4 research outputs found

    A taxonomic study of the genus Fibigia Medik. (Brassicaceae)

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    In this study, Purpureae A.Duran and Ö.Çetin sect. nov. is described under the genus Fibigia Medik. The taxa of the genus were revised under the sections Fibigia and Purpureae. Fibigia clypeata (L.) Medik was classified as F. clypeata (L.) Medik subsp. clypeata and subsp. anatolica A.Duran & Tustas subsp. nov., and Fibigia eriocarpa (DC.) Boiss. was rearranged as F. clypeata (L.) Medik subsp. clypeata var. eriocarpa in Turkish Flora. The infrageneric and subgeneric keys were revised. Seed and pollen surface ornamentations were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The pollens examined have tricolpate aperture type and reticulate surface ornamentation. Seed surface ornamentation was reticulate. The taxa of the genus Fibigia have a diploid chromosome number of 2n=16. Karyotype analyses of the taxa were carried out for the first time. It was found that each taxon differed in chromosome morphology.Key words: Fibigia, morphology, pollen, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), new taxa, Turkey

    Platelet activation and increased tissue factor expression on monocytes in reperfusion injury following orthotopic liver transplantation

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    Platelets have been implicated in the pathogenesis of liver damage after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Early graft dysfunction is frequently caused by reperfusion injury subsequent to cold ischemia (IRI). Therefore, we investigated activation of the pivotal haemostatic cells, platelets and monocytes, from patients with elevated markers of IRI and from patients with uneventful course (control-group), respectively during the first week after OLT. Flow cytometry analysis of citrate anticoagulated blood samples revealed that platelets from IRI patients became significantly activated within 48 h after OLT in vivo, with increased surface presentation of P-selectin, CD40L, thrombospondin-1 and tissue-factor. Platelet activation in IRI patients on post-transplant day 2 was accompanied by significantly enhanced tissue-factor expression on peripheral blood monocytes, significant elevated levels of C-reactive protein and hepatocellular damage. Towards post-transplant day 4, levels of platelet-derived microparticles rose significantly in IRI patients if contrasted to control patients. Thus, activated cellular haemostasis is involved in the early inflammatory response of hepatocellular damage subsequent to reperfusion of the transplanted liver. Targeting distinct activation patterns of platelets and monocytes in an early phase of hepatic grafting may counteract the extent of IRI via inhibition of micro-thrombus formation and inflammation without exacerbating the existing bleeding risk