26 research outputs found

    Laparoscopic Fertility-Sparing Surgery for Early Ovarian Malignancies

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    The demand for fertility-sparing surgery (FSS) has increased in the last decade due to increased maternal age, increased incidence of ovarian malignancies in younger patients, and technical advances in surgery. Data on oncological safety and fertility outcomes of patients with ovarian cancer after laparoscopic FSS are sparse, but some retrospective studies have shown that open FSS may be offered to selected patients. We assessed the role of minimally invasive FSS in comparison with radical surgery (RS) in terms of oncological safety and reproductive outcomes after FSS in this multicenter study. Eighty patients with FIGO stage I/II ovarian cancer treated with laparoscopic FSS or RS between 01/2000 and 10/2018 at the participating centers (comprehensive gynecological cancer centers with minimally invasive surgical expertise) were included in this retrospective analysis of prospectively kept data. Case–control (n = 40 each) matching according to the FIGO stage was performed. Progression-free survival [150 (3–150) and 150 (5–150) months; p = 0.61] and overall survival [36 (3–150) and 50 (1–275) months; p = 0.65] did not differ between the FSS and RS groups. Eight (25.8%) women became pregnant after FSS, resulting in seven (22.5%) deliveries; three (37.5%) patients conceived after in vitro fertilization, and five (62.5%) conceived spontaneously. Laparoscopic FSS seems to be applicable and oncologically safe for patients with early-stage ovarian cancer, with adequate fertility outcomes

    Позиционный электропривод механизма перемещения

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    Объектом исследования является позиционный асинхронный электропривод механизма горизонтального перемещения груза. Цель работы – исследовать основные характеристики асинхронного электропривода с трехконтурной системой управления положением вала двигателя. В процессе исследования проводились выбор асинхронного двигателя для механизма перемещения, расчет параметров двигателя, его статических и динамических характеристик, выбор преобразователя частоты, синтез трехконтурной системы управления следящим электроприводом на базе регулируемого с векторным управлением.The object of the study is a positional asynchronous electric drive mechanism for the horizontal movement of cargo. The purpose of the work is to investigate the basic characteristics of an asynchronous electric drive with a three-circuit control system for positioning the motor shaft. In the process of research, the choice of an asynchronous motor for the displacement mechanism, calculation of the engine parameters, its static and dynamic characteristics, choice of a frequency converter, synthesis of a three-circuit control system for a servomotor drive based on an adjustable vector control were made