13 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry and Wrapped Branes in Microstate Geometries

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    We consider the supergravity back-reaction of M2 branes wrapping around the space-time cycles in 1/8-BPS microstate geometries. We show that such brane wrappings will generically break all the supersymmetries. In particular, all the supersymmetries will be broken if there are such wrapped branes but the net charge of the wrapped branes is zero. We show that if M2 branes wrap a single cycle, or if they wrap a several of co-linear cycles with the same orientation, then the solution will be 1/16-BPS, having two supersymmetries. We comment on how these results relate to using W-branes to understand the microstate structure of 1/8-BPS black holes.Comment: 20 page

    BPS equations and Non-trivial Compactifications

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    We consider the problem of finding exact, eleven-dimensional, BPS supergravity solutions in which the compactification involves a non-trivial Calabi-Yau manifold, Y{\cal Y}, as opposed to simply a T6T^6. Since there are no explicitly-known metrics on non-trivial, compact Calabi-Yau manifolds, we use a non-compact "local model" and take the compactification manifold to be Y=MGHĂ—T2{\cal Y} = {\cal M}_{GH} \times T^2 where MGH{\cal M}_{GH} is a hyper-K\"ahler, Gibbons-Hawking ALE space. We focus on backgrounds with three electric charges in five dimensions and find exact families of solutions to the BPS equations that have the same four supersymmetries as the three-charge black hole. Our exact solution to the BPS system requires that the Calabi-Yau manifold be fibered over the space-time using compensators on Y{\cal Y}. The role of the compensators is to ensure smoothness of the eleven-dimensional metric when the moduli of Y{\cal Y} depend on the space-time. The Maxwell field Ansatz also implicitly involves the compensators through the frames of the fibration. We examine the equations of motion and discuss the brane distributions on generic internal manifolds that do not have enough symmetry to allow smearing.Comment: 32 pages, no figure

    Tidal Stresses and Energy Gaps in Microstate Geometries

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    We compute energy gaps and study infalling massive geodesic probes in the new families of scaling, microstate geometries that have been constructed recently and for which the holographic duals are known. We find that in the deepest geometries, which have the lowest energy gaps, the geodesic deviation shows that the stress reaches the Planck scale long before the probe reaches the cap of the geometry. Such probes must therefore undergo a stringy transition as they fall into microstate geometry. We discuss the scales associated with this transition and comment on the implications for scrambling in microstate geometries.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    BTZ trailing strings

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    We compute holographically the energy loss of a moving quark in various states of the D1-D5 CFT. In the dual bulk geometries, the quark is the end of a trailing string, and the profile of this string determines the drag force exerted by the medium on the quark. We find no drag force when the CFT state has no momentum, and a nontrivial force for any value of the velocity (even at rest) when the string extends in the supersymmetric D1-D5-P black-hole geometry, or a horizonless microstate geometry thereof. As the length of the throat of the microstate geometry increases, the drag force approaches the thermal BTZ expression, confirming the ability of these microstate geometries to capture typical black-hole physics. We also find that when the D1-D5-P black hole is non-extremal, there is a special value of the velocity at which a moving quark feels no force. We compute this velocity holographically and we compare it to the velocity computed in the CFT

    The CFT6 origin of all tree-level 4-point correlators in AdS3 x S3

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    © 2020, The Author(s). We provide strong evidence that all tree-level 4-point holographic correlators in AdS 3× S3 are constrained by a hidden 6D conformal symmetry. This property has been discovered in the AdS 5× S5 context and noticed in the tensor multiplet subsector of the AdS3× S3 theory. Here we extend it to general AdS3× S3 correlators which contain also the chiral primary operators of spin zero and one that sit in the gravity multiplet. The key observation is that the 6D conformal primary field associated with these operators is not a scalar but a self-dual 3-form primary. As an example, we focus on the correlators involving two fields in the tensor multiplets and two in the gravity multiplet and show that all such correlators are encoded in a conformal 6D correlator between two scalars and two self-dual 3-forms, which is determined by three functions of the cross ratios. We fix these three functions by comparing with the results of the simplest correlators derived from an explicit supergravity calculation