628 research outputs found

    Altered dynamical integration/segregation balance during anesthesia-induced loss of consciousness

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    In recent years, brain imaging studies have begun to shed light on the neural correlates of physiologically-reversible altered states of consciousness such as deep sleep, anesthesia, and psychedelic experiences. The emerging consensus is that normal waking consciousness requires the exploration of a dynamical repertoire enabling both global integration i.e., long-distance interactions between brain regions, and segregation, i.e., local processing in functionally specialized clusters. Altered states of consciousness have notably been characterized by a tipping of the integration/segregation balance away from this equilibrium. Historically, functional MRI (fMRI) has been the modality of choice for such investigations. However, fMRI does not enable characterization of the integration/segregation balance at sub-second temporal resolution. Here, we investigated global brain spatiotemporal patterns in electrocorticography (ECoG) data of a monkey (Macaca fuscata) under either ketamine or propofol general anesthesia. We first studied the effects of these anesthetics from the perspective of band-specific synchronization across the entire ECoG array, treating individual channels as oscillators. We further aimed to determine whether synchrony within spatially localized clusters of oscillators was differently affected by the drugs in comparison to synchronization over spatially distributed subsets of ECoG channels, thereby quantifying changes in integration/segregation balance on physiologically-relevant time scales. The findings reflect global brain dynamics characterized by a loss of long-range integration in multiple frequency bands under both ketamine and propofol anesthesia, most pronounced in the beta (13–30 Hz) and low-gamma bands (30–80 Hz), and with strongly preserved local synchrony in all bands

    Executive Functions and Prefrontal Cortex: A Matter of Persistence?

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    Executive function is thought to originates from the dynamics of frontal cortical networks. We examined the dynamic properties of the blood oxygen level dependent time-series measured with functional MRI (fMRI) within the prefrontal cortex (PFC) to test the hypothesis that temporally persistent neural activity underlies performance in three tasks of executive function. A numerical estimate of signal persistence, the Hurst exponent, postulated to represent the coherent firing of cortical networks, was determined and correlated with task performance. Increasing persistence in the lateral PFC was shown to correlate with improved performance during an n-back task. Conversely, we observed a correlation between persistence and increasing commission error – indicating a failure to inhibit a prepotent response – during a Go/No-Go task. We propose that persistence within the PFC reflects dynamic network formation and these findings underline the importance of frequency analysis of fMRI time-series in the study of executive functions

    Establishing brain states in neuroimaging data

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    The definition of a brain state remains elusive, with varying interpretations across different sub-fields of neuroscience-from the level of wakefulness in anaesthesia, to activity of individual neurons, voltage in EEG, and blood flow in fMRI. This lack of consensus presents a significant challenge to the development of accurate models of neural dynamics. However, at the foundation of dynamical systems theory lies a definition of what constitutes the 'state' of a system-i.e., a specification of the system's future. Here, we propose to adopt this definition to establish brain states in neuroimaging timeseries by applying Dynamic Causal Modelling (DCM) to low-dimensional embedding of resting and task condition fMRI data. We find that ~90% of subjects in resting conditions are better described by first-order models, whereas ~55% of subjects in task conditions are better described by second-order models. Our work calls into question the status quo of using first-order equations almost exclusively within computational neuroscience and provides a new way of establishing brain states, as well as their associated phase space representations, in neuroimaging datasets

    The Blind Psychological Scientists and the Elephant: Reply to Sherlock and Zietsch

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    The Commentary by Sherlock and Zietsch (2018) raises important questions about how the science of human psychological development moves forward as researchers make dramatic strides in understanding the role of genetics. In this response, we return to these larger questions, but we begin by addressing Sherlock and Zietsch’s specific argument that “genetic contributions should almost always be considered when dealing with associations between parents’ behavior and their children’s behavior” (p. 156). In our 60-year study of the association between warmth of the childhood family environment and late-life security of attachment (Waldinger & Schulz, 2016), we did not mention the potential influence of genetic factors, and we regret this omission. Moreover, we acknowledge that in some places in the article, we used causal language that was not justified by the design of the study. Although we explicitly stated that the association between warmth of the childhood family environment and late-life security of attachment is correlational and not causal, we went on to interpret these findings as indications of support for the influence of childhood environment on well-being in adulthood. Although this is a plausible interpretation, Sherlock and Zietsch are justified in arguing that genetic influences could contribute to this link and that our article should have noted this. The editorial review process encourages investigators to highlight the implications of their work, and in our enthusiasm to convey the importance of an association that spans six decades, we did not adequately address possible alternative explanations for this association. Waldinger, R. J., & Schulz, M. S. (2016). The long reach of nurturing family environments: links with midlife emotion-regulatory styles and late-life security in intimate relationships. Psychological Science. 27.11. http://doi.org/10.1177/095679761666155

    Offspring ADHD as a risk factor for parental marital problems: Controls for genetic and environmental confounds

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    Background: Previous studies have found that child attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with more parental marital problems. However, the reasons for this association are unclear. The association might be due to genetic or environmental confounds that contribute to both marital problems and ADHD. Method: Data were drawn from the Australian Twin Registry, including 1,296 individual twins, their spouses, and offspring. We studied adult twins who were discordant for offspring ADHD. Using a discordant twin pairs design, we examined the extent to which genetic and environmental confounds, as well as measured parental and offspring characteristics, explain the ADHD-marital problems association. Results: Offspring ADHD predicted parental divorce and marital conflict. The associations were also robust when comparing differentially exposed identical twins to control for unmeasured genetic and environmental factors, when controlling for measured maternal and paternal psychopathology, when restricting the sample based on timing of parental divorce and ADHD onset, and when controlling for other forms of offspring psychopathology. Each of these controls rules out alternative explanations for the association. Conclusion: The results of the current study converge with those of prior research in suggesting that factors directly associated with offspring ADHD increase parental marital problems