32 research outputs found

    Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire-Adolescent Short Form: A Psychometric Investigation in Greek Context

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    This article aims to investigate the reliability and validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue-ASF) score in a sample of 440 Greek adolescents. The instrument’s score demonstrated good internal consistency and was significantly correlated with core self-evaluations as well with somatic complaints, self-report psychopathology, and personal strengths. It also explained a statistically significant increase in the prediction of outcome variables beyond core self-evaluations. It is concluded that the findings of the present study provide evidence that support the interpretation and use of the TEIQue-ASF score to assess the emotional self-perceptions of Greek adolescents

    Оцінка зв'язку між релігійністю, тривогою, депресією та психологічною стійкістю у медсестринського персоналу

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    The nursing profession is considered to be an emotionally demanding profession often lead to various psychological difficulties and extend level stress. Religiosity and religion in general, have been associated with positive outcomes in an individual’s life such as higher self-esteem, better quality of life and psychological wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between nurses’ religiosity, psychological resilience, and psychological wellbeing. In this cross-sectional study, 378 nurses participated. Dada were collected by using Centrality of Religiosity Scale, The Patient Health Questionnaire Two-Item Depression Scale, The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 25. Percentages, means, and standard deviations were calculated. In addition the parametric t-test and ANOVA were used. Also, logistic regression analyses were used to determine which factors affect the depression and anxiety of nurses. Results indicated differences with a probability of less than or equal to 0.05 were accepted as significant. For statistical analysis, we used the statistical program SPSS 25. According to our results although religious practices can be a protective factor for both depression and anxiety, religious beliefs and experiences can increase the levels of depression and anxiety as well.Професія медичної сестри вважається емоційно-вимогливою професією, що часто призводить до різних психологічних труднощів і збільшує рівень стресу. Релігійність і релігія загалом асоціюються з позитивними результатами в житті людини, такими як вища самооцінка, краща якість життя та психологічний добробут. Метою цього дослідження було вивчити зв’язок між релігійністю медсестер, психологічною стійкістю та психологічним благополуччям. У цьому перехресному дослідженні взяли участь 378 медсестер. Дада були зібрані за допомогою шкали центральності релігійності, шкали депресії з двома пунктами опитувальника здоров’я пацієнта, опитувальника генералізованого тривожного розладу, шкали стійкості Коннора-Девідсона 25. Були розраховані відсотки, середні значення та стандартні відхилення. Крім того, використовували параметричний t-критерій та ANOVA. Крім того, логістичний регресійний аналіз використовувався, щоб визначити, які фактори впливають на депресію та тривожність медсестер. Результати, які вказували на відмінності з ймовірністю менше або рівною 0,05, були прийняті як значущі. Для статистичного аналізу ми використовували статистичну програму SPSS 25. Згідно з нашими результатами, хоча релігійні практики можуть бути захисним фактором як депресії, так і тривоги, релігійні переконання та переживання також можуть підвищити рівень депресії та тривоги

    Embedding open and reproducible science into teaching: A bank of lesson plans and resources

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    Recently, there has been a growing emphasis on embedding open and reproducible approaches into research. One essential step in accomplishing this larger goal is to embed such practices into undergraduate and postgraduate research training. However, this often requires substantial time and resources to implement. Also, while many pedagogical resources are regularly developed for this purpose, they are not often openly and actively shared with the wider community. The creation and public sharing of open educational resources is useful for educators who wish to embed open scholarship and reproducibility into their teaching and learning. In this article, we describe and openly share a bank of teaching resources and lesson plans on the broad topics of open scholarship, open science, replication, and reproducibility that can be integrated into taught courses, to support educators and instructors. These resources were created as part of the Society for the Improvement of Psychological Science (SIPS) hackathon at the 2021 Annual Conference, and we detail this collaborative process in the article. By sharing these open pedagogical resources, we aim to reduce the labour required to develop and implement open scholarship content to further the open scholarship and open educational materials movement

    Climate change as a social determinant of the quality of public health

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    In recent years, it has become recognized worldwide that the threats and consequences of climate change for public health and, thus, for the quality of human life, are very serious. The need to protect the planet from climate change is high on the international agenda of social problems. Climate change is currently the most serious environmental hazard, with negative effects on the entire ecosystem. The British Meteorological Office defines climate change as a large-scale, long-term shift in the planet’s weather patterns and average temperatures. Climate change can impact the essentials for human survival and health, such as air quality, water quality, and housing, and is often responsible for food insecurity and civil war. The incidence of communicable diseases and non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including mental illness, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory disease, cancer and diabetes mellitus, are on the rise. Ángel Guría, the Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) underlined “the need for swift global action on climate change”, adding that “climate change is a public health issue that is disproportionately affecting the most vulnerable, as well as those least responsible for climate change anthropogenic warming”. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), climate change is expected to cause around 250,000 additional deaths annually between 2030 and 2050; 38,000 of these will be due to exposure of the elderly to extremely high temperatures, 48,000 will be caused by diarrhea and 60,000 by malaria, while 95,000 children will die of malnutrition. Unfortunately, the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which came into force on November 4, 2016, has hardly been activated. Conversely, in November 2019, US President Donald Trump announced that the US will denounce and withdraw completely from the Paris Agreement in November 2020. ©Athens Medical Society

    Translation and validation of the spiritual care intervention-provision scale in the greek language

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    Introduction. Spiritual care is defined as activities and interventions that promote spiritual health and the spiritual dimension of quality of life. Empirical data indicate the importance that spiritual care provision has on nursing practice. The spiritual care intervention-provision (SCIP) scale was developed to assess the frequency of spiritual care intervention implemented by nurses. Currently, there are no validated scales for assessing spiritual care in the Greek language. Objective. To adapt and validate the spiritual care intervention-provision scale in the Greek language. Methods. A descriptive cross-sectional study was employed, in which 275 nurses working in two public hospitals participated. The SCIP scale underwent the process of cross-cultural adaptation and was evaluated by assessing its reliability and validity. Results. The process resulted in a valid Greek version of the SCIPS, the internal consistency (Cronbach's α 0.887), reliability testing-retesting (r = 0.997, p0.05), construct, and convergent validities were evaluated. Conclusion. The Greek version of the spiritual care intervention-provision scale is a validated scale that can be used to examine spiritual care provision in Greek health services. © 2020 Evangelos C. Fradelos et al

    Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Adolescent Short Form: A Psychometric Investigation in Greek Context

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    This article aims to investigate the reliability and validity of the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire–Adolescent Short Form (TEIQue-ASF) score in a sample of 440 Greek adolescents. The instrument’s score demonstrated good internal consistency and was significantly correlated with core self-evaluations as well with somatic complaints, self-report psychopathology, and personal strengths. It also explained a statistically significant increase in the prediction of outcome variables beyond core self-evaluations. It is concluded that the findings of the present study provide evidence that support the interpretation and use of the TEIQue-ASF score to assess the emotional self-perceptions of Greek adolescents. © 2017, The Author(s) 2017

    Factors Affecting Greek Nurses’ Caring Behaviors: The Role of Nurses’ Spirituality and the Spiritual Climate of Hospitals

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of nurses’ personality, spirituality, and spiritual care in nurses’ caring behaviors. A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted in two hospitals, located in Athens, Greece. Data were collected by a four-part self-reported questionnaire. The results showed that work experience seems to play an important and positive role on nurses’ caring behaviors, and all personality traits, except neuroticism. Also, spirituality and spiritual climate are significant factors predicting nurses' caring behaviors. Moreover, a hospitals’ spiritual climate can positively influence all domains of nursing care (p < 0.001). Nurses spirituality (faith) and hospital spiritual climate can also positively influence nursing care. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    The relationship between perceptions of racism and self-compassion in Greek university students

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    OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between perceptions of racism, socio-demographic characteristics and levels of self-compassion in Greek university students. METHOD A cross-sectional, online study was conducted with 251 students of two departments of the University of the Peloponnese in Tripolis. The questionnaire included sociodemographic characteristics, the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) and the Perceived Impact of Racism scale. Data analysis was conducted with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (IBM SPSS), version 20.0. RESULTS A total of 251 students completed the questionnaire, with an average age of 23.9±6.6 years, 173 of whom were women (68.9%). On the SCS, the participants scored the highest on the mindfulness subscale (3.11±0.90), followed by the self-criticism (2.88±0.89) and over identification (2.86±0.93) subscales. On the scale Perceived Impact of Racism scale, the highest score was recorded on the subscale of “racism” as a major problem, but with a mean score lower than the median, indicating that the participants did not recognize racism as a major problem. Regarding socio-demographic characteristics, statistically significant correlation was demonstrated between racist perceptions and gender, age, and religious beliefs. CONCLUSIONS These results confirm the findings of the current literature, showing correlation of selfcompassion with non-manifestation of racist perceptions. © Athens Medical Society

    The effect of perceived social support on the quality of life of hemodialysis patients. A preliminary study.

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    Purpose: Recent studies have shown that the role of social support is a predictive factor influencing the course of the disease. The current study is focused on patients’ assessment of quality of life and the relationship of the latter with perceived social support. Materials and methods: A total sample of 40 hemodialysis patients voluntarily participated in this study. Participants were recruited from two clinics in Athens and have been under hemodialysis. The measures used were the Missoula- Vitas Quality of Life Index–15 and the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support. For the data analysis descriptive statistics, parametric Pearson r test and Non-parametric Spearman’s rho test were used. Statistical level was set up at 0.05. Results: The results of the current study provide good quality of life of hemodialysis patients and significant statistical significance between quality of life in several domains. Conclusions: This study concludes that the participants’ assessment of quality of life is poor regarding the well-being dimension. Also, perceived social support is significantly related to quality of lif