brane Instantons on the T^6/Z_3 orientifold

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    We give a detailed microscopic derivation of gauge and stringy instanton generated superpotentials for gauge theories living on D3-branes at Z_3-orientifold singularities. Gauge instantons are generated by D(-1)-branes and lead to Affleck, Dine and Seiberg (ADS) like superpotentials in the effective N=1 gauge theories with three generations of bifundamental and anti/symmetric matter. Stringy instanton effects are generated by Euclidean ED3-branes wrapping four-cycles on T^6/\Z_3. They give rise to Majorana masses in one case and non-renormalizable superpotentials for the other cases. Finally we determine the conditions under which ADS like superpotentials are generated in N=1 gauge theories with adjoints, fundamentals, symmetric and antisymmetric chiral matter.Comment: 31 pages, no figure

    Novel <em>GFM2</em> variants associated with early-onset neurological presentations of mitochondrial disease and impaired expression of OXPHOS subunits

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    Mitochondrial diseases are characterised by clinical, molecular and functional heterogeneity, reflecting their bi-genomic control. The nuclear gene GFM2 encodes mtEFG2, a protein with an essential role during the termination stage of mitochondrial translation. We present here two unrelated patients harbouring different and previously unreported compound heterozygous (c.569G&gt;A, p.(Arg190Gln); c.636delA, p.(Glu213Argfs*3)) and homozygous (c.275A&gt;C, p.(Tyr92Ser)) recessive variants in GFM2 identified by whole exome sequencing (WES) together with histochemical and biochemical findings to support the diagnoses of pathological GFM2 variants in each case. Both patients presented similarly in early childhood with global developmental delay, raised CSF lactate and abnormalities on cranial MRI. Sanger sequencing of familial samples confirmed the segregation of bi-allelic GFM2 variants with disease, while investigations into steady-state mitochondrial protein levels revealed respiratory chain subunit defects and loss of mtEFG2 protein in muscle. These data demonstrate the effects of defective mtEFG2 function, caused by previously unreported variants, confirming pathogenicity and expanding the clinical phenotypes associated with GFM2 variants

    Constraints on Brane Inflation and Cosmic Strings

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    By considering simple, but representative, models of brane inflation from a single brane-antibrane pair in the slow roll regime, we provide constraints on the parameters of the theory imposed by measurements of the CMB anisotropies by WMAP including a cosmic string component. We find that inclusion of the string component is critical in constraining parameters. In the most general model studied, which includes an inflaton mass term, as well as the brane-antibrane attraction, values n_s < 1.02 are compatible with the data at 95 % confidence level. We are also able to constrain the volume of internal manifold (modulo factors dependent on the warp factor) and the value of the inflaton field to be less than 0.66M_P at horizon exit. We also investigate models with a mass term. These observational considerations suggest that such models have r < 2*10^-5, which can only be circumvented in the fast roll regime, or by increasing the number of antibranes. Such a value of r would not be detectable in CMB polarization experiment likely in the near future, but the B-mode signal from the cosmic strings could be detectable. We present forecasts of what a similar analysis using PLANCK data would yield and find that it should be possible to rule out G\mu > 6.5*10^-8 using just the TT, TE and EE power spectra.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, revtex4, typos corrected, references adde

    Hydrodynamics of fundamental matter

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    First and second order transport coefficients are calculated for the strongly coupled N=4 SYM plasma coupled to massless fundamental matter in the Veneziano limit. The results, including among others the value of the bulk viscosity and some relaxation times, are presented at next-to-leading order in the flavor contribution. The bulk viscosity is found to saturate Buchel's bound. This result is also captured by an effective single-scalar five-dimensional holographic dual in the Chamblin-Reall class and it is suggested to hold, in the limit of small deformations, for generic plasmas with gravity duals, whenever the leading conformality breaking effects are driven by marginally (ir)relevant operators. This proposal is then extended to other relations for hydrodynamic coefficients, which are conjectured to be universal for every non-conformal plasma with a dual Chamblin-Reall-like description. Our analysis extends to any strongly coupled gauge theory describing the low energy dynamics of Nc>>1 D3-branes at the tip of a generic Calabi-Yau cone. The fundamental fields are added by means of 1<<Nf<<Nc homogeneously smeared D7-branes.Comment: 24 pages. V2: Important improvements in the discussion of the results in section 1. References adde

    Brane Inflation and Cosmic String Tension in Superstring Theory

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    In a simple reanalysis of the KKLMMT scenario, we argue that the slow roll condition in the D3-anti-D3-brane inflationary scenario in superstring theory requires no more than a moderate tuning. The cosmic string tension is very sensitive to the conformal coupling: with less fine-tuning, the cosmic string tension (as well as the ratio of tensor to scalar perturbation mode) increases rapidly and can easily saturate the present observational bound. In a multi-throat brane inflationary scenario, this feature substantially improves the chance of detecting and measuring the properties of the cosmic strings as a window to the superstring theory and our pre-inflationary universe.Comment: Combined bounds from WMAP and SDSS Lyman alpha experiments are added for analysis, changes are added to the tabl
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