4,002 research outputs found

    La dottrina del laicato come dimensione informatrice del rapporto Chiesa-Mondo nel Concilio Vaticano II

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    SUMMARIUM Hoc studium de doctrina laicorum oppetit quaestionem relationum Ecclesiae et mundi lumini praeceptorum Conci1ii, sumens nucleum investigationis doctrinam laicorum in rebus saeculi. Fundamentale pondus humanae personae laicique ut talis, praeter fidelem, in Concilio Vaticano Il hunc proprium prospectum exigit. In primis paragraphum IIl, «De laicis et de personae humanae dignitate», agit de mutua conexione atque intelligentia duorum thematum etsi se contineat problematibus libertatis religiosae. Thema autem personae humanae,. media Concilii declaratio, in hoc paragrapho non examinatur quamquam adsit rector totius operis valde nexum cum themate laicorum. Alterum est elementum singulare quamvis summa investigatione situm, repraesentatum re pluralismi (socialis religiosique) in quo auctor vult ostendere momentum vi Ecclesiae in mundo profectionis magis quam adventus tantum cogitationis Ecclesiae; et eminent aliquae ulteriores conexiones thematum humanae personae, laicorum et pluralismi, quorum maiores derivationes disseruntur in paragraphis IV et V, de Statu Internationalique communitate; restructuratio primi et magna evolutionis potentia secundi summum exitus sunt plurallsmi et activitatis hominum eam animantium. Eminet in primis in paragrapho IV peculiaris activitas laicorum ordine internationali et munus «creativum» quod in tale contextu possit habere haec activitas, ad Ecclesiam ducem malentem loqui hominibus quam nationibus. Hoc sensu (par. IV) interpretat auctor viam individualem ut primariam ET secundariam institutionalem. Ceterum restructurationi Status explicationes et indications quaerunt, inter eas rationem agendi Concilli in confesionalitatis Stati themate. Denique parag. VI conatur evidentia facere problemata et consequtiones laicorum in rebus saeculi, his conexis cum supra dictis ut coordinentur. Opus experitur facere continuationem conceptuum quae in miscendis et concatenandis thematibus singularibus permittat eminere profundam signüicationem relationum praesentium Ecclesiae et mundi in omnibus suis implicationibus valde praecipuis. ----------------------------------ABSTRACT This present work on the laity deals with the question of Church-World relationship in the light of Conciliar teaching, taking as the medium of investigation, the doctrine concerning the laity in temporal affairs. This particular perspective is derived from the fundamental significance given to the human person and to the layman as such, and not as a member of the faithful, in the II Vatican Council. Paragraph 3, «the layman and the dignity of the human person», in particular, is dedicated to the co-relation of these two subjects and the aspects of compenetration which they offer, though often limited to the problems of religious freedom. The subject of the human person,. which occupies a central position in the Conciliar presentation, is not in fact exhausted nor could it be, in such a paragraph: it is present throughout the whole of this work as a connecting thread linked with that of laity. Another basic element, overlooking and influencing this investigation, is that represented by the phenomenon of «pluralism» (social and religious) considered (par. 2) not so much as the terminal point of the Church's meditation, but as the point of departure for the activity of the Church in the world. A series of further co-relations between the subjects of the human person, the layman and pluralism are singled out, whose major consequences cannot be felt elsewhere than in the subjects dealt with in paragraphs 4 and 5, 1. e. the State and the international Community. For, the new dimension which has been given to the former and the richness of the evolutive protentiality of the latter are no more than the result of pluralism and the activity of the human beings which animate it. Paragraph 5, in particular, represents an effort to lay hold up the peculiar characteristics of the action of the laity at an international level and the «creative » function which this activity could have in this context, in accordance with the guidance of the Church, which chose to speak first to the world of men and afterwards to the Nations. It is in this sense that individual life is considered primary and that of Institutions secondary (par. 4). In addition, further explanations and indications are sought regarding the new dimension given to the Sta te, among which the manner in which the Council dealt with the confessionality of the State, ls included. Finally, in paragraph 6,an effort is made to place in evidence certain problems and consequences of a necessary harmonisation between potestas in temporalibu8 and the function of the laity in temporal affairs, recalling those points previously developed for the co-ordination. Throughout this work an attempt has been made to maintain a conceptual continuity, which, founded in and linked to the individual topics, would favour the emphasis of the profound significance of the actual Church-World relationships in aH its very important implications

    A triple-GEM telescope for the TOTEM experiment

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    The TOTEM experiment at LHC has chosen the triple Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) technology for its T2 telescope which will provide charged track reconstruction in the rapidity range 5.3<|eta|<6.5 and a fully inclusive trigger for diffractive events. GEMs are gas-filled detectors that have the advantageous decoupling of the charge amplification structure from the charge collection and readout structure. Furthermore, they combine good spatial resolution with very high rate capability and a good resistance to radiation. Results from a detailed T2 GEM simulation and from laboratory tests on a final design detector performed at CERN are presented.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors (IPRD06), Siena, Italy, October 1-5 200

    The layered structure of company share networks

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    We present a framework for the analysis of corporate governance problems using network science and graph algorithms on ownership networks. In such networks, nodes model companies/shareholders and edges model shares owned. Inspired by the widespread pyramidal organization of corporate groups of companies, we model ownership networks as layered graphs, and exploit the layered structure to design feasible and efficient solutions to three key problems of corporate governance. The first one is the long-standing problem of computing direct and indirect ownership (integrated ownership problem). The other two problems are introduced here: computing direct and indirect dividends (dividend problem), and computing the group of companies controlled by a parent shareholder (corporate group problem). We conduct an extensive empirical analysis of the Italian ownership network, which, with its 3.9M nodes, is 30× the largest network studied so far

    Artificial neural network for tilting pad journal bearing characterization

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    Tilting pad journal bearings (TPJBs) are modeled with Reynold-based models or computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach. In both cases, the estimation of the dynamic coefficients of the oil-film forces and the static characteristic, can be computationally expensive and time consuming. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is assuming a key role in engineering but is rarely applied in fluid film bearing analysis. A properly trained Deep Learning (DL) model can perform very fast predictions of TPJB behavior with accuracy comparable to more time-consuming models. In this case, the main drawback is the time required to build the training dataset. In this work, an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is trained to predict the dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients along with the main static quantities of TPJBs, such as minimum oil-film thickness and inlet flowrate. At first, a design of experiment is performed to build an appropriate training dataset. Secondly, a Reynolds-based thermo-hydrodynamic (THD) model is used to populate the training dataset and an appropriate test dataset. Then, a feedforward ANN is trained with Levenberg–Marquardt backpropagation and its architecture is optimized to increase accuracy. Finally, the accuracy of the ANN is tested using the test dataset and experimental data. The time and computational effort required by the ANN regression are much less than those required by the THD model. Therefore, the trained ANN is an effective and efficient tool for the characterization of TPJBs

    The Explanation Dialogues: Understanding How Legal Experts Reason About XAI Methods

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    The Explanation Dialogues project is an expert focus study that aims to uncover expectations, reasoning, and rules of legal experts and practitioners towards explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). We examine legal perceptions and disputes that arise in a fictional scenario that resembles a daily life situation - a bank’s use of an automated decision-making (ADM) system to decide on credit allocation to individuals. Through this simulation, the study aims to provide insights into the legal value and validity of explanations of ADMs, identify potential gaps and issues that may arise in the context of compliance with European legislation, and provide guidance on how to address these shortcomings

    Opening the black box: a primer for anti-discrimination

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    The pervasive adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models in the modern information society, requires counterbalancing the growing decision power demanded to AI models with risk assessment methodologies. In this paper, we consider the risk of discriminatory decisions and review approaches for discovering discrimination and for designing fair AI models. We highlight the tight relations between discrimination discovery and explainable AI, with the latter being a more general approach for understanding the behavior of black boxes

    Body Condition Score Is Not Correlated to Gastric Ulcers in Non-Athlete Horses

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    Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) is a worldwide disease of the stomach that can be found in different categories of horses. Different clinical signs may be present, but a large number of horses are asymptomatic. The aim of this study was to identify a possible correlation between body condition score (BCS) and EGUS in a population of horses. A total of 203 non-athlete horses were submitted for gastroscopies, and the presence and severity of lesions of the glandular and squamous mucosa were recorded. A board-certified veterinarian blinded to the gastroscopy results assessed the BCS of the horse. In the study population, no correlation was found between BCS and the presence of gastric lesions in either the glandular or the squamous mucosa. The disease of the squamous or glandular mucosa cannot be excluded based only on the presence of normal or increased BCS in non-athlete horses

    Mammary cistern size during the dry period in healthy dairy cows: A preliminary study for an ultrasonographic evaluation

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    We evaluated the udder cistern (UC) size during the dry period using ultrasound. Forty healthy quarters were evaluated in both the longitudinal and cross-section of the UC. Quarters were evaluated at the drying-off (T0) and 24 h later (T1), then regularly until the end of the dry period (T7–T58), during the colostrum production phase (TCPP) and at 7 days in milking (T7PP). The Spearman test was applied to find the correlation between the ultrasonographic UC size (UUCS) assessment and time. The Friedman test and Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons as a post-hoc test were performed to compare the forequarter and hindquarter cross-sections (FQCSs and HQCSs, respectively) and the forequarter and hindquarter longitudinal sections (FQLSs and HQLSs, respectively) at T0 vs. T58 vs. TCPP vs. T7PP. A total of 440 images were evaluated. A negative linear correlation between time and FQCS and FQLS (r = −0.95; p &lt; 0.0004) and between time and HQCS and HQLS (r = −0.90; p &lt; 0.002) was found. The UUCS decreased throughout the dry period, starting to increase at the beginning of the next lactation. Measuring the UUCS provides useful information for monitoring the dry period

    Optimization of Disperse Blue 3 mineralization by UV-LED/FeTiO3 activated persulfate using response surface methodology

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    Response surface methodology based on Box-Behnken design (BBD) was successfully applied for the optimization of the UV-LED/FeTiO3 activated persulfate (PS) process. Disperse Blue 3 (DB3) azo dye oxidation was carried out in a quartz jacketed stirred batch reactor using 405 nm UV at 10 W/m−2 as radiation source. The effects of temperature, catalyst concentration and persulfate dose upon the total organic carbon (TOC) removal were investigated. Optimum operating conditions were found to be: ilmenite: 320 mg/L−1, PS: 1.56 g/L−1 and 67°C. Under these conditions, 96% mineralization was achieved. Ecotoxicity of the final effluent was evaluated using Aliivibrio fischeri bacteria, finding a negligible toxicity.Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid and MINECO have supported this work through projects S2013/MAE-2716 and CTM2016-76454-R, respectively. Jefferson E. Silveira and Wendel S. Paz gratefully acknowledge the support from CAPES: Science Without Borders Program, Ministry of Education Brazil, under grants BEX-1046/13-6 and BEX-9476/13-0 respectively

    A New Scintillator Tile/Fiber Preshower Detector for the CDF Central Calorimeter

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    A detector designed to measure early particle showers has been installed in front of the central CDF calorimeter at the Tevatron. This new preshower detector is based on scintillator tiles coupled to wavelength-shifting fibers read out by multi-anode photomultipliers and has a total of 3,072 readout channels. The replacement of the old gas detector was required due to an expected increase in instantaneous luminosity of the Tevatron collider in the next few years. Calorimeter coverage, jet energy resolution, and electron and photon identification are among the expected improvements. The final detector design, together with the R&D studies that led to the choice of scintillator and fiber, mechanical assembly, and quality control are presented. The detector was installed in the fall 2004 Tevatron shutdown and started collecting colliding beam data by the end of the same year. First measurements indicate a light yield of 12 photoelectrons/MIP, a more than two-fold increase over the design goals.Comment: 5 pages, 10 figures (changes are minor; this is the final version published in IEEE-Trans.Nucl.Sci.