1,973 research outputs found

    Perfect bell nozzle parametric and optimization curves

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    Nozzle contour data for untruncated Bell nozzles with expansion area ratios to 6100 and a specific heat ratio of 1.2 are provided. Curves for optimization of nozzles for maximum thrust coefficient within a given length, surface area, or area ratio are included. The nozzles are two dimensional axisymmetric and calculations were performed using the method of characteristics. Drag due to wall friction was included in the final thrust coefficient

    Rapid method for determination of antimicrobial susceptibilities pattern of urinary bacteria

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    Method determines bacterial sensitivity to antimicrobial agents by measuring level of adenosine triphosphate remaining in the bacteria. Light emitted during reaction of sample with a mixture of luciferase and luciferin is measured

    Application of luciferase assay for ATP to antimicrobial drug susceptibility

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    The susceptibility of bacteria, particularly those derived from body fluids, to antimicrobial agents is determined in terms of an ATP index measured by culturing a bacterium in a growth medium. The amount of ATP is assayed in a sample of the cultured bacterium by measuring the amount of luminescent light emitted when the bacterial ATP is reacted with a luciferase-luciferin mixture. The sample of the cultured bacterium is subjected to an antibiotic agent. The amount of bacterial adenosine triphosphate is assayed after treatment with the antibiotic by measuring the luminescent light resulting from the reaction. The ATP index is determined from the values obtained from the assay procedures

    Discussion of Recent Decisions

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    Discussion of Recent Decisions

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    Zero-field spin splitting in InAs-AlSb quantum wells revisited

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    We present magnetotransport experiments on high-quality InAs-AlSb quantum wells that show a perfectly clean single-period Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation down to very low magnetic fields. In contrast to theoretical expectations based on an asymmetry induced zero-field spin splitting, no beating effect is observed. The carrier density has been changed by the persistent photo conductivity effect as well as via the application of hydrostatic pressure in order to influence the electric field at the interface of the electron gas. Still no indication of spin splitting at zero magnetic field was observed in spite of highly resolved Shubnikov- de Haas oscillations up to filling factors of 200. This surprising and unexpected result is discussed in view of other recently published data.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Ethical issues in the use of in-depth interviews: literature review and discussion

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    This paper reports a literature review on the topic of ethical issues in in-depth interviews. The review returned three types of article: general discussion, issues in particular studies, and studies of interview-based research ethics. Whilst many of the issues discussed in these articles are generic to research ethics, such as confidentiality, they often had particular manifestations in this type of research. For example, privacy was a significant problem as interviews sometimes probe unexpected areas. For similar reasons, it is difficult to give full information of the nature of a particular interview at the outset, hence informed consent is problematic. Where a pair is interviewed (such as carer and cared-for) there are major difficulties in maintaining confidentiality and protecting privacy. The potential for interviews to harm participants emotionally is noted in some papers, although this is often set against potential therapeutic benefit. As well as these generic issues, there are some ethical issues fairly specific to in-depth interviews. The problem of dual role is noted in many papers. It can take many forms: an interviewer might be nurse and researcher, scientist and counsellor, or reporter and evangelist. There are other specific issues such as taking sides in an interview, and protecting vulnerable groups. Little specific study of the ethics of in-depth interviews has taken place. However, that which has shows some important findings. For example, one study shows participants are not averse to discussing painful issues provided they feel the study is worthwhile. Some papers make recommendations for researchers. One such is that they should consider using a model of continuous (or process) consent rather than viewing consent as occurring once, at signature, prior to the interview. However, there is a need for further study of this area, both philosophical and empirical

    Interaction potentials, spectroscopy and transport properties of C+(2PJ) and C+(4PJ) with helium

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    We calculate accurate interatomic potentials for the interaction of a singly-charged carbon cation with a helium atom. We employ the RCCSD(T) method, and basis sets of quadruple-zeta and quintuple-zeta quality; each point is counterpoise corrected and extrapolated to the basis set limit. We consider the two lowest C+(2P) and C+(4P) electronic states of the carbon cation, and calculate the interatomic potentials for the terms that arise from these: 2-PI and 2-SIG+, and 4-PI and 4-SIG- , respectively. We additionally calculate the interatomic potentials for the respective spin-orbit levels, and examine the effect on the spectroscopic parameters. Finally, we employ each set of potentials to calculate transport coefficients, and compare these to available data. Critical comments are made in the cases where there are discrepancies between the calculated values and measured data

    Surface waves in photonic crystal slabs

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    Photonic crystals with a finite size can support surface modes when appropriately terminated. We calculate the dispersion curves of surface modes for different terminations using the plane wave expansion method. These non-radiative surface modes can be excited with the help of attenuated total reflection technique. We did experiments and simulations to trace the surface band curve, both in good agreement with the numerical calculations

    Diversity of thiosulfate-oxidizing bacteria from marine sediments and hydrothermal vents

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Microbiology, 2000. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Microbiology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology 66 (2000): 3125-3133, doi:10.1128/AEM.66.8.3125-3133.2000.Species diversity, phylogenetic affiliations, and environmental occurrence patterns of thiosulfate-oxidizing marine bacteria were investigated by using new isolates from serially diluted continental slope and deep-sea abyssal plain sediments collected off the coast of New England and strains cultured previously from Galapagos hydrothermal vent samples. The most frequently obtained new isolates, mostly from 103- and 104-fold dilutions of the continental slope sediment, oxidized thiosulfate to sulfate and fell into a distinct phylogenetic cluster of marine alpha-Proteobacteria. Phylogenetically and physiologically, these sediment strains resembled the sulfate-producing thiosulfate oxidizers from the Galapagos hydrothermal vents while showing habitat-related differences in growth temperature, rate and extent of thiosulfate utilization, and carbon substrate patterns. The abyssal deep-sea sediments yielded predominantly base-producing thiosulfate-oxidizing isolates related to Antarctic marine Psychroflexus species and other cold-water marine strains of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides phylum, in addition to gamma-proteobacterial isolates of the genera Pseudoalteromonas and Halomonas-Deleya. Bacterial thiosulfate oxidation is found in a wide phylogenetic spectrum of Flavobacteria and Proteobacteria.Andreas Teske was supported by DFG postdoctoral fellowship 262-1/1 and a subsequent WHOI postdoctoral fellowship