358 research outputs found

    Differences in ASR Experiments Between the Short and Long Term Test Methods

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    The main objective of this study is to compare the effect of alkali-silica on concrete from a previous experiment by Stanton in the forties of the last century, which was the basis for researchers to investigate and study the extent of alkali-silica reaction against concrete, by various methods for testing the reaction of alkali-silica. From that point on, scientists have tried to develop testing techniques that can be used quicker to detect the effect of alkali-silica on concrete, and 16 alkali-silica testing methods have been highlighted in this study both in short and long-term terms. These methods have been chosen at random but the chronology and most of their details, how they have been performed, the materials used in this test, etc. have been determined. In the same way, the results of the test methods were explained and the available studies, research, and specifications were followed. Finally, the selected test methods have been compared and the parameters used to compare the test methods were as follows: duration, temperature, specimen size, mix type, used materials, admixtures, water/cement ratio, and expansion limit. The comparison took three forms, the first was a comparison between short-term methods alone and the second was a comparison between long-term methods alone, while the latter was between the two method types using standard concrete practices for civil work structures (EM 1110-2-2000)

    The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and its impact on the world

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    The purpose of this chapter is to introduce the topic of the COVID-19 pandemic and to connect it with other issues raised in this book. The chapter presents the SARS-CoV-2 and the chronology of its spread around the world. It also draws attention to the numerous social and economic implications of the pandemic as well as estimate the social costs of the pandemic. It also enumerates the existing COVID-19 databases updated daily

    Protein Engineering Methods and Applications

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    Multi-Omic Data Interpretation to Repurpose Subtype Specific Drug Candidates for Breast Cancer

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    Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), which is largely synonymous with the basal-like molecular subtype, is the 5th leading cause of cancer deaths for women in the United States. The overall prognosis for TNBC patients remains poor given that few treatment options exist; including targeted therapies (not FDA approved), and multi-agent chemotherapy as standard-of-care treatment. TNBC like other complex diseases is governed by the perturbations of the complex interaction networks thereby elucidating the underlying molecular mechanisms of this disease in the context of network principles, which have the potential to identify targets for drug development. Here, we present an integrated “omics” approach based on the use of transcriptome and interactome data to identify dynamic/active protein-protein interaction networks (PPINs) in TNBC patients. We have identified three highly connected modules, EED, DHX9, and AURKA, which are extremely activated in TNBC tumors compared to both normal tissues and other breast cancer subtypes. Based on the functional analyses, we propose that these modules are potential drivers of proliferation and, as such, should be considered candidate molecular targets for drug development or drug repositioning in TNBC. Consistent with this argument, we repurposed steroids, anti-inflammatory agents, anti-infective agents, cardiovascular agents for patients with basal-like breast cancer. Finally, we have performed essential metabolite analysis on personalized genome-scale metabolic models and found that metabolites such as sphingosine-1-phosphate and cholesterol-sulfate have utmost importance in TNBC tumor growth

    Quality assurance of genetic laboratories and the EBTNA practice certification, a simple standardization assurance system for a laboratory network

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    Abstract Analytical laboratory results greatly influence medical diagnosis, about 70% of medical decisions are based on laboratory results. Quality assurance and quality control are designed to detect and correct errors in a laboratory's analytical process to ensure both the reliability and accuracy of test results. Unreliable performance can result in misdiagnosis and delayed treatment. Furthermore, improved quality guarantees increased productivity at a lower cost. Quality assurance programmes include internal quality control, external quality assessment, proficiency surveillance and standardization. It is necessary to try to ensure compliance with the requirements of the standards at all levels of the process. The sources of these standards are the International Standards Organization (ISO), national standards bodies, guidelines from professional organisations, accreditation bodies and governmental regulations. Laboratory networks increase the performance of laboratories in support of diagnostic screening programme. It is essential that genetic laboratories of a network have procedures underpinned by a robust quality assurance system to minimize errors and to reassure the clinicians and the patients that international standards are being met. This article provides an overview of the bases of quality assurance and its importance in genetic tests and it reports the EBTNA quality assurance system which is a clear and simple system available for access to adequate standardization of a genetic laboratory's network

    Engineered yeast tolerance enables efficient production from toxified lignocellulosic feedstocks

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    Lignocellulosic biomass remains unharnessed for the production of renewable fuels and chemicals due to challenges in deconstruction and the toxicity its hydrolysates pose to fermentation microorganisms. Here, we show in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that engineered aldehyde reduction and elevated extracellular potassium and pH are sufficient to enable near-parity production between inhibitor-laden and inhibitor-free feedstocks. By specifically targeting the universal hydrolysate inhibitors, a single strain is enhanced to tolerate a broad diversity of highly toxified genuine feedstocks and consistently achieve industrial-scale titers (cellulosic ethanol of >100 grams per liter when toxified). Furthermore, a functionally orthogonal, lightweight design enables seamless transferability to existing metabolically engineered chassis strains: We endow full, multifeedstock tolerance on a xylose-consuming strain and one producing the biodegradable plastics precursor lactic acid. The demonstration of "drop-in" hydrolysate competence enables the potential of cost-effective, at-scale biomass utilization for cellulosic fuel and nonfuel products alike
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