15 research outputs found


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    Carbon stock in tree biomass can be quantified directly by cutting and weighing trees. It is assumed that 50% of the dry weight of biomass consists of carbon. This direct measurement is the most accurate method, however for large areas it is considered time consuming and costly. Remote sensing has been proven to be an important tool for mapping and monitoring carbon stock from landscape to global scale in order to support forest management and policy practices. The study aimed to (1) develop regression models for estimating carbon stock of pine forests using field measurement and remotely sensed data; and (2) quantify soil carbon stock under pine forests using field measurement. The study was conducted in Kedung Bulus sub-watershed, Gombong - Central Java. The derived data from Satellite Probatoire d'Observation de la Terre (SPOT) included spectral band 1, 2, 3, and 4, Normalized Differences Vegetation Index (NDVI), and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) images. These data were integrated with field measurement to develop models. Soil samples were collected by augering for every 20 cm until a depth of 100 cm. The potential of remote sensing to estimate carbon stock was shown by the strong correlation between multiple bands of SPOT (band 2 , 3; band 1, 2, 3; band 1, 3, 4; and band 1, 2, 3, 4) and carbon stock with r = 0.76, PCA (PC1, PC2, PC3) and carbon stock with r = 0.73. The role of pine forest to reduce CO2 in the atmosphere was demonstrated by the amount of carbon in the tree and the soil. Carbon stock in the tree biomass varied from 26 to 206 Mg C ha-1 and in the soil under pine forest ranged from 85 to 194 Mg C ha-1

    Specific Peak Discharge of Two Catchments Covered by Teak Forest with Different Area Percentages

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    In watershed area, forest has important roles in relation with peak discharge. This  research was conducted to study the impacts of teak forest on peak discharge. On-screen digitizing of IKONOS imagery was done to classify the land cover of the study area. Kejalen and Gagakan catchments covered by old teak forests by 74% and 53% respectively, were chosen as the study area. These catchments are located in Blora Regency. Automatic streamflow recorder was set at the outlet of each catchment and subsequently, peak discharges were examined from the recorded data. During the observation, there were 36 evidences of specific peak discharge. The results showed that a trend of lower peak discharges occurred in Kejalen catchment which has the higher percentage of teak forest area  in compared to Gagakan catchment with lower percentage of teak forest area, except when extreme rainfalls happened. At rainfall of 163 mm/day, specific peak discharge in Kejalen was higher than in Gagakan catchment. Although there is a relationship between specific peak discharge and the percentage of forest cover area, the increase of specific peak discharge is not only affected by forest cover, but also affected by daily rainfall, antecedent soil moisture, and rainfall intensity. Coefficients of determination between specific peak discharge and daily rainfall are 0.64 and 0.61 for Kejalen and Gagakan catchments, respectively

    Baseflow and lowflow of catchments covered by various old teak forest areas

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    Drought has become a severe disaster faced by several regions in Java, Indonesia due to land cover changes including forest conversion and the increase in air temperature. In this regards, the availability of forests related to lowflow has been a controversial debate. Forest in Java is dominated by teak; however, the hydrological teak forest has not been well known. Therefore, a research has been undertaken to know the baseflow and low-flow of teak catchments covered by various old teak forest areas. The research areas were in Blora District, Central Java, Indonesia. Data of2008-2015 from five catchments with areas of 3.38, 13.47, 20.14, 27.79, 64.80, and 69.20 ha and covered by old teak forests of 82, 82, 74, 70, and 53% of the catchment were analyzed. In this study, baseflow is the delayed flow from bank storage, and low-flow is stream flow in the dry season. The results showed that baseflow is affected by the percentage of old teak plantation areas, rainfall and antecedent soil moisture condition. Areas of the old teak plantation and the baseflow show negative and non-linear correlation. High low-flow occurs in the catchments with the percentage of old teak plantation about 74 to 70%

    Pola Hujan Kabupaten Blora, Propinsi Jawa Tengah (Studi Kasus : Sub DAS Cemoro dan Modang)

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    Sebagai bagian dari siklus hidrologi, curah hujan sangat penting untuk dipelajari karena sifatnya yang sangat variatif baik secara temporal maupun spasial. Pola curah hujan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar identifikasi perubahan iklim. Dalam lingkup pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS), variasi hujan akan mempengaruhi respon hidrologi suatu DAS. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik hujan di Sub DAS Cemoro dan Modang, Kabupaten Blora Propinsi Jawa Tengah. Kedua wilayah tersebut merupakan Sub DAS dengan penutupan hutan jati. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data hujan dari beberapa stasiun pengamatan curah hujan tahun 2001-2017, yang selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dalam kurun waktu 17 tahun pengamatan, diketahui bahwa curah hujan tahunan antara Sub DAS Cemoro dan Modang hampir sama. Curah hujan bulanan menunjukkan peningkatan sejak Bulan September dan mulai menurun pada Bulan April. Bulan kering berlangsung selama 6 bulan, sedangkan bulan basah terjadi selama 4 bulan. Berdasarkan klasifikasi Oldeman, lokasi penelitian berada dalam zona iklim D3. Tren curah hujan tahunan di kedua Sub DAS mengalami penurunan sejak 2001 dan sedikit terjadi kenaikan pada 2013 hingga 2017. Untuk menjaga keseimbangan tata air, keberadaan hutan di lokasi penelitian perlu dipertahankan untuk mendukung kehidupan masyarakat di kawasan hilirnya

    The Effectiveness of Canopi to Reduce Rainfall Acidity in the Industrial Area at Medan

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    The term of acid rain is referred to the mean rainfall with a pH less than 5.65. The element of SOx and NOx are the major sources of acid rain. These two elements are oxidized into S04 and N03 respectively in the air. Sulfate and nitrate are water soluble and the primary sources of hydrogen ions in acid precipitation. Rain passing through a tree canopy may lose or gain mineral elements through some combination of natural process of absorption and leaching. By this process, the canopy may reduce rainfall acidity and negative effects of the acid rain which will enter into the soil. Due to characteristic differences among tree canopies, a study to evaluate effectiveness of the trees in reducing rainfall acidity was done. In this study, rainfall and through fall were collected every single rain and the pH measured by portable pH-meter. Based on data collection during 3 months in Medan Industrial Estate, it found that the mean pH of rainfall was 5, 15. The highest pH of through fall was found from Gnetum gnemon, that was 5.70, following by Mimusops elengi, Filicium decipiens, Adacia mangium and the lowest was Nephelium lappacum. G. gnemon was able to reduce 11% of rainfall acidity, but N. lappacum caused 13 %increasing rainfall acidity. In this study, the main source of rainfall acidity was hydrogen from sulfate acid (54%), following by chloride acid (30%) and nitrate acid (16%)

    The Effectiveness of Canopy Trees to Reduce Rainfall Acidity in the Industrial Area at Medan

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    The term of acid rain is referred to the mean rainfall with a pH less than 5,65. The element of Sox and Nox are the major sources of aid rain. These two elements are oxidized into SO4 and NO3 respectively in the air. Sulfate and Nitrate are water soluble and the primary sources of hydrogen ions in acid precipitation. Rain passing through a tree canopy may lose or gain mineral elements trough some combination of natural process of absorption and leaching. By this process, the canopy may reduce rainfall acidity and negatif effects of the acid rain which will enter into the soil. Due to characteristic differences among tree canopies, a study to evaluate effectiveness of the trees in reducing rainfall acidity was done. In this study, rainfall and troughfall were collected every single rain and the pH measure by portable pH-meter. Based on data collection during 3 months in Medan Industrial Estate, it found that the mean pH of rainfall was 5,15. The highest pH of throughfall was found from Gnetum gnemon, that was 5,70; following by Mimusops elengi, Filicium decipiens, Acacia mangium, and the lowest was Nephelium lappacum. G. Gnemon was able to reduce 11% of rainfall acidity, but N. Lappacum caused 13% increasing rainfall acidity. In this study, the main source of rainfall acidity was hidrogen from sulfate acid (54%), following by chloride acid (30%), and nitrate acid (16%)

    The Effectiveness of Canopy Trees to Reduce Rainfall Acidity in the Industrial Area at Medan

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    The term of acid rain is referred to the mean rainfall with a pH less than 5,65. The element of Sox and Nox are the major sources of aid rain. These two elements are oxidized into SO4 and NO3 respectively in the air. Sulfate and Nitrate are water soluble and the primary sources of hydrogen ions in acid precipitation. Rain passing through a tree canopy may lose or gain mineral elements trough some combination of natural process of absorption and leaching. By this process, the canopy may reduce rainfall acidity and negatif effects of the acid rain which will enter into the soil. Due to characteristic differences among tree canopies, a study to evaluate effectiveness of the trees in reducing rainfall acidity was done. In this study, rainfall and troughfall were collected every single rain and the pH measure by portable pH-meter. Based on data collection during 3 months in Medan Industrial Estate, it found that the mean pH of rainfall was 5,15. The highest pH of throughfall was found from Gnetum gnemon, that was 5,70; following by Mimusops elengi, Filicium decipiens, Acacia mangium, and the lowest was Nephelium lappacum. G. Gnemon was able to reduce 11% of rainfall acidity, but N. Lappacum caused 13% increasing rainfall acidity. In this study, the main source of rainfall acidity was hidrogen from sulfate acid (54%), following by chloride acid (30%), and nitrate acid (16%)

    Spatial Analysis of Land Degradation Susceptibility and Alternative Plants for Its Rehabilitation

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    One of the drawbacks of developing plants for the rehabilitation of degraded land in Indonesia is the relative lack of information about species that are suited to the local conditions. Therefore, spatial information on land degradation and the plants suitable for rehabilitation is crucial. The objectives of this study were to map the susceptibility of land to degradation and to identify some alternative species for its rehabilitation. The research was conducted in Jang Watershed, Bintan Island, Kepulauan Riau Province, Indonesia. A quick assessment of land degradation was carried out to classify the degree of land susceptibility. The land suitability evaluation was conducted manually by matching the existing biophysical condition and plant growth requirements using a geographic information system. This analysis was applied for annual plants, such as Acacia mangium, Durio zibethinus, Artocarpus champeden, Theobroma cacao and Hevea brassiliensis. Furthermore, the maps of land susceptibility to degradation and species suitability were overlaid and the result was used to provide recommendations for rehabilitating the degraded land. This study showed that 22% of the Jang Watershed area can be categorised as highly susceptible to degradation. The suitability analysis illustrated that 59% of the degraded areas were suitable for Acacia mangium. The planting of fast-growing species such as Acacia mangium is expected to improve the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil

    A Review on Sustainability of Watershed Management in Indonesia

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    This paper provides an overview of the implementation and obstacles of watershed management, and the alternative solutions based on a synoptic review of related studies and experiences across Indonesia. The review found that problems in the institutional aspect were hierarchical confusion, discrepancy, and asynchrony among regulations, and weak (participation, synchronization, and coordination) among watershed management stakeholders. The weaknesses in the planning stage are integration among sectors, a lack of community participation, and limited readiness to integrate watershed planning into regional planning. Stakeholders’ involvement is also a critical factor in successful implementation of degraded watershed rehabilitation, including in peatland and mangrove areas. Failure should be minimized by providing adequate information on degraded watershed characteristics, appropriate species choices, and effective mechanical construction for soil and water conservation. Community participation as the main factor in driving watershed management should be achieved by strengthening public awareness of the importance of a sustainable watershed and providing access for the community to be involved in each stage of watershed management. Another problem is data gaps which are essential to address from the planning to evaluation stages. The gaps can be bridged by using remotely sensed data and by applying hydrological-based simulation models. Simplified criteria for watershed assessment may also be required, depending on site-specific issues and the watershed scale

    Forty Years of Soil and Water Conservation Policy, Implementation, Research and Development in Indonesia: A Review

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    Dominated by mountainous topography, high rainfall, and erosion-sensitive soil types, and with the majority of its population living in rural areas as farmers, most of Indonesia’s watersheds are highly vulnerable to erosion. In 1984, the Government of Indonesia established 22 priority watersheds to be handled, which marked the start of formal soil and water conservation activities. Although it has not fully succeeded in improving watershed conditions from all aspects, something which is indicated by fluctuations in the area of degraded land, over the past 40 years the Indonesian government has systematically implemented various soil and water conservation techniques in various areas with the support of policies, laws and regulations, and research and development. These systematic efforts have shown positive results, with a 40% reduction in the area of degraded land over the last 15 years from 2004–2018. This paper reviews policy, implementation, and research and development of soil and water conservation activities in Indonesia over the last 40 years from the 1980s to 2020 and explores the dynamics of the activities