15 research outputs found


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    The relative power of personal factors such as innovativeness, perceived usefulness, ease of use, and attitude in predicting intention to use IT was tested with 35 students through a field experiment. A common employment website in Indonesia called jobstreet. com is used as a treatment channeling instrument as well as relevant audio and visual media. Simple and multiple regression were used to test the hypotheses. Our findings show that the personal factors such as personal innovation could predict perceived ease of use better than perceived usefulness. The other personal factors such as individual perception (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) could predict attitude for the next to effect intention to use I

    Perempuan dan Pembangunan Sektor Pertanian

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    The importance of prividing capacity women farmer in the agricultural sector bring a great impact on the development of the Indonesia’s agricultural sector. This articles written to give a description of how the role of women in the development of the agricultural sector. A qualitative approach trough a method of participation action reseacrh used to obtain the image and problem solving faced. It will provide understanding in more well of potential for development agriculture in various line including potential for development entrepreneurship based agriculture by women. This research result indicates that the woman’s role in efforts to improve the development of the agricultural sector through the development of entrepreneurial-based agriculture is very high. The importance of increasing the capacity of peasant women in the agricultural sector to be very needed in order to the development of agriculture especially for smal-medium scale of farming

    Analisis Pengaruh Self-efficacy, Kapabilitas, dan Perilaku Kerja Inovatif terhadap Kinerja

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    The relative power of personal factors such as self-efficacy, capability, and innovative work behaviour in predicting performance was tested with 40 teachers through a survey. The variables’ measurements are adapted from Avallone et al., (2007), Menon and Kohli (1999), Jong and Hartog (2008), and Campbell (1990). Path analysis were used to test the hypotheses. Our findings showed that all of hypotheses were accepted. The hypotheses stated that innovative work behaviour as a mediator variable were accepted in this study

    Dampak Dilakukannya Pengurangan Tenaga Kerja: Pengaruh Job Insecurity terhadap Kepuasan Kerja dengan Aspek Demografis sebagai Variabel Moderator

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    The objective of this study was to describe the effect of job insecurity on job satisfaction and demographic aspects as moderator variables. Demographics such as gender and age of past research showed that women have a higher job insecurity than men and also with age, the less employees feel a threat to their jobs. Quantitative methods through a survey used in this study. The results showed that job insecurity influence on job satisfaction, gender and age moderated the effect of job insecurity on job satisfaction

    Sharing of Knowledge: Hambatan Keterlibatan Mahasiswa dalam Diskusi

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    Knowledge sharing is an important process in the development of knowledge, especialy for higher education such as universities. Knowledge sharing process can happen to students in the form of discussion. However, in the process there are several factors that hamper the process of discussion among students. This study aims to find and identify the barriers that exist in the process of discussion. Sources of data are primary obtained initially through observation then through interviews on 17 students of management program. The results of this study indicate the existence of some barriers that inhibit the process of discussion in the classroom. The barriers found in this study are identified as barriers of individual and organizational factors

    How to Find the Right Partner? Open Innovation Partner Selection Process

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    The aim of this paper is to gain an understanding of the partner selection process for open innovation. The inability to choose partners can lead to problems such as opportunistic behavior, the failure of open innovation, and a reluctance to collaborate. Therefore, partner selection is crucial in open innovation. Attention is directed to the determining factors that must be considered in the selection of a partner. The contents of the paper are mainly based on in-depth interviews with experts and practitioners who represent both organizations and individuals as actors in open innovation activities. The results show that complementarity, compatibility, and trust are important considerations in selecting the right partner. The implication of this research is that a managerial approach is needed that supports the company’s ability to find and evaluate external sources of knowledge to support innovation. The originality of this article is to provide an understanding that the existence of an organization in a network helps organizations access external knowledge resources. Involving external parties in the company’s innovation process accelerates innovation. In this case, getting the right partner is very important

    Peran MSDM dalam Inovasi Terbuka: Bagaimana cara kerjanya?

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    Open innovation (selanjutnya disingkat OI) adalah bentuk pemanfaatan sumberdaya pengetahuan dan keahlian yang berasal dari eksternal organisasi. Hal tersebut dilatarbelakangi karena keterbatasan sumberdaya internal organisasi terutama dalam hal pengetahuan dan keahlian yang tersedia untuk digunakan dalam berinovasi. Oleh karena itu, minat dan perhatian terhadap implementasi OI makin meningkat. Meski disadari pendekatan OI memiliki potensi untuk mendistorsi MSDM sampai batas tertentu, karenanya perhatian saat ini mulai diarahkan pada bagaimana mengintegrasikan MSDM dan OI untuk membangun kemampuan inovasi internal yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini mengambil konteks collaborative innovation (selanjutnya disingkat CI) sebagai bentuk spesifik dari OI untuk dikaji dan mengisi kesenjangan pengetahuan yang ada. Lebih lanjut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan tipologi peran MSDM dalam berbagai fase OI, yaitu Pre-Collaboration Phase, On-going Collaboration Interaction Phase, dan Post-Collaboration Phase. Berdasarakan kajian literatur dan penelitian empiris, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan tentang peran MSDM dalam OI. Buku ini merangkum hasil penelitian disertasi baik dari kajian tinjauan literatur tentang OI dan MSDM maupun hasil penelitian empiris. Berdasarkan analisis dari hasil penelitian, dalam buku ini menyajikan tipologi peran MSDM dengan mengidentifkasi “dimana”,“apa”, dan “bagaimana” dalam OI. Buku ini tidak hanya memperkaya wawasan mengenai kajian MSDM dalam konteks yang berbeda tetapi juga memperkaya kajian OI karena memperhatikan aspek microfoundation untuk memahami implementasi OI.Open innovation (hereinafter abbreviated as OI) is a form of utilizing knowledge and expertise resources obtained from external organizations. This is motivated by the organization's limited internal knowledge and expertise resources for use in innovation. Therefore, there is increasing interest and attention towards the implementation of OI. While it cannot be denied that the OI approach has the potential to distort the HRM function to some extent, attention is now being directed towards how to integrate HRM and OI to strengthen internal innovation capabilities. Collaborative innovation (hereinafter abbreviated as CI) is taken as a specific context of OI to be studied so that it can fill existing knowledge gaps. Furthermore, this research aims to develop a typology of HR roles in various phases, namely the pre-collaboration phase, the on-going collaboration interaction phase, and the post-collaboration phase. Based on a literature review and empirical research, this research identifies and classifies the role of human resources in organizations. This dissertation article provides a literature review regarding OI and HRM along with the design and results of empirical research. Based on analysis of research results, this dissertation presents a typology of HR roles based on the process of identifying "where", "what", and "how" in OI. This dissertation not only enriches insight into HR studies in various contexts, but also enriches OI studies because it pays attention to microfoundation aspects to understand its implementation


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    The relative power of personal factors such as innovativeness, perceived usefulness, ease of use, and attitude in predicting intention to use IT was tested with 35 students through a field experiment. A common employment website in Indonesia called jobstreet. com is used as a treatment channeling instrument as well as relevant audio and visual media. Simple and multiple regression were used to test the hypotheses. Our findings show that the personal factors such as personal innovation could predict perceived ease of use better than perceived usefulness. The other personal factors such as individual perception (perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness) could predict attitude for the next to effect intention to use I