34 research outputs found

    Malaria di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep, Kabupaten Temanggung

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    ENGLISHMalaria spot survey was conducted in Hamlet Bakal, Campurejo Village, District Tretep, Temanggung Regency in view of the increasing cases in this area. The aims of the survey was to obtain information about the epidemiology of malaria transmission in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village include: Entomology (especially suspected vectors, density and habitat), the social environment (focusing on the behavior and migration of patient / case) and parasitology includes slides and blood examination to confirm the patient post-treatment. The main result is that the mosquito An. aconitus (as suspected vector of malaria) would be found in this area with density of 0.91 / person / hour was found resting outside the house / around the cage. Anopheles mosquitoes habitat are found in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village among other rivers, ditches and ponds. Local malaria transmission occur in Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village with the indicator case, the source of transmission is supported by other cases (patients with P. falciparum) and the finding of a mosquito An . aconitus as a suspected vector. Post-treatment blood examination showed that seven patients of malaria (indigenous suspects) are not found anymore malaria parasites (negative examination). Advised to increase surveillance of malaria on the population migrants (migration) in Temanggung Regency area, especially Bakal Hamlet, Campurejo Village, District Tretep. It is necessary to educate the community to increase knowledge, particularly about how to protect themselves to prevent transmission of malaria, due to local transmission of malaria occurs in the area.INDONESIAKegiatan spot survai malaria telah dilakukan di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep, Kabupaten Temanggung sehubungan dengan adanya peningkatan kasus di daerah tersebut. Survei bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi tentang Epidemiologi penularan malaria di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo meliputi: Entomologi (khususnya tersangka vektor, kepadatan dan habitat), lingkungan sosial (difokuskan pada perilaku dan migrasi penderita/ kasus) dan Parasitologi meliputi konfirmasi slide dan pemeriksaan darah penderita pasca pengobatan. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah bahwa nyamuk An. aconitus (sebagai tersangka vektor malaria) ditemukan di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo dengan kepadatan 0,91/orang/jam ditemukan istirahat di luar rumah/ sekitar kandang. Habitat nyamuk Anopheles ditemukan di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo antara lain sungai, selokan dan kolam.Transmisi malaria terjadi setempat di Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo dengan adanya indikator kasus, sumber penularan yang didukung oleh kasus lain (penderita P. falciparum) dan ditemukannya nyamuk An. aconitus sebagai tersangka vektor. Pemeriksaan darah pasca pengobatan menunjukkan bahwa pada 7 penderita malaria (tersangka indigenous) tidak ditemukan lagi parasit malaria (hasil pemeriksaan negatif). Disarankan untuk meningkatkan survailans malaria terhadap penduduk pendatang (migrasi) di wilayah Kabupaten Temanggung, khususnya Dusun Bakal, Desa Campurejo, Kecamatan Tretep. Perlu adanya penyuluhan kepada masyarakat untuk peningkatan pengetahuan khususnya mengenai cara pencegahan dengan perlindungan diri agar tidak terjadi penularan malaria, karena penularan malaria terjadi setempat di daerah tersebut

    Pengendalian Vektor Terpadu Pengaruhnya terhadap Indikator Entomologi Daerah Endemis Malaria Pulau Sebatik, Kabupaten Nunukan

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    Integrated malaria vector control study has been conducted in the border area of Indonesia-Malaysia, Sebatik Island, Nunukan Regency, Kalimantan Timur Province. The objective of the study was to determine the impact of integrated vector control application against quantitative entomological indicators as malaria epidemiology variable. The evaluation was carried out by all night human landing mosquito collection and larval density (dipper method; 350 ml volume) calculated as number of larvae per dip. The study revealed two mosquito species Anopheles balabacensis and Anopheles maculatus as malaria vectors in the area. Anopheles balabacensis was found predominant, highly antrophophylic 88,33% and the sporozoite index which was determined by ELISA test 12,75%. Quantitative entomological indicators such as: vectorial capacity, entomological inoculation rate, stability index of An. balabacensis as malaria vector and the malaria cases were found gradualy decreased and within 6 months evaluation, 100% reductions were occured. Results of this study indicated the effectiveness of vector control application. Integrated vector control method is recommended to be applied in effort to maintained low malaria endemicity and not to be applied during the outbreak. Keywords: Malaria, Integrated control, Entomologycal indicator, Sebatik Island Abstrak ARTIKEL Telah dilakukan penelitian pengendalian vektor malaria terpadu di daerah lintas batas Indonesia-Malaysia, Pulau Sebatik (Dusun Berjoko/Lordes, Desa Sungai Limau), Kabupaten Nunukan, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur, tahun 2011. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui efektivitas pengendalian vektor malaria terpadu, distribusi kelambu berinsektisida dan aplikasi biolarvasida (piriproksifen 0,5%) dengan metode evaluasi indikator entomologi kuantitatif, sebagai variabel epidemiologi malaria. Pengendalian dengan distribusi kelambu berinsektisida Long Lasting Insecticide Net (deltametrin 55 mg/m2), 1-2 unit/keluarga dan aplikasi bio-larvasida zat pengatur tumbuh (insect growth regulator) piriproksifen 0,5% di tempat perkembangbiakan nyamuk vektor dengan konsentrasi 1g/m2, setiap 2 minggu sekali. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan penangkapan nyamuk dan koleksi jentik (metode diper 350 ml). Ditentukan kepadatan jentik (ekor/ciduk) dan penurunan indikator entomologi kuantitatif sebagai variabel epidemiologi yaitu: kapasitas vektorial, rerata laju inokulasi entomologi, indek stabilitas nyamuk An. balabacensis sebagai vektor serta kasus malaria. Ditemukan 2 spesies nyamuk tersangka vektor malaria An. balabacensis dan An. maculatus, populasi An. balabacensis sangat dominan dan bersifat antropofilik 88,33% dengan sporozoit indek 12,75%. Setelah 6 bulan aplikasi pengendalian vektor malaria terpadu, indikator epidemiologi kuantitatif meliputi: kapasitas vektorial, rerata laju inokulasi entomologi, indek stabilitas An. balabacensis sebagai vektor dan kasus malaria menurun sampai 100%. Pengendalian vektor terpadu sangat efektif di daerah endemis untuk menjaga endemisitas malaria tetap rendah dan tidak direkomendasikan aplikasi pada waktu terjadi wabah dan peningkatan kasus. Kata kunci: Malaria, Pengendalian terpadu, Indikator entomologi, Pulau Sebati

    Carrying Capacity for Pinctada maxima (Jameson 1901) Farming in Sathean Bay, Southeast Maluku Based on Nitrogen and Phosphate Balance

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    Sathean Bay is a small, semi-enclosed waters which have been utilized as an area for pearl oyster farming using floating long line method. The growth of pearl oysters are affected by the availability of food (phytoplankton) in the waters. The phytoplankton own self is highly affected by N and P in the waters. This study aims to assess the carrying capacity of the Sathean Bay for pearl oysters farming for three different size group pearl oyster based on the nutrient balance which was the ratio between N and P are available in the waters and in the pearl oyster tissue. The study was conducted from April to September 2016 in nine sampling sites of Sathean Bay, Southeast Maluku. The result showed the smallest group size of pearl oyster(5 ± 2 cm) had the highest carrying capacity among the other two size group (13 ± 2 cm, 18 ± 2 cm). The carrying capacity of pearl oyster based nitrogen level(DIN) in the waters was always greater than the carrying capacity based on DIP level for all size groups of pearl oyster

    Distribusi Spasial Kasus Demam Berdarah Dengue (Dbd), Analisis Indeks Jarak dan Alternatif Pengendalian Vektor di Kota Samarinda, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur

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    Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) happens to be a public health problem in Samarinda city, East Kalimantan Province. Dengue was reported endemic in the entire six subdistricts of the city. Various vector control programs have been conducted by the Health Office, yet the dengue cases were still occurred on the previous years. Comprehensive research was conducted to determine the spatial distribution of DHF cases using geographical information system (GIS) mapping, in relation to positive larvae of the breeding habitat distributions. The study was carried out in five endemic areas namely Pelita village Samarinda Utara Subdistrict, Sambutan village Samarinda Ilir Subdistrict, Sidodadi village Samarinda Ulu Subdistrict, Harapan Baru village Samarinda Seberang Subdistrict and Karang Asam Ilir village Sungai Kunjang Subdistrict. The aim of the study was to determine the specific vector control strategies based on spatial DHF cases and breeding habitat distributions and distance index analyses, larvae free index and insecticide susceptible status of dengue vector of Ae. aegypti against the insecticides which were used for vector control programs. The study revealed that average ABJ in the study areas was 35.85-64.16% and lower the national standar of 95%. Dengue vector of Ae. aegypti was found to be resistant to Malathion, Permethrin, Lambdasihalothrin and Bendiocarb insecticides. Thus an alternative insecticide should be considered. Dengue cases distribution in Samarinda city were found in clusters/gregorious. Distance index analyses indicated that the transmissions were due to mosquito behaviour. Community empowement is needed to encourage the potential groups (PKK, Dasa Wisma, public health caders, posyandu), to participate on the vector control program. Keywords: DHF, Spatial distribution, Cases Distance Index, Samarinda City. Abstrak Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat Kota Samarinda, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur dan dilaporkan endemis di enam wilayah kecamatan. Berbagai cara pengendalian telah dilakukan oleh Dinas Kesehatan Kota, tetapi kasus DBD masih ditemukan sepanjang tahun. Penelitian komprehensif telah dilakukan untuk menentukan distribusi spasial kasus DBD dengan pemetaan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG), berkaitan dengan habitat positif jentik. Penelitian dilakukan dilima (5) wilayah kalurahan endemis yaitu: Desa Pelita Kecamatan Samarinda Utara, Desa Sambutan Kecamatan Samarinda Ilir, Desa Sidodadi Kecamatan Samarinda Ulu, Desa Harapan Baru Kecamatan Samarinda Seberang dan Desa Karang Asam Ilir Kecamatan Sungai Kunjang. Tujuan penelitian adalah menentukan strategi pengendalian vektor spesifik berdasarkan distribusi spasial/ pemetaan kasus DBD dengan sistem informasi geografi (SIG), Index jarak (distance index) kasus DBD, angka bebas jentik (ABJ) serta status kerentanan nyamuk vektor Ae. aegypti terhadap insektisida. Hasil survei jentik ditemukan bahwa rata-rata ABJ di daerah penelitian jauh lebih rendah daripada standar nasional 95,0%. Uji susceptibility vektor DBD Ae. aegypti telah resisten terhadap insektisida Malathion, Permethrin, Lambdasihalothrin dan Bendiocarb, sehingga diperlukan insektisida alternatif. Distribusi kasus DBD Kota Samarinda ditemukan mengelompok distance index rata-rata 75 meter sebagai indikasi penularan lebih disebabkan perilaku nyamuk vektor. Pemberdayaan masyarakat sangat diperlukan sebagai usaha memberikan motivasi kepada kelompok masyarakat potensial seperti PKK, Dasa Wisma, kader kesehatan dan posyandu, untuk berpartisipasi dalam program pengendalian vektor DBD. Kata kunci: DBD, Distribusi spasial, Jarak indeks kasus, Kota Samarind

    The Effectiveness and Residual Effect of Vectobac Tablets, Vectobac Wg and Temephos in Controlling Aedes Aegypti Larvae in Earthen Water Jars

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a translational biomarker for AMPA receptor modulation

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    TAK-653 is a novel alpha -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor (AMPAR)-positive allosteric modulator being developed as a potential therapeutic for major depressive disorder (MDD). Currently, there are no translational biomarkers that evaluate physiological responses to the activation of glutamatergic brain circuits available. Here, we tested whether noninvasive neurostimulation, specifically single-pulse or paired-pulse motor cortex transcranial magnetic stimulation (spTMS and ppTMS, respectively), coupled with measures of evoked motor response captures the pharmacodynamic effects of TAK-653 in rats and healthy humans. In the rat study, five escalating TAK-653 doses (0.1-50mg/kg) or vehicle were administered to 31 adult male rats, while measures of cortical excitability were obtained by spTMS coupled with mechanomyography. Twenty additional rats were used to measure brain and plasma TAK-653 concentrations. The human study was conducted in 24 healthy volunteers (23 males, 1 female) to assess the impact on cortical excitability of 0.5 and 6mg TAK-653 compared with placebo, measured by spTMS and ppTMS coupled with electromyography in a double-blind crossover design. Plasma TAK-653 levels were also measured. TAK-653 increased both the mechanomyographic response to spTMS in rats and the amplitude of motor-evoked potentials in humans at doses yielding similar plasma concentrations. TAK-653 did not affect resting motor threshold or paired-pulse responses in humans. This is the first report of a translational functional biomarker for AMPA receptor potentiation and indicates that TMS may be a useful translational platform to assess the pharmacodynamic profile of glutamate receptor modulators.Stress-related psychiatric disorders across the life spa

    Flipped Classroom in Online Speaking Class at Indonesian University Context

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    Since the teaching-learning process must go online, it is assumed that conducting a flipped classroom could promote students’ active learning. Thus, this classroombased research attempts to investigate the implementation of the flipped model in an online speaking class. It examines students’ learning outcomes on speaking skills after studying in flipped classroom model. Participants of this study were 1styear students of the Railway Mechanical Technology study program (N = 24). The numerical data were collected from pre-test and post-test video speaking, marked based on IELTS speaking band descriptor. Those test results were analyzed using paired sample t-test, Pearson r correlation, Cohen d coefficient, and one-way ANOVA. The findings reveal that flipped classroom model offers learning opportunities and engagement since the teacher has delivered the video material before the class. Particularly, this model also promotes active learning for some students. Moreover, the statistical analysis showed significant differences in which the flipped classroom model effectively enhances students’ learning outcomes in speaking skills