133 research outputs found

    Muudatused ravikindlustuse valdkonnas isikute vabal liikumisel Euroopa Liidu riikides

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    1958. aastal Rooma lepinguga sätestatud Euroopa Majandusühenduse eesmärk oli tagada liikmesriikide majandusedu ühtse turu kaudu. Ühisturu kindlustamiseks kehtestati Euroopa Ühenduse piires neli vabadust: kapitali, kaupade, teenuste ja töötajate liikumise vabadus

    Abuso espectacular y sistemático de derechos humanos en México

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    This paper serves as an introduction to the special issue on Human Rights. It starts with a general introduction to the concept and logic of human rights, as well as a framework for understanding the different types of law and international norms that are often referred to in discussions on Human Rights. The central part of the text discusses systemic or structural human rights abuses, which are often less visible than ‘spectacular’ events. The article goes on to explore why certain rights (for example economic rights) are harder to politicize as explicit human rights issues, giving consideration to both the institutional landscape, the social position of the affected social groups and the rights themselves. It concludes by stressing the importance of framing all human rights abuse as human rights abuse, which requires sustained research attention for systemic problems of vulnerable groups.Este artículo sirve como una introducción a la edición especial en Derechos Humanos. Empieza con una introducción general al concepto y lógica de los derechos humanos, así como también un marco referencial para entender los diferentes tipos de leyes y normas internacionales a los que se refieren usualmente en Derechos Humanos. La parte central del texto discute los abusos sistémicos y estructurales a los derechos humanos, los cuales son menos visibles que los eventos "espectaculares". El artículo continúa explorando por qué ciertos derechos (por ejemplo los económicos) son más difíciles de politizar como problemas explícitos de los derechos humanos, considerando tanto el escenario institucional, la posición social de los grupos afectados, y los derechos como tal. Concluye enfatizando la importancia del encuadre de todos los abusos de derechos humanos como abusos, lo cual requiere de atención por parte de los investigadores para los problemas sistemáticos de los grupos vulnerables

    DiffXPBD : Differentiable Position-Based Simulation of Compliant Constraint Dynamics

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    We present DiffXPBD, a novel and efficient analytical formulation for the differentiable position-based simulation of compliant constrained dynamics (XPBD). Our proposed method allows computation of gradients of numerous parameters with respect to a goal function simultaneously leveraging a performant simulation model. The method is efficient, thus enabling differentiable simulations of high resolution geometries and degrees of freedom (DoFs). Collisions are naturally included in the framework. Our differentiable model allows a user to easily add additional optimization variables. Every control variable gradient requires the computation of only a few partial derivatives which can be computed using automatic differentiation code. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method with examples such as elastic material parameter estimation, initial value optimization, optimizing for underlying body shape and pose by only observing the clothing, and optimizing a time-varying external force sequence to match sparse keyframe shapes at specific times. Our approach demonstrates excellent efficiency and we demonstrate this on high resolution meshes with optimizations involving over 26 million degrees of freedom. Making an existing solver differentiable requires only a few modifications and the model is compatible with both modern CPU and GPU multi-core hardware

    Every Increased Possession Loads Us with New Weariness

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    Every Increased Possession Loads Us with New Weariness (2017), Steel, concrete, glass, aluminium, copper, cast iron, Caithness stone, 184 x 135 x 87 cm Every Increased Possession Loads Us with New Weariness (2017) is a public sculpture for Ruskin Square in Croydon commissioned by muf architecture/art and Stanhope Schroders. Ruskin Square is a large scale development near East-Croydon station. The artefact aims to reverse the supply chains that led to the development of the site; 'unmaking' the building and remaking constituent materials into an artificial mineral of steel, concrete, glass, aluminium, copper, cast iron and Caithness stone. The research develops ‘situated practice’ as a method, with the translation of data generated through fieldwork into a well resolved design outcome. It also entails appropriate translation of a theoretical interest in the politics of development and supply chains into a public sculpture. Additionally the project effectively manages a mix of stakeholders including practice researchers, the estate developer, a commissioning body and a variety of manufacturers and suppliers. The design and its underlying methods have been presented internationally through invited lectures, with hosts that include MoMA R&D Salon (New York, 2020) Artists’ Talks Series, The Architectural Association (London, 2019), Zurich University of the Arts (Zurich 2019), and the Institute of Contemporary Art (London, 2017) The sculpture makes an intrinsic contribution to the broader development of Ruskin Square, which has been awarded a range of international accolades, including a prize at the 11th International Landscape Biennial 2020. The project is documented at https://everyincreasedpossession.com and published through Goldsmiths Research Online (GRO) at http://research.gold.ac.uk/19984/

    Barreras de acceso a atención médica para Migrantes Centroamericanos durante su tránsito por México

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    This paper draws attention to a little discussed aspect of access to healthcare for the hundreds of thousands of migrants that transit through Mexico to reach the United States, which in theory under the old system was covered via Seguro Popular. To inform future debates on the right to health of migrants, this paper analyses semi structured interviews of thirty-one transit migrants in Monterrey to understand the different barriers to healthcare that migrants faced under the former system. The results cover access to information, economic access, physical access, and discrimination. The paper concludes that these barriers are significant, with access to information standing out as the largest challenge. Our policy recommendations mainly center around improving the (information) outreach to migrants.Este documento dirige la atención a un aspecto poco discutido del acceso a la atención médica para los cientos de miles de migrantes que transitan por México para llegar a los Estados Unidos, que en teoría bajo el antiguo sistema estaba cubierto a través del Seguro Popular. Para informar debates futuros sobre el derecho a la salud de los migrantes, este documento analiza entrevistas semiestructuradas de 31 migrantes en tránsito en Monterrey para comprender las diferentes barreras a la atención médica que enfrentaron los migrantes bajo el sistema anterior. Los resultados abarcan el acceso a la información, el acceso económico, el acceso físico y la discriminación. El documento concluye que estas barreras son importantes, destacando el acceso a la información como el mayor desafío. Nuestras recomendaciones de política se centran en mejorar el alcance (de información) a los migrantes

    Tegevuskonspektid akvarellmaalitehnika läbiviimiseks 3-4aastaste lastega

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    Maps as objects : exploring an object-oriented approach to cartography through maps in the smart city

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    This thesis starts from the premise of the changing nature of maps in the context of digital technologies and big data on the one hand, and a burst in theorising them, on the other. One context in which these developments in mapping technologies is particularly prominent is that of the smart city. This provides an interesting context in which to study developments in map use and production and the way in which new theories may be helpful in understanding this changing nature of maps. The thesis therefore explores two case studies of mapping projects in the smart city – MotionMap in Milton Keynes and Whereabouts London – to ask: can object-oriented ontology be used to inform cartographic theory and research? It considers the philosophical debates on object-oriented ontology (OOO) to examine how a different theoretical framework can yield new perspectives on the role of maps in the representation and production of space. It reviews key cartographical traditions such as the communication approach, critical and post-representational cartography, and discusses how OOO challenges their assumptions. Based on this, it develops a number of different lines of enquiry for an object-oriented approach to cartography. In particular, these lines of enquire revolve around relationship between emergence and change: the interior withdrawal of objects on the one hand and their outward ability to relate and affect on the other. Bringing together these concerns about OOO, cartography and the smart city, the aims to contribute to a number of research areas. Firstly, it explores the relevance of object-oriented thinking to the cartographic theory and research. Secondly, it is an examination of the methodological and theoretical relevance of the philosophical principles of OOO to empirical research. Finally, it contributes to the literature on case studies of the smart city

    Exploring the feasibility of Unemployment Insurance in Nuevo León

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    This paper explores the feasibility of unemployment insurance in Nuevo León, Mexico. It starts by exploring the policy context, in which we pay special attention to societal challenges such as robotization that can revitalize the debate on a social policy that was historically absent from the Mexican welfare state. The paper proposes a model of unemployment insurance adapted to this context, drawing on insights from a literature study, a public opinion survey and a cost calculation. The innovative feature of this model is adaptability, where key variables change along with the situation on the labor market.Este artículo explora la factibilidad del seguro de desempleo en Nuevo León, México. Comienza explorando el contexto político, en el que prestamos especial atención a desafíos sociales como la robotización que puede revitalizar el debate sobre una política social históricamente ausente del estado de bienestar mexicano. El documento propone un modelo de seguro de desempleo adaptado a este contexto, basándose en conocimientos de un estudio de literatura, una encuesta de opinión pública y un cálculo de costos. La característica innovadora de este modelo es la adaptabilidad, donde las variables clave cambian junto con la situación en el mercado laboral

    Estimating Cloth Elasticity Parameters From Homogenized Yarn-Level Models

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    Virtual garment simulation has become increasingly important with applications in garment design and virtual try-on. However, reproducing garments faithfully remains a cumbersome process. We propose an end-to-end method for estimating parameters of shell material models corresponding to real fabrics with minimal priors. Our method determines yarn model properties from information directly obtained from real fabrics, unlike methods that require expensive specialized capture systems. We use an extended homogenization method to match yarn-level and shell-level hyperelastic energies with respect to a range of surface deformations represented by the first and second fundamental forms, including bending along the diagonal to warp and weft directions. We optimize the parameters of a shell deformation model involving uncoupled bending and membrane energies. This allows the simulated model to exhibit nonlinearity and anisotropy seen in real cloth. Finally, we validate our results with quantitative and visual comparisons against real world fabrics through stretch tests and drape experiments. Our homogenized shell models not only capture the characteristics of underlying yarn patterns, but also exhibit distinct behaviors for different yarn materials