124 research outputs found

    Possibility Of Simultaneous Observation Of Nucleus Fragment And -ray Family In The Stratosphere

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    We propose simultaneous observation of surviving fragment nuclei (,Li,...) and the -ray family (,e,N,...) produced by the collision of an ultrahigh-energy cosmic-ray nucleus (10141016 eV/nucleus) with an air target in the stratosphere (10 g/cm2). We support the proposal with extensive Monte Carlo calculations, which are also relevant to analysis of other atmospheric cascade experiments. © 1987 The American Physical Society.36378379


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    Experimental results of mini-clusters observed in Chacaltaya emulsion chamber no.19 are summarized. The study was made on 54 single core shower upper and 91 shower clusters of E(gamma) 10 TeV from 30 families which are visible energy greater than 80 TeV and penetrate through both upper and lower detectors of the two-story chamber. The association of hadrons in mini-cluster is made clear from their penetrative nature and microscopic observation of shower continuation in lower chamber. Small P sub t (gamma) of hadrons in mini-clusters remained in puzzle

    Study of single muons with the Large Volume Detector at Gran Sasso Laboratory

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    The present study is based on the sample of about 3 mln single muons observed by LVD at underground Gran Sasso Laboratory during 36500 live hours from June 1992 to February 1998. We have measured the muon intensity at slant depths from 3 km w.e. to 20 km w.e. Most events are high energy downward muons produced by meson decay in the atmosphere. The analysis of these muons has revealed the power index of pion and kaon spectrum: 2.76 \pm 0.05. The reminders are horizontal muons produced by the neutrino interactions in the rock surrounding LVD. The value of this flux is obtained. The results are compared with Monte Carlo simulations and the world data.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in "Physics of Atomic Nuclei

    Muon `Depth -- Intensity' Relation Measured by LVD Underground Experiment and Cosmic-Ray Muon Spectrum at Sea Level

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    We present the analysis of the muon events with all muon multiplicities collected during 21804 hours of operation of the first LVD tower. The measured angular distribution of muon intensity has been converted to the `depth -- vertical intensity' relation in the depth range from 3 to 12 km w.e.. The analysis of this relation allowed to derive the power index, γ\gamma, of the primary all-nucleon spectrum: γ=2.78±0.05\gamma=2.78 \pm 0.05. The `depth -- vertical intensity' relation has been converted to standard rock and the comparison with the data of other experiments has been done. We present also the derived vertical muon spectrum at sea level.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, to be published on Phys. Rev.

    Upper Limit on the Prompt Muon Flux Derived from the LVD Underground Experiment

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    We present the analysis of the muon events with all muon multiplicities collected during 21804 hours of operation of the first LVD tower. The measured depth-angular distribution of muon intensities has been used to obtain the normalization factor, A, the power index, gamma, of the primary all-nucleon spectrum and the ratio, R_c, of prompt muon flux to that of pi-mesons - the main parameters which determine the spectrum of cosmic ray muons at the sea level. The value of gamma = 2.77 +/- 0.05 (68% C.L.) and R_c < 2.0 x 10^-3 (95% C.L.) have been obtained. The upper limit to the prompt muon flux favours the models of charm production based on QGSM and the dual parton model.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, RevTex. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Synthesis, magnetic and optical properties of core/shell Co1-xZnxFe2O4/SiO2 nanoparticles

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    The optical properties of multi-functionalized cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4), cobalt zinc ferrite (Co0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4), and zinc ferrite (ZnFe2O4) nanoparticles have been enhanced by coating them with silica shell using a modified Stöber method. The ferrites nanoparticles were prepared by a modified citrate gel technique. These core/shell ferrites nanoparticles have been fired at temperatures: 400°C, 600°C and 800°C, respectively, for 2 h. The composition, phase, and morphology of the prepared core/shell ferrites nanoparticles were determined by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, respectively. The diffuse reflectance and magnetic properties of the core/shell ferrites nanoparticles at room temperature were investigated using UV/VIS double-beam spectrophotometer and vibrating sample magnetometer, respectively. It was found that, by increasing the firing temperature from 400°C to 800°C, the average crystallite size of the core/shell ferrites nanoparticles increases. The cobalt ferrite nanoparticles fired at temperature 800°C; show the highest saturation magnetization while the zinc ferrite nanoparticles coated with silica shell shows the highest diffuse reflectance. On the other hand, core/shell zinc ferrite/silica nanoparticles fired at 400°C show a ferromagnetic behavior and high diffuse reflectance when compared with all the uncoated or coated ferrites nanoparticles. These characteristics of core/shell zinc ferrite/silica nanostructures make them promising candidates for magneto-optical nanodevice applications

    Observation Of Very High Energy Cosmic-ray Families In Emulsion Chambers At High Mountain Altitudes (i)

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    Characteristics of cosmic-ray hadronic interactions in the 1015 - 1017 eV range are studied by observing a total of 429 cosmic-ray families of visible energy greater than 100 TeV found in emulsion chamber experiments at high mountain altitudes, Chacaltaya (5200 m above sea level) and the Pamirs (4300 m above sea level). Extensive comparisons were made with simulated families based on models so far proposed, concentrating on the relation between the observed family flux and the behaviour of high-energy showers in the families, hadronic and electromagnetic components. It is concluded that there must be global change in characteristics of hadronic interactions at around 1016 eV deviating from thise known in the accelerator energy range, specially in the forwardmost angular region of the collision. A detailed study of a new shower phenomenon of small-pT particle emissions, pT being of the order of 10 MeV/c, is carried out and its relation to the origin of huge "halo" phenomena associated with extremely high energy families is discussed as one of the possibilities. General characteristics of such super-families are surveyed. © 1992.3702365431Borisov, (1981) Nucl. Phys., 191 BBaybrina, (1984) Trudy FIAN 154, p. 1. , [in Russian], Nauka, MoscowLattes, Hadronic interactions of high energy cosmic-ray observed by emulsion chambers (1980) Physics Reports, 65, p. 151Hasegawa, ICR-Report-151-87-5 (1987) presented at FNAL CDF Seminar, , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoCHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment (1971) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 47, p. 1Yamashita, Ohsawa, Chinellato, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 30. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo(1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 1. , Tokyo, 1984Baradzei, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics, p. 136. , Tokyo, 1984Yamashita, (1985) J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., 54, p. 529Bolisov, (1984) Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Cosmic rays and Particle Physics, p. 248. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoTamada, Tomaszewski, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 324. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo, PolandHasegawa, (1989) ICR-Report-197-89-14, , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoCHACALTAYA Emulsion Chamber Experiment (1971) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 47, p. 1Okamoto, Shibata, (1987) Nucl. Instrum. Methods, 257 A, p. 155Zhdanov, (1980) FIAN preprint no. 45, , Lebedev Physical Institute, MoscowSemba, Gross Features of Nuclear Interactions around 1015eV through Observation of Gamma Ray Families (1983) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, 76, p. 111Nikolsky, (1975) Izv. Akad. Nauk. USSR Ser. Fis., 39, p. 1160Burner, Energy spectra of cosmic rays above 1 TeV per nucleon (1990) The Astrophysical Journal, 349, p. 25Takahashi, (1990) 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-ray Interactions, , Tarbes, FranceRen, (1988) Phys. Rev., 38 D, p. 1404Alner, The UA5 high energy simulation program (1987) Nuclear Physics B, 291 B, p. 445Bozzo, Measurement of the proton-antiproton total and elastic cross sections at the CERN SPS collider (1984) Physics Letters B, 147 B, p. 392Wrotniak, (1985) Proc. 19th Cosmic-Ray Conf. La Jolla, 1985, 6, p. 56. , NASA Conference Publication, Washington, D.CWrotniak, (1985) Proc. 19th Cosmic-Ray Conf. La Jolla, 1985, 6, p. 328. , NASA Conference Publication, Washington, D.CMukhamedshin, (1984) Trudy FIAN, 154, p. 142. , Nauka, Moscow, [in Russian]Dunaevsky, Pluta, Slavatinsky, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 143. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandKaidalov, Ter-Martirosyan, (1987) Proc. 20th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Moscow, 1987, 5, p. 141. , Nauka, MoscowShabelsky, (1985) preprints LNPI-1113Shabelsky, (1986) preprints LNPI-1224, , Leningrad [in Russian]Hillas, (1979) Proc. 16th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Kyoto, 6, p. 13. , Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoBorisov, (1987) Phys. Lett., 190 B, p. 226Hasegawa, Tamada, (1990) 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, , Tarbes, FranceSemba, Gross Features of Nuclear Interactions around 1015eV through Observation of Gamma Ray Families (1983) Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement, p. 111Ren, (1988) Phys. Rev., 38 D, p. 1404Dynaevsky, Zimin, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interaction, p. 93. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandDynaevsky, (1990) Proc. 6th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, , Tarbes, France(1989) FIAN preprint no. 208, , Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow(1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 8, p. 259. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, AustraliaHasegawa, (1990) ICR-Report-216-90-9, , Inst. for Cosmic-Ray Research, Univ. of TokyoTamada, (1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, AustraliaTamada, (1990) ICR-Report-216-90-9(1981) Proc. 17th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Paris, 5, p. 291(1990) Proc. Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8, p. 267. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, Australia(1989) Inst. Nucl. Phys. 89-67/144, , preprint, Inst. Nucl. Phys., Moscow State UnivSmilnova, (1988) Proc. 5th Int. Sym. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 42. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, PolandGoulianos, (1986) Proc. Workshop of Particle Simulation at High Energies, , University of Wisconsin, Madison, USAIvanenko, (1983) Proc. 18th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Bangalore, 1983, 5, p. 274. , Tata Inst. Fundamental Research, Bombay, IndiaIvanenko, (1984) Proc. Int. Symp. on Cosmic-Rays and Particle Physics, p. 101. , Tokyo, 1984, Inst. for Cosmic Ray Research, Univ. of Tokyo(1988) 5th Int. Symp. on Very High Energy Cosmic-Ray Interactions, p. 180. , Lodz, 1988, Inst. of Physics, Univ. of Lodz, Poland(1990) Proc. 21st Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Adelaide, 1990, 8, p. 251. , Dept. Physics and Mathematical Physics, Univ. of Adelaide, Australia(1991) Izv. AN USSR No. 4, , to be publishedNikolsky, Shaulov, Cherdyntseva, (1990) FIAN preprint no. 140, , Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, [in Russian](1987) Proc. 20th Int. Cosmic-Ray Conf., Moscow, 1987, 5, p. 326. , Nauka, Mosco