13 research outputs found

    Somatotopic map and inter- and intra-digit distance in Brodmann area 2 by pressure stimulation

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    The somatotopic representation of the tactile stimulation on the finger in the brain is an essential part of understanding the human somatosensory system as well as rehabilitation and other clinical therapies. Many studies have used vibrotactile stimulations and reported finger somatotopic representations in the Brodmann area 3 (BA 3). On the contrary, few studies investigated finger somatotopic representation using pressure stimulations. Therefore, the present study aimed to find a comprehensive somatotopic representation (somatotopic map and inter- and intra-digit distance) within BA 2 of humans that could describe tactile stimulations on different joints across the fingers by applying pressure stimulation to three joints-the first (p1), second (p2), and third (p3) joints-of four fingers (index, middle, ring, and little finger). Significant differences were observed in the inter-digit distance between the first joints (p1) of the index and little fingers, and between the third joints (p3) of the index and little fingers. In addition, a significant difference was observed in the intra-digit distance between p1 and p3 of the little finger. This study suggests that a somatotopic map and inter- and intra-digit distance could be found in BA 2 in response to pressure stimulation on finger joints.ope

    The protective role of melatonin in experimental hypoxic brain damage

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    Background: It is known that oxygen-derived free radicals play an important role in the pathogenesis of brain injury. Melatonin is a powerful scavenger of the oxygen free radicals. In this study, the protective effect of melatonin against the damage inflicted by reactive oxygen species during brain hypoxia was investigated in newborn rats using biochemical parameters

    The etiology and clinical features of non-CAH gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty: A multicenter study

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    PubMed ID: 26964727Aim: The causes of gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty are diverse, and often have overlapping clinical and biochemical features. With the exception of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), disorders that cause gonadotropin-independent precocious puberty (GIPP) are uncommon. The literature is devoid of any large-scale studies on the etiologic distribution of GIPP. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of each etiology in a cohort of patients with GIPP (excluding those with CAH), and to evaluate the clinical and laboratory features of these patients. Materials and Methods: This multicenter, nationwide web-based study collected data on patients who presented with non-CAH GIPP in Turkey. Results: Data were collected for 129 patients (102 girls and 27 boys) from 29 centers. Based on the data collected, the estimated prevalence of non-CAH GIPP in the studied population was 14 in 1 000 000 children. Functional ovarian cyst was the most common etiology, accounting for 37% of all cases, followed by McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) (26%). Among the patients with MAS, 11.7% had fibrous dysplasia, 32.3% had café-au-lait spots, and 52.9% had both. Human chorionic gonadotrophin-secreting tumors included choriocarcinoma of the liver, hepatoblastoma, and germ cell tumors of the sellar-suprasellar region and mediastinum. Patients with adrenocortical tumors presented at an earlier age than those with other etiologies. Ovarian tumors included mature cystic teratoma, dysgerminoma, juvenile granulosa tumor, and steroid cell tumor. Despite overlapping features, it was possible to identify some unique clinical and laboratory features associated with each etiology. Conclusion: This largest cohort of patients with non-CAH GIPP to date yielded an estimation of the frequency of non-CAH GIPP in the general pediatric population and showed that girls were affected at a rate 4-fold greater than that of boys owing to functional ovarian cysts and MAS, which were the two most common etiologies. The data collected also provided some unique characteristics associated with each etiology. Copyright © 2016 by the Endocrine Society