9 research outputs found

    Indikator Makroekonomi dan Return Saham Syariah di Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study are to examine empirical test the long term equilibrium and simulteneous relationship between macroeconomics variables to stock return in Indonesia and to observe stock return response because shock/innovation of inflation, SBI discount rate and exchange rate Rupiah to US dollar. The data sample used in this study are monthly time series data from 2003.1 – 2010.6. Those data are SBI discount rate, inflation (CPI), exchange rate Rupiah to US dollar, money supply and stock return (IHSG). A method of analysis in this study are Granger Causality Test and Cointegration test. The empirical results shows that SBI discount rate, inflation (CPI), and exchange rate Rupiah to US dollar have causality relationship to stock return.. The cointegration test indicates that among research variables there is long term equilibrium and simultaneous relationshipDOI: 10.15408/sjie.v2i2.242

    Pengaruh Guncangan Output Gap dan Inflasi terhadap Suku Bunga sebagai Sasaran Operasional Kebijakan Moneter di Indonesia

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    The objectives of this study are to observe interest rate response because shock/innovation of inflation and output gap. The data sample used in this study are quarterly time series data from 1983.1 – 2008.4. Those data are SBI interest rate, inflation (CPI) and output gap. A method of analysis in this study is Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The empirical results of impulse response show that the effect of inflation and output gap shock to interest rate is positifDOI: 10.15408/sjie.v1i2.260

    Analisis Sektor Keuangan terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Regional di Wilayah Jawa: Pendekatan Model Levine

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    The objectives of this study are to analyze the influence of financial development to economic regional growth on Jawa region, using panel of province-level data on Jawa region for the period 2005-2010. The analysis method that used on this paper is panel data regression. The empirical results shown that financial asset and financial credit had a positive influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region, meanwhile third party fund had negative influence to economic regional growth on Jawa region. The other result shown that individual effect from fixed effect model showed that DKI Jakarta, Banten and East Jawa have potential as the centre of economic growthDOI: 10.15408/etk.v11i2.189

    SURAT SEBAGAI MEDIA DAKWAH: Studi Atas Praktek Dakwah Rasulullah Saw Terhadap Raja Heraclius, Kisra Abrawaiz, Muqouqis, Dan Najasyi

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    It was proven that the letter format of the Prophet delivered to the kings during his da'wah was astounding. His letters being written by Zaid bin Thabit were always preceded by Basmalah word, whereas the letters were sent to unbelievers. This study is a kind of descriptive qualitative research that used a historical approach. The result shows that there were some reasons behind the Prophet messages as a medium of da'wah to the kings: a) it was a result of the Hudaybiya Peace Treaty and the success of the Prophet on establishing Muslims force in Medina. It was influenced by the conflict between King Heraclius and King Kisra Abrawaiz. b) the Prophet's letters were likely to show that the Prophet Muhammad was the Medina leader. c) it was triggered by the universality of Muhammad prophet-hood as a leader of mankind, as well as the crisis of confidence experienced by Najasyi and Muqouqis.***Format surat dakwah Rasulullah saw yang dikirimkan kepada para raja sangatlah menkajubkan. Surat-surat Rasulullah saw yang ditulis oleh sekretarisnya yakni Zaid bin Tsabit selalu didahului kalimat Basmalah, padahal surat-surat itu akan dikirimkan kepada orang-orang kafir. Jenis penelitian ini kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan historis, sedangkan spesifikasi penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu ada beberapa latar belakang pengiriman surat sebagai media dakwah: a) akibat Perjanjian Perdamaian Hudaibiyah, keberhasilan Rasulullah saw membentuk kekuatan umat muslim di Madinah, dan konflik yang terjadi antara Raja Heraclius dan Kisra Abrawaiz. b) surat Rasulullah saw. yang bernuansa politik ingin menunjukkan bahwa beliau adalah pemimpin Madinah. c) universalitas kenabian Muhammad saw sebagai pemimpin umat manusia, serta krisis kepercayaan yang dialami Najasyi dan Muqouqi

    Menggagas Rekomendasi Regulasi Nasional Mekanisme Pembagian Manfaat Sektor Kehutanan

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    Ada dua amanat penting dalam skema penurunan emisi melalui pencegahan deforestasi dan degradasi hutan yakni pertama, pembagian insentif dan kedua, pelibatan masyarakat lokal sekitar hutan. Sejalan dengan amanat tersebut di atas, Direktorat Jenderal Pengendalian Perubahan Iklim Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan menetapkan Rencana Kerja yang salah satu output kinerja programnya adalah tersedianya mekanisme pembagian manfaat dalam penanganan deforestasi dan degradasi hutan. Namun, ada dua masalah penting yang dihadapi model-model ini agar berkembang berkelanjutan: - Kesinambungan pendanaan, karena program berbasis proyek umumnya terbatas baik waktu maupun ketersediaan sumber pendanaan; - Seringkali ada kekhawatiran pemerintah daerah yang memelopori praktik tersebut akan masalah legalitas secara kerangka hukum. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk menggagas suatu regulasi di tingkat nasional yang berfungsi (lebih) untuk mendorong pemerintah daerah memelopori atau mereplikasi praktik tersebut, memastikan kerangka hukum yang legal, atau bahkan dukungan lainnya dari pemerintah pusat

    Sterilization Technique of Granola Kembang Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) for in Vitro Culture

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    Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a plant that widely used, both fresh and processed. However, the productivity of this plant is still low because the quality of seeds is still limited and is not good enough. The cultivar of granola kembang is potential to be developed because of the short harvest life and high yield. In vitro propagation through tissue culture can be done to produce high-quality seeds. The success of tissue culture is strongly influenced by explant sterilization techniques. Bacterial, fungal, and browning contamination can interfere with the process of culture propagation. In this study, six sterilization techniques were applied to potato shoot explants to get the right sterilization techniques for in vitro culture of potato. Various combinations of sterilant and their order of use are also used. Growth of stem length and number of leaves was also investigated for four weeks after planting (WAP). The results showed that sterilization using Tween-20, benomyl 50%, and agrimycin outside LAF and NaOCl 15% (v/v), NaOCl 10% (v/v), and alcohol 70% inside LAF could produce the highest percentage of sterile explant, 70%, compare to other techniques. Nevertheless, the sterilization technique used in this study did not affect the acceleration of stem growth and the number of leaves.   Keywords: granola kembang, in vitro, potato, sterilization, tissue cultur