107 research outputs found


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    Participation studies are important because they determine the success of the program. When community participation is high, the food granary program will be successful and conversely low participation will make the food granary program fail to run. The research aims to examine the level of participation of the farming community in supporting the Community Food Granary Development Program. This study determines the closeness of the relationship between social and economic factors and community participation. Participation is measured based on the activities of the food barn from four (4) stages, namely; The planning, implementation, evaluation and results utilization stages. Participation is measured using a Likert scale with categories very high, high, medium and low. The closeness of the relationship between socio-economic variables and participation was analyzed using Rank Spearman analysis. The results of the study showed that community participation is classified as moderate with a score of 3982 (61.60%). The closeness of the relationship between socio-economic factors, namely age0.391 (moderate), amount of production of 0.409 (moderate) and type of workof 0.620 (strong)has a significant relationship with participation. While, the formal education factor does not significant relationship to participation with a correlation coefficient of 0.150 (weak)


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    Pelatihan pembuatan Eko-enzim dilatarbelakangi berlimpahnya sampah organik dapur yang dapat didaur ulang menghasilkan Eko-enzim. Eko-enzim merupakan salah satu produk dimana formulasi pembuatan adalah sampah organik dicampur dengan molase dan air. Rasio antar bahan yang dibutuhkan adalah tiga bagian bahan organik, satu bagian molase dan 10 bagian air bersih. Kemudian, bahan tersebut diletakan dalam wadah tertutup dan difermentasi selama 3 bulan untuk memperoleh larutan eko-enzim. Larutan eko-enzim yang telah matang dicampur dengan air dapat bermanfaat untuk membilas perabotan rumahtangga, dapat digunakan sebagai shampo, dijadikan sebagai sabun mandi, dan juga bermanfaat sebagai penyubur tanaman. Multi manfaat eko-enzim dan berlimpahnya sampah yang ada di kota Kupang, yang mana sebagian besar, 70%-80% adalah sampai organik, mendorong kami dari multidisiplin Fakultas Pertanian  melakukan pelatihan pembuatan eko-enzim di Jemaat Kaisarea. Hasil kegiatan memperlihatkan peserta sangat antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan ini, dan lebih dari 70% peserta yang meminta bahan untuk lasngsung dipratikan, dan dibawa pulang untuk dirawat/dijaga hingga proses pemanenan. Antusiasme peserta sangat tinggi mengingat sampah organik dapur dihasilkan setiap hari. Melalui pelatihan pembuatan eko-enzim dan mendorong masyarakat secara kontinu dapat memanfaatkan limbah dapur untuk menghasilkan eko-enzim

    Smyrna\u27s Ashes: Humanitarianism, Genocide and the Birth of the Middle East

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    Today the West tends to understand the Middle East primarily in terms of geopolitics: Islam, oil, and nuclear weapons. But in the nineteenth century it was imagined differently. The interplay of geography and politics found definition in a broader set of concerns that understood the region in terms of the moral, humanitarian, and religious commitments of the British empire. Smyrna’s Ashes reevaluates how this story of the “Eastern Question” shaped the cultural politics of geography, war, and genocide in the mapping of a larger Middle East after World War I


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    Shallots is one of nine basic food of houshold in Inonesia. Base on these fact, the development of shallots (include plantations and marketing) is one of priority on agricultural development policy. The reseach aims is to analysys of marketing functions, marketing channel, margins, profits, farmers share, and efficiency ofunion marketing in Sub-districtof Kuanfatu, South-Central Timor Regency. The data of reseach taken with interviews of  30 shallots farmers and 15 marketing players (snowball sampling). Analys data by margin of marketing analysis, marketing profit, farmer's share, and marketing efficiencyanalysis. The results of reseach shows three marketing channels in the research area i.e. channel one (farmers-retailers-consumers), channel two(farmers- collectors-retailers-consumers) and  channel three(farmers-collectors-wholesalers-retailers- consumers). The marketing channel base of the target of marketing. Geographic position of market determinan of the marketing channel choices. The length of this marketing channel is very dependent on the onion advice market geographically. The farther the target market, the longer the market chain. This condition is also reflected in the margins and famers share of each available channel. As good as the channel short (channel 1) marketing margins are getting smaller, and parmers share getting bigger, and conversely the marketing margins are getting bigger on marketing channels that are getting longer


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk ; 1) Menganalisis biaya, penerimaan dan pendapatan usahatani kangkung darat yang diterima oleh keluarga petani di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang, 2) Menghitung kelayakan finansial usahatani kangkung dengan Retrun Cash Ratio(R/C Ratio ) dan Break Even Point (BEP). Kecamatan Kupang Tengah terpilih sebagai lokasi penelitian menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dan pengambilan datanya menggunakan metode survei. Pengumpulan data di lakukan pada bulan desember 2019 sampai bulan januari 2020 yang mana data yang diambil adalah data primer dan sekunder kemudian dilakukan analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Variabel yang diukur adalah biaya, penerimaan, pendapatan usahatani, keuntungan relative dan tititk impas. Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Rata-rata biaya usahatani  kangkung darat di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang adalah Rp. 1.234.710 /luas garapan/tanam atau Rp. 187.077/are/tanam. Rata-rata penerimaan Rp. 5.130.867 /luas garapan/tanam atau Rp. 777.404/are/tanam, dan rata-rata pendapatan yang di peroleh petani kangkung darat di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang cukup tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan hasil penelitian dari Tani,O., dan Juan Kune, 2016, di Kelurahan Bnesone Kecamatan Kota Kefamenanu yakni sebesar Rp. 3.896.157/luas garapan/tanam atau Rp. 590.326/are/tanam. Rata-rata nilai R/C Rasio usahatani kangkung di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah = 4, dan nilai Break Even Poin (BEP) produksi, dan harga lebih kecil dari total produksi, dan harga. Dengan demikian usahatani sayur kangkung di Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang dapat menguntungkan dan layak untuk di kembangkan. Kata kunci : Kangkung, Biaya, Penerimaan, Pendapatan, R/C Ratio, Break Even Point. ABSTRACT This research aims to; 1) Analysis of the cost, revenue, and income of groundwater spinach farming received by farming families in the Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency. 2) Calculation of the financial feasibility of spinach farming using the Retrun Cash Ratio (R / C Ratio) and Break Even Point (BEP). The Kupang Tengah district was selected as the site of the study using a targeted sampling method and data collection using survey methods. Data collection was conducted from December 2019 to January 2020, with the data collected being primary and secondary data, which was then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive analysis. The measured variables are cost, income, agricultural income, relative profits and breakeven points. The results of the study show that: (1) the average cost of a ground kale farm in the Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency, Rp. 1.234.710 / arable land / planting area or Rp. 187.077 / are / plant. Average reception of Rp. 5,130,867 / arable land / planting area or Rp. 777,404 / are / planting, and the average income that cabbage farmers in the Kupang Tengah Subdistrict Kupang District earn is compared to the research results of Tani, O., and Juan Kune, 2016, in Bnesone Village, Kefamenanu City District, fairly high Rp. 3,896,157 / arable land / planted area or Rp. 590,326 / are / plant. The average R / C ratio of kale growing in the Kupang Tengah District = 4 and the value of the break even points (BEP) of production, and the price is less than the total production and the price. For example, growing kale vegetables in the Kupang Tengah District, Kupang Regency, can be profitable and feasible. Key Words : Cage, cost, receipt, Income, R/C Ratio, Break Even Point


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    The role of women in family life is growing more widely. One of them is their contribution in improving the family's economy in agriculture, both food crops and horticulture. This study aims to determine; 1) Farmer's income on eggplant vegetable farming in East Kupang District. 2) Contribution  of female farm workers in eggplant (Solanum melongena, L) vegetable farming in East Kupang District, and 3) To find out the contribution of female farm workers to eggplant vegetable farming income in East Kupang District. This research uses survey method. The research population is female workers who cultivate eggplant totaling 97 people. The sample size of female workers is 64 people spread over two sample villages, namely 39 people in Oesao Village and 25 people in Pukdale Village. Respondents were randomly assigned by means of a lottery. The data collected was tabulated, and analyzed using simple statistics and then narrated descriptively.The results showed that; 1) The average income received by farmers from eggplant farming in East Kupang District is Rp. 125,355,-/are. 2) The amount of female labor in carrying out eggplant vegetable farming activities in East Kupang District is 119.64 HKO/are, and 3) The contribution of female workers to eggplant vegetable farming income in East Kupang District based on land area is 38.02%  (Rp. 47,662,-/are). This means that the outpouring of female labor in East Kupang District is low or small in terms of eggplant vegetable farming income

    Evaluasi Perencanaan Tebal Alpis Kekerasan Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Sidourip-Limbong Kabupaten Deli Serdang

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    Jalan raya adalah suatu lintasan yang bertujuan untuk melewatkan lalu lintas darat dari suatu tempat ke tempat yang lainnya. Mengingat pentingnya peranan jalan, maka pemerintah melaksanakan berbagai upaya. Upaya tersebut adalah pembangunan jalan baru, perbaikan, peningkatan, dan pemeliharaan jalan lama

    Lymphocyte-monocyte ratio as predictive factors for huvos scores in osteosarcoma extremities treated by neoadjuvan chemotherapy (cisplatin and doxorubicin)

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    Background: Chemotherapy is a vital treatment in osteosarcoma but it’s responses are difficult to predict, and there are still no biomarkers that can estimate the prognosis of chemotherapy. Lymphocytes and monocytes are key immune cells which are examined on complete blood count test before chemotherapy and often associated with prognosis of various malignancies. Low lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR) are associated with poor prognostics in some cancers.Methods: This study is cross-sectional retrospective analytics that was conducted at Sanglah Hospital from June to August 2018. The research subject was medical records of intramedullary conventional osteosarcoma patients which fulfil inclusion and exclusion criteria. In this study, LMR as independent variable and Huvos score as dependent variable.Results: The result in this study showed positive correlation between LMR before neoadjuvan Chemotherapy and Huvos score (r=0.500) with p<0.05.Conclusions: A positive correlation was found between LMR and Huvos scores. Low LMR before neoadjuvan chemotheraphy (<2.81) were correlated with low huvos scores (grade I and II)


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    This research has been conducted in Home Industry “Ixxes” in Kolhua Village, Maulafa Subdistrict, Kupang City from March to April 2020. The objectives of this study are (1) To find out how the Home Industry “Ixxes” in controlling the supply of cassava raw materials, (2) To find out the optimal quantity every time you order cassava raw materials. The research location was determined deliberately on the consideration that Home Industry "Ixxes" has been operating since 2003 until now. The research method used is the case study method. The data collected in the form of primary data and secondary data. The data analyzed is data for 2020. The results of research on the “Ixxes” Home Industry are (1) How to control inventory of cassava raw materials carried out by the Home Industry uses a simple method, namely by estimating the amount of cassava raw material needed in every purchase. Where, the purchase of cassava raw materials is based on previous purchases and is usually done when the raw material supply of cassava has been used up. (2) The optimal quantity for each purchase of cassava raw material is 1,315 kg

    Desain CNG Carrier dari Gresik ke Lombok untuk Mendukung Program Pembangkit Listrik 35000 MW

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    PLTGU Lombok Peaker merupakan pembangkit listrik tenaga gas dan uap yang menggunakan Compresed Natural Gas (CNG) sebagai bahan bakar. Di daerah Lombok tidak ada pasokan CNG untuk mendukung kebutuhan PLTGU tersebut, namun dengan adanya pembangunan CNG Plant di Gresik akan membantu dalam pasokan gas ke Lombok. Tugas Akhir ini bermaksud memberikan solusi untuk menciptakan sarana distribusi gas alam seperti CNG sebagai bahan bakar pembangkit listrik khususnya di Lombok. Payload dari CNG carrier ini merupakan kebutuhan CNG yang digunakan sebagai bahan bakar PLTGU Lombok Peaker beserta tabung dan kontainernya. Ukuran utama kapal ditentukan berdasarkan penempatan tabung dan kontainer pada kapal. Setelah itu dilakukan perhitungan teknis berupa perhitungan berat, freeboard, trim dan stabilitas. Ukuran utama yang didapatkan adalah Lpp = 81.8 m; B = 14.7 m; H = 8m; T = 5m. Tinggi freeboard minimum sebesar 1074 mm, besarnya tonase kotor kapal adalah 2250 GT, dan kondisi stabilitas CNG carrier memenuhi kriteria Intact Stability (IS) Code Reg. III/3.1. Biaya pembangunan sebesar Rp51,298,798,739 dan biaya operasional sebesar Rp 26,888,561,985. ================================================================= PLTGU Lombok Peaker is a gas and steam power plant that uses Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) as fuel. In Lombok there is no supply of CNG to support needs of the PLTGU, but with the construction of CNG Plant in Gresik the supply of gas to Lombok will be fulfilled. This Final Project intends to provide solutions to create natural gas distribution facilities such as CNG as fuel for power plant especially in Lombok. Payload of CNG carrier is a requirement of CNG which is used as fuel of PLTGU Lombok Peaker along with tube and container. The main ship size is determined based on the placement of tubes and containers on the ship. After that is done technical calculation in the form of weight, freeboard, trim and stability. The main size obtained is Lpp = 81.8 m; B = 14.7 m; H = 8m; T = 5m. The minimum freeboard height is 1074 mm, the gross tonnage is 2250 GT, and the CNG carrier stability condition has passed the criteria of Intact Stability (IS) Code Reg. III / 3.1. The building cost is Rp51,298,798,739 and operational cost is Rp 26,888,561,985
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