8 research outputs found

    Średniowieczna ikonografia św. Weroniki – treści ideowe i funkcje przedstawienia

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    The starting point for the analysis of medieval iconography of St. Veronica is her depiction (wall painting, 3rd quarter of the 15th century) in the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist and St. John the Evangelist in Toruń. The painting represents St. Veronica standing, holding the veil with the likeness of the face of Christ (Vera Icon); it can be found on the eastern wall of the southern nave, on the right of the presbytery. This article is an attempt to decode ideological aspects and functions of the painting in the context of the times and the circumstances of its creation: the religiosity of the inhabitants of Toruń in that period, as well as historical events. A classification and analysis of various iconographic types of St. Veronica in medieval depictions is presented. The article also indicates a group of depictions, as well as specific works of art, to which the wall painting refers. It was established that the author of the Toruń painting, out of a number of possible iconographic types of St. Veronica, chose the one that encompassed interlinked levels of religious meaning. Placed in a space accessible for the laity, the painting reflected religious and, to an extent, also political needs of the middle class of that period.

    Veraicon w średniowiecznym Toruniu

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    The subject of the analysis are the images of the Faces of Jesus: wall paintings, from around 1350–1360, from the tenement house at 17/19 Żeglarska Street, 1-st floor, currently plastered – (A), and wall paintings from St. Jacob’s Church ,1390, the presbytery (the eastern wall and the vault) – (B). The article presents the origin of the legend, historical message and the iconographic tradition of “archeiropoietos” images – not made by a human hand. The article describes and presents the oldest eastern tradition which created the iconographic canon of Mandylion image (Glorious Face of Jesus Christ). The study also contains ideological content connected, in the East, with this type of image. The article also analyses the formation of the western type of Veraicon, emphasising assimilation and conversion of legends and iconography taken from the East. The study indicates changes which led to the creation of the passion Face of Jesus. Different variations of Veraicon were discussed with the emphasis on the lack of one canonical representation in western art. New ideological content was stressed including the image of the Face of Jesus Christ in western art. The article linked the representations A and B with adequate variants of the Face of Jesus appearing in Europe. Concluding, it should be stated that, in the insignificant time and space gap, on the territory of Toruń (Old Town and New Town), two different types of the Real Face of Jesus – Veraicon – were applied. The first of them (image A – 17/19 Żeglarska Street) represents a very early type in the western tradition, the second one (the image B, St. Jacob’s Church) – The Face on the Veil held by Angels represents transformations of the form and the ideological content taking place in the art of the West. As long as the image A may be connected with adoration and bigotry (rather of private nature), the second image B is connected with public altar liturgy. Each type of the image, representing a different variant of Veraicon, was selected to perform a different function

    Odzwierciedlenie doktryny eucharystycznej Kościoła katolickiego w średniowiecznej sztuce polskiej – wybrane przykłady

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    This article presents imaging of the Eucharistic doctrine of the Catholic Church in the Polish art of the Middle Ages. Selected works of art from the area of today’s Poland are analyzed, which include Eucharistic themes, such as Man of sorrows, Christ in the Mystical Wine-Press , Veil of Veronica. The article also presents the influence of variety of historical factors, such as decisions of Ecumenical Councils of the Church, the Hussite wars, or Proto-Reformation on imaging of the Eucharistic theme. The specificity and autonomy of presentations from the area of Poland, which disseminated the doctrine of the Catholic Church, is emphasized

    The effect of inhibitors of plasma membrane H+-ATPase and oxidoreductases on NH+4uptake by Pisum arrense roots

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    The effect of inhibitors of plasma membrane oxidoreductases (quinacrine and dicumarol) and H+-ATPase (dicyclohexylcar­bodiimide and orthovanadate) on ammonium uptake by Piswn arve11se seedlings and the activities of H+-ATPase and NADH­ferricyanide oxidoreductase was investigated. The uptake solution contained 50 µM NH4 +. In I h experiments, quinacrine and dicumarol depressed strongly and irreversibly the rate of NH4 + uptake and markedly inhibited the activity of NADH-ferri­cyanide oxidoreductase in the plasma membrane vesicles prepared from root cells. Simultaneously, sodium onhovanadate inhibited the activity of plasma membrane H+-ATPase increased the rate of NH/ uptake. Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide in­hibited H+ -ATPase activity and increased efflux of NH4 + from roots to ambient solution. The results indicate on the lack of direct connection between uptake rate of 50 µM NH4 + and H+-ATPase activity, and suggest thai mem brane redox systems play a predominant role in this process

    Concept of building a training application with the use of a public cloud environment

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    W artykule omówiona została koncepcja budowy aplikacji szkoleniowej z zakresu szkolenia lotniczego z wykorzystaniem środowiska chmury publicznej.The article discusses the concept of building a training application for aviation training. The authors pointed out the increasing use of the public cloud environment, presented the division and types of public cloud services. Authors presented the construction of training applications using Microsoft Azure public cloud