6 research outputs found

    Varijabilnost i heritabilnost komponenta prinosa populacija kukuruza sa egzotičnom germplazmom

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    The investigations included mean values, genetic and phenotypic variability, heritability and genetic and phenotypic coefficients, variability of yield components in the original maize population with 25% of the exotic germplasm incorporated and also, in the population after three and five cycles of gene recombining. The two-replicate trial was set up according to the nested design method in two locations in order to investigate effects of different cycles of gene recombination. According to the obtained results, it was concluded that the mean values had increased more significantly to the third than from the third to the fifth cycle of free hybridisation. The additional gene recombination affected the insignificant decrease of the genetic and phenotypic variability of traits. Estimated values of heritability were high and significant for yield, which indicated that they were mostly determined by the additive variance. The additional cycles of gene recombination caused the decrease of heritability and the coefficient of genetic and phenotypic variability. Greater mean values of yield components after the third and the fifth gene recombination cycles, relating to the original population, indicate to a positive effect of the additional recombination cycles on the increase of a gene frequency in case of desirable traits, and the frequency of the more yielding genotypes. .Proučavanjem je obuhvaćena originalna populacija kukuruza sa 25% egzotične germplazme (1601/5 x ZPL913)F2R0 i populacije nakon tri (1601/5 x ZPL913) F2R3 i pet (1601/5 x ZPL913)F2R5 ciklusa rekombinovanja gena. Ogled sa S1 potomstvom je postavljen po metodu nested dizajna u dva ponavljanja na dve lokacije u toku dve godine (2005 i 2006). Prosečne vrednosti za sva ispitivana svojstva osim sadržaja vlage pri berbi su se povećavale sa brojem ciklusa rekombinacija. Različiti agroekološki uslovi, genotipovi, interakcija familija x lokacija 1 i familija x lokacija 2 uticali su značajno na varijabilnost svih ispitivanih svojstava za populacije. Genetičke i fenotipske varijanse za sva ispitivana svojstva osim mase 1000 zrna su se smanjivale pod uticajem broja ciklusa rekombinacija. Značajno smanjenje nije bilo samo za dužinu klipa, što je posebno značajno za praktično oplemenjivanje. Genetičke varijanse su dovoljno visoke da omoguće uspešno oplemenjivanje. Slično se dešavalo i sa koeficijentima heritabilnosti.

    Organization of production and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants in republic of Serbia

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    Upotreba lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u lečenju stanovništva u Srbiji ima dugu tradiciju. Pored primene u zdravstvenoj zaštiti, lekovito i aromatično bilje se sve više koristi u raznim granama industrije: farmaceutskoj, kozmetičkoj, hemijskoj, prehrambenoj, i dr. Proizvodnja lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja podrazumeva dobijanje sirovina branjem samoniklog bilja iz prirode (sakupljanje) i gajenjem na njivi (kultivacija, plantažna proizvodnja). Sakupljanje samoniklog lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja je sastavni deo aktivnosti mnogih seoskih domaćinstava. Berači prodaju bilje direktno preduzećima ili su organizovani u beračke grupe gde je vođa grupe lice odgovorno za ubrane količine, kvalitet, i dr. Povećana tražnja za lekovitim i aromatičnim biljem dovela je do uvođenja velikog broja lekovitih vrsta u plantažnu proizvodnju. Gajenjem se dobija veća količina biljnih sirovina, postiže se ujednačen kvalitet, značajno se smanjuje pritisak na prirodne resurse. Danas je plantažna proizvodnja najvećim delom organizovana na porodičnim gazdinstvima, na parcelama veličine od nekoliko ari do nekoliko hektara, i najčešće se radi za poznatog kupca (kooperacija). Radi sigurnijeg snabdevanja mnoga preduzeća organizuju samostalno gajenje lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja za proizvodnju različitih biljnih proizvoda (medicinski čajevi, filter čajevi, kapi, ekstrakti, etarska ulja, itd.), ili za izvoz. Specifičnost tržišta lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u Srbiji je prisustvo velikog broja aktera: berača (sakupljača), proizvođača gajenog bilja (poljoprivredna gazdinstva), privatnih preduzeća registrovanih za različite delatnosti, kao što su gajenje, otkup, prerada, promet lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja i šumskih plodova, proizvodnja dijetetskih suplemenata i medicinskih sredstava, proizvodnja farmaceutskih proizvoda, proizvodnja i promet lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja i etarskih ulja, proizvodnja čajeva, veleprodaja, maloprodaja, uvoz dijetetskih proizvoda, potrošnja i dr. Sektor lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u Srbiji i tržište biljnih proizvoda su u fazi razvoja. Da bi se sektor brže i uspešnije razvijao, neophodno je preduzeti različite organizacione, ekonomske i zakonske mere i uključiti različite interesne grupe (relevantne državne institucije, privatna preduzeća iz sektora, nevladine i međunarodne organizacije, pojedince, itd.)...The use of medicinal and aromatic plants in the treatment of population in Serbia has a long tradition. Besides application in health care, the medicinal and aromatic plants is increasingly used in various industries: pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, food one etc. Production of medicinal and aromatic plants involves picking raw materials from nature (collection) and cultivating in a field (cultivation, plantation production). Collecting of wild medical and the aromatic plants is essential part of many rural households. The plant pickers sell the plants directly to the enterprises or they are organized in so-called “pickers’ groups”, where the leader of the group is responsible for the harvest quantity, quality, etc. Increased demand for medicinal and aromatic plants has led to the introduction of a large number of medicinal species in plantation production. By cultivating there are obtained the larger quantities of raw materials and uniform quality, but also it is significantly reduced the pressure on natural resources. Today the plantation production is mostly organized on family farms, on plots of several acres up to several hectares, and most often it is cultivated for known buyer (cooperation). In order to secure supply many companies organize by themselves the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants for the production of various plant products (medicinal teas, filter teas, drops, extracts, essential oils, etc.), or for the export. Specific characteristic of the medicinal and aromatic plants’ market in Serbia is the presence of a large number of stakeholders: pickers (collectors), producers of cultivated plants (agricultural farms), the private companies registered for various activities such as growing, purchasing, processing, transport of medicinal and aromatic plants and wild berries, production of dietary supplements, medical agents, pharmaceuticals products, production and trade of medicinal and aromatic plants and essential oils, tea manufacturing, wholesale , retail, import of dietetic products, consumption etc. The sector of medicinal and aromatic plants in Serbia, as well as the market of plant products is in the development phase. In order that the sector should have the faster and more successful development, it is necessary to undertake the variety of organizational, economical and legal measures, as well as to introduce the various stakeholders (relevant governmental institutions, private companies from sector, non-governmental and international organizations, individuals, etc.)..

    Organization of production and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants in republic of Serbia

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    Upotreba lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u lečenju stanovništva u Srbiji ima dugu tradiciju. Pored primene u zdravstvenoj zaštiti, lekovito i aromatično bilje se sve više koristi u raznim granama industrije: farmaceutskoj, kozmetičkoj, hemijskoj, prehrambenoj, i dr. Proizvodnja lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja podrazumeva dobijanje sirovina branjem samoniklog bilja iz prirode (sakupljanje) i gajenjem na njivi (kultivacija, plantažna proizvodnja). Sakupljanje samoniklog lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja je sastavni deo aktivnosti mnogih seoskih domaćinstava. Berači prodaju bilje direktno preduzećima ili su organizovani u beračke grupe gde je vođa grupe lice odgovorno za ubrane količine, kvalitet, i dr. Povećana tražnja za lekovitim i aromatičnim biljem dovela je do uvođenja velikog broja lekovitih vrsta u plantažnu proizvodnju. Gajenjem se dobija veća količina biljnih sirovina, postiže se ujednačen kvalitet, značajno se smanjuje pritisak na prirodne resurse. Danas je plantažna proizvodnja najvećim delom organizovana na porodičnim gazdinstvima, na parcelama veličine od nekoliko ari do nekoliko hektara, i najčešće se radi za poznatog kupca (kooperacija). Radi sigurnijeg snabdevanja mnoga preduzeća organizuju samostalno gajenje lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja za proizvodnju različitih biljnih proizvoda (medicinski čajevi, filter čajevi, kapi, ekstrakti, etarska ulja, itd.), ili za izvoz. Specifičnost tržišta lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u Srbiji je prisustvo velikog broja aktera: berača (sakupljača), proizvođača gajenog bilja (poljoprivredna gazdinstva), privatnih preduzeća registrovanih za različite delatnosti, kao što su gajenje, otkup, prerada, promet lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja i šumskih plodova, proizvodnja dijetetskih suplemenata i medicinskih sredstava, proizvodnja farmaceutskih proizvoda, proizvodnja i promet lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja i etarskih ulja, proizvodnja čajeva, veleprodaja, maloprodaja, uvoz dijetetskih proizvoda, potrošnja i dr. Sektor lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u Srbiji i tržište biljnih proizvoda su u fazi razvoja. Da bi se sektor brže i uspešnije razvijao, neophodno je preduzeti različite organizacione, ekonomske i zakonske mere i uključiti različite interesne grupe (relevantne državne institucije, privatna preduzeća iz sektora, nevladine i međunarodne organizacije, pojedince, itd.)...The use of medicinal and aromatic plants in the treatment of population in Serbia has a long tradition. Besides application in health care, the medicinal and aromatic plants is increasingly used in various industries: pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, food one etc. Production of medicinal and aromatic plants involves picking raw materials from nature (collection) and cultivating in a field (cultivation, plantation production). Collecting of wild medical and the aromatic plants is essential part of many rural households. The plant pickers sell the plants directly to the enterprises or they are organized in so-called “pickers’ groups”, where the leader of the group is responsible for the harvest quantity, quality, etc. Increased demand for medicinal and aromatic plants has led to the introduction of a large number of medicinal species in plantation production. By cultivating there are obtained the larger quantities of raw materials and uniform quality, but also it is significantly reduced the pressure on natural resources. Today the plantation production is mostly organized on family farms, on plots of several acres up to several hectares, and most often it is cultivated for known buyer (cooperation). In order to secure supply many companies organize by themselves the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants for the production of various plant products (medicinal teas, filter teas, drops, extracts, essential oils, etc.), or for the export. Specific characteristic of the medicinal and aromatic plants’ market in Serbia is the presence of a large number of stakeholders: pickers (collectors), producers of cultivated plants (agricultural farms), the private companies registered for various activities such as growing, purchasing, processing, transport of medicinal and aromatic plants and wild berries, production of dietary supplements, medical agents, pharmaceuticals products, production and trade of medicinal and aromatic plants and essential oils, tea manufacturing, wholesale , retail, import of dietetic products, consumption etc. The sector of medicinal and aromatic plants in Serbia, as well as the market of plant products is in the development phase. In order that the sector should have the faster and more successful development, it is necessary to undertake the variety of organizational, economical and legal measures, as well as to introduce the various stakeholders (relevant governmental institutions, private companies from sector, non-governmental and international organizations, individuals, etc.)..

    Organization of production and processing of medicinal and aromatic plants in republic of Serbia

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    Upotreba lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u lečenju stanovništva u Srbiji ima dugu tradiciju. Pored primene u zdravstvenoj zaštiti, lekovito i aromatično bilje se sve više koristi u raznim granama industrije: farmaceutskoj, kozmetičkoj, hemijskoj, prehrambenoj, i dr. Proizvodnja lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja podrazumeva dobijanje sirovina branjem samoniklog bilja iz prirode (sakupljanje) i gajenjem na njivi (kultivacija, plantažna proizvodnja). Sakupljanje samoniklog lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja je sastavni deo aktivnosti mnogih seoskih domaćinstava. Berači prodaju bilje direktno preduzećima ili su organizovani u beračke grupe gde je vođa grupe lice odgovorno za ubrane količine, kvalitet, i dr. Povećana tražnja za lekovitim i aromatičnim biljem dovela je do uvođenja velikog broja lekovitih vrsta u plantažnu proizvodnju. Gajenjem se dobija veća količina biljnih sirovina, postiže se ujednačen kvalitet, značajno se smanjuje pritisak na prirodne resurse. Danas je plantažna proizvodnja najvećim delom organizovana na porodičnim gazdinstvima, na parcelama veličine od nekoliko ari do nekoliko hektara, i najčešće se radi za poznatog kupca (kooperacija). Radi sigurnijeg snabdevanja mnoga preduzeća organizuju samostalno gajenje lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja za proizvodnju različitih biljnih proizvoda (medicinski čajevi, filter čajevi, kapi, ekstrakti, etarska ulja, itd.), ili za izvoz. Specifičnost tržišta lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u Srbiji je prisustvo velikog broja aktera: berača (sakupljača), proizvođača gajenog bilja (poljoprivredna gazdinstva), privatnih preduzeća registrovanih za različite delatnosti, kao što su gajenje, otkup, prerada, promet lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja i šumskih plodova, proizvodnja dijetetskih suplemenata i medicinskih sredstava, proizvodnja farmaceutskih proizvoda, proizvodnja i promet lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja i etarskih ulja, proizvodnja čajeva, veleprodaja, maloprodaja, uvoz dijetetskih proizvoda, potrošnja i dr. Sektor lekovitog i aromatičnog bilja u Srbiji i tržište biljnih proizvoda su u fazi razvoja. Da bi se sektor brže i uspešnije razvijao, neophodno je preduzeti različite organizacione, ekonomske i zakonske mere i uključiti različite interesne grupe (relevantne državne institucije, privatna preduzeća iz sektora, nevladine i međunarodne organizacije, pojedince, itd.)...The use of medicinal and aromatic plants in the treatment of population in Serbia has a long tradition. Besides application in health care, the medicinal and aromatic plants is increasingly used in various industries: pharmaceutical, cosmetic, chemical, food one etc. Production of medicinal and aromatic plants involves picking raw materials from nature (collection) and cultivating in a field (cultivation, plantation production). Collecting of wild medical and the aromatic plants is essential part of many rural households. The plant pickers sell the plants directly to the enterprises or they are organized in so-called “pickers’ groups”, where the leader of the group is responsible for the harvest quantity, quality, etc. Increased demand for medicinal and aromatic plants has led to the introduction of a large number of medicinal species in plantation production. By cultivating there are obtained the larger quantities of raw materials and uniform quality, but also it is significantly reduced the pressure on natural resources. Today the plantation production is mostly organized on family farms, on plots of several acres up to several hectares, and most often it is cultivated for known buyer (cooperation). In order to secure supply many companies organize by themselves the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants for the production of various plant products (medicinal teas, filter teas, drops, extracts, essential oils, etc.), or for the export. Specific characteristic of the medicinal and aromatic plants’ market in Serbia is the presence of a large number of stakeholders: pickers (collectors), producers of cultivated plants (agricultural farms), the private companies registered for various activities such as growing, purchasing, processing, transport of medicinal and aromatic plants and wild berries, production of dietary supplements, medical agents, pharmaceuticals products, production and trade of medicinal and aromatic plants and essential oils, tea manufacturing, wholesale , retail, import of dietetic products, consumption etc. The sector of medicinal and aromatic plants in Serbia, as well as the market of plant products is in the development phase. In order that the sector should have the faster and more successful development, it is necessary to undertake the variety of organizational, economical and legal measures, as well as to introduce the various stakeholders (relevant governmental institutions, private companies from sector, non-governmental and international organizations, individuals, etc.)..

    Potentials of mountainous region of Serbia for map sector development

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    Apart from mineral row material and energetic resources, soil quality, relief characteristics and hydro-potentials, natural resources also comprises for landscape characteristics as well as geographic position and biological diversity. Medicinal and aromatic plants (MAP) as a resource, is a component of the natural environment that may play an important role in structuring of spatial, social and economic rural areas that belong to mountainous region of Republic of Serbia. These areas are blessed with numerous resources (climate, soil, biodiversity, labour, etc) that are prerequisite for development of MAP sector, although they are not adequately utilised. Territory of Serbia, as a part of Balkan Peninsula, is one of the most important biodiversity centres and medicinal plants belong to economically the most signifcant ones in its flora. MAP sector encompasses production processing units, competent personnel as well as institutions that may support it and improve business on domestic market. MAP business is linked to certain regions of the country where the purchase is well organized: in the South-East part of Serbia collection of MAP has a long tradition, while in Vojvodina – there is a large-scale MAP production. General recommendations are: to increase surfaces under wild MAP collection within collection areas and to introduce large-scale MAP production in mountainous regions of Serbia. At the moment, there is no good concept of sustainable collection, processing and marketing in the MAP sector of Serbia

    Trends of Serbian medicinal and aromatic plants market

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    Favourable agro-ecological conditions, high biodiversity and tradition in MAP wild collection and production, are all elements of comparative advantage of Serbian MAP market. Despite possession of all capacities for MAP processing, the most dominant trend in Serbia is still turn-over of MAP row materials, while the export of final products is almost neglectable. Now days, Serbia owns prerequisite MAP processing equipment, human resources and institutions that may support MAP sector and improve MAP market, and these resources are potential that is still not used adequately. Up to the last decade of the pervious century, Serbia was positioned as the greatest MAP exporter at European market. Today, market trends appeared to be completely different for our country. The aim of this paper is to represent potentials and trends of MAP sector in Serbia