17 research outputs found

    125. Engineered Nucleases-Mediated In Situ Correction of a Genetic Defect By Homologous Recombination Into the Native Locus

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    Engineered nucleases specific for genomic targets are extensively used to generate DSBs that increase the rate and efficiency of homologous recombination (HR). We seek to determine the efficacy of nucleases in a clinical relevant genetic defect.The genetic defect we are addressing as model to test the nucleases-mediated genome editing technology is the junctional epidermolysis bullosa (JEB), a family of severe skin adhesion disorders due to autosomal recessive mutations in the LAMB3 gene coding for the laminin-332 heterotrimer, a key component of the dermal-epidermaljunction. Recently, we provided proof of principle that ZFN-mediated, AAVS1-targeted GFP addition can be achieved in human keratinocytes and in long-term repopulating epithelial stem cells in a validated preclinical model of xenotransplantation of human skin equivalents on immunodeficient mice.This project aims at the demonstration of a successful in situ correction of the LAMB3 gene in primary keratinocytes from Herlitz JEB patients. Recently TALEN-based gene correction for dystrophic EB has been reported. Similarly, we have developed a genome editing approach for JEB. In particular we have designed TALENs specific for the second intron of LAMB3 gene and a HR cassette including a splicible LAMB3 cDNA (from exon 3 to the end of the gene). In particular immortalized JEB keratinocytes were transfected with TALEN mRNAs and infected with an IDLV vector carrying the HR cassette. The in situ gene correction has been evaluated by site-specific PCR and knock-in expression of the corrected LAMB3 gene on bulk population. We then assessed targeting efficiency and specificity by extensive molecular analyses of single-cell clones isolated by limiting dilution from the TALENs/IDLV-treated immortalized JEB population. We isolated 256 clones and expanded 69 of them. Sixteen out of 69 clones showed an in vitro adhesion advantage, hosted the HR cassette correctly integrated into the predetermined locus, expressed the corrected LAMB3 gene and produced the laminin-332 protein. In parallel, CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease has been designed on the same locus to compare the transduction efficiency and cleavage activity and to translate the knock-in targeting platform to primary JEB keratinocytes

    Dominant and recessive mutations in rhodopsin activate different cell death pathways

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    Mutations in rhodopsin (RHO) are a common cause of retinal dystrophy and can be transmitted by dominant or recessive inheritance. Clinical symptoms caused by dominant and recessive mutations in patients and animal models are very similar but the molecular mechanisms leading to retinal degeneration may differ. We characterized three murine models of retina degeneration caused by either Rho loss of function or expression of the P23H dominant mutation in Rho. Rho loss of function is characterized by activation of calpains and apoptosis-inducing factor (Aif) in dying photoreceptors. Retinas bearing the P23H dominant mutations activate both the calpain-Aif cell death pathway and ER-stress responses that together contribute to photoreceptor cell demise. In vivo treatment with the calpastatin peptide, a calpain inhibitor, was strongly neuroprotective in mice lacking Rho while photoreceptor survival in retinas expressing the P23H dominant mutation was more affected by treatment with salubrinal, an inhibitor of the ER-stress pathway. The further reduction of photoreceptor cell demise by co-treatment with calpastatin and salubrinal suggests co-activation of the calpain and ER-stress death pathways in mice bearing dominant mutations in the Rho gene

    Genomic Analysis of Sleeping Beauty Transposon Integration in Human Somatic Cells

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    The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon is a non-viral integrating vector system with proven efficacy for gene transfer and functional genomics. However, integration efficiency is negatively affected by the length of the transposon. To optimize the SB transposon machinery, the inverted repeats and the transposase gene underwent several modifications, resulting in the generation of the hyperactive SB100X transposase and of the high-capacity \u2018\u2018sandwich\u2019\u2019 (SA) transposon. In this study, we report a side-by-side comparison of the SA and the widely used T2 arrangement of transposon vectors carrying increasing DNA cargoes, up to 18 kb. Clonal analysis of SA integrants in human epithelial cells and in immortalized keratinocytes demonstrates stability and integrity of the transposon independently from the cargo size and copy number-dependent expression of the cargo cassette. A genome-wide analysis of unambiguously mapped SA integrations in keratinocytes showed an almost random distribution, with an overrepresentation in repetitive elements (satellite, LINE and small RNAs) compared to a library representing insertions of the first-generation transposon vector and to gammaretroviral and lentiviral libraries. The SA transposon/SB100X integrating system therefore shows important features as a system for delivering large gene constructs for gene therapy application

    Hematopoietic stem cell gene editing rescues B-cell development in X-linked agammaglobulinemia

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    Background: X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an inborn error of immunity that renders boys susceptible to life-threatening infections due to loss of mature B cells and circulating immunoglobulins. It is caused by defects in the gene encoding the Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) that mediates the maturation of B cells in the bone marrow and their activation in the periphery. This paper reports on a gene editing protocol to achieve "knock-in" of a therapeutic BTK cassette in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) as a treatment for XLA. Methods: To rescue BTK expression, this study employed a clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 system that creates a DNA double-strand break in an early exon of the BTK locus and an adeno-associated virus 6 virus that carries the donor template for homology-directed repair. The investigators evaluated the efficacy of the gene editing approach in HSPCs from patients with XLA that were cultured in vitro under B-cell differentiation conditions or that were transplanted in immunodeficient mice to study B-cell output in vivo. Results: A (feeder-free) B-cell differentiation protocol was successfully applied to blood-mobilized HSPCs to reproduce in vitro the defects in B-cell maturation observed in patients with XLA. Using this system, the investigators could show the rescue of B-cell maturation by gene editing. Transplantation of edited XLA HSPCs into immunodeficient mice led to restoration of the human B-cell lineage compartment in the bone marrow and immunoglobulin production in the periphery. Conclusions: Gene editing efficiencies above 30% could be consistently achieved in human HSPCs. Given the potential selective advantage of corrected cells, as suggested by skewed X-linked inactivation in carrier females and by competitive repopulating experiments in mouse models, this work demonstrates the potential of this strategy as a future definitive therapy for XLA

    Pigment epithelium-derived factor hinders photoreceptor cell death by reducing intracellular calcium in the degenerating retina

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    Abstract Calcium ions play a critical role in neuronal cell death. Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) is a promising neuroprotective protein for photoreceptor cells but the mechanisms mediating its effects against retinal degeneration are still not well characterized. We addressed this question in the rd1 degenerating mouse retina that bears a mutation in the Pde6b gene encoding one subunit of the phosphodiesterase enzyme. Loss of phosphodiesterase activity in rod photoreceptor cells increases cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) levels leading to a rise in intracellular calcium. Short-term treatments with recombinant human PEDF protein decreased intracellular calcium in photoreceptors in vivo. Taking advantage of calcium pump blockers, we defined that PEDF signaling acts on PMCA calcium pumps to lower intracellular calcium. PEDF restrained cell death pathways activated by high calcium levels and engaging calpains, BAX and AIF. The neurotrophic effects were mediated by the PEDF receptor (PEDF-R), encoded by the PNPLA2 gene. Finally, peptides containing the neurotrophic domain of PEDF targeted these same cell death pathways in vivo. The findings reveal rescue from death of degenerating photoreceptor cells by a PEDF-mediated preservation of intracellular calcium homeostasis

    Development of a Sleeping Beauty transposon-based integration system for gene transfer in human epithelial cells

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    Transplantation of autologous, genetically corrected epidermal stem cells (EpSC) was successfully used to treat junctional epidermolysis bullosa (EB), a genetic skin adhesion disorder. The dystrophic forms of EB is caused by mutations in the type-VII collagen gene (COL7A1) Delivering the >9 kb COL7A1 cDNA by a retroviral vector is problematic, due to the large size and highly repeated nature of its sequence, which induce genetic rearrangements during reverse transcription and integration. We tested the feasibility of using a non-viral vector system based on Sleeping Beauty (SB)-derived transposons, taking advantages of the recently developed, high-capacity “sandwich” version of the SB transposon and the “hyperactive” SB 100X transposase, which showed high transposition efficiency in human stem cells. We tested the system in HeLa cells and in a keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT), which were co-transfected with the SB 100X transposase and either the normal or the sandwich version of the SB transposon containing a small-size reporter gene (Venus or GFP) expression cassette. In both cell lines, transposition was obtained in up to 80% of the transfected cells with the sandwich transposon, compared to ~50% obtained with the older version. Transposed HaCaT cells were cloned and analysed for integration events. Individual clones carried several copies of the integrated transposon of the predicted size. High-throughput sequencing is under way to analyze the sandwich SB transposon integration characteristics. We then tested a transposon carrying an 8.8-kb cassette, which again showed up to 80% transposition efficiency in transfected cells. Finally, we generated sandwich transposons containing an expression cassette for the COL7A1 cDNA under the control of a constitutive (PGK) or a keratinocyte-specific (K14) promoter, which are currently being tested for integration in HaCaT cells. The SB-based gene delivery system will finally be tested in human primary keratinocyte cultures

    Non viral gene transfer via Sleeping beauty transposon for Collagen VII delivery in human primary keratinocytes.

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    Autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is a genetic skin adhesion defect caused by mutations in the type VII collagen gene (COL7A1). Although full-length type-VII collagen is successfully produced in human keratinocytes by retroviral vectors, genetic instability due to the large size (9kb) and the highly repeated nature of the gene sequence is a persistent problem. The Sleeping-Beauty (SB) transposon-based integration system can potentially overcome these issues by taking advantage of the hyperactive SB100X transposase in combination with the wild-type (pT2) transposon or the “sandwich” version (pSA) that showed robust transposition efficiency in human cells. We molecularly characterized the “sandwich” SB-mediated integrants in epithelial cell lines and in primary keratinocytes. Co-transfecting the transposase together with 10kb-transposon (pT2 or pSA) we observed up to 37% of transposition in HaCaT and in GABEB (generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa keratinocytes) cells with both transposons. Clonal analysis demonstrated that the transposition events occur with a minimal risk of rearrangements (<3%). LM-PCR based bi-directional sequencing of the transposon-genome junctions shows genuine “cut and paste” activity of the SB hyperactive transposase

    Collagen VII gene delivery via Sleeping Beauty transposon in COL7A1-deficient keratinocytes from epidermolysis bullosa patients

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    Autosomal recessive epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB) is a genetic skin adhesion defect caused by mutations in the type VII collagen gene (COL7A1). Although full-length type-VII collagen can be successfully produced in human keratinocytes following retroviral vector transduction, genetic instability due to the large size (9kb) and highly repetitive nature of the gene sequence remains problematic. The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon-based integration system can potentially overcome these issues by taking advantage of the hyperactive SB100X transposase in combination with the pT2 transposon.

    Failure to detect DNA-guided genome editing using Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute

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