218 research outputs found

    Ground-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometry of the Terrestrial Nightglow with a Bare Charge-Coupled Device: Remote Field Site Deployment

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    The application of Fabry-Perot interferometers (FPIs) to the study of upper atmosphere thermodynamics has largely been restricted by the very low light levels in the terrestrial airglow as well as the limited range in wavelength of photomultiplier tube (PMT) technology. During the past decade, the development of the scientific grade charge-coupled device (CCD) has progressed to the stage in which this detector has become the logical replacement for the PMT. Small fast microcomputers have made it possible to "upgrade" our remote field sites with bare CCDs and not only retain the previous capabilities of the existing FPls but expand the data coverage in both temporal and wavelength domains. The problems encountered and the solutions applied to the deployment of a bare CCD, with data acquisition and image reduction techniques, are discussed. Sample geophysical data determined from the FPI fringe profiles are shown for our stations at Peach Mountain, Michigan, and Watson Lake, Yukon Territory

    Bringing the Kok effect to light: A review on the integration of daytime respiration and net ecosystem exchange

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    Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) represents the difference between carbon assimilated through photosynthesis, or gross primary productivity (GPP), and carbon released via ecosystem respiration (ER). NEE, measured via eddy covariance and chamber techniques, must be partitioned into these fluxes to accurately describe and underst and the carbon dynamics of an ecosystem. GPP and daytime ER may be significantly overestimated if the light inhibition of foliar mitochondrial respiration, or "Kok effect," is not accurately estimated and further integrated into ecosystem measurements. The light inhibition of respiration, a composite effect of multiple cellular pathways, is reported to cause between 25-100% inhibition of foliar mitochondrial respiration, and for this reason needs to be considered when estimating larger carbon fluxes. Partitioning of respiration between autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration, and applying these scaled respiratory fluxes to the ecosystem-level proves to be difficult, and the integration of light inhibition into single and continuous measures of ecosystem respiration will require new interpretations and analysis of carbon exchange in terrestrial ecosystems

    IDEA Requirements for Use of PBS: Guidelines for Responsible Agencies

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    Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBS) is the federal law's preferred strategy for dealing with challenging behaviors of students with disabilities. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires PBS to be considered in all cases of students whose behavior impedes their learning or the learning of others, reflecting IDEA's preference for use of state-of-the-art technology in special education. This article explains the legal ramifications of these requirements for responsible agencies, including schools, school boards, other local educational agencies, and state educational agencies

    Interferon-stimulated gene (ISG)-expression screening reveals the specific antibunyaviral activity of ISG20

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    Bunyaviruses pose a significant threat to human health, prosperity and food security. In response to viral infections, interferons (IFNs) upregulate the expression of hundreds of interferon stimulated genes (ISGs) whose cumulative action can potently inhibit the replication of bunyaviruses. We used a flow cytometry-based method to screen the ability of ∼500 unique ISGs from humans and rhesus macaques to inhibit the replication of Bunyamwera orthobunyavirus (BUNV), the prototype of both the Peribunyaviridae family and Bunyavirales order. Candidates possessing antibunyaviral activity were further examined using a panel of divergent bunyaviruses. Interestingly, one candidate, ISG20, exhibited potent antibunyaviral activity against most viruses examined from the Peribunyaviridae, Hantaviridae and Nairoviridae families, whereas phleboviruses (Phenuiviridae) largely escaped inhibition. Similar to other viruses known to be targeted by ISG20, the antibunyaviral activity of ISG20 is dependent upon its functional ribonuclease activity. Through use of an infectious VLP assay (based on the BUNV minigenome system), we confirmed that gene expression from all 3 viral segments is strongly inhibited by ISG20. Using in vitro evolution, we generated a substantially ISG20-resistant BUNV and mapped the determinants of ISG20 sensitivity/resistance. Taken together, we report that ISG20 is a broad and potent antibunyaviral factor yet some bunyaviruses are remarkably ISG20 resistant. Thus, ISG20 sensitivity/resistance could influence the pathogenesis of bunyaviruses, many of which are emerging viruses of clinical or veterinary significance

    Differential physiological responses to environmental change promote woody shrub expansion

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    © The Author(s), 2013. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Ecology and Evolution 3 (2013): 1149–1162, doi:10.1002/ece3.525.Direct and indirect effects of warming are increasingly modifying the carbon-rich vegetation and soils of the Arctic tundra, with important implications for the terrestrial carbon cycle. Understanding the biological and environmental influences on the processes that regulate foliar carbon cycling in tundra species is essential for predicting the future terrestrial carbon balance in this region. To determine the effect of climate change impacts on gas exchange in tundra, we quantified foliar photosynthesis (Anet), respiration in the dark and light (RD and RL, determined using the Kok method), photorespiration (PR), carbon gain efficiency (CGE, the ratio of photosynthetic CO2 uptake to total CO2 exchange of photosynthesis, PR, and respiration), and leaf traits of three dominant species – Betula nana, a woody shrub; Eriophorum vaginatum, a graminoid; and Rubus chamaemorus, a forb – grown under long-term warming and fertilization treatments since 1989 at Toolik Lake, Alaska. Under warming, B. nana exhibited the highest rates of Anet and strongest light inhibition of respiration, increasing CGE nearly 50% compared with leaves grown in ambient conditions, which corresponded to a 52% increase in relative abundance. Gas exchange did not shift under fertilization in B. nana despite increases in leaf N and P and near-complete dominance at the community scale, suggesting a morphological rather than physiological response. Rubus chamaemorus, exhibited minimal shifts in foliar gas exchange, and responded similarly to B. nana under treatment conditions. By contrast, E. vaginatum, did not significantly alter its gas exchange physiology under treatments and exhibited dramatic decreases in relative cover (warming: −19.7%; fertilization: −79.7%; warming with fertilization: −91.1%). Our findings suggest a foliar physiological advantage in the woody shrub B. nana that is further mediated by warming and increased soil nutrient availability, which may facilitate shrub expansion and in turn alter the terrestrial carbon cycle in future tundra environments.This study was supported by the National Science Foundation #0732664; Australian Research Council DP0986823; and Marsden Fund of the Royal Society of New Zealand

    Ferromagnetice exchange in bichloride bridged Cu(II) chains: magnetostructural correlations between ordered and disordered systems

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    The synthesis, structure, magnetic properties, and theoretical analysis of a new phase of dichloro(2-thlaro-3-methylpyridine)copper(II) (2) and its isomorphous analogue dichloro(2bromo-3-methylpyridine)copper(II) (3) are reported. Both complexes crystallize in the orthorhombic space group Pbca and present square pyramidal Cu(II) ions bridged into chains by chloride ions with each,copper(II)-bearing a single pyridine ligand. Variable temperature magnetic Susceptibility measurements were well fit by a uniform one-dimensional ferromagnetic chain model with,2) J = 69.0(7) K, C = 0.487 emu-K/mol-Oe; 3, J = 73.9(4) K, C = 0.463 emu-K/mol-Oe = Hamiltonian). The experimental J-values were confirmed-via theOretical calculations. Comparison to a known disordered polymorph of dichloro(2-chloro-3-inethylpyridine)copper(II), 1, shows marked differences as there are significant antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbor interactions, in 1 in addition to randomness induced by the disorder which provide a distinctly different magnetic response. The differences in magnetic behavior are attributed principally to the structural difference in the Cu(II) coordination sphere, 1 being significantly closer to trigonal-bipyramidal, whose difference changes both the nearest and next-nearest neighbor interactions

    Bringing the Kok effect to light: A review on the integration of daytime respiration and net ecosystem exchange

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    Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) represents the difference between carbon assimilated through photosynthesis, or gross primary productivity (GPP), and carbon released via ecosystem respiration (ER). NEE, measured via eddy covariance and chamber techniques, must be partitioned into these fluxes to accurately describe and understand the carbon dynamics of an ecosystem. GPP and daytime ER may be significantly overestimated if the light inhibition of foliar mitochondrial respiration, or “Kok effect,” is not accurately estimated and further integrated into ecosystem measurements. The light inhibition of respiration, a composite effect of multiple cellular pathways, is reported to cause between 25‐100% inhibition of foliar mitochondrial respiration, and for this reason needs to be considered when estimating larger carbon fluxes. Partitioning of respiration between autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration, and applying these scaled respiratory fluxes to the ecosystem‐level proves to be difficult, and the integration of light inhibition into single and continuous measures of ecosystem respiration will require new interpretations and analysis of carbon exchange in terrestrial ecosystems

    Matrix of Federal Statutes and Federal and State Court Decisions Reflecting the Core Concepts of Disability Policy

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    This article sets out the 18 core concepts of policy affecting families who have children with disabilities. It defines each concept, provides a reference to the constitutional principle(s) that undergird the core concept, cites the federal statutes that reflect the core concept, and references the decisions of the United States Supreme Court and other courts interpreting or defining the core concept

    The genetics of virus particle shape in equine influenza A virus

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    Background Many human strains of influenza A virus produce highly pleomorphic virus particles that at the extremes can be approximated as either spheres of around 100 nm diameter or filaments of similar cross-section but elongated to lengths of many microns. The role filamentous virions play in the virus life cycle remains enigmatic. Objectives/Methods Here, we set out to define the morphology and genetics of virus particle shape in equine influenza A virus, using reverse genetics and microscopy of infected cells. Results and Conclusions The majority of H3N8 strains tested were found to produce filamentous virions, as did the prototype H7N7 A/eq/Prague/56 strain. The exception was the prototype H3N8 isolate, A/eq/Miami/63. Reassortment of equine influenza virus M genes from filamentous and non-filamentous strains into the non-filamentous human virus A/PR/8/34 confirmed that segment 7 is a major determinant of particle shape. Sequence analysis identified three M1 amino acid polymorphisms plausibly associated with determining virion morphology, and the introduction of these changes into viruses confirmed the importance of two: S85N and N231D. However, while either change alone affected filament production, the greatest effect was seen when the polymorphisms were introduced in conjunction. Thus, influenza A viruses from equine hosts also produce filamentous virions, and the major genetic determinants are set by the M1 protein. However, the precise sequence determinants are different to those previously identified in human or porcine viruses

    Public Policy Foundations for Positive Behavioral Interventions, Strategies, and Supports

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    This article examines precedents that justify Congress in creating a preference for positive behavioral interventions, strategies, and supports over other interventions in the 1997 Amendments to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). The authors concluded that the IDEA 1997 provisions are warranted by several well-established precedents based in constitutional law, in the right to treatment and the right to education cases, in moral philosophy, and in democratic-government philosophy