34 research outputs found

    300 years of tropospheric ozone changes using CMIP6 scenarios with a parameterised approach

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    Tropospheric Ozone (O3) is both an air pollutant and a greenhouse gas. Predicting changes to O3 is therefore important for both air quality and near-term climate forcing. It is computationally expensive to predict changes in tropospheric O3 from every possible future scenario in composition climate models like those used in the 6th Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6). Here we apply the different emission pathways used in CMIP6 with a model based on source-receptor relationships for tropospheric O3 to predict historical and future changes in O3 and its radiative forcing over a 300 year period (1750–2050). Changes in regional precursor emissions (nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and volatile organic compounds) and global methane abundance are used to quantify the impact on tropospheric O3 globally and across 16 regions, neglecting any impact from changes in climate. We predict large increases in global surface O3 (+8 ppbv) and O3 radiative forcing (+0.3 W m−2) over the industrial period. Nine different Shared Socio-economic Pathways are used to assess future changes in O3. Scenarios involving weak air pollutant controls and climate mitigation are inadequate in limiting the future degradation of surface O3 air quality and enhancement of near-term climate warming over all regions. Middle-of-the-road and strong mitigation scenarios reduce both surface O3 concentrations and O3 radiative forcing by up to 5 ppbv and 0.17 W m−2 globally, providing benefits to future air quality and near-term climate forcing. Sensitivity experiments show that targeting mitigation measures towards reducing global methane abundances could yield additional benefits for both surface O3 air quality and near-term climate forcing. The parameterisation provides a valuable tool for rapidly assessing a large range of future emission pathways that involve differing degrees of air pollutant and climate mitigation. The calculated range of possible responses in tropospheric O3 from these scenarios can be used to inform other modelling studies in CMIP6

    The impact of climate mitigation measures on near term climate forcers

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    Here we quantify the regional co-benefits to future air quality on annual to daily mean timescales from implementing mitigation measures to stabilise future climate. Two consistent future emissions pathways are used within the composition-climate model HadGEM3-UKCA: one is a reference pathway of future economic growth and development (REF), whilst the Representative Concentration Pathway 4.5 (RCP4.5) assumes the same development pathway but stabilises anthropogenic radiative forcing at 4.5 W m−2 in 2100. Implementing greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation measures in RCP4.5 reduces global mean air pollutant emissions by up to 30% in the 2050s, in addition to mitigating climate. Annual mean surface concentrations of ozone and PM2.5 decrease by 10%–20% from the combined reductions in emissions and climate change. The number of days exceeding the World Health Organization's (WHO) daily mean air quality standards are reduced by up 47 days for ozone and 15 days for PM2.5 over different world regions. The air quality co-benefits from mitigation measures are mainly achieved from reductions in anthropogenic emissions, although benefits can be offset due to changes in climate. In terms of anthropogenic climate forcing, while the reduction in global mean effective radiative forcing (ERF) in 2050, relative to the 2000s, due to enacting carbon dioxide mitigation measures (−0.43 W m−2) is enhanced by decreases in tropospheric ozone (−0.26 W m−2) and methane (−0.2 W m−2), it is partially offset by a positive aerosol ERF from reductions in aerosols (+0.35 W m−2). This study demonstrates that policies to mitigate climate change have added co-benefits for global and regional air quality on annual to daily timescales. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the GHG policies in reducing anthropogenic climate forcing is enhanced in the near-term by reductions in ozone and methane despite the increased forcing due to reductions in aerosols

    The Impact of Changes in Cloud Water pH on Aerosol Radiative Forcing

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    Oxidation of sulfur dioxide (SO₂) in cloud water by reaction with ozone is an important sulfate aerosol formation mechanism and strongly dependent on the acidity of cloud water. Decadal reductions in Northern Hemisphere sulfur emissions have contributed to higher cloud water pH, thereby altering sulfate formation rates. Here we use a global composition-climate model to show that changes in cloud water pH over the 1970–2009 period strongly affects the aerosol particle size distribution, cloud condensation nuclei concentrations, and the magnitude of aerosol radiative forcing. The simulated all-sky aerosol radiative forcing (1970–2009) over the North Atlantic is +1.2 W m‾² if pH remains constant at 5.0, as in many climate models. However, the forcing increases to +5.2 W m‾² if pH is assumed to increase by 1.0 unit over this period. Global composition climate models need to account for variations in cloud water pH to improve the representation of sulfate aerosol formation and aerosol radiative effects

    The contribution of emission sources to the future air pollution disease burden in China

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    Air pollution exposure is a leading public health problem in China. Despite recent air quality improvements, fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure remains large, the associated disease burden is substantial, and population ageing is projected to increase the susceptibility to disease. Here, we used emulators of a regional chemical transport model to quantify the impacts of future emission scenarios on air pollution exposure in China. We estimated how key emission sectors contribute to these future health impacts from air pollution exposure. We found that PM2.5 exposure declines in all scenarios across China over 2020–2050, with reductions of 15% under current air quality legislation, 36% when exploiting the full potential of air pollutant emission reduction technologies, and 39% when that technical mitigation potential is combined with emission controls for climate mitigation. However, population ageing means that the PM2.5 disease burden under current legislation (CLE) increases by 17% in 2050 relative to 2020. In comparison to CLE in 2050, the application of the best air pollution technologies provides substantial health benefits, reducing the PM2.5 disease burden by 16%, avoiding 536 600 (95% uncertainty interval, 95UI: 497 800–573 300) premature deaths per year. These public health benefits are mainly due to reductions in industrial (43%) and residential (30%) emissions. Climate mitigation efforts combined with the best air pollution technologies leads to an additional 2% reduction in the PM2.5 disease burden, avoiding 57 000 (95UI: 52 800–61 100) premature deaths per year. Up to 90% of the 2020–2050 reductions in PM2.5 exposure are already achieved by 2030, assuming efficient implementation and enforcement of currently committed air quality policies in key sectors. Achieving reductions in PM2.5 exposure and the associated disease burden after 2030 will require further tightening of emission limits for regulated sectors, addressing other sources including agriculture and waste management, and international coordinated action to mitigate air pollution across Asia

    The projected future degradation in air quality is caused by more abundant natural aerosols in a warmer world

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    Previous studies suggest that greenhouse gas-induced warming can lead to increased fine particulate matter concentrations and degraded air quality. However, significant uncertainties remain regarding the sign and magnitude of the response to warming and the underlying mechanisms. Here, we show that thirteen models from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 all project an increase in global average concentrations of fine particulate matter in response to rising carbon dioxide concentrations, but the range of increase across models is wide. The two main contributors to this increase are increased abundance of dust and secondary organic aerosols via intensified West African monsoon and enhanced emissions of biogenic volatile organic compounds, respectively. Much of the inter-model spread is related to different treatment of biogenic volatile organic compounds. Our results highlight the importance of natural aerosols in degrading air quality under current warming, while also emphasizing that improved understanding of biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions due to climate change is essential for numerically assessing future air quality

    Robust observational constraint of uncertain aerosol processes and emissions in a climate model and the effect on aerosol radiative forcing

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    The effect of observational constraint on the ranges of uncertain physical and chemical process parameters was explored in a global aerosol–climate model. The study uses 1 million variants of the Hadley Centre General Environment Model version 3 (HadGEM3) that sample 26 sources of uncertainty, together with over 9000 monthly aggregated grid-box measurements of aerosol optical depth, PM2.5, particle number concentrations, sulfate and organic mass concentrations. Despite many compensating effects in the model, the procedure constrains the probability distributions of parameters related to secondary organic aerosol, anthropogenic SO2 emissions, residential emissions, sea spray emissions, dry deposition rates of SO2 and aerosols, new particle formation, cloud droplet pH and the diameter of primary combustion particles. Observational constraint rules out nearly 98 % of the model variants. On constraint, the ±1σ (standard deviation) range of global annual mean direct radiative forcing (RFari) is reduced by 33 % to −0.14 to −0.26 W m−2, and the 95 % credible interval (CI) is reduced by 34 % to −0.1 to −0.32 W m−2. For the global annual mean aerosol–cloud radiative forcing, RFaci, the ±1σ range is reduced by 7 % to −1.66 to −2.48 W m−2, and the 95 % CI by 6 % to −1.28 to −2.88 W m−2. The tightness of the constraint is limited by parameter cancellation effects (model equifinality) as well as the large and poorly defined “representativeness error” associated with comparing point measurements with a global model. The constraint could also be narrowed if model structural errors that prevent simultaneous agreement with different measurement types in multiple locations and seasons could be improved. For example, constraints using either sulfate or PM2.5 measurements individually result in RFari±1σ ranges that only just overlap, which shows that emergent constraints based on one measurement type may be overconfident

    Investigations on the anthropogenic reversal of the natural ozone gradient between northern and southern midlatitudes

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    Our quantitative understanding of natural tropospheric ozone concentrations is limited by the paucity of reliable measurements before the 1980s. We utilize the existing measurements to compare the long-term ozone changes that occurred within the marine boundary layer at northern and southern midlatitudes. Since 1950 ozone concentrations have increased by a factor of 2.1 ± 0.2 in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and are presently larger than in the Southern Hemisphere (SH), where only a much smaller increase has occurred. These changes are attributed to increased ozone production driven by anthropogenic emissions of photochemical ozone precursors that increased with industrial development. The greater ozone concentrations and increases in the NH are consistent with the predominant location of anthropogenic emission sources in that hemisphere. The available measurements indicate that this interhemispheric gradient was much smaller and was likely reversed in the pre-industrial troposphere with higher concentrations in the SH. Six Earth system model (ESM) simulations indicate similar total NH increases (1.9 with a standard deviation of 0.3), but they occurred more slowly over a longer time period, and the ESMs do not find higher pre-industrial ozone in the SH. Several uncertainties in the ESMs may cause these model–measurement disagreements: the assumed natural nitrogen oxide emissions may be too large, the relatively greater fraction of ozone injected by stratosphere–troposphere exchange to the NH may be overestimated, ozone surface deposition to ocean and land surfaces may not be accurately simulated, and model treatment of emissions of biogenic hydrocarbons and their photochemistry may not be adequate

    Geographically touring the eastern bloc: British geography, travel cultures and the Cold War

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    This paper considers the role of travel in the generation of geographical knowledge of the eastern bloc by British geographers. Based on oral history and surveys of published work, the paper examines the roles of three kinds of travel experience: individual private travels, tours via state tourist agencies, and tours by academic delegations. Examples are drawn from across the eastern bloc, including the USSR, Poland, Romania, East Germany and Albania. The relationship between travel and publication is addressed, notably within textbooks, and in the Geographical Magazine. The study argues for the extension of accounts of cultures of geographical travel, and seeks to supplement the existing historiography of Cold War geography

    Regional Features of Long-Term Exposure to PM2.5 Air Quality over Asia under SSP Scenarios Based on CMIP6 Models

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    This study investigates changes in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration and air-quality index (AQI) in Asia using nine different Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project 6 (CMIP6) climate model ensembles from historical and future scenarios under shared socioeconomic pathways (SSPs). The results indicated that the estimated present-day PM2.5 concentrations were comparable to satellite-derived data. Overall, the PM2.5 concentrations of the analyzed regions exceeded the WHO air-quality guidelines, particularly in East Asia and South Asia. In future SSP scenarios that consider the implementation of significant air-quality controls (SSP1-2.6, SSP5-8.5) and medium air-quality controls (SSP2-4.5), the annual PM2.5 levels were predicted to substantially reduce (by 46% to around 66% of the present-day levels) in East Asia, resulting in a significant improvement in the AQI values in the mid-future. Conversely, weak air pollution controls considered in the SSP3-7.0 scenario resulted in poor AQI values in China and India. Moreover, a predicted increase in the percentage of aged populations (>65 years) in these regions, coupled with high AQI values, may increase the risk of premature deaths in the future. This study also examined the regional impact of PM2.5 mitigations on downward shortwave energy and surface air temperature. Our results revealed that, although significant air pollution controls can reduce long-term exposure to PM2.5, it may also contribute to the warming of near- and mid-future climates

    Assessment of pre-industrial to present-day anthropogenic climate forcing in UKESM1

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    Quantifying forcings from anthropogenic perturbations to the Earth system (ES) is important for understanding changes in climate since the pre-industrial (PI) period. Here, we quantify and analyse a wide range of present-day (PD) anthropogenic effective radiative forcings (ERFs) with the UK's Earth System Model (ESM), UKESM1, following the protocols defined by the Radiative Forcing Model Intercomparison Project (RFMIP) and the Aerosol and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project (AerChemMIP). In particular, quantifying ERFs that include rapid adjustments within a full ESM enables the role of various chemistry–aerosol–cloud interactions to be investigated. Global mean ERFs for the PD (year 2014) relative to the PI (year 1850) period for carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), ozone-depleting substances (ODSs), and methane (CH4) are 1.89 ± 0.04, 0.25 ± 0.04, −0.18 ± 0.04, and 0.97 ±  0.04 W m−2, respectively. The total greenhouse gas (GHG) ERF is 2.92 ± 0.04 W m−2. UKESM1 has an aerosol ERF of −1.09 ± 0.04 W m−2. A relatively strong negative forcing from aerosol–cloud interactions (ACI) and a small negative instantaneous forcing from aerosol–radiation interactions (ARI) from sulfate and organic carbon (OC) are partially offset by a substantial forcing from black carbon (BC) absorption. Internal mixing and chemical interactions imply that neither the forcing from ARI nor ACI is linear, making the aerosol ERF less than the sum of the individual speciated aerosol ERFs. Ozone (O3) precursor gases consisting of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides (NOx), but excluding CH4, exert a positive radiative forcing due to increases in O3. However, they also lead to oxidant changes, which in turn cause an indirect aerosol ERF. The net effect is that the ERF from PD–PI changes in NOx emissions is negligible at 0.03 ± 0.04 W m−2, while the ERF from changes in VOC and CO emissions is 0.33 ± 0.04 W m−2. Together, aerosol and O3 precursors (called near-term climate forcers (NTCFs) in the context of AerChemMIP) exert an ERF of −1.03 ± 0.04 W m−2, mainly due to changes in the cloud radiative effect (CRE). There is also a negative ERF from land use change (−0.17 ± 0.04 W m−2). When adjusted from year 1850 to 1700, it is more negative than the range of previous estimates, and is most likely due to too strong an albedo response. In combination, the net anthropogenic ERF (1.76 ± 0.04 W m−2) is consistent with other estimates. By including interactions between GHGs, stratospheric and tropospheric O3, aerosols, and clouds, this work demonstrates the importance of ES interactions when quantifying ERFs. It also suggests that rapid adjustments need to include chemical as well as physical adjustments to fully account for complex ES interactions