22 research outputs found


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    SUMMARY. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a general name of two entities: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis whichrepresent chronic non-specific inflammation of gastrointestinal tract. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is a common viralinfection in humans. It often causes primary infection and later persists lifelong in a latent stage. In different situations ofimmunosuppression the virus can reactivate and cause disease, affecting multiple organs including the gastrointestinal tract.The etiology of IBD is not clear and CMV infection is often associated with IBD. The pathogenetic link between IBD and CMVinfection is discussed in this literature review.KEYWORDS: inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, cytomegalovirus

    Язвенный колит и цитомегаловирусная инфекция

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    State University of Medicine and Pharmacy Nicolae Testemiţanu, Chişinău, Moldova, Conferinţa Naţională de Gastroenterologie și Hepatologie cu participare internaţională 20 iunie 2014 Chişinău, Republica MoldovaBoala inflamatorie intestinală (BII) este numele generic a două entităţi: boala Crohn şi colita ulceroasă care reprezintă o inflamaţie cronică nespecifică a tractului gastrointestinal. Infecţia cu citomegalovirus (CMV) este o infecţie virală comună la om. Ea determină de multe ori infecţie primară şi ulterior persistă pe tot parcursul vieţii într-un stadiu latent. În diverse situaţii de imunosupresie, virusul se poate reactiva şi cauza boli, afectând multiple organe, inclusiv tractul gastrointestinal. Etiologia BII nu este clară şi infecţia CMV este deseori asociată cu BII. În acest articol este analizată legătura patogenetică dintre BII şi infecţia CMV.Воспалительные заболевания кишечника (ВЗК) – это общее название хронических неспецифических поражений кишечника, которые включают язвенный колит и болезнь Крона. Цитомегаловирусная (ЦМВ) инфекция, с другой стороны, представляет собой распространенное вирусное заболевание, которое зачастую обуславливает первичную инфекцию и затем персистирует в организме в неактивной форме. При развитии иммуносупресии, вирусная инфекция может активироваться и вызывать различные патологии, включая поражение желудочно-кишечного тракта. Этиология ВЗК неизвестна, однако отмечена частая ассоциация ВЗК с ЦМВ инфекцией. В данном обзоре литературы обсуждаются возможные патогенетические связи между ВЗК и ЦМВ

    Classification of Early Stages of NAFLD Based on Dual Diagnostic Methods

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    High prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has made this domain of medical diagnostics one of high professional and public interest. The major problem of NAFLD diagnostics is that in its initial phase non-alcoholic fatty liver tends to be benign without tendency to progress, while in its second phase -- non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) can progress to cirrhosis, which subsequently may cause hepatocellular carcinoma. This fact explains the need for more sensitive classifications that would allow early diagnostics of NAFLD. NAFLD diagnostics in most cases is based on clinicopathological criteria -- decision rules expressed through ultarasound signs and laboratory data, annotated by hepatologist/gastroenterologist. In this article we describe the process of creation of a classification of NAFLD early stages based on a decisional reasoning, which combines two methods of medical diagnostics

    Barriers in inflammatory bowel disease care in Central and Eastern Europe: a region-specific analysis

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic immune-mediated diseases with a high incidence and prevalence in Europe. Since these are diseases with associated disability, they require complex management and the availability of high-quality healthcare resources. We focused on the analysis of IBD care in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) targeting the availability and reimbursement of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, the role of IBD centers and also education and research in IBD. As part of the analysis, we created a questionnaire of 73 statements organized in three topics: (1) diagnostics, follow-up and screening, (2) medications and (3) IBD centers. The questionnaire was filled out by co-authoring IBD experts from individual countries, and then the answers and comments on the questionnaire were analyzed. We identified that despite the financial burden, which still partially persists in the region, the availability of some of the cost-saving tools (calprotectin test, therapeutic drug monitoring) differs among countries, mainly due to variable reimbursement from country to country. In most participating countries, there also remains a lack of dedicated dietary and psychological counseling, which is often replaced by recommendations offered by gastroenterologists. However, there is adequate availability of most of the currently recommended diagnostic methods and therapies in each participating country, as well as the implementation of established IBD centers in the region. © The Author(s), 2023


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    Purpose: To study the BEA score (Baseline Event-anticipation score) and its correlation with biological signs of liver laboratory syndromes in the patients with chronic hepatitis B and Delta.Material and method. There were investigated prospectively 58 Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis B and Delta (CHD), 28 women and 30 men, and 10 Caucasian patients with viral liver cirrhosis Delta (LCD). BEA score was estimated using the online calculator (http://hepatitis-delta.org/physicians-and-scientists/calculators/).There was estimated the BEA score and the indicators of the biological liver syndromes were studied. The correlation analysis was performed (after Spearman) between the score values of BEA parameters and the biological liver syndromes.Results: It was established the direct correlation of the BEA score with the values of the levels of serum gamma-glutamyl transferees and with the serum total bilirubin in patients with HCD. In patients with LCD there was determined direct correlation of the BEA score with the total bilirubin and inverse correlation with the serum albumin values.Conclusions: We recommend modifying the BEA score by adding the albumin and GGT as predictors for developing complications related to liver disease.Изучение у кавказских пациентов с  хроническим вирусным гепатитом B и дельта шкалы BEA (Baseline Event-anticipation score) и определение его корреляции с параметрами лабораторных печеночных синдромов.Материалы и методы. Были исследованы проспективно 58 кавказских пациента с хроническим гепатитом B и дельта, 28 женщин и 30 мужчин и 10 кавказских пациентов с вирусным циррозом печени B и дельта. Оценка по шкале BEA была рассчитана с использованием онлайн-калькулятора (http://hepatitis-delta.org/physicians-and-scientists/calculators/). Изучены показатели лабораторных синдромов печени. Проводили корреляционный анализ между баллами оценки BEA и данных биологических синдромов печени.Результаты: Установлена прямая зависимость между баллами оценки BEA со значениями уровней сывороточной гамма-глутамилтрансферазы и с общим билирубином сыворотки у больных с хроническим гепатитом дельта. Была определена прямая зависимость между баллами оценки BEA с общим билирубином и обратная корреляция со значениями альбумина сыворотки у больных с циррозом печени B и дельта.Выводы: Рекомендуем оптимизацию оценки BEA путем добавления альбумина и гамма-глутамилтрансферазы в качестве предсказателей для развития осложнений, связанных с заболеванием печени. Вивчення у кавказьких пацієнтів з хронічним вірусним гепатитом B і дельта шкали BEA (Baseline Event-anticipation score) і визначення його кореляції з параметрами лабораторних печінкових синдромів.Матеріали та методи. Були досліджені проспективно 58 кавказьких пацієнта з хронічним гепатитом B і дельта, 28 жінок і 30 чоловіків і 10 кавказьких пацієнтів з вірусним цирозом печінки B і дельта. Оцінка за шкалою BEA була розрахована з використанням онлайн-калькулятора (http://hepatitis-delta.org/physicians-and-scientists/calculators/). Вивчено показники лабораторних синдромів печінки. Проводили кореляційний аналіз між балами оцінки BEA і даних біологічних синдромів печінки.Результати: Встановлено пряму залежність між балами оцінки BEA зі значеннями рівнів сироваткової гамма-глутамілтрансферази та із загальним білірубіном сироватки у хворих з хронічним гепатитом дельта. Була визначена пряма залежність між балами оцінки BEA із загальним білірубіном і зворотна кореляція зі значеннями альбуміну сироватки у хворих з цирозом печінки B і дельта.Висновки: Рекомендуємо оптимізацію оцінки BEA шляхом додавання альбуміну і гамма-глутамілтрансферази в якості провісників для розвитку ускладнень, пов'язаних із захворюванням печінки

    Constrained Regeneration for Cross-Lingual Query-Focused Extractive Summarization

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    International audienceQuery-focused summaries of foreign-language, retrieved documents can help a user understand whether a document is actually relevant to the query term. A standard approach to this problem is to first translate the source documents and then perform extractive summarization to find relevant snippets. However, in a cross-lingual setting, the query term does not necessarily appear in the translations of relevant documents. In this work, we show that constrained machine translation and constrained post-editing can improve human relevance judgments by including a query term in a summary when its translation appears in the source document. We also present several strategies for selecting only certain documents for regeneration which yield further improvements

    Barriers in inflammatory bowel disease care in Central and Eastern Europe: a region-specific analysis

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic immune-mediated diseases with a high incidence and prevalence in Europe. Since these are diseases with associated disability, they require complex management and the availability of high-quality healthcare resources. We focused on the analysis of IBD care in selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania and Slovakia) targeting the availability and reimbursement of diagnostic and therapeutic modalities, the role of IBD centers and also education and research in IBD. As part of the analysis, we created a questionnaire of 73 statements organized in three topics: (1) diagnostics, follow-up and screening, (2) medications and (3) IBD centers. The questionnaire was filled out by co-authoring IBD experts from individual countries, and then the answers and comments on the questionnaire were analyzed. We identified that despite the financial burden, which still partially persists in the region, the availability of some of the cost-saving tools (calprotectin test, therapeutic drug monitoring) differs among countries, mainly due to variable reimbursement from country to country. In most participating countries, there also remains a lack of dedicated dietary and psychological counseling, which is often replaced by recommendations offered by gastroenterologists. However, there is adequate availability of most of the currently recommended diagnostic methods and therapies in each participating country, as well as the implementation of established IBD centers in the region