805 research outputs found

    Identifying Second Language Speech Tasks and Ability Levels for Successful Nurse Oral Interaction with Patients in a Linguistic Minority Setting::An Instrument Development Project

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    One of the most demanding situations for members of linguistic minorities is a conversation between a health professional and a patient, a situation that frequently arises for linguistic minority groups in North America, Europe, and elsewhere. The present study reports on the construction of an oral interaction scale for nurses serving linguistic minorities in their second language (L2). A mixed methods approach was used to identify and validate a set of speech activities relating to nurse interactions with patients and to derive the L2 ability required to carry out those tasks. The research included an extensive literature review, the development of an initial list of speech tasks, and validation of this list with a nurse focus group. The retained speech tasks were then developed into a questionnaire and administered to 133 Quebec nurses who assessed each speech task for difficulty in an L2 context. Results were submitted to Rasch analysis and calibrated with reference to the Canadian Language Benchmarks, and the constructs underlying the speech tasks were identified through exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Results showed that speech tasks dealing with emotional aspects of caregiving and conveying health-specific information were reported as being the most demanding in terms of L2 ability, and the most strongly associated with L2 ability required for nurse-patient interactions. Implications are discussed with respect to the development and use of assessment instruments to facilitate L2 workplace training for health care professionals

    Community outbreaks of group A Streptococcus revealed by genome sequencing

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    The frequent occurrence of disease outbreaks in humans caused by group A Streptococcus (GAS) is an on-going public health threat. Conventional bacterial typing methods lack the discriminatory power to confidently confirm or refute outbreaks in hospital and community settings. Microbial whole genome sequencing (WGS) provides a potential solution to this, but, there has been limited population-based surveillance with accompanying sequence data. We performed retrospective genomic surveillance of 93 clinical GAS isolates from individuals in a defined geographic region. Detailed clinical information was obtained for closely related clusters of isolates. Genomic sequence data was contextualised through comparison with international data. We identified 18 different emm genotypes within our bacterial population, and revealed both highly diverse and closely related isolates. This high level of diversity was maintained even in the context of international sequence data. We also identified two emm1 clusters, and one emm3 cluster, of closely-related isolates that differed only by 1 to 4 single nucleotide polymorphisms. Analysis of clinical information identified no healthcare associated contact between patients, indicating cryptic community transmission. Our findings suggest that genomic surveillance of GAS would increase detection of transmission and highlight opportunities for intervention

    Communication and trust in the bounded confidence model

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    The communication process in a situation of emergency is discussed within the Scheff theory of shame and pride. The communication involves messages from media and from other persons. Three strategies are considered: selfish (to contact friends), collective (to join other people) and passive (to do nothing). We show that the pure selfish strategy cannot be evolutionarily stable. The main result is that the community structure is statistically meaningful only if the interpersonal communication is weak.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, RevTeX, for ICCCI-201

    Emergence of a novel lineage containing a prophage in emm/M3 group A Streptococcus associated with upsurge in invasive disease in the UK

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    A sudden increase in invasive Group A Streptococcus (iGAS) infections associated with emm/M3 isolates during the winter of 2008/09 prompted the initiation of enhanced surveillance in England. In order to characterise the population of emm/M3 GAS within the UK and determine bacterial factors that might be responsible for this upsurge, 442 emm/M3 isolates from cases of invasive and non-invasive infections during the period 2001–2013 were subjected to whole genome sequencing. MLST analysis differentiated emm/M3 isolates into three sequence types (STs): ST15, ST315 and ST406. Analysis of the whole genome SNP-based phylogeny showed that the majority of isolates from the 2008–2009 upsurge period belonged to a distinct lineage characterized by the presence of a prophage carrying the speC exotoxin and spd1 DNAase genes but loss of two other prophages considered typical of the emm/M3 lineage. This lineage was significantly associated with the upsurge in iGAS cases and we postulate that the upsurge could be attributed in part to expansion of this novel prophage-containing lineage within the population. The study underlines the importance of prompt genomic analysis of changes in the GAS population, providing an advanced public health warning system for newly emergent, pathogenic strains

    Emergence of a New Highly Successful Acapsular Group A Streptococcus Clade of Genotype emm89 in the United Kingdom

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    UNLABELLED: Group A Streptococcus (GAS) genotype emm89 is increasingly recognized as a leading cause of disease worldwide, yet factors that underlie the success of this emm type are unknown. Surveillance identified a sustained nationwide increase in emm89 invasive GAS disease in the United Kingdom, prompting longitudinal investigation of this genotype. Whole-genome sequencing revealed a recent dramatic shift in the emm89 population with the emergence of a new clade that increased to dominance over previous emm89 variants. Temporal analysis indicated that the clade arose in the early 1990s but abruptly increased in prevalence in 2008, coinciding with an increased incidence of emm89 infections. Although standard variable typing regions (emm subtype, tee type, sof type, and multilocus sequence typing [MLST]) remained unchanged, uniquely the emergent clade had undergone six distinct regions of homologous recombination across the genome compared to the rest of the sequenced emm89 population. Two of these regions affected known virulence factors, the hyaluronic acid capsule and the toxins NADase and streptolysin O. Unexpectedly, and in contrast to the rest of the sequenced emm89 population, the emergent clade-associated strains were genetically acapsular, rendering them unable to produce the hyaluronic acid capsule. The emergent clade-associated strains had also acquired an NADase/streptolysin O locus nearly identical to that found in emm12 and modern emm1 strains but different from the rest of the sequenced emm89 population. The emergent clade-associated strains had enhanced expression of NADase and streptolysin O. The genome remodeling in the new clade variant and the resultant altered phenotype appear to have conferred a selective advantage over other emm89 variants and may explain the changes observed in emm89 GAS epidemiology. IMPORTANCE: Sudden upsurges or epidemic waves are common features of group A streptococcal disease. Although the mechanisms behind such changes are largely unknown, they are often associated with an expansion of a single genotype within the population. Using whole-genome sequencing, we investigated a nationwide increase in invasive disease caused by the genotype emm89 in the United Kingdom. We identified a new clade variant that had recently emerged in the emm89 population after having undergone several core genomic recombination-related changes, two of which affected known virulence factors. An unusual finding of the new variant was the loss of the hyaluronic acid capsule, previously thought to be essential for causing invasive disease. A further genomic adaptation in the NADase/streptolysin O locus resulted in enhanced production of these toxins. Recombination-related genome remodeling is clearly an important mechanism in group A Streptococcus that can give rise to more successful and potentially more pathogenic variants

    Identification of commonly expressed exoproteins and proteolytic cleavage events by proteomic mining of clinically relevant UK isolates of Staphylococcus aureus

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    The range of exoproteins and core exoproteome of 14 Staphylococcus aureus isolates representing major lineages associated with asymptomatic carriage and clinical disease in the UK was identified by MS proteomics using a combined database incorporating sequences derived from 39 S. aureus genomes. In all, 632 different proteins were identified and, of these, only 52 (8 %) were found in all 14 isolates whereas 144 (23 %) were found in just a single isolate. Comparison of the observed mass of each protein (based on migration by SDS-PAGE) with its predicted mass (based on amino acid sequence) suggested that 95 % of the proteins identified were not subject to any major post-translational modification. Migration of 5 % of the proteins was not as expected: 1 % of the proteins migrated at a mass greater than predicted, while 4 % appeared to have undergone proteolytic cleavage; these included SsaA2, Aur, SspP, Ebh as well as BlaR1, MecR1, FsH, OatA and LtaS. Intriguingly, a truncated SasG was produced by a single CC8 USA300-like strain. The analysis provided evidence of the marked heterogeneity in protein expression by S. aureus in broth, while yielding a core but narrow common exoproteome

    Light detection and ranging (LiDAR) for measurement of coastal processes

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    An experimental study has been completed to investigate the ability of a low-cost, industrial 2D LiDAR instrument to obtain detailed measurements of time-varying free-surface elevation in both the laboratory and the field. When mounted above the swash zone of a sandy beach, the LiDAR instrument was able to make swash-surface measurements that compared well with concurrent measurements using an array of ultrasonic altimeters which have been shown to provide accurate point measurements. A significant advantage of using LiDAR technology is that a single instrument can be used to make measurements throughout the swash zone at a high spatial resolution O(10cm) that enables small scale O(10cm) flow features to be evaluated and is impractical using alternative point measurement devices. When mounted above a laboratory wave flume, the LiDAR instrument was shown to make measurements of the time-varying free-surface elevation along a section of the wave flume at a spatial resolution O(10mm) with comparable accuracy to an array of conventional capacitance wave probes. Thus using a laser scanner, a single instrument can be utilised to measure the entire wave field allowing detailed evaluation of wave transformation throughout the experimental domain

    Streptococcal superantigen‐induced expansion of human tonsil T cells leads to altered T follicular helper cell phenotype, B cell death and reduced immunoglobulin release

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    Streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin (Spe) A expression is epidemiologically linked to streptococcal tonsillo‐pharyngitis and outbreaks of scarlet fever, although the mechanisms by which superantigens confer advantage to Streptococcus pyogenes are unclear. S. pyogenes is an exclusively human pathogen. As the leucocyte profile of tonsil is unique, the impact of SpeA production on human tonsil cell function was investigated. Human tonsil cells from routine tonsillectomy were co‐incubated with purified streptococcal superantigens or culture supernatants from isogenic streptococcal isolates, differing only in superantigen production. Tonsil cell proliferation was quantified by tritiated thymidine incorporation, and cell surface characteristics assessed by flow cytometry. Soluble mediators including immunoglobulin were measured using enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay. Tonsil T cells proliferated in response to SpeA and demonstrated typical release of proinflammatory cytokines. When cultured in the absence of superantigen, tonsil preparations released large quantities of immunoglobulin over 7 days. In contrast, marked B cell apoptosis and abrogation of total immunoglobulin (Ig)A, IgM, and IgG production occurred in the presence of SpeA and other superantigens. In SpeA‐stimulated cultures, T follicular helper (Tfh) cells showed a reduction in C‐X‐C chemokine receptor (CXCR)5 (CD185) expression, but up‐regulation of OX40 (CD134) and inducible T cell co‐stimulator (ICOS) (CD278) expression. The phenotypical change in the Tfh population was associated with impaired chemotactic response to CXCL13. SpeA and other superantigens cause dysregulated tonsil immune function, driving T cells from Tfh to a proliferating phenotype, with resultant loss of B cells and immunoglobulin production, providing superantigen‐producing bacteria with a probable survival advantage