82 research outputs found

    Remember Me Film Festival : An Education Efforts to Increase Dementia Awareness in Young Generations

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    The role of film as one of the effective educational media is fundamental, especially in promoting awareness of the early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. In Indonesia, there have not been many productions that specifically aim to escalate knowledge and awareness of Alzheimer's disease. The purpose of this activity was to increase public awareness of dementia and Alzheimer's, promote prevention and dementia risk reduction, produce short films on dementia and Alzheimer's with Indonesian cultural background as well as encouraging people toward elderly-friendly behavior. The event was held as a collaboration between FKIK Unika Atma Jaya, Alzheimer's Indonesia, and Eagle Institute titled Remember Me Film Festival (RMFF). In disseminating the information, The RMFF activities were publicized via YouTube and mass media. The aims of this study was to discuss the Remember Me Film Festival (RMFF) meetings as part of the tridharma institutions (community service), evaluation of benefits to the community, and qualitative assessment of the contents of dementia research for viewers on social media (YouTube) at three time points of observation (1 year after being downloaded on YouTube). The results of RMFF revealed that for each point of observation there was an increase in the number of views from September 2017 to October 2018. The RMFF activity can thus be employed as a model of increasing health promotion using digital/online platform for the younger generation


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    Introduction: The prevalence of individuals who experience an impaired olfactory function increases with age. Impaired olfactory function is considered as one of the risk factors for malnutrition in the elderly. The purpose of this study was to examine whether there was a relationship between impaired olfactory function and nutritional status in the elderly. Methods: Comparatives analytical study with a cross-sectional approach to the elderly group. Subjects were recruited from Pusat Santunan Keluarga/PUSAKA (in the period May-June 2016) at Jakarta Barat. Subjects were chosen by random sampling. The nutritional status, cognitive, and olfactory function were assessed with MNA assessment, MMSE instrument, and olfactory assessment. Result: 207 people participated in this study; 67.1% were women. Impaired olfactory function and malnourished were found in 46.5% and 42.5%, respectively. The bivariate analysis found that there was a relationship between olfactory function and nutritional status (p=0,006), olfactory function and MMSE score (p=0,001). Logistic regression analysis demonstrated that there were no significant associations between olfactory function and nutritional status with the variables examined in this study. Conclusion: Olfactory function is not directly associated with nutritional status in the elderly.Pendahuluan: Prevalensi orang yang mengalami gangguan pada fungsi penghidu meningkat seiring dengan pertambahan usia. Gangguan fungsi penghidu dianggap sebagai salah satu faktor risiko terjadinya malnutrisi pada lansia. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk meneliti apakah terdapat hubungan antara gangguan fungsi penghidu dan status gizi pada lansia. Metode: Penelitian analitik secara komparatif dengan pendekatan potong lintang terhadap kelompok lansia. Responden berasal dari di Pusat Santunan Keluarga/PUSAKA di Jakarta Barat (periode Mei-Juni 2016) dengan pengambilan sampel random sampling. Status nutrisi, fungsi kognitif dan penghidu dinilai dengan penilaian MNA, instrumen MMSE dan penilaian fungsi penghidu. Hasil: 207 orang ikut serta pada penelitian ini; 67,1% responden merupakan perempuan. Gangguan fungsi penghidu dan status gizi malnutrisi ditemukan sebanyak 46,5% dan 42,5%. Analisa bivariat menemukan adanya hubungan bermakna antara fungsi penghidu dan status gizi (p=0,006), fungsi penghidu terhadap skor MMSE (p=0,001). Pada analisa multivariat regresi logistik tidak ditemukan hubungan yang bermakna antara fungsi penghidu dan status gizi terhadap variabel-variabel yang diteliti. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara fungsi penghidu dan status gizi lansia


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    Introduction: A decline in cognitive function in the elderly occurs in the body due to aging. Internal and external factors influence the decline in cognitive function in the elderly. This research focuses on blood sugar, blood pressure, and the elderly's characteristics as a factor in decreasing the cognitive function of the elderly.Methods: This research uses the descriptive-analytic method with a cross-sectional design of 101 respondents. The independent variables of this study are blood sugar, blood pressure, and demographic characteristics. The dependent variable is the cognitive function of the elderly. Data obtained were analyzed both univariate and bivariate using the Chi-square test.Results: Blood pressure has a significant relationship with the impaired cognitive function in the elderly (p<0.05). Other factors, such as blood sugar, age, sex, and education level did not show any relationship with the cognitive function of the elderly (p>0.05).Conclusion: Blood pressure has a relationship with cognitive function in the elderly. In contrast, blood sugar does not have a relationship with cognitive function.Pendahuluan: Penurunan fungsi kognitif lansia merupakan salah satu perubahan yang terjadi dalam tubuh akibat penuaan. Faktor internal dan eksternal dapat memengaruhi terjadinya penurunan fungsi kognitif lansia. Penelitian ini berfokus pada gula darah dan tekanan darah serta karakteristik lansia sebagai faktor penurunan fungsi kognitif lansia.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dengan desain potong lintang pada 101 responden. Variabel independen penelitian ini adalah kadar gula darah, tekanan darah, dan karakteristik demografi. Variabel dependen adalah fungsi kognitif lansia. Data dianalisis secara univariat dan bivariate menggunakan metode uji kai kuadrat.Hasil: Tekanan darah memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan gangguan fungsi kognitif lansia (p<0,05). Faktor lainnya seperti kadar gula darah, usia, jenis kelamin, dan tingkat pendidikan tidak menunjukkan adanya hubungan dengan gangguan fungsi kognitif lansia (p>0,05).Simpulan: Tekanan darah berhubungan dengan fungsi kognitif lansia. Sebaliknya, kadar gula darah tidak memiliki hubungan dengan fungsi kognitif

    Awareness, attitudes, and beliefs of dementia in Indonesia

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    INTRODUCTION: Tackling dementia stigma is a policy priority. In Indonesia, we have little insight into the general public's knowledge and attitudes about dementia. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 4430 Indonesian adults recruited from Jakarta and North Sumatra, Indonesia. Measures included dementia knowledge and attitudes. RESULTS: A total of 86.3% (n = 3,803) of adults had not heard of the terms dementia or Alzheimer's disease, and commonly viewed dementia as a normal part of aging. Being older, incorrect knowledge about etiology, not having heard of the terms dementia and/or Alzheimer's disease, having less than primary education, and being from North Sumatra were associated with more negative attitudes (p-values < 0.05). DISCUSSION: Misconceptions and lack of awareness about dementia are common in Indonesia. Attitudes tended not to be negative, but our research highlights factors associated with dementia attitudes. Future research should use this information to better tailor and target potential anti-stigma strategies. Highlights: Most Indonesians had not heard of the terms dementia and/or Alzheimer's disease and thought it was caused by normal aging. The majority of participants held mixed or positive attitudes towards dementia. A series of demographic factors alongside poor awareness were associated with negative attitudes towards dementia

    Brain-derived neurotrophic factor interplay with oxidative stress: neuropathology approach in potential biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease

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    ABSTRACT The aging population poses a serious challenge concerning an increased prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and its impact on global burden, morbidity, and mortality. Oxidative stress, as a molecular hallmark that causes susceptibility in AD, interplays to other AD-related neuropathology cascades and decreases the expression of central and circulation brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), an essential neurotrophin that serves as nerve development and survival, and synaptic plasticity in AD. By its significant correlation with the molecular and clinical progression of AD, BDNF can potentially be used as an objectively accurate biomarker for AD diagnosis and progressivity follow-up in future clinical practice. This comprehensive review highlights the oxidative stress interplay with BDNF in AD neuropathology and its potential use as an AD biomarker

    Two of Ten Elderly Have Dementia When Entering Age of 70 Years Old

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    Life expectancy of Indonesia has increased in the few decades; it has now reached the age of 70 years. As age increases, the risk of degenerative diseases, like dementia is also increasing. As many as 60-70% of dementia cases are Alzheimer\u27s disease. However, there is only limited information on the prevalence rate of dementia in Indonesia. Early detection of dementia and knowing its prevalence rate is very important especially, since in most progressive case of dementia, including the Alzheimer\u27s disease, there is no known cure

    Nutritional Status, Physical Activity, Oxidative Stress, and Cognitive Function in Pre Elderly and Elderly

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    This study aimed to analyse the relation of nutritional status, physical activity or oxidative stress with cognitive function of pre-elderly and elderly. A comparative cross-sectional study was conducted on 40 pre-elderly and 35 elderly subjects who were admitted to the Integrated Development Post Program (Posbindu) between September 2014 and January 2015. Anthropometric measurements (weight and height), physical activity, and biochemical data (oxidized low-density lipoprotein[Ox-LDL] and serum malondialdehyd [MDA]) were obtained. Nutritional status was assessed through body mass index (BMI), while the cognitive function was measured by Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) and Digit Span Backward. The data were analysed using an independent t-test and Spearman’s test with a confidence level of 95%. The study showed that the prevalence of malnutrition among the pre-elderly and elderly were 60.0% and 80.0%, respectively. Concerning physical activity, those who belonged to inactive-sedentary activity based on physical activity level (PAL) ratio were 55.0% and 45.7%, respectively. There were no significant differences in Ox-LDL, MDA levels and cognitive function (p&gt;0.05). Significant negative correlations existed between Ox-LDL and immediate visual memory function (r=-0.289; p&lt;0.05), as well as between Ox-LDL and delayed visual memory function (r=-0.288; p&lt;0.05). The conclusion that visual memory function was only correlated with Ox-LDL

    Probiotics supplementation or probiotic-fortified products on sarcopenic indices in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis from recent randomized controlled trials

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    Introduction: A noteworthy correlation was seen between changes in the gut microbiome and sarcopenia in older adults. Along with increasing research on probiotic supplementation for various medical problems, we aimed to obtain evidence and summarize the effect of probiotic supplementation on sarcopenic indices among older adults.Methods: We utilized PubMed, EBSCO, and Proquest, in addition to manual search using synonyms and variation for ‘probiotic,’ ‘sarcopenia,’ and ‘older adults.’ Randomized controlled trials investigated the utilization of probiotics or probiotic-containing products in older adults with sarcopenic indices including muscle mass and strength. The random-effects model was applied to the meta-analysis process.Results: Seven studies were obtained with 733 pooled older adults. Probiotic supplementation resulted in a significant increase of muscle mass with adjusted SMD (Standardized Mean Difference) of 0.962 (95% CI: 0.288 to 1.635, p = 0.049) using till and trim analysis and muscle strength with SMD of 1.037 (95% CI: 0.077 to 1.996, p = 0.03). However, both outcomes were associated with significantly high heterogeneity (I2 = 89.5% and I2 = 89.9%, respectively).Conclusion: When opposed to a placebo, the probiotic treatment improved the amount of muscle and its endurance based on recent evidence, however, further studies should be done with larger samples and targeted populations

    Trigliserida Sebagai Faktor Prognosis Untuk Hipertensi Tidak Terkendali Pada Wanita Pasca Menopause Di Kota Bogor, Tahun 2014

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    Further analysis aimed to determine the new cut-off correlation between blood triglyceride levels withuncontrolled hypertension among 888 postmenopausal women from two-year follow up of the cohort studyin Bogor. Uncontrolled hypertension was defined as the average of systolic and diastolic are &gt;140mmHgand &gt;90mmHg consecutively with no underlying diseases and systolic is &gt;130mmHg with co-morbidityat the end of 2-year follow up. The covariate variables included demography, behavior and biologicalfactors. The new triglyceride\u27s cut off was determined by ROC curve with 65% sensitivity and 68%specificity. Data were analyzed with multiple logistic regression. Blood triglyceride level significantlycorrelated with uncontrolled hypertension (p=0.007) after adjusted with LDL, postprandial blood sugarand sodium intake. Triglyceride levels of 108-149mg/dl resulted in OR of 1.54 (95% CI 0.95 to 2.48),150-199mg/dl showed OR of 2.04 (95% CI 1.06 to 3.93) and level of &gt;200 indicated an OR 2.1 (95% CI1.02 to 4.30) compared to normal level (&lt;108mg/dl). Triglyceride level of 108mg/dl is a new cut-off todetermine uncontrolled hypertension in postmenopausal women in the study area. Blood triglyceride\u27slevel can be used as a prognostic factor for hypertensive patients to monitor blood pressure increment
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