39 research outputs found

    Influence of fingerprints and finger positioning on accuracy of RF blood glucose measurement from fingertips

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    Non-invasive blood glucose measurement has attracted great interest from researchers deploying various techniques where microwave sensing is one of them. Microwave resonators are utilized as sensors for measuring the glucose levels. A body part is placed on the sensor for a reading and the measurement principle lies in the change of the dielectric properties of blood with varying levels of glucose. The fingertip is a popular measurement site as there is a good amount fresh blood supply. The position of the fingertip on the sensor has an effect on the sensor response due to the change in the propagation path of the electromagnetic field inside the finger. Moreover, fingerprints also affect the sensor response as the irregular ridges and valleys in the fingerprint introduce air gaps altering the effective permittivity seen by the sensor. The effects of fingerprints as well as finger positioning on the sensor is explored and explained in this paper

    Simulating the Effects of Skin Thickness and Fingerprints to Highlight Problems with Non-invasive RF Blood Glucose Sensing from Fingertips

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    The non-invasive measurement of blood glucose is a popular research topic where RF/microwave sensing of glucose is one of the promising methods in this area. From the many available measurement sites in the human body, fingertips appear to be a good choice due to a good amount of fresh blood supply and homogeneity in terms of biological layers present. The non-invasive RF measurement of blood glucose relies on the detection of the change in the permittivity of the blood using a resonator as a sensor. However, the change in the permittivity of blood due to the variation in glucose content has a limited range resulting in a very small shift in the sensor’s frequency response. Any inconsistency between measurements may hinder the measurement results. These inconsistencies mostly arise from the varied thickness of the biological layers and variation of fingerprints that are unique to every human. Therefore, the effects of biological layers and fingerprints in fingertips were studied in detail and are reported in this paper

    A Novel Pressure Sensing Circuit for Non-invasive RF/Microwave Blood Glucose Sensors

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    A novel pressure sensing circuit for non-invasive RF/microwave blood glucose sensors is presented in this paper. RF sensors are of interest to researchers for measuring blood glucose levels non-invasively. For the measurements, the finger is a popular site that has a good amount of blood supply. When a finger is placed on top of the RF sensor, the electromagnetic fields radiating from the sensor interact with the blood in the finger and the resulting sensor response depends on the permittivity of the blood. The varying glucose level in the blood results in a permittivity change causing a shift in the sensor’s response. Therefore, by observing the sensor’s frequency response it may be possible to predict the blood glucose level. However, there are two crucial points in taking and subsequently predicting the blood glucose level. These points are; the position of the finger on the sensor and the pressure applied onto the sensor. A variation in the glucose level causes a very small frequency shift. However, finger positioning and applying inconsistent pressure have more pronounced effect on the sensor response. For this reason, it may not be possible to take a correct reading if these effects are not considered carefully. Two novel pressure sensing circuits are proposed and presented in this paper to accurately monitor the pressure applied

    All-Digital 1550 nm Optical Aqueous Glucose Solution Measurement System

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    An all-digital 1550 nm optical measurement system is proposed for measuring the concentration of aqueous solutions of glucose to investigate the feasibility of NIR blood glucose measurements. A microcontroller was used to generate the excitation signal for a 1550 nm laser module as well as generate the reference signal to perform the lock-in amplifier function. A sine wave was generated inside the firmware to drive the laser module through a current DAC. The reference signal was generated by reading the monitor diode inside the laser module through the microcontroller’s internal ADC. A cooled photodetector was used to measure the light level where its output was digitized by a 24-bit ADC after analog signal conditioning. The glucose concentration result for the measurement was calculated performing DSP functions using the mentioned signals as set out in this paper. A correlation was successfully observed between measured signal level and glucose concentration

    Permittivity Extraction of Glucose Solutions Through Artificial Neural Networks and Non-invasive Microwave Glucose Sensing

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    An accurate low-cost method is presented for measuring the complex permittivity of glucose/water solutions. Moreover, a compact non-invasive RF/microwave sensor is presented for glucose sensing with the reasoning behind design parameters as well as simulation and measurement results. The complex permittivity values of aqueous solutions of glucose were measured with an in-house manufactured open-ended coaxial probe and the values were extracted from the measured complex reflection coefficients (S11) utilizing artificial neural networks. The obtained results were validated against a commercial probe. The values were fitted to the Debye relaxation model for ease of evaluation for a desired glucose concentration at a desired frequency. The proposed permittivity model in this paper is valid for glucose concentrations of up to 16 g/dl in the 0.3–15 GHz range. The model is useful for simulating and validating non-invasive RF glucose sensors

    Conformity assessment model for mechanical coupling devices and anchors for reinforcing steel for use in concrete structure

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    The use of mechanical coupling devices and anchors for reinforcing steel for use in concrete structures can simplify the design and construction of reinforced concrete and reduce the amount of reinforcement required. Technical Approvals of these products by suitably qualified organisations are acceptable under Building Regulations and by major specifiers as the appropriate way of assessing non-standard or new and innovative products. Specifiers, manufacturers, traders, and customers increasingly demand certainty in the quality management of mechanical coupling devices and anchors entering the supply chain. The supply chain is extremely complex. The weak traceability systems and pressure on the supply chain to reduce cost have created the environment where risks increase. This unique and comprehensive model describes the technical and assessment requirements for the conformity of mechanical coupling devices and anchors. It covers all stages in the supply chain from the production, assembly, product performance and evaluation of mechanical properties including tensile strength, ductility, permanent elongation (slip), cyclic loading performance and fatigue performance. The essential elements of the quality management system combined with additional requirements on process control, product testing and robust installation methodology are essential and agreed by all relevant sectors of industry

    Energy harvesting from Microbial Fuel Cells – Wastewater to Electricity

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    MFCs have the potential to revolutionise wastewater treatment and catalyse a change in attitude towards wastewater as a commodity. It has been observed that domestic wastewater contains approximately 7.6 kJ/L of energy (Heidrich et al., 2011). In large-scale settings, wastewater could be used as an energy resource, offering huge savings in terms of cost and environmental burden. The major challenges facing the implementation of MFCs into wastewater treatment are scale up and energy harvesting/storage. In this study, a modular 20L air-breathing microbial fuel cell was developed alongside a smart energy harvesting (EH) system incorporating AI. The 20L air breathing MFC consists of modular cathode cassettes that enables easy maintenance and scale up to suit adaptive or changing end user requirements. PVDF/Stainless steel mesh cathodes are fabricated using phase inversion and oxygen reduction reaction catalysts incorporated in the polymeric matrix. Custom made carbon fibre brush electrodes are utilised as anodes. The system was inoculated with Shewanella Oneidensis MR-1 and ran under recirculating batch conditions. The MFC is monitored and controlled by a purpose-built circuit that tracks the performance of the individual cathode cassettes and configures the system via a custom Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm for the best efficiency available for the given conditions. In addition, the circuit stores the extracted energy in a suitable energy storage element such as a capacitor bank or a rechargeable battery pack, with optimum charging levels. Moreover, the system is capable of learning multiple parameters associated with the MFC to optimise its parameters to maintain its high efficiency. The harvested energy can be used to power various types of electronic devices through the circuit's variable/adjustable power output. Heidrich, E., Curtis, T. and Dolfing, J. (2011). Determination of the Internal Chemical Energy of Wastewater. Environmental Science & Technology, 45 (2), 827-832. Available from 10.1021/es103058w

    Geleneksel pazarlama ile yeşil pazarlama stratejilerinin karşılaştırılmalı analizi

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    İÇİNDEKİLER TEŞEKKÜR SUMMARY GİRİŞ 1. KÜRESELLEŞME IŞIĞINDA GELENEKSEL PAZARLAMA VE TÜKETİM KÜLTÜRÜNÜN OLUŞUMU 3 1.1 Küreselliğin tanımı ve tarihçesi 3 1.2 Modernizm, tüketim kültürünün oluşumu, geleneksel pazarlama 4 1.3 Küreselleşme sürecinde pazarlama kavramının ortaya çıkışı, evrimi, marka kavramının doğuşu 6 1.4 Markalar, moda ve bu kavramların geleneksel pazarlama içindeki yeri 10 2. SÜRDÜRÜLEBİLİRLİK NEDİR? 13 2.1 Sürdürülebilirliğin tanımı 13 2.2 Sürdürülebilirliğin tarihçesi 15 2.3 Sürdürülebilirlik kavramına ilişkin yaklaşımlar 17 2.4 Sürdürülebilirlik kavramının ilkeleri ve kurumlara yansıması 19 2.5 Sürdürülebilirliğe giden yolda adımlar 21 2.6 Sürdürülebilirliğin önündeki engeller 23 3. YEŞİL PAZARLAMA NEDİR? 25 3.1 Yeşil pazarlamanın tanımı, unsurları 25 3.2 Yeşil pazarlamanın tarihçesi 29 3.2.1. Birinci Evre: Ekolojik Pazarlama 29 3.2.2 İkinci Evre: Çevreci Pazarlama 30 3.3 Yeşil pazarlama ile sürdürülebilirlik ilişkisi 31 3.4 Yeşil pazarlamanın geleneksel pazarlama üzerindeki etkileri 32 3.5 İşletmelerin yeşil pazarlamayı seçmelerinin nedenleri ve yeşil pazarlama yaklaşımının aşamaları 36 3.6 Yeşil pazarlama sürecinde kullanılan stratejiler 38 3.6.1 Yeşil ürün stratejisi 38 3.6.2 Yeşil fiyatlandırma stratejisi 39 3.6.3 Yeşil tutundurma stratejisi 39 3.6.4 Yeşil dağıtım stratejisi 41 3.6.5 Yeşil Etiket Stratejisi 41 3.7 Yeşil pazarlamanın karşılaştığı problemler 43 3.7.1 Yeşil ürünü belirleme çelişkisi 44 3.7.2 Gelecek ile kârlılık arasında seçim çelişkisi 44 3.7.3 Yeşil tüketicinin tespiti çelişkisi 45 3.7.4 Yeşil pazarlamanın bugün kadar gelecek için de çalışması çelişkisi 45 3.7.5 Seçme özgürlüğü çelişkisi 46 3.7.6 Yeşil pazarlamanın adil bir ekonomik düzen için çalışması çelişkisi: 46 3.7.7 Yeşil pazarlamanın ihtiyaçlar yerine isteklere yönelme konusunda isteksizliği çelişkisi 47 4. YEŞİL PAZARLAMA VE GELENEKSEL PAZARLAMA STRATEJİLERİ ARASINDAKİ FARKLAR, ÖRNEKLER IŞIĞINDA BU FARKIN NEDENLERİ 49 4.1. Yeşil pazarlama ile geleneksel pazarlama arasındaki maliyet farkı ve nedenleri 49 4.2. Yeşil pazarlama ile geleneksel pazarlama arasındaki reklam/ tutundurma yaklaşımı farkları, ‘moda’ kavramı 50 4.3. Pazarlama disiplinleri arasında markalaşma açısından farklar, ‘yeşile boyama’ kavramına bakış. 55 4. 4. Pazarlama aracı olarak tasarımda ‘daha az’ yaklaşımına karşı ‘daha çok’ yaklaşımı, yaklaşımlararası farkı belirleme açısından ambalajın önemi 75 4.5. Ürünün sağladığı kişisel ve toplumsal faydalar açısından iki disiplin arasındaki farklar 80 5. İŞLEVSEL, DOĞAL VE MİNİMAL TASARIM YAKLAŞIMI KARŞISINDA ALBENİLİ, ABARTILI, SATIN ALMA DÜRTÜSÜNÜ HAREKETE GEÇİREN TASARIMLAR VE İKİ YAKLAŞIM ARASINDAKİ FARKLARIN ÖRNEKLER ÜZERİNDEN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ 85 6. SONUÇ 95 KAYNAKÇA Geleneksel pazarlama ile sürdürülebilirlik kavramı arasındaki çelişki, dünyayı daha yaşanabilir bir yer kılmak isteyen herkesi yeni pazarlama disiplinleri üzerine düşünmeye itmiş, yeşil pazarlama kavramı bunun sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Yeşil pazarlamanın ilkeleri her ne kadar temellerini geleneksel pazarlama üzerine kurmuş olsalar da varmak istedikleri nokta açısından ciddi farklılıklar göstermektedir. Geleneksel pazarlamanın doğası ve gereksinimleri nedeniyle ‘bugün’ üzerinden tanımlamak zorunda olduğu tüm öğeler, yeşil pazarlamada ‘yarın’a da yanıt vermek zorundadır. Sürdürülebilirlik ilkesinin zorluğu ve kesinliği yeşil pazarlamanın geleneksel pazarlamadan bir çok noktada uzaklaşması ve kendini yeniden tanımlaması gereğini doğurmuştur. Bu farklar pazarın varolan temel dinamikleriyle zaman zaman çakışır ve bir takım çıkmazları vardır ama yine de bugün hala yeşil pazarlamanın olgunlaşması için faaliyetler yürütülmektedir. Tezde bu iki pazarlama disiplini arasındaki farklılılıklar hem içeriksel hem de şekilsel olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu ele alış için öncelikle yeşil pazarlamayı doğuran ana etken olan küreselleşme irdelenmiş, küreselleşmenin geleneksel pazarlama üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Yeşil pazarlamanın etiketleme ve ambalajlamadan reklam faaliyetlerine kadar her adımında, sürdürülebilirlik kavramının izlerini yakalamak gerektiğine göre, gelecek ile ilgili somut adımların atıldığı pazarlama şeklinin yeşil pazarlama olduğu da görülebilir. Anahtar kelimeler: Küreselleşme, Sürdürülebilirlik, Yeşil Pazarlama SUMMARY As the conflict between the conventional marketing practices and the concept of sustainability grew stronger due to the rise of worldwide consciousness and efforts to make the world a better place, more people were forced to think and innovate on new marketing disciplines, paving the way for the concept of ‘green marketing’ to emerge. Despite the fact that green marketing has its foundations rooted in the basics of conventional marketing, it has procured critical differences for the sake of achieving its desired objectives. What the conventional marketing has to define according to the needs and concerns of ‘today’, green marketing has to define in accordance with ‘tomorrow’. The challenges and precision of sustainability as a principle, have necessitated green marketing to diverge from conventional marketing in many ways and even at the end of the day, to redefine itself. While these differences and divergences result in conflicts with many of the existing market realities and dynamics, creating various cul-de-sac’s; ambitious efforts and operations to bring green marketing to maturity are still under way. The subject and aim of this dissertation is to discuss the elemantary differences between these two marketing disciplines in both content and format-wise. In order to base this discussion on solid ground, primarily ‘globalization’ - as the main trigger of green marketing, and its effects on conventional marketing have been thoroughly analyzed. As green marketing has to reconcile with the basics of sustainability in every step of its way, from labeling to packaging and all kinds of commercial activities; it can be said that an ideal marketing discipline that can help us take solid steps for a better future may spring up from the fresh practices of green marketing. Keywords: Globalisation, Sustainability, Green Marketin

    Enerji verimli bir bulaşık makinesi için santrifüj bir sirkülasyon pompası tasarım, konstrüksiyon ve performans değerlendirmesi.

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    Energy efficiency has become one of the most important concerns of the world recently. Rate of decrease of energy resources have been accelerated due to increased population and unconscious consumption. As a result, energy efficient new generation products are on the agenda for environmental issues. Furthermore, the more efficient the product, the less costly it consumes energy. Hence, people are encouraged to use energy efficient products which enables them to save more money. In addition, it has become obligatory to manufacture energy efficient products rather than being an option. This is regulated by certain rules determined by relevant commissions around the world. White goods, so dishwashers, have to obey certain consumption levels according to these regulations as well. In this thesis, a centrifugal pump for circulating the washing liquid in an energy efficient dishwasher, especially Arçelik dishwasher, is designed and constructed. The pump is required to deliver 60 l/min at 3020 rpm against a 300 mbar system. After the construction, its performance is evaluated by means of both Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and laboratory experiments. CFD helps the designer save time and money. Several geometries and conditions can be analyzed in certain time without requiring any real product but eligible hardware and software. After deciding the final design, prototypes are produced and tested under actual conditions. At the end of this study, performance target is reached with acceptable energy efficiency.M.S. - Master of Scienc