47,545 research outputs found

    Atmospheric effects on infrared multispectral sensing of sea-surface temperature from space

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    Atmospheric effects on infrared multispectral sensing of sea-surface temperature from spac

    Paleoseismic and Slip-Rate Observations along the Honey Lake Fault Zone, Northeastern California, USA

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    The Honey Lake fault is a major strike-slip fault in northeastern California that accommodates northwest-directed right-lateral shear in the northern Walker Lane. We reexamine the fault’s paleoseismic history and slip rate by evaluating a natural stream bank exposure of the fault and offset terrace riser. Structural and stratigraphic relations within the modern stream cut, radiocarbon ages, and a detailed topographic survey of the offset terrace riser are used to estimate a Holocene fault slip rate of 1.7–0.6 mm/yr or more. We also interpret the occurrence of at least four surface-rupturing earthquakes during the last 7025 calendar years before present (B.P.). Three of the surface-rupturing earthquakes occurred prior to 4670 calendar years B.P. and have interevent times that range between 730 and 990 yr. The stratigraphic record is limited after ~4670 calendar years B.P., and records evidence for at least one more subsequent surface-rupturing earthquake

    The maxometer-dynamic and static tests

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    The ability to withstand extreme environmental conditions, such as the high flow velocities and extreme temperatures associated with the launch of aerospace vehicles, was considered in the developement of two maxometer models which are capable of measuring extremely high wind speeds (130 m/sec) and retaining a record of the peak speed over any given time period. The dynamic and static tests of these models are reported, along with pertinent results

    Skylab food system

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    A review of the Skylab food system requirements, package designs, and launch configurations was presented. In-flight anomalies were discussed, and between-mission changes in design were described. A discussion of support for Skylab 3 and Skylab 4 mission extensions and of new items launched on these missions is included

    Atmospheric radiation model for water surfaces

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    An atmospheric correction model was extended to account for various atmospheric radiation components in remotely sensed data. Components such as the atmospheric path radiance which results from singly scattered sky radiation specularly reflected by the water surface are considered. A component which is referred to as the virtual Sun path radiance, i.e. the singly scattered path radiance which results from the solar radiation which is specularly reflected by the water surface is also considered. These atmospheric radiation components are coded into a computer program for the analysis of multispectral remote sensor data over the Great Lakes of the United States. The user must know certain parameters, such as the visibility or spectral optical thickness of the atmosphere and the geometry of the sensor with respect to the Sun and the target elements under investigation

    NASA/MSFC FY-83 Atmospheric Research Review

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    Atmospheric research conducted at the Marshall Space Flight Center in FY 1983 is discussed. Clear air turbulence, gusts, and fog dispersal near airports is discussed. The use of Doppler Lidar signals in discussed, as are low level flow conditions that are hazardous to aircraft

    Specification of a NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver for a differential GPS ground system

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    One step towards the successful completion of a functional ground unit for the Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS) will be in choosing a currently available GPS receiver that will accurately measure the propagation times of the satellite signals and have the capability to be electrically interfaced with and controlled by a Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC) PDP-11/34A computer. The minimum requirements and characteristics of a NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver are described. The specific technical specifications addressed include data accuracies and resolutions, receiver interface/external control, enclosure dimensions and mounting requirements, receiver operation, and environmental specifications

    Knowledge development for organic systems: An example of weed management

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    Despite the large amount information on weed biology and specific weed control measures produced by researchers, organic farmers still prioritise weeds as an important area for further research. A recent project investigating weed management in organic farming systems has established that knowledge and learning are key requirements for this to be effective. Development of relevant, practically useful knowledge depends on access to information generated ‘scientifically’ by researchers and also to knowledge generated as a result of farmer experience with weeds. This requires that farmers, advisors and researchers take a participatory approach to collecting and processing information on weed management, using it to develop new and relevant knowledge. The appropriate framework for knowledge development is thus a collegiate one in which all stakeholders’ value and learn from the observations and experience of others. These findings have implications for the way in which research is conducted and funded

    Turbine Vane External Heat Transfer. Volume 1: Analytical and Experimental Evaluation of Surface Heat Transfer Distributions with Leading Edge Showerhead Film Cooling

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    Progress in predictive design capabilities for external heat transfer to turbine vanes was summarized. A two dimensional linear cascade (previously used to obtain vane surface heat transfer distributions on nonfilm cooled airfoils) was used to examine the effect of leading edge shower head film cooling on downstream heat transfer. The data were used to develop and evaluate analytical models. Modifications to the two dimensional boundary layer model are described. The results were used to formulate and test an effective viscosity model capable of predicting heat transfer phenomena downstream of the leading edge film cooling array on both the suction and pressure surfaces, with and without mass injection
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