262 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamical Survey of First Overtone Cepheids

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    A hydrodynamical survey of the pulsational properties of first overtone Galactic Cepheids is presented. The goal of this study is to reproduce their observed light- and radial velocity curves. The comparison between the models and the observations is made in a quantitative manner on the level of the Fourier coefficients. Purely radiative models fail to reproduce the observed features, but convective models give good agreement. It is found that the sharp features in the Fourier coefficients are indeed caused by the P1/P4 = 2 resonance, despite the very large damping of the 4th overtone. For the adopted mass-luminosity relation the resonance center lies near a period of 4.2d +/- 0.2 as indicated by the observed radial velocity data, rather than near 3.2d as the light-curves suggest.Comment: ApJ, 12 pages, (slightly) revise

    RR Lyrae - Theory vs Observation

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    The luminosities, effective temperatures and metallicities that are derived empirically by Kovacs and Jurcsik from the light curves of a large number of globular cluster and field RRab and RRc stars are compared to theoretical RR Lyrae models. The strong luminosity dependence of the empirical blue and red edges (Log L vs Log Teff diagram) is in disagreement with that of both radiative and convective models. A reexamination of the theoretical uncertainties in the modelling leads us to conclude that the disagreement is irreconcilable.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures (revised april 2000, revisions relatively minor

    Mode Switching Time Scales in the Classical Variable Stars

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    Near the edges of the instability strip the rate of stellar evolution is larger than the growth-rate of the pulsation amplitude, and the same holds whenever the star is engaged in pulsational mode switching. Stellar evolution therefore controls both the onset of pulsation at the edges of the instability strip and of mode switching inside it. Two types of switchings (bifurcations) occur. In a soft bifurcation the switching time scale is the inverse harmonic mean of the pulsational modal growth-rate and of the stellar evolution rate. In a hard bifurcation the switching times can be substantially longer than the thermal time scale which is typically of the order of a hundred periods for Cepheids and RR Lyrae. We discuss some of the observational consequences, in particular the paucity of low amplitude pulsators at the edges of the instability strip.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, ApJ (in press

    Audition in vampire bats, Desmodus rotundus

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    1. Within the tonotopic organization of the inferior colliculus two frequency ranges are well represented: a frequency range within that of the echolocation signals from 50 to 100 kHz, and a frequency band below that of the echolocation sounds, from 10 to 35 kHz. The frequency range between these two bands, from about 40 to 50 kHz is distinctly underrepresented (Fig. 3B). 2. Units with BFs in the lower frequency range (10–25 kHz) were most sensitive with thresholds of -5 to -11 dB SPL, and units with BFs within the frequency range of the echolocation signals had minimal thresholds around 0 dB SPL (Fig. 1). 3. In the medial part of the rostral inferior colliculus units were encountered which preferentially or exclusively responded to noise stimuli. — Seven neurons were found which were only excited by human breathing noises and not by pure tones, frequency modulated signals or various noise bands. These neurons were considered as a subspeciality of the larger sample of noise-sensitive neurons. — The maximal auditory sensitivity in the frequency range below that of echolocation, and the conspicuous existence of noise and breathing-noise sensitive units in the inferior colliculus are discussed in context with the foraging behavior of vampire bats

    Measuring the quantum efficiency of single radiating dipoles using a scanning mirror

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    Using scanning probe techniques, we show the controlled manipulation of the radiation from single dipoles. In one experiment we study the modification of the fluorescence lifetime of a single molecular dipole in front of a movable silver mirror. A second experiment demonstrates the changing plasmon spectrum of a gold nanoparticle in front of a dielectric mirror. Comparison of our data with theoretical models allows determination of the quantum efficiency of each radiating dipole.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Foraging behavior and Doppler shift compensation in echolocating hipposiderid bats, I-Iipposideros bicolor and I-Iipposideros speoris

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    1. Two hipposiderid bats,H. bicolor andH. speoris, were observed in their natural foraging areas in Madurai (South India). Both species hunt close together near the foliage of trees and bushes but they differ in fine structure of preferred hunting space:H. bicolor hunts within the foliage, especially whenH. speoris is active at the same time, whereasH. speoris never flies in dense vegetation but rather in the more open area (Fig. 1, Table 1). 2. Both species emit CF/FM-sounds containing only one harmonic component in almost all echolocation situations. The CF-parts of CF/FM-sounds are species specific within a band of 127–138 kHz forH. speoris and 147–159 kHz forH. bicolor (Tables 2 and 3). 3. H. speoris additionally uses a complex harmonic sound during obstacle avoidance and during laboratory tests for Doppler shift compensation.H. bicolor consistently emits CF/FM-sounds in these same situations (Fig. 2). 4. Both hipposiderid bats respond to Doppler shifts in the returning echoes by lowering the frequency of the emitted sounds (Fig. 3). However, Doppler compensations are incomplete as the emitted frequencies are decreased by only 55% and 56% (mean values) of the full frequency shifts byH. speoris andH, bicolor, respectively. 5. The differences in Doppler shift compensation, echolocating and hunting behavior suggest thatH. speoris is less specialized on echolocation with CF/FM-sounds thanH. bicolor

    Prediction of lethal and synthetically lethal knock-outs in regulatory networks

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    The complex interactions involved in regulation of a cell's function are captured by its interaction graph. More often than not, detailed knowledge about enhancing or suppressive regulatory influences and cooperative effects is lacking and merely the presence or absence of directed interactions is known. Here we investigate to which extent such reduced information allows to forecast the effect of a knock-out or a combination of knock-outs. Specifically we ask in how far the lethality of eliminating nodes may be predicted by their network centrality, such as degree and betweenness, without knowing the function of the system. The function is taken as the ability to reproduce a fixed point under a discrete Boolean dynamics. We investigate two types of stochastically generated networks: fully random networks and structures grown with a mechanism of node duplication and subsequent divergence of interactions. On all networks we find that the out-degree is a good predictor of the lethality of a single node knock-out. For knock-outs of node pairs, the fraction of successors shared between the two knocked-out nodes (out-overlap) is a good predictor of synthetic lethality. Out-degree and out-overlap are locally defined and computationally simple centrality measures that provide a predictive power close to the optimal predictor.Comment: published version, 10 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables; supplement at http://www.bioinf.uni-leipzig.de/publications/supplements/11-01

    Nonlinear Protein Degradation and the Function of Genetic Circuits

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    The functions of most genetic circuits require sufficient degrees of cooperativity in the circuit components. While mechanisms of cooperativity have been studied most extensively in the context of transcriptional initiation control, cooperativity from other processes involved in the operation of the circuits can also play important roles. In this study, we examine a simple kinetic source of cooperativity stemming from the nonlinear degradation of multimeric proteins. Ample experimental evidence suggests that protein subunits can degrade less rapidly when associated in multimeric complexes, an effect we refer to as cooperative stability. For dimeric transcription factors, this effect leads to a concentration-dependence in the degradation rate because monomers, which are predominant at low concentrations, will be more rapidly degraded. Thus cooperative stability can effectively widen the accessible range of protein levels in vivo. Through theoretical analysis of two exemplary genetic circuits in bacteria, we show that such an increased range is important for the robust operation of genetic circuits as well as their evolvability. Our calculations demonstrate that a few-fold difference between the degradation rate of monomers and dimers can already enhance the function of these circuits substantially. These results suggest that cooperative stability needs to be considered explicitly and characterized quantitatively in any systematic experimental or theoretical study of gene circuits.Comment: 42 pages, 10 figure

    Resolution and enhancement in nanoantenna-based fluorescence microscopy

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    Single gold nanoparticles can act as nanoantennas for enhancing the fluorescence of emitters in their near-fields. Here we present experimental and theoretical studies of scanning antenna-based fluorescence microscopy as a function of the diameter of the gold nanoparticle. We examine the interplay between fluorescence enhancement and spatial resolution and discuss the requirements for deciphering single molecules in a dense sample. Resolutions better than 20 nm and fluorescence enhancement up to 30 times are demonstrated experimentally. By accounting for the tip shaft and the sample interface in finite-difference time-domain calculations, we explain why the measured fluorescence enhancements are higher in the presence of an interface than the values predicted for a homogeneous environment.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. accepted for publication in Nano Letter

    Designing sequential transcription logic: a simple genetic circuit for conditional memory

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    The ability to learn and respond to recurrent events depends on the capacity to remember transient biological signals received in the past. Moreover, it may be desirable to remember or ignore these transient signals conditioned upon other signals that are active at specific points in time or in unique environments. Here, we propose a simple genetic circuit in bacteria that is capable of conditionally memorizing a signal in the form of a transcription factor concentration. The circuit behaves similarly to a "data latch" in an electronic circuit, i.e. it reads and stores an input signal only when conditioned to do so by a "read command". Our circuit is of the same size as the well-known genetic toggle switch (an unconditional latch) which consists of two mutually repressing genes, but is complemented with a "regulatory front end" involving protein heterodimerization as a simple way to implement conditional control. Deterministic and stochastic analysis of the circuit dynamics indicate that an experimental implementation is feasible based on well-characterized genes and proteins. It is not known, to which extent molecular networks are able to conditionally store information in natural contexts for bacteria. However, our results suggest that such sequential logic elements may be readily implemented by cells through the combination of existing protein-protein interactions and simple transcriptional regulation.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures; supplementary material available upon request from the author
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