9 research outputs found

    Bilateral Ota nevus in a 15 years old patient

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    Nevus of Ota is a dermal melanocytosis, clinically localizedon skin that is innervated by the first and secondbranches of the trigeminal nerve. It occurs almost entirelyin Asian people. The clinical manifestations are usuallyunilateral; only 5% of cases are bilateral. In this article,due to rarity of the case, a 15-year-old patient, who was diagnosedwith bilateral ota nevus, without having any dermatologicalcomplaints other than cosmetic appearenceand stains in her eyes and around was presented.Key words: Bilateral ota nevus, child, melanocytosi

    İnternal maligniteli hastalarda deri değişiklikleri

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    Giriş: İnternal maligniteler immünolojik, metabolik ve metastatik yollarla malign hücrelerin deriye metastazı, paraneoplastik sendromlar veya nonspesifik lezyonlar şeklinde çok sayıda deri bulgularına yol açabilirler. Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı internal maligniteli hastalarda deri bulgularını araştırmak ve bu hastalara yaklaşımda öncelikli deri sorunlarını irdelemektir. Yöntemler: Bu çalışmada karsinom tanısı almış, Fırat Üniversitesi Hastanesi Onkoloji servisinde yatarak tedavi gören iki yüz hastanın deri bulguları değerlendirildi. Hastaların anamnezleri kaydedildi, detaylı kutanöz ve sistemik muayene yapıldı, klinik fotografları çekildi. Gerekli görülen hastalarda deri biyopsisi, fungal enfeksiyonlar için kazıntı alındı ve tüm kutanöz metastatik lezyonlar histopatolojik olarak doğrulandı. Bulgular: Onkoloji servisinde yatmakta olan internal maligniteli 200 hastanın 88i (%44) kadın ve 112si (%56) erkekti. Hastalarda tanı konulan en sık primer tümörler 35 (%17,5) mide, 33 (%16,5) akciğer ve 31 (%15,5) kolorektal karsinomdu. Hastaların 83ünde (%41,5) saç bulguları mevcut olup saç tutulumunun kemoterapi (p=0,001), kür sayısı (p=0,001) ve radyoterapi (p=0,04) ile istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde ilişkili olduğu saptandı. Hastaların 119ünde (%59,5) tırnak bulguları mevcut olup, tırnak tutulumu kemoterapi (p=0,001) ve kür sayısı (p=0,05) ile ilişkili bulundu. Hastaların 100ünde (%50) oral mukoza tutulumu ve 132ünde (%66) palmoplantar tutulumu mevcut olup, her iki tutulum da alınan kemoterapi ile anlamlı düzeyde ilişkiliydi (p<0,05). Sonuç: İnternal maligniteli hastalarda deri metastaz bulgusuna, özellikle kemoterapi uygulaması ve alınan kür sayısı ile ilişkili olan çok sayıda saç, tırnak, deri ve mukoza bulgusu da eşlik etmektedir.Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate skin findings in patients with internal malignancy and highlight the primary skin problems in these cases. Methods: In this study, the findings of cutaneous of 200 patients, hospitalized in the Department of Oncology Fırat University Hospital, were evaluated. The medical histories provided by the patients were recorded, comprehensive cutaneous and systemic examinations were performed, and clinical photos were taken. When considered necessary, skin biopsy and scrapings for fungal infections were collected, while all the cutaneous metastatic lesions were confirmed by histopathology. Results: Among the 200 inpatients with internal malignancy who were admitted to the Department of Oncology, 88 (44%) were female and 112 (56%) were male. Eighty-three patients (41.5%) had hair findings, while hair involvement was found to have a significant relationship with chemotherapy (p=0.001), number of cycles (p=0.001), and radiotherapy (p=0.04). As 119 patients (59.5%) exhibited nail findings, nail involvement was found to be linked with chemotherapy (p=0.001) and number of cycles (p=0.05). Oral mucosa involvement was observed in 100 patients (50%) and palmoplantar involvement was determined in 132 patients (66%); both were significantly associated with chemotherapy (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: As well as skin metastases, internal malignancy cases accompany with many hair, nail, skin, and mucosal findings, which are significantly associated with chemotherapy and the number of its cycles

    Atypical cutaneous features in adult onset Still′s disease

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    Adult onset Still′s disease is a rare but potentially serious disease. We present five cases of adult-onset Still′s disease seen by us over a period of one year. The patients were all females and 28-39 years of age. Symptoms had been present for 2-6 weeks in three patients. The other two had been on a few years′ follow-up for rheumatoid arthritis before the onset of rashes and fever. The patients had persistent erythematous maculopapular eruptions on face, body and extremities, with moderate to severe pruritus and/or a burning sensation that decreased their quality of life. The typical evanescent rash was not observed. High ferritin values were detected in all the patients and total serum IgE was increased in two. All the patients were started on oral prednisolone (0.5-1.0 mg/kg/day), and methotrexate (10-15 mg/week) had to be added in three patients. One patient was started on tocilizumab due to recalcitrant disease and one was lost to follow-up. Further investigation and classification of the various atypical cutaneous findings in adult-onset Still′s disease is necessary

    Primary scarring alopecia: Classification and diagnosis

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    Sikatrisyel alopesi, kalıcı saç kaybına yol açan çeşitli hastalıkları içerisine alan kapsamlı bir terimdir. Primer sikatrisyel alopesilerde travma veya benzeri bir dış etkenden bağımsız olarak kıl folikülünde kalıcı hasara yol açan inflamasyon vardır. Primer sikatrisyel alopesiler etiyolojisinde ağırlıklı olarak rol oynayan hücre tipine göre lenfositik, nötrofilik, miks ve nonspesifik olarak sınıflandırılır. Bu sı- nıflandırmaya göre en sık lenfositik tipler görülür. Klinikte en sık karşılaşılan primer sikatrisyel alopesi alt tipleri diskoid lupus eritematozus, liken pilanopilaris, Brocq’un psödopeladı ve folikülitis dekalvanstır. Bu derlemede primer sikatrisyel alopesilerin sınıflaması ve tanısı ele alınmıştır