627 research outputs found

    Key Factors in Delisting Process in Italy: Empirical Evidence

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    We investigated the characteristics and motives ofItalian voluntary delisting observing a period of eleven years,2001 to 2011. The final sample is made up of 53 industrialcompanies, compared with a control sample of 106 companiesstill listed in the period. Main goal is to assess if any signals canpredict a delisting operation for listed companies in Italy and ifItalian market shows differences with previous investigation inContinental Europe and US.Practical implications of results achieved can help to highlighton Public to Private phenomenon in Italy, still not enoughobserved considering the high number of delisted companies inthe last decade relating to a relative small number of listedcompanie

    Biofilm as an adaptation strategy to extreme conditions

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    Biofilm is the most successful and widely distributed form of life on earth, it is not simply structured collections of cells attached to surfaces but is a dynamic complex biological system able to respond to environmental changes. The biofilm characteristics make it unique and central to microbial evolution and adaptation. The ability to establish biofilms is a key trait for microorganisms growing in extreme environments like extreme temperature, high radiation, acidic or alkaline pH values, heavy metal pollution, and high salinity. In this article, we report the main features of biofilm and how these characteristics make biofilms a successful survival strategy in extreme conditions. All aspects examined in this article help to explain why biofilms are a successful survival strategy in extreme conditions and why the ability to establish biofilms is a key trait for microorganisms growing in extreme environments

    Active human full-length CDKL5 produced in the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125

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    Background: A significant fraction of the human proteome is still inaccessible to in vitro studies since the recombinant production of several proteins failed in conventional cell factories. Eukaryotic protein kinases are difficult-to-express in heterologous hosts due to folding issues both related to their catalytic and regulatory domains. Human CDKL5 belongs to this category. It is a serine/threonine protein kinase whose mutations are involved in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder (CDD), a severe neurodevelopmental pathology still lacking a therapeutic intervention. The lack of successful CDKL5 manufacture hampered the exploitation of the otherwise highly promising enzyme replacement therapy. As almost two-thirds of the enzyme sequence is predicted to be intrinsically disordered, the recombinant product is either subjected to a massive proteolytic attack by host-encoded proteases or tends to form aggregates. Therefore, the use of an unconventional expression system can constitute a valid alternative to solve these issues. Results: Using a multiparametric approach we managed to optimize the transcription of the CDKL5 gene and the synthesis of the recombinant protein in the Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 applying a bicistronic expression strategy, whose generalization for recombinant expression in the cold has been here confirmed with the use of a fluorescent reporter. The recombinant protein largely accumulated as a full-length product in the soluble cell lysate. We also demonstrated for the first time that full-length CDKL5 produced in Antarctic bacteria is catalytically active by using two independent assays, making feasible its recovery in native conditions from bacterial lysates as an active product, a result unmet in other bacteria so far. Finally, the setup of an in cellulo kinase assay allowed us to measure the impact of several CDD missense mutations on the kinase activity, providing new information towards a better understanding of CDD pathophysiology. Conclusions: Collectively, our data indicate that P. haloplanktis TAC125 can be a valuable platform for both the preparation of soluble active human CDKL5 and the study of structural–functional relationships in wild type and mutant CDKL5 forms. Furthermore, this paper further confirms the more general potentialities of exploitation of Antarctic bacteria to produce “intractable” proteins, especially those containing large intrinsically disordered regions

    Atmospheric particulate matter (PM) effect on the growth of Solanum lycopersicum cv. Roma plants

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    This study shows the direct effect of atmospheric particulate matter on plant growth. Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) plants were grown for 18. d directly on PM10 collected on quartz fiber filters. Organic and elemental carbon and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contents were analyzed on all the tested filters. The toxicity indicators (i.e., seed germination, root elongation, shoot and/or fresh root weight, chlorophyll and carotenoids content) were quantified to study the negative and/or positive effects in the plants via root uptake. Substantial differences were found in the growth of the root apparatus with respect to that of the control plants. A 17-58% decrease of primary root elongation, a large amount of secondary roots and a decrease in shoot (32%) and root (53-70%) weights were found. Quantitative analysis of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) indicated that an oxidative burst in response to abiotic stress occurred in roots directly grown on PM10, and this detrimental effect was also confirmed by the findings on the chlorophyll content and chlorophyll-to-carotenoid ratio

    Development of high-copy number plasmids in Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125

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    Abstract: The Antarctic bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 (PhTAC125) is considered an interesting alternative host for the recombinant protein production, that can be explored when the conventional bacterial expression systems fail. Indeed, the manufacture of all the difficult-to-express proteins produced so far in this bacterial platform gave back soluble and active products. Despite these promising results, the low yield of recombinant protein production achieved is hampering the wider and industrial exploitation of this psychrophilic cell factory. All the expression plasmids developed so far in PhTAC125 are based on the origin of replication of the endogenous pMtBL plasmid and are maintained at a very low copy number. In this work, we set up an experimental strategy to select mutated OriR sequences endowed with the ability to establish recombinant plasmids at higher multiplicity per cell. The solution to this major production bottleneck was achieved by the construction of a library of psychrophilic vectors, each containing a randomly mutated version of pMtBL OriR, and its screening by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). The selected clones allowed the identification of mutated OriR sequences effective in enhancing the plasmid copy number of approximately two orders of magnitude, and the production of the recombinant green fluorescent protein was increased up to twenty times approximately. Moreover, the molecular characterization of the different mutant OriR sequences allowed us to suggest some preliminary clues on the pMtBL replication mechanism that deserve to be further investigated in the future. Key points: • Setup of an electroporation procedure for Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125. • Two order of magnitude improvement of OriR-derived psychrophilic expression systems. • Almost twenty times enhancement in Green fluorescent protein production

    Monitoring and modeling the invasion of the fast spreading alien Senecio inaequidens DC. in an alpine region

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    We modeled the distribution of the South African alien Senecio inaequidens DC. in the Aosta Valley, Western Italian Alps, using data extracted from the Regional floristic database and from an intensive field survey carried out in years 2009-2010. The aims of the work were (1) to evaluate whether the species is in the introduction, colonization, or establishment stage of invasion, (2) to detect the environmental factors that drive the invasion process, and (3) to highlight the potential range of distribution of the alien species. The modeling framework was a stepwise generalized linear model (GLM), using gridded presence/absence data and environmental predictors such as topography, climate, land use, and anthropogenic and natural disturbances. GLM were fit both with and without an additional independent variable to take into account current dispersal limitations. S. inaequidens displayed a very fast spread in the Aosta Valley in the years 1990-2010. The species was positively associated with roads and rivers, southern slopes, and negatively with elevation. However, it was found at an elevation of 1600 m, showing the ability to reach higher elevations than those observed for other invasive alien species, and confirming to be pre-adapted to mountain conditions. The difference between the species distribution models, with and without dispersal constraints, suggested that the availability of seed sources still limits the potential distribution of the species, rather than the environmental variables, and that the realized regional niche differs to a great extent from the equilibrium niche. When limitations to the seed source cease (i.e., in the establishment stage), the species will likely invade large areas that are currently characterized by pastures and grasslands with native species of high agricultural importance. The invasion of S. inaequidens should therefore be considered a serious threat, due to its potential to invade mountain regions, and in particular to colonize habitats used for grazing and forage, thus leading to a high risk for cattle and human health. We discuss the relevance of the results both concerning communication with the public and to support local eradication and control activities. The inclusion of S. inaequidens in the "black list" of the regional law for the conservation of alpine flora (L.R. 45/2009) will help to transfer the information and support invasion control, in particular at medium elevations

    Modelling hCDKL5 heterologous expression in bacteria

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    hCDKL5 refers to the human cyclin-dependent kinase like 5 that is primarily expressed in the brain. Mutations in its coding sequence are often causative of hCDKL5 deficiency disorder, a devastating neurodevelopmental disorder currently lacking a cure. The large-scale recombinant production of hCDKL5 is desirable to boost the translation of preclinical therapeutic approaches into the clinic. However, this is hampered by the intrinsically disordered nature of almost two-thirds of the hCDKL5 sequence, making this region more susceptible to proteolytic attack, and the observed toxicity when the enzyme is accumulated in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic host cells. The bacterium Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 (PhTAC125) is the only prokaryotic host in which the full-length production of hCDKL5 has been demonstrated. To date, a system-level understanding of the metabolic burden imposed by hCDKL5 production is missing, although it would be crucial for upscaling of the production process. Here, we combined experimental data on protein production and nutrients assimilation with metabolic modelling to infer the global consequences of hCDKL5 production in PhTAC125 and to identify potential overproduction targets. Our analyses showed a remarkable accuracy of the model in simulating the recombinant strain phenotype and also identified priority targets for optimised protein production
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