6,204 research outputs found

    Regularization of 2d supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory via non commutative geometry

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    The non commutative geometry is a possible framework to regularize Quantum Field Theory in a nonperturbative way. This idea is an extension of the lattice approximation by non commutativity that allows to preserve symmetries. The supersymmetric version is also studied and more precisely in the case of the Schwinger model on supersphere [14]. This paper is a generalization of this latter work to more general gauge groups

    Noncommutative Chiral Anomaly and the Dirac-Ginsparg-Wilson Operator

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    It is shown that the local axial anomaly in 22-dimensions emerges naturally if one postulates an underlying noncommutative fuzzy structure of spacetime . In particular the Dirac-Ginsparg-Wilson relation on SF2{\bf S}^2_F is shown to contain an edge effect which corresponds precisely to the ``fuzzy'' U(1)AU(1)_A axial anomaly on the fuzzy sphere . We also derive a novel gauge-covariant expansion of the quark propagator in the form 1DAF=aΓ^L2+1DAa\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{AF}}=\frac{a\hat{\Gamma}^L}{2}+\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{Aa}} where a=22l+1a=\frac{2}{2l+1} is the lattice spacing on SF2{\bf S}^2_F, Γ^L\hat{\Gamma}^L is the covariant noncommutative chirality and DAa{\cal D}_{Aa} is an effective Dirac operator which has essentially the same IR spectrum as DAF{\cal D}_{AF} but differes from it on the UV modes. Most remarkably is the fact that both operators share the same limit and thus the above covariant expansion is not available in the continuum theory . The first bit in this expansion aΓ^L2\frac{a\hat{\Gamma}^L}{2} although it vanishes as it stands in the continuum limit, its contribution to the anomaly is exactly the canonical theta term. The contribution of the propagator 1DAa\frac{1}{{\cal D}_{Aa}} is on the other hand equal to the toplogical Chern-Simons action which in two dimensions vanishes identically .Comment: 26 pages, latex fil

    La psychothérapie psychologique en Suisse vers la transparence et la qualité

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    The article gives an overview of psychological psychotherapy in Switzerland. We describe the legal status of psychological psychotherapists, their position and role within the Swiss health-care system, the professional context they practice in, the format of psychotherapy training, various employment models of psychological psychotherapists, as well as the currently insufficient reimbursement situation of psychological psychotherapy. Reimbursement by mandatory health insurance is highlighted as the most important current challenge psychological psychotherapists face in Switzerland, on their way to be fully acknowledged as independent providers of psychotherapy

    On the Feasibility of Ultrasonic Full Waveform Evaluation with Changing Testing Conditions for the Quality Control of Manufacturing Parts

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    Fast volumetric non-destructive testing methods are needed, especially for quality control in manufacturing lines. Ultrasonic testing with full waveform evaluation is a promising method for this. However, changes in coupling conditions or environmental factors can significantly alter the ultrasound signal, sometimes more than actual defects. This study investigates the effect of various factors on the ultrasound signal based on a Monte Carlo study with wavefield simulations. The test specimens comprise aluminium plates with holes of varying sizes and positions. Using both experimental as well as simulated data, the performance of two commonly used comparison metrics, namely the R2 score and the magnitudesquared coherence integral, for detecting defects in manufactured parts is evaluated. It was found that the magnitude-squared coherence integral is more robust against random influences than the R2 score. Additionally, factors influencing the entire plate exhibit the most significant impact on the signals. The hole positions and dimensions change the signals and the value of the comparison metrics significantly and are difficult to distinguish by one metric. A deep learning model, however, is capable of performing this task and it outperforms the comparison metrics in defect detection. The performance of the approaches is assessed with probability of detection curves

    Factors affecting the monitoring of the early setting of concrete by ultrasonic P-waves

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    Ultrasonic P-wave measurements are widely used to monitor concrete setting. Although the largest wave velocity increase occurs during setting, the earliest increase is rather caused by other factors. Air bubble migration, internal settling, formation of ettringite and early C-S-H, workability loss and thixotropy might affect the velocity change in time. Tests on mortar in which cement was replaced by bentonite, confirmed the possible influence of thixotropy on the measurements. The effect of air bubble migration, internal settling and workability loss was proven to be restricted by testing a mixture in which the cement was replaced by inert material. In a cement mixture, the precipitation of hydration products might however accelerate settling and workability loss. During cement hydration simulations, the change in porosity due to the formation of early C-S-H and ettringite was considered for the calculation of the elastic properties of the granular framework. Nevertheless, the calculated velocity hardly increased before percolation and thus could not confirm that the first velocity increase is attributed to formation of early hydration products. Thus, apart from thixotropy, none of the other factors could unarguably be indicated as the cause of early velocity increase

    Absence of a fuzzy S4S^4 phase in the dimensionally reduced 5d Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons model

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    We perform nonperturbative studies of the dimensionally reduced 5d Yang-Mills-Chern-Simons model, in which a four-dimensional fuzzy manifold, ``fuzzy S4^{4}'', is known to exist as a classical solution. Although the action is unbounded from below, Monte Carlo simulations provide an evidence for a well-defined vacuum, which stabilizes at large NN, when the coefficient of the Chern-Simons term is sufficiently small. The fuzzy S4^{4} prepared as an initial configuration decays rapidly into this vacuum in the process of thermalization. Thus we find that the model does not possess a ``fuzzy S4^{4} phase'' in contrast to our previous results on the fuzzy S2^{2}.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, (v2) typos correcte

    Use of acoustic emission analysis to evaluate the self-healing capability of concrete

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    It has been estimated that, in Europe, 50% of the annual construction budget is spent on refurbishment and remediation of the existing structures [1]. Therefore, self-healing of concrete structures, which are very sensitive to cracking, would be highly desirable. In this research, encapsulated healing agents were embedded in the concrete matrix in order to obtain self-healing properties. Upon crack appearance, the capsules break and the healing agent is released, resulting in crack repair. The efficiency of this crack healing technique was evaluated by using acoustic emission (AE) analysis. Breakage of the capsules was proven as events with an energy higher than the energy related to concrete cracking were noticed. Upon reloading of beams with untreated cracks, fewer emissions were detected compared to beams with healed cracks. From this study it was shown that AE is a suitable technique to evaluate self-healing of cracks in concrete