35 research outputs found

    Novel Bio-Logging Tool for Studying Fine-Scale Behaviors of Marine Turtles in Response to Sound

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    Increases in the spatial scale and intensity of activities that produce marine anthropogenic sound highlight the importance of understanding the impacts and effects of sound on threatened species such as marine turtles. Marine turtles detect and behaviorally respond to low-frequency sounds, however few studies have directly examined their behavioral responses to specific types or intensities of anthropogenic or natural sounds. Recent advances in the development of bio-logging tools, which combine acoustic and fine-scale movement measurements, have allowed for evaluations of animal responses to sound. Here, we describe these tools and present a case study demonstrating the potential application of a newly developed technology (ROTAG, Loggerhead Instruments, Inc.) to examine behavioral responses of freely swimming marine turtles to sound. The ROTAG incorporates a three-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer to record the turtle\u27s pitch, roll, and heading; a pressure sensor to record turtle depth; a hydrophone to record the turtle\u27s received underwater acoustic sound field; a temperature gauge; and two VHF radio telemetry transmitters and antennas for tag and turtle tracking. Tags can be programmed to automatically release via a timed corrodible link several hours or days after deployment. We describe an example of the data collected with these tags and present a case study of a successful ROTAG deployment on a juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the ParanaguĂĄ Estuary Complex, Brazil. The tag was deployed for 221 min, during which several vessels passed closely (\u3c2 km) by the turtle. The concurrent movement and acoustic data collected by the ROTAG were examined during these times to determine if the turtle responded to these anthropogenic sound sources. While fine-scale behavioral responses were not apparent (second-by-second), the turtle did appear to perform dives during which it remained still on or near the sea floor during several of the vessel passes. This case study provides proof of concept that ROTAGs can successfully be applied to free-ranging marine turtles to examine their behavioral response to sound. Finally, we discuss the broad applications that these tools have to study the fine-scale behaviors of marine turtles and highlight their use to aid in marine turtle conservation and management

    A deep learning approach to photo–identification demonstrates high performance on two dozen cetacean species

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    We thank the countless individuals who collected and/or processed the nearly 85,000 images used in this study and those who assisted, particularly those who sorted these images from the millions that did not end up in the catalogues. Additionally, we thank the other Kaggle competitors who helped develop the ideas, models and data used here, particularly those who released their datasets to the public. The graduate assistantship for Philip T. Patton was funded by the NOAA Fisheries QUEST Fellowship. This paper represents HIMB and SOEST contribution numbers 1932 and 11679, respectively. The technical support and advanced computing resources from University of Hawaii Information Technology Services—Cyberinfrastructure, funded in part by the National Science Foundation CC* awards # 2201428 and # 2232862 are gratefully acknowledged. Every photo–identification image was collected under permits according to relevant national guidelines, regulation and legislation.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Using multi-sensor suction cup tags to quantify the kinematics of lunge feeding in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the water around the West Antarctic Peninsula.

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    Humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) feed through extraordinarily energetic lunges during which they engulf large volumes of water equal to nearly 70% of their body mass. To understand the kinematics of lunge feeding, we attached high-resolution digital recording tags incorporating accelerometers, magnetometers, pressure and sound recording (Dtag) to whales feeding on euphausiids in fjords on the West Antarctic Peninsula. Instances of near vertical lunges gave us the unique opportunity to correlate the acoustic flow noise recorded on the tag with the signal from the accelerometer and changes in pressure to obtain a fine scale record of the body accelerations involved in lunging. This can then be applied to determine lunging events regardless of body orientation. We found that lunges contain extreme accelerations reaching 2.5 m·s-2 in certain instances, which are then followed by profound decelerations. However, humpback whales appear to differ from balaenopterid whales in the speed at which they are able to accelerate and the fact that they do not come to a complete halt when finishing a lunge. When animals are intensively feeding the inter-lunge interval is similar for both deep and shallow lunges suggesting a biomechanical constraint on lunges. However, the number of lunges per dive varies from one for shallow feeding (\u3c25m) to a median of six for deeper dives that reach depths of over 350 meters. Different feeding patterns were evident in the kinematic record, for deep and shallow feeding bouts with the much greater mean turn rates occurring in shallow feeding. Our findings reveal how multi-sensor tag technology can be used to better describe the kinematics of baleen whale feeding and greatly augment our ability to understand their foraging ecology. This knowledge is particularly valuable for understanding how baleen whales in the Southern Ocean affect or may be affected by climate-driven changes in their pre

    Synchronous mother and calf foraging behaviour in Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) : insights from multi-sensor suction cup tags

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    Previously, all inferences regarding fine-scale baleen whale mother−calf relationships have come from surface observations, aerial surveys, or underwater video recordings. On May 19, 2010, we attached high-resolution digital acoustic recording tags (Dtags) to an adult female humpback whale Megaptera novaeangliae and her calf in Wilhelmina Bay (Western Antarctic Peninsula) to examine their concurrent diving and foraging behaviour. The Dtags logged ~20 h of concurrent recordings. We used cross-correlation analyses to quantify synchrony between the pair. Dive depth was positively correlated for the duration of the concurrent record and was highest when the calf’s track lagged behind the mother’s by 4.5 s, suggesting that the calf was ‘following’ its mother. Pitch and heading were positively correlated but to a lesser degree. Both animals executed feeding lunges; however, the mother foraged more intensively than the calf (792 and 118 lunges over 246 and 30 feeding dives, respectively). Also, the mother fed consistently once she initiated feeding at 16:22:00 h until the tag came off, whereas the calf executed 95.76% of its lunges between 17:00:08 and 19:28:21 h, local time. Correlation coefficients calculated per dive were highest when both animals were feeding and lowest when only the mother was feeding. In addition, 84.26 and 79.63% of the calf’s lunges were performed within ±20 s and ±20 m of its mother’s lunges, respectively. Our work describes the first record of a long-term continuous underwater relationship and foraging behaviour of a humpback mother−calf pair

    Novel Bio-Logging Tool for Studying Fine-Scale Behaviors of Marine Turtles in Response to Sound

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    Increases in the spatial scale and intensity of activities that produce marine anthropogenic sound highlight the importance of understanding the impacts and effects of sound on threatened species such as marine turtles. Marine turtles detect and behaviorally respond to low-frequency sounds, however few studies have directly examined their behavioral responses to specific types or intensities of anthropogenic or natural sounds. Recent advances in the development of bio-logging tools, which combine acoustic and fine-scale movement measurements, have allowed for evaluations of animal responses to sound. Here, we describe these tools and present a case study demonstrating the potential application of a newly developed technology (ROTAG, Loggerhead Instruments, Inc.) to examine behavioral responses of freely swimming marine turtles to sound. The ROTAG incorporates a three-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer to record the turtle's pitch, roll, and heading; a pressure sensor to record turtle depth; a hydrophone to record the turtle's received underwater acoustic sound field; a temperature gauge; and two VHF radio telemetry transmitters and antennas for tag and turtle tracking. Tags can be programmed to automatically release via a timed corrodible link several hours or days after deployment. We describe an example of the data collected with these tags and present a case study of a successful ROTAG deployment on a juvenile green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the ParanaguĂĄ Estuary Complex, Brazil. The tag was deployed for 221 min, during which several vessels passed closely (<2 km) by the turtle. The concurrent movement and acoustic data collected by the ROTAG were examined during these times to determine if the turtle responded to these anthropogenic sound sources. While fine-scale behavioral responses were not apparent (second-by-second), the turtle did appear to perform dives during which it remained still on or near the sea floor during several of the vessel passes. This case study provides proof of concept that ROTAGs can successfully be applied to free-ranging marine turtles to examine their behavioral response to sound. Finally, we discuss the broad applications that these tools have to study the fine-scale behaviors of marine turtles and highlight their use to aid in marine turtle conservation and management

    Deep diving by offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.)

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    We used satellite-linked tags to evaluate dive behavior in offshore bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) near the island of Bermuda. The data provide evidence that bottlenose dolphins commonly perform both long (&amp;gt;272 s) and deep (&amp;gt;199 m) dives, with the deepest and longest dives being to 1,000 m and 826 s (13.8 min), respectively. The data show a relationship between dive duration and dive depth for dives longer than about 272 s. There was a diurnal pattern to dive behavior, with most dives deeper than 50 m being performed at night; deep diving began at sunset and varied throughout the night. We used the cumulative frequency of dive duration to estimate a behavioral aerobic dive limit (bADL) of around 560-666 s (9.3-11.1 min) in adult dolphins in this population. Dives exceeding the bADL spent significantly longer time in the upper-most 50 m following a dive as compared with dives less than the bADL. We conclude that the offshore ecotype off Bermuda, unlike the shallow-diving near-shore bottlenose dolphin, is a deep-diving ecotype, and may provide a useful animal model to study extreme diving behavior and adaptations.Funding Agencies|Office of Naval Research (ONR YIP award) [N00014-14-1-0563]; Dolphin Quest Inc.</p

    Niche Differentiation and Prey Selectivity among Common Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) Sighted in St. George Sound, Gulf of Mexico

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    Two groups of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have been identified within St. George Sound, Florida, USA: high site-fidelity individuals (HSF) which are individuals sighted multiple times in the region (i.e., ≄2 months, ≄2 seasons, and ≄2 years), and low site-fidelity individuals (LSF), which are individuals sighted fewer than 2 months, in 2 different seasons among 2 different years. Our goal was to determine whether differences in foraging behaviors were correlated with differences in sighting frequency and overall usage of St. George Sound by the two groups. We used carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur stable isotopes and niche hypervolume metrics to model the foodweb of St. George Sound. Mixing model results indicated that croaker, mojarra, pigfish, pinfish, and silverperch were the most important prey items for dolphins. The hypervolume metrics demonstrate niche partitioning between HSFs and LSFs, with the HSFs relying more heavily on pinfish, pigfish, and mojarra, while the LSFs relied more on silverperch. Plankton, benthic diatoms, seagrass, and epiphytes all contributed to secondary production within St. George Sound. This diversity of source utilization by seagrass-associated consumers supported by a high rate of total production likely sustains high secondary productivity despite the potential for competition in this system. Zooplankton was the most important basal source to the system, followed by seagrass and benthic primary production (as indicated by a sanddollar proxy). The reliance of dolphins on seagrass-dependent prey indicates that alteration of seagrass habitat would significantly impact the dolphin community foraging in St. George Sound and suggests that preservation of seagrass habitat is an important component of an effective management strategy for dolphin populations in the region

    Biologically Important Areas II for cetaceans within U.S. and adjacent waters - Updates and the application of a new scoring system

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    Building on earlier work identifying Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) for cetaceans in U.S. waters (BIA I), we describe the methodology and structured expert elicitation principles used in the “BIA II” effort to update existing BIAs, identify and delineate new BIAs, and score BIAs for 25 cetacean species, stocks, or populations in seven U.S. regions. BIAs represent areas and times in which cetaceans are known to concentrate for activities related to reproduction, feeding, and migration, as well as known ranges of small and resident populations. In this BIA II effort, regional cetacean experts identified the full extent of any BIAs in or adjacent to U.S. waters, based on scientific research, Indigenous knowledge, local knowledge, and community science. The new BIA scoring and labeling system improves the utility and interpretability of the BIAs by designating an overall Importance Score that considers both (1) the intensity and characteristics underlying an area’s identification as a BIA; and (2) the quantity, quality, and type of information, and associated uncertainties upon which the BIA delineation and scoring depend. Each BIA is also scored for boundary uncertainty and spatiotemporal variability (dynamic, ephemeral, or static). BIAs are region-, species-, and time-specific, and may be hierarchically structured where detailed information is available to support different scores across a BIA. BIAs are compilations of the best available science and have no inherent regulatory authority. BIAs may be used by international, federal, state, local, or Tribal entities and the public to support planning and marine mammal impact assessments, and to inform the development of conservation and mitigation measures, where appropriate under existing authorities. Information provided online for each BIA includes: (1) a BIA map; (2) BIA scores and label; (3) a metadata table detailing the data, assumptions, and logic used to delineate, score, and label the BIA; and (4) a list of references used in the assessment. Regional manuscripts present maps and scores for the BIAs, by region, and narratives summarizing the rationale and information upon which several representative BIAs are based. We conclude with a comparison of BIA II to similar international efforts and recommendations for improving future BIA assessments