235 research outputs found

    Determination of Chemical Kinetic Rate Constants of a Model for Carbothermal Processing of Lunar Regolith Simulant Using Methane

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    We have previously developed a chemical conversion model of the carbothermal processing of lunar regolith using methane to predict the rate of production of carbon monoxide. In this carbothermal process, gaseous methane is pyrolyzed as it flows over the hot surface of a molten zone of lunar regolith and is converted to carbon and hydrogen. Hydrogen is carried away by the exiting stream of gases and carbon is deposited on the melt surface. The deposited carbon mixes with the melt and reacts with the metal oxides in it to produce carbon monoxide that bubbles out of the melt. In our model, we assume that the flux of carbon deposited is equal to the product of the surface reaction rate constant gamma and the concentration of methane adjacent to the melt surface. Similarly, the rate of consumption of carbon per unit volume in the melt is equal to the product of the melt reaction rate constant k and the concentrations of carbon and metal oxide in the melt. In this paper, we describe our effort to determine gamma and k by comparison of the predictions from our model with test data obtained by ORBITEC (Orbital Technologies Corporation). The concentration of methane adjacent to the melt surface is a necessary input to the model. It is inferred from the test data by a mass balance of methane, adopting the usual assumptions of the continuously-stirred-tank-reactor model, whereby the average concentration of a given gaseous species equals its exit concentration. The reaction rates gamma and k have been determined by a non-linear least-squares fit to the test data for the production of carbon monoxide and the fraction of the incoming methane that is converted. The comparison of test data with our model predictions using the determined chemical kinetic rate constants provides a consistent interpretation of the process over the full range of temperatures, pressures, and methane flow rates used in the tests, thereby increasing our confidence to use the model for scale-up purposes

    Analysis of Water Extraction From Lunar Regolith

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    Distribution of water concentration on the Moon is currently an area of active research. Recent studies suggest the presence of ice particles, and perhaps even ice blocks and ice-cemented regolith on the Moon. Thermal extraction of the in-situ water is an attractive means of sa tisfying water requirements for a lunar mission. In this paper, a model is presented to analyze the processes occurring during the heat-up of icy regolith and extraction of the evolved water vapor. The wet regolith is assumed to be present in an initially evacuated and sealed cell which is subsequently heated. The first step of the analysis invol ves calculating the gradual increase of vapor pressure in the closed cell as the temperature is raised. Then, in the second step, the cell is evacuated to low pressure (e.g., vacuum), allowing the water vapor to leave the cell and be captured. The parameters affecting water vap or pressure build-up and evacuation for the purpose of extracting water from lunar regolith are discussed in the paper. Some comparisons wi th available experimental measurements are also made

    Analysis of Water Recovery Rate from the Heat Melt Compactor

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    Human space missions generate trash with a substantial amount of plastic (20% or greater by mass). The trash also contains water trapped in food residue and paper products and other trash items. The Heat Melt Compactor (HMC) under development by NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) compresses the waste, dries it to recover water and melts the plastic to encapsulate the compressed trash. The resulting waste disk or puck represents an approximately ten-fold reduction in the volume of the initial trash loaded into the HMC. In the current design concept being pursued, the trash is compressed by a piston after it is loaded into the trash chamber. The piston face, the side walls of the waste processing chamber and the end surface in contact with the waste can be heated to evaporate the water and to melt the plastic. Water is recovered by the HMC in two phases. The first is a pre-process compaction without heat or with the heaters initially turned on but before the waste heats up. Tests have shown that during this step some liquid water may be expelled from the chamber. This water is believed to be free water (i.e., not bound with or absorbed in other waste constituents) that is present in the trash. This phase is herein termed Phase A of the water recovery process. During HMC operations, it is desired that liquid water recovery in Phase A be eliminated or minimized so that water-vapor processing equipment (e.g., condensers) downstream of the HMC are not fouled by liquid water and its constituents (i.e., suspended or dissolved matter) exiting the HMC. The primary water recovery process takes place next where the trash is further compacted while the heated surfaces reach their set temperatures for this step. This step will be referred to herein as Phase B of the water recovery process. During this step the waste chamber may be exposed to different selected pressures such as ambient, low pressure (e.g., 0.2 atm), or vacuum. The objective for this step is to remove both bound and any remaining free water in the trash by evaporation. The temperature settings of the heated surfaces are usually kept above the saturation temperature of water but below the melting temperature of the plastic in the waste during this step to avoid any encapsulation of wet trash which would reduce the amount of recovered water by blocking the vapor escape. In this paper, we analyze the water recovery rate during Phase B where the trash is heated and water leaves the waste chamber as vapor, for operation of the HMC in reduced gravity. We pursue a quasi-one-dimensional model with and without sidewall heating to determine the water recovery rate and the trash drying time. The influences of the trash thermal properties, the amount of water loading, and the distribution of the water in the trash on the water recovery rates are determined

    Modeling of Melt Growth During Carbothermal Processing of Lunar Regolith

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    The carbothermal processing of lunar regolith has been proposed as a means to produce carbon monoxide and ultimately oxygen to support human exploration of the moon. In this process, gaseous methane is pyrolyzed as it flows over the hot surface of a molten zone of lunar regolith and is converted to carbon and hydrogen. Carbon gets deposited on the surface of the melt, and mixes and reacts with the metal oxides in it to produce carbon monoxide that bubbles out of the melt. Carbon monoxide is further processed in other reactors downstream to ultimately produce oxygen. The amount of oxygen produced crucially depends on the amount of regolith that is molten. In this paper we develop a model of the heat transfer in carbothermal processing. Regolith in a suitable container is heated by a heat flux at its surface such as by continuously shining a beam of solar energy or a laser on it. The regolith on the surface absorbs the energy and its temperature rises until it attains the melting point. The energy from the heat flux is then used for the latent heat necessary to change phase from solid to liquid, after which the temperature continues to rise. Thus a small melt pool appears under the heated zone shortly after the heat flux is turned on. As time progresses, the pool absorbs more heat and supplies the energy required to melt more of the regolith, and the size of the molten zone increases. Ultimately, a steady-state is achieved when the heat flux absorbed by the melt is balanced by radiative losses from the surface. In this paper, we model the melting and the growth of the melt zone with time in a bed of regolith when a portion of its surface is subjected to a constant heat flux. The heat flux is assumed to impinge on a circular area. Our model is based on an axisymmetric three-dimensional variation of the temperature field in the domain. Heat transfer occurs only by conduction, and effects of convective heat transport are assumed negligible. Radiative heat loss from the surface of the melt and the regolith to the surroundings is permitted. We perform numerical computations to determine the shape and the mass of the melt at steady state and its time evolution. We first neglect the volume change upon melting, and subsequently perform calculations including it. Predictions from our model are compared to test data to determine the effective thermal conductivities of the regolith and the melt that are compatible with the dat

    Analysis of Thermal and Reaction Times for Hydrogen Reduction of Lunar Regolith

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    System analysis of oxygen production by hydrogen reduction of lunar regolith has shown the importance of the relative time scales for regolith heating and chemical reaction to overall performance. These values determine the sizing and power requirements of the system and also impact the number and operational phasing of reaction chambers. In this paper, a Nusselt number correlation analysis is performed to determine the heat transfer rates and regolith heat up times in a fluidized bed reactor heated by a central heating element (e.g., a resistively heated rod, or a solar concentrator heat pipe). A coupled chemical and transport model has also been developed for the chemical reduction of regolith by a continuous flow of hydrogen. The regolith conversion occurs on the surfaces of and within the regolith particles. Several important quantities are identified as a result of the above analyses. Reactor scale parameters include the void fraction (i.e., the fraction of the reactor volume not occupied by the regolith particles) and the residence time of hydrogen in the reactor. Particle scale quantities include the particle Reynolds number, the Archimedes number, and the time needed for hydrogen to diffuse into the pores of the regolith particles. The analysis is used to determine the heat up and reaction times and its application to NASA s oxygen production system modeling tool is noted

    Carbothermal Processing of Lunar Regolith Using Methane

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    The processing of lunar regolith for the production of oxygen is a key component of the In-Situ Resource Utilization plans currently being developed by NASA. Among various candidate processes, the modeling of oxygen production by hydrogen reduction, molten salt electrolysis, and carbothermal processing are presently being pursued. In the carbothermal process, a portion of the surface of the regolith in a container is heated by exposure to a heat source such as a laser beam or a concentrated solar heat flux, so that a small zone of molten regolith is established. The molten zone is surrounded by solid regolith particles that are poor conductors of heat. A continuous flow of methane is maintained over the molten regolith zone. Our model is based on a mechanism where methane pyrolyzes when it comes in contact with the surface of the hot molten regolith to form solid carbon and hydrogen gas. Carbon is deposited on the surface of the melt, and hydrogen is released into the gas stream above the melt surface. We assume that the deposited carbon mixes in the molten regolith and reacts with metal oxides in a reduction reaction by which gaseous carbon monoxide is liberated. Carbon monoxide bubbles through the melt and is released into the gas stream. Oxygen is produced subsequently by (catalytically) processing the carbon monoxide downstream. In this paper, we discuss the development of a chemical conversion model of the carbothermal process to predict the rate of production of carbon monoxide

    Development of a Reactor Model for Chemical Conversion of Lunar Regolith

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    Lunar regolith will be used for a variety of purposes such as oxygen and propellant production and manufacture of various materials. The design and development of chemical conversion reactors for processing lunar regolith will require an understanding of the coupling among the chemical, mass and energy transport processes occurring at the length and time scales of the overall reactor with those occurring at the corresponding scales of the regolith particles. To this end, a coupled transport model is developed using, as an example, the reduction of ilmenite-containing regolith by a continuous flow of hydrogen in a flow-through reactor. The ilmenite conversion occurs on the surface and within the regolith particles. As the ilmenite reduction proceeds, the hydrogen in the reactor is consumed, and this, in turn, affects the conversion rate of the ilmenite in the particles. Several important quantities are identified as a result of the analysis. Reactor scale parameters include the void fraction (i.e., the fraction of the reactor volume not occupied by the regolith particles) and the residence time of hydrogen in the reactor. Particle scale quantities include the time for hydrogen to diffuse into the pores of the regolith particles and the chemical reaction time. The paper investigates the relationships between these quantities and their impact on the regolith conversion. Application of the model to various chemical reactor types, such as fluidized-bed, packed-bed, and rotary-bed configurations, are discussed

    Complex Structure of the Eastern Lobe of the Pictor A Radio Galaxy: Spectral Analysis and X-ray/Radio Correlations

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    Here we present detailed analysis of the distinct X-ray emission features present within the Eastern radio lobe of the Pictor A galaxy, around the jet termination region, utilising the data obtained from the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Various emission features have been selected for the study based on their enhanced X-ray surface brightness, including five sources that appear point-like, as well as three extended regions, one characterised by a filamentary morphology. For those, we perform a basic spectral analysis within the 0.5-7keV range. We also investigate various correlations between the X-ray emission features and the non-thermal radio emission, utilising the high-resolution radio maps from the Very Large Array at GHz frequencies. The main novel findings following from our analysis, regard the newly recognized bright X-ray filament located upstream of the jet termination region, extending for at least thirty kiloparsec (projected), and inclined with respect to the jet axis. For this feature, we observe a clear anti-correlation between the X-ray surface brightness and the polarized radio intensity, as well as a decrease in the radio rotation measure with respect to the surroundings. We speculate on the nature of the filament, in particular addressing a possibility that it is related to the presence of a hot X-ray emitting thermal gas, only partly mixed with the non-thermal radio/X-ray emitting electrons within the lobe, combined with the reversals in the lobe's net magnetic field.Comment: Final version, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Coordination of DC power flow controllers and AC/DC converters on optimising the delivery of wind power

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    The generation of offshore wind power is less predictable. This can cause the overload of offshore DC transmission system and thus requires the curtailment of wind power. To reduce the amount of wind power curtailment, a method of optimising DC power flow using DC power flow controller (DC-PFC) is proposed. The analytical expression of coordinating DC-PFCs and converters in controlling the power flow of the DC system has been created. Method has been developed to optimise the power flow of DC grids within which control setting changes automatically in different wind conditions to reduce both the power curtailment and power losses. The proposed method has been demonstrated and validated on a 9-port DC system. It is concluded that both the curtailment of wind power and power losses are effectively reduced by inserting DC-PFCs into DC grids

    Targeted therapy for high-grade glioma with the TGF-Ī²2 inhibitor trabedersen: results of a randomized and controlled phase IIb study

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    This randomized, open-label, active-controlled, dose-finding phase IIb study evaluated the efficacy and safety of trabedersen (AP 12009) administered intratumorally by convection-enhanced delivery compared with standard chemotherapy in patients with recurrent/refractory high-grade glioma. One hundred and forty-five patients with central reference histopathology of recurrent/refractory glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) or anaplastic astrocytoma (AA) were randomly assigned to receive trabedersen at doses of 10 or 80 ĀµM or standard chemotherapy (temozolomide or procarbazine/lomustine/vincristine). Primary endpoint was 6-month tumor control rate, and secondary endpoints included response at further timepoints, survival, and safety. Six-month tumor control rates were not significantly different in the entire study population (AA and GBM). Prespecified AA subgroup analysis showed a significant benefit regarding the 14-month tumor control rate for 10 ĀµM trabedersen vs chemotherapy (p= .0032). The 2-year survival rate had a trend for superiority for 10 ĀµM trabedersen vs chemotherapy (p = .10). Median survival for 10 ĀµM trabedersen was 39.1 months compared with 35.2 months for 80 ĀµM trabedersen and 21.7 months for chemotherapy (not significant). In GBM patients, response and survival results were comparable among the 3 arms. Exploratory analysis on GBM patients aged ā‰¤55 years with Karnofsky performance status >80% at baseline indicated a 3-fold survival at 2 and 3 years for 10 ĀµM trabedersen vs chemotherapy. The frequency of patients with related or possibly drug-related adverse events was higher with standard chemotherapy (64%) than with 80 ĀµM trabedersen (43%) and 10 ĀµM trabedersen (27%). Superior efficacy and safety for 10 ĀµM trabedersen over 80 ĀµM trabedersen and chemotherapy and positive riskā€“benefit assessment suggest it as the optimal dose for further clinical development in high-grade glioma
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