95 research outputs found

    Structural optimization and biological evaluation of 2-substituted 5-hydroxyindole-3-carboxylates as potent inhibitors of human 5-lipoxygenase.

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    Pharmacological suppression of leukotriene biosynthesis by inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) is a strategy to intervene with inflammatory and allergic disorders. We recently presented 2-amino-5-hydroxy-1H-indoles as efficient 5-LO inhibitors in cell-based and cell-free assays. Structural optimization led to novel benzo[g]indole-3-carboxylates exemplified by ethyl 2-(3-chlorobenzyl)-5- hydroxy-1H-benzo[g]indole-3-carboxylate (compound 11a), which inhibits 5-LO activity in human neutrophils and recombinant human 5-LO with IC50 values of 0.23 and 0.086 μM, respectively. Notably, 11a efficiently blocks 5-LO product formation in human whole blood assays (IC50 = 0.83-1.6 μM) and significantly prevented leukotriene B4 production in pleural exudates of carrageenan-treated rats, associated with reduced severity of pleurisy. Together, on the basis of their high potency against 5-LO and the marked efficacy in biological systems, these novel and straightforward benzo[g]indole-3-carboxylates may have potential as anti-inflammatory therapeutics

    Enhanced benthic activity in sandy sublittoral sediments: Evidence from C-13 tracer experiments

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    In situ and on-board pulse-chase experiments were carried out on a sublittoral fine sand in the German Bight (southern North Sea) to investigate the hypothesis that sandy sediments are highly active and have fast turnover rates. To test this hypothesis, we conducted a series of experiments where we investigated the pathway of settling particulate organic carbon through the benthic food web. The diatom Ditylum brightwellii was labelled with the stable carbon isotope 13C and injected into incubation chambers. On-board incubations lasted 12, 30 and 132 h, while the in situ experiment was incubated for 32 h. The study revealed a stepwise short-term processing of a phytoplankton bloom settling on a sandy sediment. After the 12 h incubation, the largest fraction of recovered carbon was in the bacteria (62%), but after longer incubation times (30 and 32 h in situ) the macrofauna gained more importance (15 and 48%, respectively), until after 132 h the greatest fraction was mineralized to CO2 (44%). Our findings show the rapid impact of the benthic sand community on a settling phytoplankton bloom and the great importance of bacteria in the first steps of algal carbon processing

    Decreased CD90 expression in human mesenchymal stem cells by applying mechanical stimulation

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    BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotent cells which can differentiate along osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic lineages. The present study was designed to investigate the influence of mechanical force as a specific physiological stress on the differentiation of (MSC) to osteoblast-like cells. METHODS: Human MSC were cultured in osteoinductive medium with or without cyclic uniaxial mechanical stimulation (2000 μstrain, 200 cycles per day, 1 Hz). Cultured cells were analysed for expression of collagen type I, osteocalcin, osteonectin, and CD90. To evaluate the biomineral formation the content of bound calcium in the cultures was determined. RESULTS: After 14 days in culture immunfluorescence staining revealed enhancement of collagen type I and osteonectin expression in response to mechanical stimulation. In contrast, mechanically stimulated cultures stained negative for CD90. In stimulated and unstimulated cultures an increase in the calcium content over time was observed. After 21 days in culture the calcium content in mechanical stimulated cultures was significantly higher compared to unstimulated control cultures. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the influence of mechanical force on the differentiation of human MSC into osteoblast-like cells in vitro. While significant enhancement of the biomineral formation by mechanical stimulation is not detected before 21 days, effects on the extracellular matrix became already obvious after 14 days. The decrease of CD90 expression in mechanically stimulated cultures compared to unstimulated control cultures suggests that CD90 is only transiently expressed expression during the differentiation of MSC to osteoblast-like cells in culture

    Mesodermal Progenitor Cells (MPCs) Differentiate into Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) by Activation of Wnt5/Calmodulin Signalling Pathway

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    Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) remain poorly characterized because of the absence of manifest physical, phenotypic, and functional properties in cultured cell populations. Despite considerable research on MSCs and their clinical application, the biology of these cells is not fully clarified and data on signalling activation during mesenchymal differentiation and proliferation are controversial. The role of Wnt pathways is still debated, partly due to culture heterogeneity and methodological inconsistencies. Recently, we described a new bone marrow cell population isolated from MSC cultures that we named Mesodermal Progenitor Cells (MPCs) for their mesenchymal and endothelial differentiation potential. An optimized culture method allowed the isolation from human adult bone marrow of a highly pure population of MPCs (more than 97%), that showed the distinctive SSEA-4+CD105+CD90(neg) phenotype and not expressing MSCA-1 antigen. Under these selective culture conditions the percentage of MSCs (SSEA-4(neg)CD105+CD90(bright) and MSCA-1+), in the primary cultures, resulted lower than 2%.We demonstrate that MPCs differentiate to MSCs through an SSEA-4+CD105+CD90(bright) early intermediate precursor. Differentiation paralleled the activation of Wnt5/Calmodulin signalling by autocrine/paracrine intense secretion of Wnt5a and Wnt5b (p<0.05 vs uncondictioned media), which was later silenced in late MSCs (SSEA-4(neg)). We found the inhibition of this pathway by calmidazolium chloride specifically blocked mesenchymal induction (ID₅₀ =  0.5 µM, p<0.01), while endothelial differentiation was unaffected.The present study describes two different putative progenitors (early and late MSCs) that, together with already described MPCs, could be co-isolated and expanded in different percentages depending on the culture conditions. These results suggest that some modifications to the widely accepted MSC nomenclature are required

    Immune Evasion by Yersinia enterocolitica: Differential Targeting of Dendritic Cell Subpopulations In Vivo

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    CD4+ T cells are essential for the control of Yersinia enterocolitica (Ye) infection in mice. Ye can inhibit dendritic cell (DC) antigen uptake and degradation, maturation and subsequently T-cell activation in vitro. Here we investigated the effects of Ye infection on splenic DCs and T-cell proliferation in an experimental mouse infection model. We found that OVA-specific CD4+ T cells had a reduced potential to proliferate when stimulated with OVA after infection with Ye compared to control mice. Additionally, proliferation of OVA-specific CD4+ T cells was markedly reduced when cultured with splenic CD8α+ DCs from Ye infected mice in the presence of OVA. In contrast, T-cell proliferation was not impaired in cultures with CD4+ or CD4−CD8α− DCs isolated from Ye infected mice. However, OVA uptake and degradation as well as cytokine production were impaired in CD8α+ DCs, but not in CD4+ and CD4−CD8α− DCs after Ye infection. Pathogenicity factors (Yops) from Ye were most frequently injected into CD8α+ DCs, resulting in less MHC class II and CD86 expression than on non-injected CD8α+ DCs. Three days post infection with Ye the number of splenic CD8α+ and CD4+ DCs was reduced by 50% and 90%, respectively. The decreased number of DC subsets, which was dependent on TLR4 and TRIF signaling, was the result of a faster proliferation and suppressed de novo DC generation. Together, we show that Ye infection negatively regulates the stimulatory capacity of some but not all splenic DC subpopulations in vivo. This leads to differential antigen uptake and degradation, cytokine production, cell loss, and cell death rates in various DC subpopulations. The data suggest that these effects might be caused directly by injection of Yops into DCs and indirectly by affecting the homeostasis of CD4+ and CD8α+ DCs. These events may contribute to reduced T-cell proliferation and immune evasion of Ye

    Tratamento da esquistossomose mansônica hepatesplênica com praziquantel

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    Noventa e quatro pacientes, 22 do sexo masculino e 72 do feminino, com idades variando de 11 a 71 anos, média de 25, apresentando a forma hepatesplênica da esquistossomose mansônica, foram tratados com uma nova droga antiesquistossomótica — praziquantel — objetivando-se investigar sua eficácia e tolerância. Duas doses orais — 1 x 30 e 2 x 25 mg/kg — foram comparadas. Efeitos colaterais foram verificados durante os primeiros dois dias seguintes à administração da droga, mas usualmente de média intensidade e curta duração. Os mais freqüentes e, por vezes, mais severos foram: dor ou desconforto abdominal, diarréia, tontura, cefaléia e náusea. Febre esteve presente em 19,2% dos casos e urticaria e prurido em dois pacientes. A investigação laboratorial mostrou, em alguns casos, ligeiras alterações enzimáticas (AST, ALT, γ-GT) 24 horas após a medicação. Nenhuma modificação da urinálise, da glicose sangüínea e dos dados hematológicos foi detectada, exceto o aumento comumente observado dos eosinófilos nos 7." e 30.° dias, relacionado à morte dos parasitas dentro do organismo. Da mesma forma, nenhuma anormalidade foi verificada no estudo eletroencefalográfico. Na eletrocardiografia, observou-se, em duas pacientes, uma ligeira e transitória alteração na repolarização ventricular. No que diz respeito à cura parasitológica, constatou-se, em 62 pacientes que concluíram seis meses de controle, um porcentual global de cura de 80,6%, sendo de 76,7% com a dose de 30 mg/lkg e de 84,4% com a de 2 x 25 mg/kg. Os pacientes não curados tiveram, por outro lado, uma acentuada redução no número de ovos do S. mansoni eliminados nas fezes. Além disso, cinco pacientes não curados, foram retratados seis ou mais meses depois, com a mesma dose inicial, obtendo-se 100°/o de negatividade nos exames de fezes. Os Autores acreditam que com a administração de doses um pouco mais altas como, por exemplo, 60 mg/kg, se possa obter um maior porcentual de cura, sem prejuízo da boa tolerância. A melhora clínica e laboratorial a longo prazo, isto é, seis ou mais meses após a medicação, foi marcante em todos os parâmetros estudados

    First-Forbidden Beta Decay

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