454 research outputs found

    Local Government Budgeting for Gender Equality

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    AbstractToday, gender responsive budgeting approach is adopted to participate in women's social, cultural and gender life more effectively in the economic sphere by local government. Gender responsive budgeting is to strengthen the equality perspective at all stages of the budget process to approaching gender equality in public institutions and organizations, or to reduce inequalities. Gender responsive budgeting, is reflected in the male-female equality instead of a separate budget for women. As stated in the 5018 Public Financial Management and Control Law, public institutions and organizations made strategic plans and the budget of institutions must be prepared depending on strategic plans. If expenditure is not in the strategic plan, an allocation in the budget is impossible. It is important that the preparation of the strategic plan is the basis for gender responsive budgeting. Allocations have been increasing day by day at modern societies that value to positive discrimination. This study has been investigated the gender equality approach in 39 districts in Istanbul. Data were obtained from TUIK's data population of 2014. To clarify the distinction created by the gender equality approach has benefited from the cluster analysis. Thus, the district has been determined whether the rates are close together in the same group. The hierarchical method was used in 39 districts because clustering number of sets wanted to predetermine. Ward's (variance) method depending on hierarchical clustering method is adopted. The results were visualized by Dendrogram. The Euclidean distance measure has been applied for determining the distance between criteria. Consequently, it is analysed in detail how the budgets of districts in Istanbul organized by gender equality approach

    Joint modulation classification and antenna number detection for MIMO systems

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    Noncooperative classification of the modulation type of communication signals finds application in both civilian and military contexts. Existing modulation classification methods for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems commonly require a priori information on the number of transmit antennas employed by the multiantenna transmitter, which, in most of the noncooperative scenarios involving modulation classi- fication, is unknown and needs to be blindly extracted from the received signal. Since the problems of MIMO modulation classification and detection of the number of transmit antennas are highly coupled, we propose a decision theoretic approach for spatial multiplexing MIMO systems that considers these two tasks as a joint multiple hypothesis testing problem. The proposed method exhibits a high performance even in moderate to low SNR regimes while requiring no a priori knowledge of the channel state information and the noise variance

    Efficacy of topical sodium sulfacetamide in the treatment of mild and moderate acne vulgaris: A randomized, comparative study

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    Amaç: Hafif ve orta dereceli akne vulgariste en çok kullanılan topikal antibiyotikler klindamisin ve eritromisindir. Topikal antibiyotiklerin benzoil peroksit ile kombinasyonu etkinliği artırır ve Propionibacterium acnes’e karşı gelişen antibiyotik direncini azaltır. Sodyum sulfasetamid sülfonamid grubu bir antibiyotiktir. Uzun yıllardır bilindiği halde akne tedavisinde fazlaca yer almamaktadır. Ancak son zamanlarda kullanımı tekrar gündeme gelmiştir. Çalışmamızda hafif ve orta derecedeki akne vulgariste sodyum sulfasetamidin etkinliğini klindamisin ve eritromisin ile karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve Yöntem: Karşılaştırmalı çalışmamızda akne vulgarisli 60 hasta, birinci grup sodyum sulfasetamid %10 losyon, ikinci grup klindamisin %1 losyon ve üçüncü grup eritromisin %2 jel 12 hafta süre ile günde iki kez uygulamak üzere, randomize olarak 3 gruba ayrıldı. Her grupta 20 olgu yer aldı. Tedavi tüm hastalarda benzoil peroksit %5 losyon ile kombine edildi. Hastalar başlangıçta, 4, 8 ve 12. haftalarda noninflamatuvar (açık ve kapalı komedo) ve inflamatuvar (papül ve püstül) lezyon sayıları açısından değerlendirildi ve yan etki ler kaydedildi. Bulgular: Gruplar arasında yaş, cinsiyet ve akne süresi yönünden anlamlı fark yoktu (p>0,05). Çalışma sonunda her 3 tedavi yöntemi ile de istatistiksel olarak anlamlı azalma saptandı (p0,05). Sonuç: Bu çalışmada topikal sodyum sulfasetamidin, hafif ve orta şiddette akne vulgarisin tedavisinde, benzoil peroksitle kombine kullanıldığında klindamisin ve eritromisin gibi etkili ve güvenilir olduğu sonucuna varılmıştır. Bu sonuç daha geniş olgu sayılı çalışmalarla desteklenmelidir.Background and Design: Clindamycin and erythromycin are the most widely used topical antibiotics in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris. The combination of topical antibiotics with benzoyl peroxide increases the efficacy of the treatment and reduces antibiotic resistance of Propionibacterium acnes. Sodium sulfacetamide is a sulfonamide antibiotic. Although it has been known for many years, it is not widely used in acne treatment. However, it has recently acquired currency again. In this study, we aimed to assess the efficacy of sodium sulfacetamide in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris and to compare with the other widely used topical antibiotics. Material and Method: In our comparative study, 60 patients with acne vulgaris were randomly assigned into 3 groups, wherein the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd groups were applied sodium sulfacetamide 10% lotion, clindamycin 1% lotion, and erythromycin 2% gel, respectively, twice daily for 12 weeks. Each group consisted of 20 subjects. The treatment was combined with benzoyl peroxide in all groups. The patients were assessed for noninflammatory (open and closed comedones) and inflammatory (papules and pustules) lesion counts at 4, 8, and 12 weeks and, adverse events were recorded. Results: There was no significant difference between the groups for age, sex and acne duration (p>0.05). Statistically significant decrease was obtained with all 3 treatment regimens at the end of the study (p0.05). Conclusion: In this study, topical sodium sulfacetamide was found to be as effective and safe as erythromycin and clindamycin when combined with benzoyl peroxide in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris. These results should be supported by studies with larger cohorts

    Molekularno otkrivanje i genomska svojstva psećeg virusa Torque teno u Turskoj

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    Torque teno virus (TTV) was first detected in humans, and since then it has been reported in many host species, such as monkeys, cats, pigs, seagulls and dogs. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of Torque teno canis virus (TTCaV) in shelter dogs housed in Sivas Municipal Animal Shelter, Turkey. Faecal specimens, including diarrheic and non-diarrheic (n=202), were collected from dogs of various age groups. In total, 32.18% (65/202) of samples were found positive for TTCaV. Out of the 65 positive samples, 34.64% (44/127) samples were from adult diarrheic dogs and 26.09% (6/23) belonged to diarrheic puppies. On the other hand, 28.84% (15/52) positive samples were detected from clinically healthy dogs. Eight sequences showed close homology among themselves, however, the sequences of two samples (CANEL130 and CANEL140) were genetically distinct from other published sequences. This is the first report on the detection of TTCaV in adult dogs and puppies in Turkey, and provides evidence that TTCaV cannot be considered as the sole cause of diarrhea.Virus Torque teno (TTV) otkriven je najprije u ljudi, no otada je zabilježen i u mnogim drugim domaćinima kao što su majmuni, mačke, svinje, galebovi i psi. Cilj ovoga rada bio je istražiti prisutnost psećeg virusa Torque teno (TTCaV) u pasa u azilu Sivas Municipal Animal Shelter u Turskoj. Uzorci izmeta (n = 202), uključujući one s proljevom i bez proljeva, prikupljeni su od pasa različitih dobnih skupina. Ukupno je 32,18 % (65/202) uzoraka bilo pozitivno na TTCaV. Od 65 pozitivnih uzoraka njih 34,64 % (44/127) potjecalo je od odraslih pasa s proljevom, a 26,09 % (6/23) od štenadi s proljevom. S druge strane, 28,84 % (15/52) pozitivnih uzoraka utvrđeno je u klinički zdravih pasa. Osam je sekvencija pokazalo međusobnu blisku srodnost, no sekvencije dvaju uzoraka (CANEL130 i CANEL140) genetski su se razlikovale od drugih sekvencija. Ovo je prvi nalaz TTCaV u odraslih pasa i štenadi u Turskoj i dokazuje da se TTCaV ne može smatrati jedinim uzročnikom proljeva

    Türkiye'deki köy tavuklarında i̇nfeksiyöz laringotrakeitis virüsünün moleküler tespiti ve karakterizasyonu

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    Gallid herpesvirus I (GaHV1) is etiological agent of infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) and ILT is one of the important disease that included in respiratory infections of chickens. Few studies have been conducted in Turkey and there is no data about the existence of ILT in backyards. The purpose of the study was to document the detection and characterization of GaHV1 in backyard chickens using PCR, RFLP and sequencing. Of the163 tracheal swap samples which were taken from 43 backyard flocks 5 (3.07%) were found to be positive for ILT infection. Positivity was 4.65 % (2/43) at flock level. The nucleic acid sequences of the ICP4 gene compared with ILTV sequences in GenBank and the level of identity differed from 96.82 to 100%. When the sequences of samples compared with TCO strains 99.77-100% homology was observed. The virtual RFLP analysis with the HgaI restriction enzyme characterized strains as having a pattern similar to the vaccine strain TCO. This is the first study that presents presence and characterization of GaHV1 in backyards. Large scale studies are needed to estimate prevalence of ILT in Turkey. Chickens should be monitored and growers should avoid to contacting vaccinated birds with non-vaccinated chickens, to control ILTV outbreaks.Gallid herpesvirüs I (GaHV1), infeksiyöz laringotrakeitisin (ILT) etiyolojik ajanıdır ve ILT, tavukların solunum yolu enfeksiyonları arasında yer alan önemli hastalıklardan biridir. Türkiye'de çok az çalışma yapılmış ve köy tavuklarında ILT'nin varlığına dair veri bulunmamaktadır. Çalışmada, köy tavuklarında PCR, RFLP ve sekans verileri kullanarak GaHV1'in tespitini ve karakterizasyonu amaçlandı. Toplamda 43 köy tavuğu işletmesinden alınan 163 trakeal swap örneğinin 5'inde (% 3,07) ILT enfeksiyonu pozitif bulundu. Sürü düzeyinde pozitiflik % 4,65 (2/43) idi. ICP4 geninin nükleik asit dizileri GenBank'taki ILTV dizileri ile karşılaştırıldığında benzerlik % 96.82 ile % 100 arasında değiştiği görüldü. Örneklerin sekans dizileri TCO suşları ile karşılaştırıldığında % 99.77- 100 homoloji gözlemlendi. HgaI enzimi ile yapılan sanal RFLP analizinde, çalışmadaki suşlar TCO aşı suşuna benzer bir paterne sahip olarak karakterize edildi. Bu araştırma, köy tavuklarında GaHV1'in varlığını ve karakterizasyonunu ortaya koyan ilk çalışmadır. Türkiye'de ILT prevalansını tahmin etmek için büyük ölçekli çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır. ILTV salgınlarını kontrol etmek için tavuklar izlenmeli ve yetiştiriciler aşılanmamış tavuklarla aşılanmış olanların temas etmesinden kaçınmalıdır

    Evaluating the Implant Stability of Titanium Prepared Platelet Rich Fibrin Treated Periimplant Osseous Defects with Resonance Frequency Analysis

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    Objective: In this study, we aimed to determine periimplantal tissue regeneration in the use of platelet-rich fibrin in periimplantal defects. Methods:Twelve  male New Zealand white rabbits were used for this study. each of the right and left tibias of rabbits  Using a trephine bur (diameter 7.0 mm),  monocortical defects were prepared (7 mm width,4 mm depth).Subsequently,  dental implants(AL-Technology dental implants sharkimplants)  were installed into the left and right  tibia (diameter 3.0 mm, length 8  mm). In the experimental groups, the peri-implant defect was filled  respectively 1-autogenous grafts, 2-PRF  3-synthetic grafts (MIS 4BONE ). The control was left in an unfilled state. İmplant stability was evaluated  with  the resonance frequency analysis method (RFA)Results: The Ostell ISQ  for the experimental groups  respectively 1 -autogenous graft group  76.00±3.89,2-PRF group 75.00±3.84,3- sentetic graft group 67.00±5.72 while control group 56,33±5,12. The difference between the 2 groups (autogenous graft and  prf groups) was statistically  not significant while all other differences between groups are statistically significant.Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, it was found that periimplantal defects in the regeneration of Platelet-Rich Fibrin is effective as the autogenous graf