40 research outputs found

    Growth of Black Orchids (Coelogyne Pandurata Lindl) with Additional Ecoenzyme Liquid Organic Fertilizer and Biostimulant of Cengkodok Leaf Extract

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    Acclimatization of black orchid plantlets (Coleogyne pandurata Lindl.) with cengkodok leaf extract biostimulant treatment has been successfully carried out, but still have slow growth. To support growth and development at the enlargement stage, cultivated orchids need to be given eco enzyme liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) derived from various sources of organic matter. Provision of ecoenzyme LOF combined with biostimulant 20 mg/l of Cengkodok leaf extract to increase the efficiency of nutrient absorption. The aim of the research was to find the best type and concentration of LOF for the growth of black orchids at the enlargement stage. The study used a Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with two treatment factors namely type of LOF (ecoenzyme (ee) LOF from vegetable and fruit waste, ee LOF from pineapple peel waste, and "NASA" LOF) and . the POC concentration (0; 0.5; 1.0; and 1.5 ml/l). The results showed that the single treatment of ee LOF significantly effected the number of leaves and the number of black orchid tillers, while the single treatment of ee LOF concentration had an effect on the parameters of height, number of leaves, number of tillers and leaf area of black orchid. The parameter of chlorophyll content had no signifcant effect by the type and concentration of LOF. The largest leaf area was shown in the addition of ee LOF from vegetable and fruit waste at a concentration of 1 ml/l which was 11.88 cm2


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    Jamur makroskopis merupakan organisme sederhana yang memiliki inti, spora, berupa sel atau benang bercabang-cabang, tidak memiliki klorofil dan berkembang biak secara seksual maupun aseksual. Penelitian yang berkaitan dengan jamur makroskopis di Kalimantan Barat sudah pernah dilakukan, akan tetapi belum pernah dilakukan di perkebunan kelapa sawit, salah satunya di perkebunan kelapa sawit yang ada di Desa Sebayan, Kecamatan Sambas, Kabupaten Sambas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis jamur makroskopis yang ada di perkebunan kelapa sawit Desa Sebayan, Kecamatan Sambas, Kabupaten Sambas. Pengambilan sampel jamur menggunakan metode jelajah dengan teknik purposive random sampling. Hasil penelitian ditemukan 18 jenis jamur makroskopis yang terdiri dari 5 ordo, 12 famili, dan 16 genus. Jamur yang paling banyak ditemukan berasal dari Ordo Agaricales dan Polyporales sedangkan yang paling sedikit ditemukan adalah Ordo Dacrymycetales, Ordo Auriculariales, serta Ordo Russulales

    POTENSI UJI DAYA HAMBAT BAKTERI ASAM LAKTAT ISOLAT Lactobacillus sp. (KG61) TERHADAP Escherichia coli DAN Staphylococcus aureus

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    Bakteri asam laktat (BAL) merupakan mikroorganisme yang aman ditambahkan ke dalam pangan. Bakteri asam laktat mampu menghambat bakteri patogen. Salah satu dari kelompok bakteri asam laktat yang menghasilkan antibakteri adalah genus Lactobacillus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui isolat bakteri asam laktat Lactobacillus sp. (KG61) berpotensi dalam menghambat pertumbuhan bakteri Escherichia coli dan Staphylococcus aureus dan lama waktu inkubasi yang baik isolat bakteri asam laktat Lactobacillus sp. (KG61) dalam menghambat pertumbuhan E. coli dan S. aureus. Pengujian uji daya hambat menggunakan metode sumuran pada media Nutrient Agar (NA) dengan perlakuan inkubasi 7 hari dan 14 hari serta ciprofloxacin (kontrol positif) dan aquades steril (kontrol negatif) dengan waktu inkubasi 24 jam dan 48 jam. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa bakteri asam laktat berpotensi dalam menghambat E. coli dan S. aureus yang baik pada inkubasi 14 hari dengan rata-rata zona hambat 7,76 mm dan 31,17 mm dengan kategori sedang dan sangat kua


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    Durian pekawai (Durio kutejensis) merupakan buah endemik Kalimantan yang belum banyak dikenal masyarakat. Umumnya buah ini dikonsumsi segar dan belum banyak diolah menjadi produk makanan, oleh karena itu untuk meningkatkan daya simpan durian pekawai diolah menjadi tempoyak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi garam terhadap karakter tempoyak durian pekawai dan jumlah bakteri asam laktat pada tempoyak durian pekawai serta untuk mengetahui genus bakteri asam laktat yang terlibat dalam proses fermentasi durian pekawai. Tempoyak dibuat dengan penambahan garam sebanyak 3%, 6% dan 9%. Masing-masing konsentrasi dilakukan duplo dan difermentasi selama 10 hari. Parameter pengamatan yang dilakukan terhadap tempoyak meliputi tekstur, warna, aroma, rasa, nilai pH, penurunan kadar gula, total asam laktat dan jumlah bakteri asam laktat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin rendah konsentrasi garam yang digunakan maka tekstur tempoyakyangdihasilkan semakin lunak dan berair serta rasa asam. Peningkatan konsentrasi garam yang digunakan menyebabkan penurunan jumlah bakteri asam laktat pada tempoyak durian pekawai. Bakteri asam laktat yang diperoleh dari isolasi tempoyak durian pekawai berasal dari genus Streptococcus dan Lactobacillus


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    Macroscopic fungi are simple organisms that have nuclei, spores, in the form of cells or threads branching branches, have no chlorophyll and multiply sexually or asexually.  Research related to macroscopic fungi in West Kalimantan has been carried out, but has never been carried out in oil palm plantations, one of which is in oil palm plantations in Sebayan Village, Sambas District, Sambas Regacy. This study aims to determine the types of macroscopic fungi in oil palm plantations in Sebayan Village, Sambas District, Sambas Regency. Mushroom sampling using the cruising method with purposive random sampling technique. The results of the study found 18 types of macroscopic fungi consisting of 5 orders, 12 families, and 16 genera. The most commonly found fungi are from the Order Agaricales and Polyporales while the least found are the Order Dacrymycetales, the Order Auriculariales, as well as the Order Russulales

    Induksi Kalus dari Hipokotil Belimbing Merah (Baccaurea angulata) dengan Penambahan 2,4-D (Dichlorophenoxy Acetic Acid) dan BAP (6-Benzyl Amino Purin)

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    Red starfruit is one of the endemic plants of Kalimantan which produces secondary metabolites which has been empirically used as antioxidant, antibacterial, and anticancer. This plant has a long reproductive period and seedless fruit is often found during the fruiting season, which is a problem for the sustainability of the red starfruit in nature. Conservation of red star fruit for propagation and production of secondary metabolites can be done in vitro through callus culture. This research aims to determine the effect of adding the growth regulators dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) and 6-benzyl amino purine (BAP) on callus induction time, percentage of callus forming explants, callus color and texture, and callus growth. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with a factorial pattern consisting of two treatment factors, namely 2,4-D (0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1 ppm) and BAP (0; 0.25; 0.5; 0.75; 1 ppm). The percentage of explants forming callus (%), the time the callus appeared (days after planting), the color and texture of the callus, the wet weight and dry weight of the callus (g) were research observation parameters.The results showed that the single factor 2,4-D, single factor BAP, and the interaction of 2,4-D and BAP had a significant effect to callus appearance time. Single administration of 2,4-D and BAP had a significant effect on callus dry weight. The color variations of the callus produced are white, green and brown with a compact texture. The fastest callus emergence time was at 11.00 days after planting (DAP), namely in the combination treatment of 1 ppm 2,4-D and 0.75 ppm BAP, single treatment 0.75 ppm and 1 ppm 2,4- D. The highest average dry weight of 0.024 g was obtained in the single treatment of 0.75 ppm BAP

    Analisis Cemaran Bakteri Coliform pada Makanan Tradisional Sotong Pangkong di Jalan Merdeka Kota Pontianak Berdasarkan Nilai Most Probably Number (MPN)

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    Coliform bacteria can contaminate food and lead to intoxication causing symptoms of human digestive tract disorders. Food which is vulnerable to the contamination coliform bacteria is traditional food which is processed in a simple. One of Pontianak traditional food is sotong pangkong. The purpose of this research is to study the contamination of coliform bacteria on sotong pangkong sold on Jalan Merdeka, Pontianak. The research was conducted for three months from September to November 2016 it the Microbiology Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Tanjungpura University, Pontianak. This research was observative and descriptive in nature,the data were tabulated by presenting table. The result showed that the sample of sotong pangkong was contaminated by coliform bacteria in which the MPN values was above the maximum limit, except for sample which had been roasted from seller IV (1100 MPN/gram. Meanwhile the lowest contamination on the sample before-roasted sample was recorded from seller II by 11 MPN/gram. The bacteria contamination was above the limit of bacterial contamination based on BPOM No. HK. Year 2009 by <3/gram