180 research outputs found

    Causation or Coincidence? A Case of Coexisting Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection and Coronary Thrombosis in a Patient with Kounis Syndrome

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    Kounis syndrome (KS) is a hypersensitive coronary disorder leading to acute coronary syndrome triggered by drugs, food, and environmental factors. Herein, we report a 39-year-old patient who was admitted to our clinic due to type 2 KS after oral diclofenac use. Interestingly, spontaneous coronary artery dissection was detected simultaneously on coronary angiography. Up to now, no case has been defined including the combination of these two different conditions

    Optimization of the use and planning of water resources with advanced data processing methods

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    Canlı yaƟamının devam etmesi için gerekli olan en temel maddelerden biri sudur. Gelecekte ve gĂŒnĂŒmĂŒzde nĂŒfus artÄ±ĆŸÄ±na yanıt verebilecek temiz su kaynaklarının korunması ve geliƟtirilmesi, gerekliliği bĂŒyĂŒk önem arz etmektedir. Su insanoğlunun enerji ihtiyacını karĆŸÄ±layan ve hayatta kalmasını sağlayan en temel kaynaklardan birisidir. Mevcut su potansiyelinin tasarruflu kullanılması su ve kullanımının verimli hale getirilmesi gerekmektedir. Nehir akım hızı zaman serisi kullanılarak ileriye dönĂŒk su potansiyeli tahmini yapılabilmektedir. Akım gözlem istasyonlarında gĂŒnlĂŒk ölĂ§ĂŒmler yapılmaktadır. Bu verilere dayalı olarak, matematik modellerle ve makine Ă¶ÄŸrenmesi sistemleri ile tahmin çalÄ±ĆŸmaları yĂŒrĂŒtĂŒlmektedir. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada inceleme bölgesi olarak seçilen Çatalca Istıranca nehrine ait gĂŒnlĂŒk ve aylık ortalama akım, bölgeye ait gĂŒnlĂŒk toplam yaÄŸÄ±ĆŸ miktarı ve gĂŒnlĂŒk ortalama hava sıcaklık değerleri göz önĂŒne alınmÄ±ĆŸtır. Ä°statistiksel olarak 2004-2020 inceleme dönemine ait, gĂŒnlĂŒk ortalama akım 2.97 m3/s, gĂŒnlĂŒk toplam yaÄŸÄ±ĆŸ 2.73 (mm=kg/m2) ve ortalama hava sıcaklığı değeri 12.57 °C olarak saptanmÄ±ĆŸtır. Makine Ă¶ÄŸrenme yöntemlerinden Lineer Regresyon, Destek Vektör, Karar Ağacı, Rasgele Orman, Ekstra Ağaçlar, Dalgacık yöntemleri kullanarak akarsu akÄ±ĆŸ miktarının zamanla değiƟimi tahmin edilmiƟtir. Uygulanan modellerin baƟarı performansları karĆŸÄ±laƟtırılmÄ±ĆŸ, akÄ±ĆŸ miktarı tahmininde Ekstra Ağaçlar (%90.48) ve Rasgele Orman (%88.96) diğer yöntemlere göre daha baƟarılı bulunmuƟtur.One of the most basic substances necessary for the continuation of life is water. The necessity of protecting and developing clean water resources that can respond to population growth in the future and today is of great importance. Water is one of the most basic resources that meet the energy needs of human beings and ensure their survival. It is necessary to use the existing water potential economically and to make water and its use efficient. Forward estimation can be made using the time series of river flow rates. Measurements are made daily at flow observation stations. With the data we get from here, we can make predictions with mathematical models and today's machine learning systems. Regression analysis is one of the methods used. In this study, the daily and monthly flow rate, precipitation and air temperature values of the Çatalca-Istıranca River, which was selected as the study area we determined, were taken into account. Statistically, the daily average flow 2.97 m3 /s, daily total precipitation 2.73 (mm=kg/m2 ) and average air temperature value for the 2004-2020 review period has been determined as 12.57 °C. The variation of stream flow over time was estimated by using the machine learning methods Linear Regression, Support Vector, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Extra Trees and Wavelet methods. The success performances of the applied models were compared, and the success ratio of the Extra Trees (90.48%) and Random Forest (88.96%) methods were found to be higher than the other methods in estimating the flow rate

    Estimated genetic diversity between Atak-S and isa brown chickens with SSR markers

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    Ankara Tavukçuluk AraƟtırma EnstitĂŒsĂŒ tarafından geliƟtirilen Atak-S yumurtacı hibriti yerli hibritler içinde yumurta verimi en yĂŒksek olan hibrittir. Ancak bu hibritin yumurta verimi Isa Brown gibi yabancı kaynaklı hibritlere göre daha dĂŒĆŸĂŒktĂŒr. Atak-S hibritinin yabancı kaynaklı hibritlerle yarÄ±ĆŸabilmesi için verim ile ilgili molekĂŒler ıslah çalÄ±ĆŸmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmanın amacı Atak-S ve Isa Brown tavuk hibritlerindeki genetik çeƟitliliği belirlemek ve bu hibritler arasındaki genetik çeƟitliliği karĆŸÄ±laƟtırmaktır. Bu amaç için, iki alt popĂŒlasyondan 200 tavukta 6 mikrosatelit lokusu ayrı ayrı genotiplendirildi. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmada kullanılan 6 farklı SSR markörĂŒ için toplam da 85 polimorfik fragment bulundu. Ayrıca He değeri 0.61±0.05 olarak bulundu. Ä°ki hibrit arasında He ise; Atak-S’de 0.35±0.76, Isa Brown’da 0.26±0.68 olarak bulundu. Bu sonuç, Atak-S hibritindeki genetik çeƟitliliğin Isa Brown hibritine göre daha yĂŒksek olduğunu ortaya koymuƟtur. Ek olarak iki hibrite ait genetik farklılıklar ve popĂŒlasyon yapısı dendogram analizi yapılarak ortaya konmuƟ ve farklıllıklar belirlenmiƟtir. Sonuç olarak Atak-S ve Isa Brown hibritleri içindeki ve arasında genetik çeƟitliliklerin iyi korunmuƟ olduğu ileri sĂŒrĂŒlebilir. Mikrosatellit analizi ile tahmin edilen Atak-S ve Isa Brown hibrtileri hakkındaki bilgiler, gelecekteki genetik varyasyon araƟtırmalarını tasarlamak ve koruma stratejileri geliƟtirmek için hedeflerin belirlenmesinde rehber olarak yararlı olabilir.Atak-S layered hybrid, developed by the "Ankara Poultry Research Institute", is the hybrid with the highest egg productivity among local hybrids. However, egg yield are lower compared to foreign-origin hybrids such as Isa brown. Molecular development studies as to productivity are required for Atak-S hybrid to be able to compete with foreign-origin hybrids. The objective of this study was to detect genetic diversity within the breeds and to compare the Atak-S and Isa Brown breeds. To achieve this goal, we individually genotyped 6 SSR loci in 200 chickens from two populations. 85 polymorphic fragments were found in total for 6 different SSR markers employed in this study. For all loci, high He was observed, and means He was 0.61±0.05 among loci. Among breeds, the mean He was 0.35±0.76 in Atak-S and 0.26±0.68 in Isa Brown. This result indicated that genetic diversity in the Atak-S breed is higher than in the Isa Brown breed. Furthermore, genetic differences and population structure of two hybrids were shown by virtue of dendogram analysis and differences were detected. As a result, we could be suggested that genetic diversity is well preserved within and between Atak-S and Isa Brown hybrids. Based on the Atak-S and Isa Brown breeds estimated by microsatellite analysis may be useful as a guide in setting goals for designing future genetic variation studies and for improving conservation strategies


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    The synthesis of the title compound, C21H18N2OS, involves the reaction of 3-methyl­benzoyl chloride with potassium thio­cyanate in dry acetone followed by condensation of the 3-methyl­benzoyl isothio­cyanate with diphenyl­amine. The carbonyl [C—O = 1.215 (2) Å] and thio­carbonyl [C—S = 1.6721 (17) Å] distances indicate that these correspond to double bonds. The short C—N bonds at the center of the mol­ecule reveal the effects of resonance in this part of the mol­ecule. The conformation of the mol­ecule with respect to the thio­carbonyl and carbonyl groups is twisted. The 3-methyl­phenyl and two phenyl rings are also twisted, with dihedral angles of 75.67 (9) and 14.91 (9)°. The phenyl rings are rotated out of the mean plane of the N—C—S—N atoms by 66.87 (8) and 78.40 (9)°. Pairs of mol­ecules are linked into centrosymmetric dimers via inter­molecular N—H⋯S inter­actions and a C—H⋯O link also occurs. The dimers are stacked along the a axis


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    In the title compound, C14H12ClN3OS, the short exocyclic N—C bond lengths indicate resonance in the thiourea part of the mol­ecule. The title compound is stabilized by an intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond, which results in the formation of a six-membered ring. In addition, it shows a synperiplanar conformation between the thio­carbonyl group and the pyridine group. Inter­molecular N—H⋯S and C—H⋯O inter­actions are also present

    Antibacterial Effects of Fluoride-Releasing Orthodontic Composites: A Pilot Study

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    Aim:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the antibacterial effects of 3 different fluoride-releasing orthodontic composites using a direct contact test (DCT).Materials and Methods:The antibacterial properties of fluoride releasing orthodontic composites were evaluated with the DCT. For the DCT, wells (n=8) of 96-microtitre plates were coated with the tested bonding adhesives [Transbond Plus (3M Unitek, Monrovia, USA) Light Bond (Reliance Ortho Prod. Inc. Itasca, IL, USA) Kurasper F (Kuraray Medical Inc. Okayama, Japan)]. Kalzinol (Zinc-Oxide Eugenol Cement) (Dentsply, Konstanz, Germany was used as a positive control material. A Streptococcus mutans suspension was placed on the surface of each specimen for 1 hour at 37°C. Bacterial growth was monitored for 16 hours with a temperature-controlled microplate spectrophotometer. The kinetics of the outgrowth in each well was recorded continuously at 650 nm every 30 minutes. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, as well as by Tamhane's T2 multiple comparison test. The level of significance was determined as P < 0.05.Results:The evaluation of the results of the DCT revealed that there were statistically significant differences between the four groups (F= 156,951, P= 0.000). The control material (Kalzinol) showed complete inhibition of bacterial growth (mean 0.01 ±0.05). The multiple comparison test indicated that there were no significant difference in bacterial growth between Kalzinol and Transbond Plus (mean 0.12±0.17) (P= 0.509).. Kurasper F (mean 0.73±0.06) and Light Bond (mean 0.85±0.02) showed statistically significant differences (P= 0.000) compared to Kalzinol.Conclusion:Transbond Plus showed marked antibacterial effects

    Servikal örneklerde human papillomavirus sıklığı ve genotip dağılımı

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    Amaç: Servikal kanser kadınlarda ikinci en yaygın kanser tipidir ve kansere bağlı ölĂŒmlerin de ikinci en sık nedenidir. Yapılan epidemiyolojik çalÄ±ĆŸmalar serviks kanseri için majör risk faktörĂŒnĂŒn human papillomavirus HPV olduğunu göstermiƟtir. Bu çalÄ±ĆŸmanın amacı HPV DNA araƟtırılması için laboratuvarımıza gönderilen servikal örneklerde HPV varlığının ve genotiplerinin belirlenmesidir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Ä°ncelenen servikal örneklerde PCR yöntemi ile HPV DNA araƟtırıldı ve revers hibridizasyon yöntemi ile HPV tiplendirilmesi yapıldı. Bulgular: ÇalÄ±ĆŸmaya alınan ikiyĂŒzelli adet servikal örnekten 29’u %11.6 sadece yĂŒksek riskli, 12’si %4.8 sadece dĂŒĆŸĂŒk riskli ve 7’si %2.8 yĂŒksek ve dĂŒĆŸĂŒk riskli birlikte pozitif olmak ĂŒzere toplam 48 %19.2 örnekte HPV DNA saptandı. YĂŒksek riskli HPV genotiplerinden HPV 16 %18.7 ve HPV 30’s+50’s %1 2.5 oranında tespit edildi. Sonuç: ÇalÄ±ĆŸmamızda yĂŒksek riskli tiplerden olan HPV 16 en yĂŒksek oranda saptanırken diğer tipler ise farklı sıklıklarda belirlenmiƟtir. Ülkemizde HPV DNA ve HPV tip prevalansının saptanması ve HPV aĆŸÄ±sının kapsadığı popĂŒlasyonun belirlenmesi için benzer demografik özelliklere sahip hasta/kontrol gruplarının katıldığı ve standart bir yöntemin kullanıldığı geniƟ kapsamlı çalÄ±ĆŸmalara ihtiyaç vardı

    Orbital Complications of Acute Sinusitis: Evaluation, Management, and Results

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    Objective: Even though acute rhinosinusitis orbital complications are not very common, they can appear as very severe complications with high mortality rates, due to infection spreading to orbital and intracranial tissues. The objective of this study is to assess the treatment and its results for patients treated in our clinic due to rhinosinusitis complications.Methods:Patients who were admitted to our clinic due to acute rhinosinusitis complications between January 2010 and March 2012 were examined. We retrospectively evaluated 11 patients 8 (73%) males and 3 (23%) females with a mean age 12.36 years (range 6-20 years)who were treated for orbital complications of acute rhinosinusitis. Cases were evaluated according to age, sex, etiologic factors, localization, treatment, and outcome.Results: Preseptal cellulitis was observed in 9 patients (82%), orbital abscess was observed in 1 patient (9%), and subperiosteal abscess was observed in 1 patient (9%). Ten of 11 patients achieved full recovery through medical treatment, whereas 1 patient was treated with right subperiosteal abscess drainage and right functional endoscopic sinus surgery due to subperiosteal abscess. The patients’ average admission duration was 7 days.Conclusion: The orbita is the area with the most common sinusitis complications, due to its proximity to the paranasal sinuses and especially to ethmoid cells. Early diagnosis and aggressive treatment are important for the reduction of unwanted manifestations. Computed tomography with contrast remains the optimal imaging study for orbital inflammation. Surgical treatment is indicated when subperiosteal orbital abscess and orbital abscess are scenes
