9 research outputs found

    Atlardan izole edilen stenotrophomonas maltophilia suşlarının antibiyotik direnci

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    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a member of gamma proteobacteria that has been frequently isolated from humans as well as from animals. One of the most outstanding feature of S. maltophilia is its antibacterial resistance that is basicly controlled by various pathways including intrinsic manner. By this study we aimed to evaluate the interaction of S. maltophilia suspected equine strains with various antibiotics in the presence of Thymoquinone in vitro. Disc diffusion technique was used for measuring interactions between the thymoquinone and others. No measurable inhibition zone for synergistic or antagonistic effect between the thymoquinone and test antibiotics was observed. However, the thymoquinone itself has an antibacterial potential.Stenotrophomonas maltophilia gamma proteobacteria içerisinde yer alan ve hem insanlardan hem de hayvanlardan sık izole edilen bir bakteri türüdür. S. maltophilia’nin en dikkat çeken özelliklerinden birisi bakterinin intrinsik mekanizmalar da dahil olmak üzere çeşitli şekillerde geliştirdiği yüksek antibiyotik direncidir. Bu çalışma ile atlardan izole edilmiş olan S. maltophilia’nın timokionon ile çeşitli antibiyotiklerin beraber kullanıldıklarındaki etkileşimini ölçmek amaçlandı. Ne sinerjizm ne de antogonizm şeklinde bir etkileşim ölçülmedi. Ancak timokiononun S. maltophilia suşları üzerinde antibakteriyel etkisi tespit edildi

    Dirofilariasis complicated with purulent meningoencephalitis in a dog

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    Sunulan bu çalışmada, kliniğe dönme şikayeti ile getirilen bir köpek değerlendirildi. Klinik muayenede femoral nabızda belirgin bir zayıflama ile birlikte tarsal ve karpal bölgelerde ödem ile deri yaralanmaları gözlendi. Hematokrit değerin arttığı (%66) saptandı. Periferik kandan yapılan kalın damla frotilerinde, 100'lük büyütmeyle bakıldığında her mikroskop sahasında 7-8 Dirofilaria immitis larvası görüldü. Kan serumunda yapılan ölçümlerde üre, albümin, glikoz, kreatinin, ALT, ALP ve LDH değerlerinin normal sınırlar içerisinde olduğu belirlendi. Nekropside sağ kalpte belirgin dilatasyonla birlikte 20 adet erişkin (18-20 cm uzunluğunda) Dirofilaria immitis'e rastlandı. Beyin hiperemik ve şişkin olup meninksler bulanık bir görünüm almıştı. Histopatolojik muayenede meninkslerde ödem, fibrin, kalınlaşma ve meninks damarlarında bol eritrosite rastlandı. Bu bölgelerde yoğun mononükleer hücre ve nötrofil lökosit infiltrasyonu vardı. Meningitis görülen bölgenin altındaki beyin dokusunda da substansiya grizea ile sınırlı olmak üzere şiddetli nekroz, yoğun mononükleer hücre ve nötrofil lökosit infiltrasyonları görüldü. Aynı zamanda bu bölgede yoğun gitter hücre proliferasyonu da saptandı. Bakteriyolojik yoklamalar sonucunda, beyin dokusundan Staphylococcus aureus identifiye edildi. Sonuç olarak klinik, biyokimyasal, hematolojik, bakteriyolojik ve histopatolojik muayenelere göre purulent meningoensefalitisle komplike dirofilariazisin varlığı tespit edildi.In this study, a dog brought with a complaint of turning around was evaluated. Clinical examinations revealed a marked weakness in the femoral pulsation, eodema developed in the tarsal and carpal regions and wounds in the skin. It was observed that the haematocrit values increased by 66%. In thick blood smears, in avarage 7-8 Diroflaria larvae were seen in each viewable area when viewed with the 100X objective. In the analysis of the blood; the levels of urea, albumin, glucose, creatinin, ALT, ALP and LDH were found to be in the normal range. In the necropsy, marked dilatations in the right chamber of the heart were observed and 20 mature Dirofilaria immitis (ranging 18-20 cm) were seen. Brain looked hyperemic and bulgy and menings appeared cloudy. Histopathological examinations showed that oedema, fibrin and thickining in the menings and numerous erythrocytes in the blood vessels of the menings. In these regions, there were condense mononuclear cell and neutrofil leucocyte infiltrations. The brain tissue under the menings involved with the infection (substantia grisa region only), severe necrose, condense mononuclear cell, neutrofil leucocyte infiltrations and also dense gitter cell proliferation were detected. In the brain tissue, Staphylococcus aureus was identified by bacteriological examinations. In conclusion, by carrying out clinical, biochemical, heamatological, microbiological and histological examinations, the case was diagnosed as drofilariasis complicated with purulent meningoencephaliti

    Detection of methicilline resistant Staphylococ-cus aureus carrying mecC gene in mastitic milk samples of cattle in Turkey

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    Zeki Aras (Aksaray, Yazar)Amaç: Mastitisli ineklerin süt örneklerinden izole edilen ve fenotipik olarak metisilin dirençli Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) olduğu belirlenen izolatlarda, mecC gen varlığının araştırılması amaçlandı.Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma materyalini mastitisli ineklerden izole edilen 150 adet Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) suşu oluşturdu. İzolatlardaki metisilin direnci sefoksitin disk di-füzyon testi ve ticari PBP2a lateks aglütinasyon testi ile belir-lendi. MRSA izolatlarında mecA ve mecC gen varlığı Polime-raz Zincir Reaksiyonu (PZR) ile analiz edildi.Bulgular: Yüz elli adet S. aureus izolatından 28'inin (%18.6) sefoksitin disk difüzyon testi ile fenotipik olarak metisilin dirençli olduğu belirlendi. MRSA izolatlarının 21'inde (%75) lateks test ile aglütinasyon ve PZR ile mecA geni belirlendi. Yedi (%25) izolatta aglütinasyon ve mecA geni belirlenemez-ken, mecC geni taşıdığı tespit edildi. Öneri: Türkiye'de mastitisli ineklerde mecC MRSA izolasyon oranının beklenmedik şekilde yüksek olduğu ve fenotipik olarak MRSA olarak identifiye edilen izolatların genotipik doğrulanmasında mecC geni yönünden de analiz edilmesi gerektiği kanaatine varıldı.Aim: It was aimed to investigate the mecC gene in phenoty-pically methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), isolated from mastitic milk samples.Materials and Methods: This study was performed on 150 S. aureus strains isolated from mastitic cattle. Resistance to methicillin was determined by cefoxitin disc diffusion met-hod and commercial PBP2a latex agglutination test. Detecti-on of mecA and mecC gene in MRSA isolates were carried out by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).Results: Twenty eight (18.6%) out of 150 S. aureus isolates were identified phenotypically as MRSA by cefoxitin disc diffusion test. Aglutination and mecA gen were detected in 21 (75%) MRSA isolates by latex agglutination test and PCR, mecC gene was determined in 7 (25%) MRSA isolates in all of which no positivity by latex agglutination test and mecA-PCR analysis was observed.Conclusion: mecC MRSA isolation rate was determined as to surprisingly be high in mastitic cattle in Turkey, and mecC gene should also be further analyzed for genotypic confirma-tion of MRSA isolates that already identified by phenotypic methods

    Evaluation of boron’s adjuvant activity in inactive bacterin vaccines using the mice model

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    Aras, Zeki ( Aksaray, Yazar )Vaccination is the most effective, reliable, and economical way of preventing or reducing the effect of infectious diseases. When preparing inactive vaccines, a range of additives called adjuvants are necessary to enhance the magnitude of the immune response. Boron has a wide range of industrial and medical applications, and its positive effects on distinct functions have been described in plants, humans, and animals. However, no studies exist about the possible adjuvant activities of boron compounds in vaccines. Hence, in this study, the potential adjuvant effect of boric acid was explored and compared with common veterinary adjuvants in a mice model. Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) used as vaccine antigen was isolated from dairy cows with bovine mastitis. Vaccines adjuvanted with boric acid, aluminum hydroxide, Montanide ISA 50 and ISA 206, and Montanide + boric acid combinations were prepared. The efficacy of vaccines was evaluated according to local reactions at the injection site, C-reactive protein, total Ig G, total Ig M, and anti-S. aureus antibody levels in mice. Boric acid reduced local inflammatory reactions induced by the Montanide adjuvants. Moreover, mice vaccinated with boric acid-adjuvanted vaccine had higher levels of anti-S. aureus antibody than those in the controls (P < 0.05) and were similar to the levels found in mice sensitized with aluminum hydroxide. Total Ig G and Ig M results were, however, unsuitable for the assessment of adjuvant activity for this study. In conclusion, this study revealed that boric acid has an adjuvant potential in inactive bacterin vaccines, but further target animal studies are needed

    Mycoplasma infections in dairy cattle farms in Turkey

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    Aras, Zeki (Aksaray, Yazar)Mycoplasmas cause the most severe and economically costly diseases of cattle throughout the world. In this study, Mycoplasma species were isolated from calves and cows with suspected mycoplasmosis in Holstein dairy cattle farms within 7 geographical regions of Turkey between May 2010 and December 2015. Mycoplasma infections were positive in 17 (80.9%) of 21 dairy cattle farms and the overall percentage was calculated as 32.1%. The highest isolation rate occurred in the Southeastern Anatolia Region (42.8%), and the lowest was observed in the Mediterranean Region (19.6%). In total, 172 Mycoplasma spp. were isolated from samples. Using PCR analysis, 149 (87.6%) isolates were identified as Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis). Eleven (6.3%) isolates were identified as M. alkalescens, 2 (1.1%) were M. canis, and 10 (5.8%) were M. bovigenitalium. The isolation rate was found to be increasing annually. In conclusion, mycoplasmosis is a common problem in Holstein dairy cattle farms in Turkey, and M. bovis is the most frequently encountered cause of mycoplasma infections. The isolation rate seems to have increased in correlation with increased live cattle imports. Additionally, M. alkalescens and M. canis were isolated and identified in respiratory tract infections in cattle from Turkey for the first time...

    Genotypic characterization of Bordetella bronchiseptica strains isolated from stray and pet dogs

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    Bordetella bronchiseptica (B. bronchiseptica) is the most important pathogen associated with kennel cough in dogs. The presence of B. bronchiseptica in pet dogs and shelter dogs with clinical respiratory disease was investigated in present study. The genetic relatedness among the strains was determined to evaluate the role of stray dogs in spread of B. bronchiseptica to pet dogs by detection of virulence genes such as filamentous hemagglutinin (fha), pertactin (prn) and dermonecrotic toxin (dnt). We also performed the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) assay. A total of 96 B. bronchiseptica were isolated from stray and pet dogs. The fha, prn and dnt virulence genes were detected in 86, 83.3 and 61.4% strains, respectively by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques. The most common genotype from stray and pet dogs was fha+prn+dnt+ as detected in 37.5% and 11.4% of all the strains, respectively. The RAPD assay showed that 3 different patterns were obtained from 96 B. bronchiseptica strains. Sixty one (63.5%) of them were clustered in one main group and then further placed in another 2 sub-groups by RAPD assay. Genetic association was seen between the B. bronchiseptica strains from stray and pet dogs. In conclusion, this study revealed that B. bronchiseptica is present at a higher rate in stray dogs than pet dogs. Stray dogs might have a significant role in the transmission of B. bronchiseptica to pet dogs. © 2016 PVJ. All rights reserved