115 research outputs found

    Evaluation Of Aesthetic Use Of Public Space In Terms Of Visual Education

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    Aesthetic understanding can come to the fore in all areas of human and social life including education. Public spaces provide concrete indicators of the culture of the people living in city centers where these concrete indicators are directly accessed and located. Works of art, which reinforce the identity of cities with their transfers to future generations, have continued this function since the earliest periods of history. Therefore visual education is essential to teach how to understand and conceptualize the expression of art in various forms. After 1980, with the effect of the conditions in the world, a significant metamorphosis emerged in terms of understanding of art. With the combined effect of postmodernism, the understanding of art, which keeps up with the new world order on the one hand and opposes it on the other, has sought to find a place worthy of it. This article focuses on visual education using the sculpture art in public spaces. The article was designed as a qualitative research and narrative method based on literature review was used. In the study, functions of works of art in public spaces, presented to the audience as a product of aesthetic efforts, were mentioned. In addition, public space works constituted the direct object of the teaching materials for visual education. The results have revealed that artists should design works of public space considering the original representation of the people of the region first and then the region in question because interaction of the people of a certain region with public works increases and develops a meaningful relationship with the space. As a consequence, it will contribute to visual education as teaching materials in a concrete way

    Criticisms for opressive managerial practices on individual and society in the works of Necdet ŞenNecdet Şen’in eserlerinde bireyi ve toplumu baskı altına alan yönetimsel uygulamalara yönelik eleştiriler

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    Although comic strip artist Necdet Şen has not primarily established a direct relationship with management sciences, he mentioned about this issue in many of his works. Necdet Şen, in his works, criticized the practices which lead to oppression and tutelage over individuals and society. As an individual in the society, Necdet Şen intuitively perceived the oppression on individuals caused by other individuals or institutions and dealt with them in his works. This study examines and explains these works written or drawn based on this intuitive approach and presents the managerial practices causing oppression and tutelage on individuals as well as on society. ÖzetÇizgi roman sanatçısı Necdet Şen, birincil amaç olarak yönetim bilimleri alanı ile doğrudan ilişki gözetmemiş olmasına rağmen bu alana ilişkin konulara birçok eserlerinde yer vermiştir. Necdet Şen, hem bireyi hem de toplumu baskı ve vesayet altına alan uygulamaları, kaleme aldığı eserleriyle eleştirmiştir. Toplumun bir bireyi olarak Necdet Şen, kişi veya kurumlar aracılığıyla oluşturularak bireye yönelen baskıyı, sezgisel olarak algılamış ve eserlerine konu etmiştir. Bu çalışmada, Necdet Şen’in söz konusu sezgisel yaklaşımı doğrultusunda yazdığı ve çizdiği eserler üzerinde yapılan incelemeyle, bireyi baskı altına alan yönetimsel uygulamalar ortaya konulmuştur. Bu çalışmada, bireye tekil olarak yönelen baskının/vesayetin yanı sıra toplumun geneli üzerinde oluşturulan baskı ve vesayet de ele alınarak açıklanmıştır

    Sağlık Alanı İçin Gelecek Yönelimli Yönetim Yaklaşımları Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

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    Yönetim olgusu, topluluklar biçiminde yaşamaya başlamasıyla birlikte, insanlar için vazgeçilmez bir gereklilik hâline gelmiş bulunmaktadır. Bu niteliğiyle yönetim; belirli bir amaç doğrultusunda koordine olarak iş yapma biçimlerinin gerçekleştirilmesinde başvurulan çeşitli yöntemler ortaya koymaya başlamıştır. Demokrasi, bürokrasi ve teknokrasi gibi farklı biçimlerde hayata geçirilen yönetimsel düzenlemeler, uygulama alanı buldukları erken dönem topluluklardan, günümüz çağdaş toplumlarına gelinceye kadar birçok gelişme evresini geride bırakmıştır. Bu makalede, özellikle bürokrasi ve teknokrasi perspektifinden hareketle, dünya çapındaki salgın hastalıklarla mücadelede milat sayılabilecek korona virüs (COVID-19) tehdidi sonrasında yeni bir yönetimsel yapılanma biçimi adayı olarak düşünülebilecek “sıhhatokratik” yönetim anlayışına ilişkin keşifsel değerlendirmelerde bulunmak amaçlanmaktadır. Makalede, temel kavram olan sıhatokrasinin yanı sıra, yürütülen tartışmalara katkı sağlayabileceği öngörülen sıhhatopya kavramı da ele alınmaktadır. Ayrıca sıhhatokrasi kavramına kaynaklık eden yönlere sahip bulunan örgütsel ekoloji ve kaynak bağımlılığı teorileri de tartışmaya konu edilmektedir. Makalenin teorik zeminine kaynaklık eden kavram ve kuramların, sıhhatokratik yönetim anlayışı bağlamında değerlendirilmesinin, salt kuramsal anlatımları aşan ve geleceğe dönük uygulamaları öngörmeye yönelik anlamlı katkılar sağlayabileceği düşünülmektedir. Hâlihazır gelişmeler ve gerçekliklere dair çözümlemelerde bulunulan makalede, yönetsel yaklaşımların muhtemel gelecek yönelimlerine de değinilmektedir

    The power of informal communication and perceived organizational support on energy at work and extra-role behavior: A survey on teachers

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    This research studies the effect of energy at work, internal-external informal communication and perceived organisational support on extra role behaviour. The population of survey included teachers (479 teachers at 25 elementary and middle schools) at The Ministry of National Education located in the Burdur in Turkey. Research method is a survey with a questionnaire and participants has been reached with the convenience sampling method. Two model (purposed and revised) was examined by structural equation model approach. According to the findings, internal informal communication increases energy at work, and therefore, energy at work has a considerably positive effect on extra role behaviour. Besides that, perceived organisational support has seriously positive effect on internal informal communication. As inferred from these findings, the increase of perceived organisational support will also increase internal informal communication, and the increase of communication will enable lecturers to be more energetic, and hence, such energy will trigger lecturers to make extra efforts for their organizations


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    The purpose of this study is to explain the recreation activities that have become increasingly prevalent in recent years. For this purpose, the focus is on the basic research question that can be expressed as "Is it possible to classify recreational activities within the context of consumer products?” This question has been tried to give answers on the classification of consumer products, adequacy of recreational activities and adequacy of explanations. The search for the answer was carried out through a theoretical discussion method conducted through literature review. Although classification of consumer goods is widely used in scientific fields such as business and marketing, the classification is not sufficiently recognized in the field of sports science and therefore is not used. Classification of consumer products, which gives the opportunity to explain and categorize every kind of consumer product, depending on the qualities it has, makes it possible to take recreational activities in the same sense. As a result of the study carried out under the article, classification of consumer goods; to allow recreational activities to be described within their limitations, and the underlying question of this work is the result of a series of concordant explanations between the field of business science and the field of sports science

    A review on the management approaches of Kınalızade Ali Efendi and Thomas Hobbes

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    Bu çalışmada, Türk filozof Kınalızade Ali Efendi ile İngiliz filozof Thomas Hobbes’in yönetim yaklaşımları karşılaştırılmıştır. Birbirinin çağdaşı bu filozofların düşünsel dünyalarını, içinde yer almış bulundukları bağlamdan kopararak ele almak mümkün olamamaktadır. Kınalızade ve Hobbes, içinde yetiştikleri toplumun temel dinamiklerini, eserlerine ve bakış açılarına yansıtmışlardır. Söz konusu yansımalar, düşünsel düzlemdeki Doğu-Batı düalizminin karakteristiği çerçevesinde belirginleşmiştir. Alan yazında, Kınalızade ile Machiavelli karşılaştırması yapan çalışmalarla karşılaşabilmek mümkün olmasına karşın, Kınalızade ile Hobbes karşılaştırmasına yönelik çalışmalara ulaşmak aynı ölçüde mümkün olamamaktadır. İki filozof arasında ortaya çıkan ayrımlar öylesine belirgin derecelerde kendini göstermektedir ki, bu durum, yönetim yaklaşımları bakımından ortaya çıkan farklılaşmanın doğal karşılanması gerektiğine ilişkin değerlendirmeleri de beraberinde getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada yürütülen incelemeler sonucunda, teorik öngörü olarak filozoflar arasında var olduğuna kanaat getirilen düşünsel ayrışma temeline dayalı olarak, yönetim yaklaşımları bakımından da anlamlı farklılaşmaların ortaya çıkmakta olduğu belirlenmiştir.In this study, the management approaches of the Turkish philosopher Kınalızade Ali Efendi and the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes were compared. It is not possible to tackle these contemporary of one another philosophers' intellectual worlds in the context of what they are involved in. Both Kınalızade and Hobbes reflected the basic dynamics of the society in which they grew up to their works and viewpoints. These reflections became evident in the characterization of East-West dualism in the intellectual plane. Although it is possible to encounter works that compare Kınalızade and Machiavelli in the literature, it is not possible to reach the studies for comparison of Kınalızade and Hobbes equally. The distinctions between the two philosophers manifest themselves at such a pronounced level that it can bring about the need to naturally meet the differentiation in terms of management approaches. As a result of the studies carried out within the scope of this study, it has been determined that based on the intellectual diversity which is believed to exist among the philosophers as theoretical predictions, they also show a meaningful differentiation in terms of management approaches

    Performance of Some Forages Species (\u3cem\u3eFestuca arundinacea\u3c/em\u3e L., \u3cem\u3eChloris gayana\u3c/em\u3e var. Katambora, \u3cem\u3eLotus corniculatus\u3c/em\u3e L. and \u3cem\u3eMedicago sativa\u3c/em\u3e L.) in Saline Soil

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    Salinity is a soil degradation process which reduces plant diversity and agricultural productivity, decreases fertility and devalues the land in regions with arid and semi-arid climate. This process inhibits water and nutrient intake of plants from soil due to changeable nitrogen percentage and/or the intensity of soluble salt concentration. When the fact that agricultural lands are limited around the world and that the need for nutrition increases incrementally is taken into consideration, it is obvious that available lands should be used more effectively. Hence, it is quite crucial to reclaim saline soil and utilize it more economically (Woods 1996)

    Optimiranje ekstrakcije ulja sjemenki nara (Punica granatum L.) pomoću mikrovalova i procjena njegovih fizikalno-kemijskih i bioaktivnih svojstava

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    Pomegranate seed oil was extracted in a closed-vessel high-pressure microwave system. The characteristics of the obtained oil, such as fatty acid composition, free fatty acidity, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and colour, were compared to those of the oil obtained by cold solvent extraction. Response surface methodology was applied to optimise extraction conditions: power (176–300 W), time (5–20 min), particle size (d=0.125–0.800 mm) and solvent to sample ratio (2:1, 6:1 and 10:1, by mass). The predicted highest extraction yield (35.19 %) was obtained using microwave power of 220 W, particle size in the range of d=0.125–0.450 mm and solvent-to-sample ratio of 10:1 (by mass) in 5 min extraction time. Microwave-assisted solvent extraction (MASE) resulted in higher extraction yield than that of Soxhlet (34.70 % in 8 h) or cold (17.50 % in 8 h) extraction. The dominant fatty acid of pomegranate seed oil was punicic acid (86 %) irrespective of the extraction method. Oil obtained by MASE had bett er physicochemical properties, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity than the oil obtained by cold solvent extraction.Ulje sjemenki nara dobiveno je ekstrakcijom pomoću mikrovalova u zatvorenoj posudi pod pritiskom. Uspoređena su svojstva dobivenog ulja s onima ulja dobivenog ekstrakcijom pomoću hladnog otapala, i to: sastav masnih kiselina, udjeli slobodnih masnih kiselina i ukupnih fenola, antioksidacijska aktivnost i boja. Metodom odzivnih površina optimirani su sljedeći uvjeti ekstrakcije: snaga mikrovalova (176-300 W), vrijeme ekstrakcije (5-20 min), veličina čestica usitnjenog nara (1-3) i maseni omjer otapala i uzorka (od 2:1 do 10:1). Najveći predviđeni prinos ekstrakcije od 35,19 % dobiven je primjenom mikrovalova snage 220 W, finih čestica nara (veličine 1), masenog omjera otapala i uzorka od 10:1 i vremena ekstrakcije od 5 min. Ekstrakcijom pomoću mikrovalova dobiven je veći prinos ulja nego ekstrakcijom u Soxhlet uređaju (34,7 % ulja nakon 8 sati ekstrakcije) ili ekstrakcijom pomoću hladnog otapala (17,5 % ulja nakon 8 sati ekstrakcije). Neovisno o primijenjenoj metodi ekstrakcije, u ulju sjemenki nara prevladavala je punicinska kiselina (86 %). Ulje dobiveno ekstrakcijom pomoću mikrovalova imalo je bolja fizikalno-kemijska svojstva, veći udjel ukupnih fenola i veću antioksidacijsku aktivnost od ulja dobivenog ekstrakcijom pomoću hladnog otapala


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    Storyboard is used in the field of e-learning as a tool for the subject matter experts and instructional designers to speak the same language while producing e-course materials. In this study, the roles of the subject matter experts who are the keystones of the team that produce storyboards of e-learning materials within Anadolu University Open Education System and their experiences were examined, in an attempt to evaluate the e-course production system. For this reason, a qualitative case study design was used and interview data were collected from subject matter experts, technical production staff and decision-makers. Qualitative data analysis revealed that the roles and responsibilities of the subject matter experts should be well defined and more clearly structured, they should be trained on certain aspects of storyboard development; and their communication and collaboration with the production team needs to be more regularly planned and continuously kept alive.  Article visualizations

    Accumulation of Macronutrients in Forage Grasses Under Saline and Alkaline Conditions

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    This study was designed to determine P, K, Ca, Mg and Na mineral accumulations in Agropyron elongatum, Chloris gayana, Cynodon dactylon and Festuca arundinacea species grown on control (non-saline and non-alkaline), highly saline, highly alkaline and highly saline-alkaline soils, and to check whether the obtained fodders meet mineral requirements of animals. The research established in 2011 under a randomized complete blocks design, and continued for three years. Results revealed that macro nutrient contents (P, K, Ca, Mg and Na) accumulation differed significantly among species (except for K), locations (except for Ca) and years. No significant differences were observed among species in terms of potassium content. The highest phosphorus content was detected in Agropyron elongatum, while the highest Ca content observed in A.elongatum and F.arundiancaea. Moreover, the highest Mg content was observed in F.arundiancaeand the highest Na content in A.elongatumand F.arundiancaea. The lowest P, K+ and Na+ accumulations were detected from highly saline-alkaline soils while Mg2+ content was observed in control, highly saline and highly alkaline soils. As for meeting mineral requirements by animals, Ca2+ content of the obtained fodder was found to be sufficient while K+ accumulations were found to be lower and P and Na+ contents, on the other hand, were found to be higher than the recommended levels. Thus, K+ requirements by the animals should be met by additional feeding and because of rich sodium and phosphorus contents, fodder obtained from these species should be fed with caution