23 research outputs found

    A dynamical mean-field theory study of stripe order and d-wave superconductivity in the two-dimensional Hubbard model

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    We use cellular dynamical mean-field theory with extended unit cells to study the ground state of the two-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model at finite doping. We calculate the energy of states with d-wave superconductivity coexisting with spatially uniform magnetic order and find that they are energetically favoured in a large doping region as compared to the uniform solution. We study the spatial form of the superconducting and magnetic order parameters at different doping values.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Theory of the Loschmidt echo and dynamical quantum phase transitions in disordered Fermi systems

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    In this work we develop the theory of the Loschmidt echo and dynamical phase transitions in non-interacting strongly disordered Fermi systems after a quench. In finite systems the Loschmidt echo displays zeros in the complex time plane that depend on the random potential realization. Remarkably, the zeros coalesce to form a 2D manifold in the thermodynamic limit, atypical for 1D systems, crossing the real axis at a sharply-defined critical time. We show that this dynamical phase transition can be understood as a transition in the distribution function of the smallest eigenvalue of the Loschmidt matrix, and develop a finite-size scaling theory. Contrary to expectations, the notion of dynamical phase transitions in disordered systems becomes decoupled from the equilibrium Anderson localization transition. Our results highlight the striking qualitative differences of quench dynamics in disordered and non-disordered many-fermion systems.Comment: 7 pages including appendices, 4 figure

    Complexity of fermionic states

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    How much information a fermionic state contains? To address this fundamental question, we define the complexity of a particle-conserving many-fermion state as the entropy of its Fock space probability distribution, minimized over all Fock representations. The complexity characterizes the minimum computational and physical resources required to represent the state and store the information obtained from it by measurements. Alternatively, the complexity can be regarded a Fock space entanglement measure describing the intrinsic many-particle entanglement in the state. We establish universal lower bound for the complexity in terms of the single-particle correlation matrix eigenvalues and formulate a finite-size complexity scaling hypothesis. Remarkably, numerical studies on interacting lattice models suggest a general model-independent complexity hierarchy: ground states are exponentially less complex than average excited states which, in turn, are exponentially less complex than generic states in the Fock space. Our work has fundamental implications on how much information is encoded in fermionic states.Comment: 5+5 pages, 3+2 Fig

    Topological phase transitions in the repulsively interacting Haldane-Hubbard model

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    Using dynamical mean-field theory and exact diagonalization we study the phase diagram of the repulsive Haldane-Hubbard model, varying the interaction strength and the sublattice potential difference. In addition to the quantum Hall phase with Chern number C=2C=2 and the band insulator with C=0C=0 present already in the noninteracting model, the system also exhibits a C=0C=0 Mott insulating phase, and a C=1C=1 quantum Hall phase. We explain the latter phase by a spontaneous symmetry breaking where one of the spin-components is in the Hall state and the other in the band insulating state.Comment: Updated version, 6 pages, 4 figure