10 research outputs found

    Coronary Vasospasm After 5-Fluorouracil Therapy: Case Report

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    Miyokard disfonksiyonu, perikardit, aritmiler ve akut koroner sendromlar 5-Florourasil (5-FU) tedavisinin yan etkileri olarak bildirilmiştir. 43 yaşında erkek hasta 1 saat önce başlayan göğüs ağrısı nedeniyle hastaneye başvurdu. Hastanın kardiyak öyküsü veya herhangi bir kardiyak risk faktörü yoktu. Hasta kolon karsinom tanısıyla 1 gün önce onkoloji bölümünde 5-FU tedavi almış. Anteriyor ve inferiyor derivasyonlarda ST segment yükselmesi mevcuttu. Hasta akut koroner sendrom kabul edilerek medikal tedavi başlandı ve daha sonra acil koroner anjiografi planlandı. Koroner anjiografi normaldi. İntravenöz nitrat tedavi altındayken hastanın göğüs ağrısı geçti ve EKG’deki ST yüksekliği geriledi. Kardiyak enzimler normal sınırlardaydı. Ekokardiyografide segment hareket bozukluğu yoktu. Hasta 5-FU e bağlı vazospastik angina kabul edildi ve ertesi gün taburcu edildi. Sonuç olarak 5-FU tedavi sonrası akut koroner sendrom gelişebilir. Özellikle kardiyak öyküsü olmayan hastalarda, sıklıkla vazospasmla ilişkilidir ve vazodilatör tedaviye iyi cevap vermektedir.Myocardial dysfunction, pericarditis, arrhythmias and acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are reported as advers effect of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). A 43 year-old man admitted to hospital with a chest pain one hour. He had no history of cardiac disease, and also had no any cardiovasculer risk factors. The patient had history of colon carcinoma. One day ago, 5-FU was given as chemotherapy regimen at oncology department. There was ST segment elevation on anterior and inferior derivations. He was initially managed as an acute coronary syndrome and emergency coronary angiography was then performed and it was normal. While introvenous nitroglycerin, the chest pain disappeared and ECG elevation regressed. Cardiac markers were within the normal ranges. There was no any wall motion abnormality on echocardiography. He was accepted vasospastic angina according to 5-FU and discharged after one day. Consequently, after 5-FU therapy, acute coronary syndrome may become. Frequently, it is associated with vasospasm especially patients with no cardiac history, and it response to vasodilator therapy well

    Hipoksik iskemik serebral hasar oluşturulan yenidoğan ratlarda indometazin ve aminoguanidinin nöroprotektif etkileri

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    TEZ4641Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2003.Kaynakça (s. 51-58) var.viii, 58 s. ; 30 cm.

    Respiratuvar distres sendromlu prematüre bebeklerde doğal koagülasyon inhibitörleri

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    TEZ2987Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 1998.Kaynakça (s. 56-60) var.ix, 60 s. ; 30 cm.

    Coronary Vasospasm After 5-Fluorouracil Therapy: Case Report

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    Myocardial dysfunction, pericarditis, arrhythmias and acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are reported as advers effect of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). A 43 year-old man admitted to hospital with a chest pain one hour. He had no history of cardiac disease, and also had no any cardiovasculer risk factors. The patient had history of colon carcinoma. One day ago, 5-FU was given as chemotherapy regimen at oncology department. There was ST segment elevation on anterior and inferior derivations. He was initially managed as an acute coronary syndrome and emergency coronary angiography was then performed and it was normal. While introvenous nitroglycerin, the chest pain disappeared and ECG elevation regressed. Cardiac markers were within the normal ranges. There was no any wall motion abnormality on echocardiography. He was accepted vasospastic angina according to 5-FU and discharged after one day. Consequently, after 5-FU therapy, acute coronary syndrome may become. Frequently, it is associated with vasospasm especially patients with no cardiac history, and it response to vasodilator therapy well

    Knowledge of nurses about human milk, attitudes of mother nurses about breast-feeding

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    AMAÇ: Anne sütü yenidoğan bebekler için en iyi besin kaynağıdır. Annelerin emzirme ve emzirmeye devam etme davranışı üzerinde sağlık personelinin önemli bir etkisi vardır. Bu çalışmada hemşirelerin anne sütü ile ilgili bilgileri ve kendi bebeklerini beslerken izledikleri tutum araştırıldı. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Çalışmaya 106 hemşire katıldı. Anne sütü ile bilginin değerlendirilmesi amacı ile 10 soru içeren bir anket cevaplandırıldı. Ayrıca anne olan 45 hemşire anne sütü ile beslemedeki tutumlarını irdeleyen ikinci bir anket doldurdu. BULGULAR: Hemşirelerin %76.4'ü anne sütü ile ilgili bilgilerinin değerlendirilmesi için sorulan 10 sorunun 7-10'una doğru olarak yanıt verdi. Çocuğu olan 45 hemşirenin hepsi anne sütü ile beslemeye başlamış ve ortalama 6.7 ± 4.8 (1.5-24) ay emzirmişlerdi. Ancak sadece 33'ü (% 73.3) anne sütünü tek başına vermişti. Ortalama 3.5 ± 1.3 (1-6) ayda ek gıdaya başlamışlardı. Ne kadar süre ile emzirmek isterdiniz sorusuna 14.1 ± 6.2 (4-24) ay yanıtı alındı. Emzirmeyi kesmede en önemli neden işe başlama sonucu sütün azalması (%64.4) idi. SONUÇ: Hemşirelerin anne sütü ile ilgili bilgilerinin yeterli olmasına ve anne olan hemşirelerin bebeklerini uzun bir süre emzirmek için istekli olmalarına rağmen çoğunun yeterli süre emziremediği, bunda en önemli faktörün işe erken başlama olduğu görüldü. Hastaneye başvuran anne-bebek ikilisinin anne sütünün yararlarından faydalanabilmesi için tüm sağlık çalışanlarının özellikle hemşirelerin bilgi ve tutumlarının doğru ve yeterli olması gerekir. Bu amaçla hastanelerde hizmet içi eğitim programlarında anne sütü ile ilgili seminerler düzenlenmeli ve anne olan hemşirelerin çalışma koşulları iyileştirilmelidir.PURPOSE: Breast-feeding is the best food for newborns. Health providers have an important impact on initiation and duration of breast-feeding. In the present study we aimed to determine the knowledge level of nurses about human milk and breast-feeding and their attitude about feeding their babies. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 106 nurses were experienced to a questionnaire form including 10 questions about breast-feeding. 45 of them were mother and answered another questionnaire investigating their attitude about feeding their own babies. RESULTS: 76.4% of nurses answered 7 of 10 questions correctly. They all initiated and continued breast-feeding foramean duration of 6.7 ± 4.8 (1.5-24) months. But only 33 (73.3%) breastfed exclusively. The mean duration of weaning was 3.5 ± 1.3 (1-6) months. When asked how long they desired to breastfeed, the answer was 14.1 ± 6.2 (4-24) months. The most important factor for discontinuation of breastfeeding was to return to work early and reduction of milk (64.4%). CONCLUSION: Although the knowledge of nurses is enough about breast-feeding and mother nurses desired to breastfeed their infants for a long time, most of them could'nt succeed. For promoting breast-feeding the knowledge and attitude of staff -especially nurses- about breast-feeding must be correct. For this purpose there must be lectures about breast-feeding in the hospitals regulary and a supportive work environment for nurses

    Ultrasonographic measurement of subarachnoid space in normal term newborns

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    PubMedID: 16406435This study was conducted in order to assess the normal range of subarachnoid space width in healthy term newborns. A total of 230 healthy newborns were evaluated within the first 28 days of life. Measurements were correlated with body weight, height and head circumference. Mean measurements for falx-cortex and craniocortical widths and the correlations are given in tables. Subarachnoid space widths increased as weight, height and head circumference increased and the correlation was statistically significant. © 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Pediatricians' COVID-19 experiences and views on the willingness to receive COVID-19 vaccines: A cross-sectional survey in Turkey

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    Developing an effective and safe vaccine against Covid-19 will facilitate return to normal. Due to hesitation toward the vaccine, it is crucial to explore the acceptability of the COVID-19 vaccine to the public and healthcare workers. In this cross-sectional survey, we invited 2251 pediatricians and 506 (22%) of them responded survey and 424 (84%) gave either nasopharyngeal swap or antibody assay for COVID-19 and 71 (14%) of them got diagnosis of COVID-19. If the effective and safe COVID-19 vaccine was launched on market, 420 (83%) of pediatrician accepted to get vaccine shot, 422 (83%) of them recommended vaccination to their family members, 380 (75%) of them accepted to vaccine their children and 445 (85%) of them offered vaccination to their pediatric patients. Among the participated pediatricians 304 (60%) of them thought COVID-19 vaccine should be mandatory. We found that there are high COVID-19 vaccine willingness rates for pediatricians for themselves, their own children, family members and their pediatric patients. We also found that being a pediatric subspecialist, believing in achieving an effective vaccine, willingness to participate in the phase 1-2 clinical vaccine trial, willingness to get an influenza shot this season, believing a vaccine and vaccine passport should be mandatory were significant factors in accepting the vaccine. It is important to share all information about COVID-19 vaccines, especially effectiveness and safety, with the public in a clear communication and transparency. The opposite will contribute to vaccine hesitancy and anti-vaccine movement

    The Use of Social Network in Daily Pediatric Practice and Education: Turkish Pediatric Atelier

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    Using social media applications in pediatric education is not outdated, and its effectiveness has not been tested yet. For this reason, we shared the first results of the Pediatric Atelier experience that we realized through telegram application. We make an online survey to investigate the needs, requirements, pleasure, and suggestions of members through a web-based questionnaire. This cross-sectional survey study was delivered only to participants who were members of the workshop via their email addresses. Online questionnaires organized using Google Forms were sent to pediatric workshop members between March and June 2019. The questionnaire consisted of questions that measured the participants' basic demographic data, the use of the workshop, and the overall impact of the workshop on their professional behavior. While the institutions and positions of the participants were recorded, no other personal data (such as address and telephone) were collected. Among the 997 members, 417 (42%) of them answered the questionnaire. Respondents included 300 (72%) pediatrician, 21 (5%) pediatric subspeciality fellows, and 75 (18%) pediatric subspecialists. Of the 417 respondents, 217 (52%) were working in Istanbul, and 200 (48%) were working in other cities of Turkey. Among the responders, 233 (56%) were working in private hospitals or doctor offices. A total of 520 cases were consulted in 241 days of study period. Most consultations (n=309, %59) were made from the Istanbul metropolitan area, and 203 (40%) consultations were from other cities of Turkey. The most frequently consulted departments were Pediatric infectious diseases: 166 (32%), Pediatric hematology and oncology: 56 (11%), and Neonatology: 43 (8%). Of the 520 consulted cases, 44 (8%) were related to life-threatening events, and 25 of them were hospitalized in the intensive care units, and 6 of them were required surgical operations. Of the 94% of responders thought this platform was useful and 82% of them stated that the case counseling part of the atelier was the most useful part. We think that the development of technology and artificial intelligence may lead to the usage of on-line platforms or systems in clinical medical practice.Clinical Trial Registration (if any). Registry name, registration number, web link to study on registry, and data sharing statement