404 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Virtual Replication of Thermostatically Controlled Domestic Heating Systems

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    Thermostatic load control systems are widespread in many countries. Since they provide heat for domestic hot water and space heating on a massive scale in the residential sector, the assessment of their energy performance and the effect of different control strategies requires simplified modeling techniques demanding a small number of inputs and low computational resources. Data-driven techniques are envisaged as one of the best options to meet these constraints. This paper presents a novel methodology consisting of the combination of an optimization algorithm, two auto-regressive models and a control loop algorithm able to virtually replicate the control of thermostatically driven systems. This combined strategy includes all the thermostatically controlled modes governed by the set point temperature and enables automatic assessment of the energy consumption impact of multiple scenarios. The required inputs are limited to available historical readings from smart thermostats and external climate data sources. The methodology has been trained and validated with data sets coming from a selection of 11 smart thermostats, connected to gas boilers, placed in several households located in north-eastern Spain. Important conclusions of the research are that these techniques can estimate the temperature decay of households when the space heating is off as well as the energy consumption needed to reach the comfort conditions. The results of the research also show that estimated median energy savings of 18.1% and 36.5% can be achieved if the usual set point temperature schedule is lowered by 1 degrees C and 2 degrees C, respectively

    Regional distribution of the leucine-rich glioma inactivated (LGI) gene family transcripts in the adult mouse brain

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    25 p., figuras y bibliografíaThe leucine-rich glioma inactivated (LGI) gene subfamily contains four highly conserved members (LGI1, 2, 3 and 4), which have been described in human, mouse and other mammalians. Although their main roles remain unknown, LGI1 gene mutations have been found in human partial temporal lobe epilepsy. Moreover, previous studies showed that the products of these genes exert their function in the nervous system. The anatomical distribution of these gene transcripts in the brain might give some insight to elucidate their possible function. In this study, the pattern of expression of the four LGI genes was assessed in the brain of C57BL/6J adult mice by in situ hybridization. We found that the LGI1 transcript is mainly expressed in the dentate gyrus and CA3 field of the hippocampus. LGI2 and LGI4 genes, which showed a similar pattern of distribution with minor differences, were mostly expressed in the medial septal area, thalamic reticular nucleus and substantia nigra pars compacta. LGI3-expressing cells were distributed widespread, but were more consistently observed in the hippocampal formation, thalamic and hypothalamic nuclei, substantia nigra and reticular formation. In summary, LGI1 gene expression is very restricted to intrahippocampal circuitry, which might be related to its involvement in temporal lobe epilepsy. The patterns of expression of LGI2 and LGI4 genes are very similar and their distribution in the vertical limb of the diagonal band and in putative hippocampal interneurons, suggest that the function of these genes might be related to the generation of hippocampal theta rhythm. Finally, LGI3 gene widespread expression in the brain suggests that its transcripts might be involved in a common cellular process present in different neuronal types.This work was supported by a grant from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SAF2006-00724) to J. P-T. Part of F. O-B. work has been supported by the Spanish Health Department (FIS 06-1816).Peer reviewe

    On The Structure Of The Objective Function For A Pressure Sensor Placement Optimizing Methodology Based On Genetic Algorithms Applied To Model-Based Leakage Localization In Distribution Water Networks

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    Real-time monitoring of distribution water networks relies on the deployment of sensors and the availability of their measurements in order to predict the system state and assess its performance. A meaningful application of this methodology is the detection and localization of leaks using model-based approaches. Since the number of sensors is limited because of budget constraints, it is important to place these devices in locations where the effectiveness of the leakage diagnosis is maximized. Finding the best sensor distribution is a global optimization problem defined by an objective function that might depend on different factors. Therefore, deriving the correct structure of such function is a crucial step as a wrong definition would lead towards a confusing optimal solution affecting negatively the monitoring performance. In general, sensor placement optimization methods describe objective functions using factors related to the amount of undistinguishable leaks. More concretely, the methods first compute groups of locations where leaks cannot be differentiated and then maximize this number of groups or minimize their size. In this paper, additional factors are presented to accurately represent the requirements of the leak diagnosis phase. These include other statistical figures related to the size of groups, geographical characteristics like the group’s extension area, levels of sensitivity that indicate whether a location is more or less sensible to pressure changes, etc. The objective of this study is to review several factors in order to comprehend their behaviour and justify or discard them for the objective function. The indicators under study are evaluated by means of a cross-correlation analysis applied to the scenario defined by the District Metered Area of the Barcelona water distribution. Results indicate the existence of different independency levels between the indicators that allow us to select those with less redundancy

    Incidencia de factores ambientales sobre la localización y efectividad de trampas como método de control de especies invasoras de la familia Colubridae en Ibiza

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    [spa] Durante los meses de agosto y septiembre de 2017 se ha realizado un estudio en la isla de Ibiza cuyo objetivo era evaluar los factores ambientales que engloban a cada una de las trampas para culebras invasoras con el fin de ver cómo influyen sobre el rendimiento de captura y si es posible mejorarlo en futuras campañas modificando su ubicación. Este método de control se inició en el año 2014 para evaluar la distribución y estado de dos poblaciones de ofidios invasores de la familia Colubridae (Hemorrhois hippocrepis y Zamenis scalaris) así como para conocer aspectos biológicos y llevar un seguimiento de su adaptación en la isla.[cat] Durant els mesos d’agost i setembre de 2017, s’ha realitzat un estudi a l’illa d’Eivissa amb l’objectiu d’avaluar els factors ambientals que engloben a cadascuna de les trampes per a colúbrids invasors amb la finalitat de veure com influeixen sobre el rendiment de captura i si és possible millorar-lo en futures campanyes modificant la seva ubicació. Aquest mètode de control es va iniciar l’any 2014 per avaluar la distribució i l’estat de dues poblacions d’ofidis invasors de la família Colubridae (Hemorrhois hippocrepis i Zamenis scalaris), així com per conèixer aspectes biològics i portar un seguiment de la seva adaptació a l’illa.[eng] During the months of August and September of 2017 a study was carried out on the island of Ibiza, whose objective was to evaluate the environment characteristics that encompass each of the traps for invasive snakes to see how they influence the capture performance and if it is possible to improve it in future campaigns modifying its location. This control method was initiated in 2014 to evaluate the distribution and status of two populations of invasive ophidians of the family Colubridae (Hemorrhois hippocrepis and Zamenis scalaris) as well as to know biological aspects and track their adaptation on the island

    Personalización de bibliotecas digitales en entornos de intranets docentes

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    A decision support system for on-line leakage localization

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    This paper describes a model-driven decision-support system (software tool) implementing a model-based methodology for on-line leakage detection and localization which is useful for a large class of water distribution networks. Since these methods present a certain degree of complexity which limits their use to experts, the proposed software tool focuses on the integration of a method emphasizing its use by water network managers as a decision support system. The proposed software tool integrates a model-based leakage localization methodology based on the use of on-line telemetry information, as well as a water network calibrated hydraulic model. The application of the resulting decision support software tool in a district metered area (DMA) of the Barcelona distribution network is provided and discussed. The obtained results show that the leakage detection and localization may be performed efficiently reducing the required time. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.The authors wish to thank the support received by the AM0901 project funded by R+i Alliance (Suez Environnement) and by the EFFINET grant FP7-ICT-2012-318556 of the European Commission.Peer Reviewe

    Compressibility effects on the wake dynamics of a circular cylinder

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    Compressible large-eddy simulations of the flow past a circular cylinder at Reynolds numbers Re = 104 and Mach numbers in the range M = 0.2-1.2 are performed. Changes in the wake dynamics, coherent structures and flow topology brought about compressibility effects are discussed and analysed in detail.This work has been partially financially supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Spain (ref. PID2020-116937RB-C21 and PID2020-116937RB-C22). O.L. has been partially supported by a Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral contract (Ref: RYC2018-025949-I). I.R. also acknowledges fundings by AGAUR (Ref. 2021 SGR 01051).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Real-time monitoring and control for efficient management of drinking water networks: Barcelona case study

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    Trabajo presentado a la 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics celebrada en New York (US) del 17 al 21 de agosto de 2014.This research has been partially funded by the DGR of Generalitat de Catalunya (SAC group Ref. 2009/SGR/1491), Doctorat Industrial AGAUR-2013-DI-041 and by EFFINET: Efficient Integrated Real-time Monitoring and Control of Drinking Water Networks (FP7-ICT2011-8-318556).Peer Reviewe
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