7 research outputs found

    Dimensional reduction in numerical relativity: Modified Cartoon formalism and regularization

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    We present in detail the Einstein equations in the Baumgarte-Shapiro-Shibata-Nakamura formulation for the case of DD dimensional spacetimes with SO(Dd)SO(D-d) isometry based on a method originally introduced in Ref.1. Regularized expressions are given for a numerical implementation of this method on a vertex centered grid including the origin of the quasi-radial coordinate that covers the extra dimensions with rotational symmetry. Axisymmetry, corresponding to the value d=D2d=D-2, represents a special case with fewer constraints on the vanishing of tensor components and is conveniently implemented in a variation of the general method. The robustness of the scheme is demonstrated for the case of a black-hole head-on collision in D=7D=7 spacetime dimensions with SO(4)SO(4) symmetry.U.S. is supported by the H2020 ERC Consolidator Grant “Matter and strong-field gravity: New frontiers in Einstein’s theory” grant agreement No. MaGRaTh–646597, the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 Grant No. StronGrHEP-690904, the STFC Consolidator Grant No. ST/L000636/1, the SDSC Comet and TACC Stampede clusters through NSF-XSEDE Award Nos. PHY-090003, the Cambridge High Performance Computing Service Supercomputer Darwin using Strategic Research Infrastructure Funding from the HEFCE and the STFC, and DiRAC’s Cosmos Shared Memory system through BIS Grant No. ST/J005673/1 and STFC Grant Nos. ST/H008586/1, ST/K00333X/1. P.F. and S.T. are supported by the H2020 ERC Starting Grant “New frontiers in numerical general relativity” grant agreement No. NewNGR- 639022. P.F. is also supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. W.G.C. and M.K. are supported by STFC studentships.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the World Scientific Publishing Company via http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S021827181641013

    End Point of the Ultraspinning Instability and Violation of Cosmic Censorship

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    We determine the end point of the axisymmetric ultraspinning instability of asymptotically flat Myers-Perry black holes in D = 6 spacetime dimensions. In the nonlinear regime, this instability gives rise to a sequence of concentric rings connected by segments of black membrane on the rotation plane. The latter become thinner over time, resulting in the formation of a naked singularity in finite asymptotic time and hence a violation of the weak cosmic censorship conjecture in asymptotically flat higher-dimensional spaces.We thank Roberto Emparan for discussions and Juha Jäykkä and Kacper Kornet for their technical support. We thank the grchombo team for the great collaboration. Part of the computations for this Letter were undertaken on the COSMOS Shared Memory system at DAMTP (University of Cambridge). COSMOS is operated on behalf of the STFC DiRAC HPC Facility and is funded by BIS National E-infrastructure capital Grant No. ST/ J005673/1 and STFC Grants No. ST/H008586/1, No. ST/ K00333X/1. We thankfully acknowledge the computer resources at MareNostrum and the technical support provided by Barcelona Supercomputing Center (FI-2016-3-0006 “New frontiers in numerical general relativity”). P. F. and S. T. are supported by the European Research Council Grant No. ERC-2014-StG 639022-NewNGR. P. F. is also supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (Grant No. UF140319). M. K. is supported by an STFC studentship. L. L. is supported by NSERC, CIFAR and Perimeter Institute. This work has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant agreement No. 690904. P. F. and M. K. would like to thank Perimeter Institute for their hospitality during the final stages of this work. Research at Perimeter Institute is supported by the Government of Canada through the Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Research and Innovation

    Discovery of archaeal fusexins homologous to eukaryotic HAP2/GCS1 gamete fusion proteins.

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    Sexual reproduction consists of genome reduction by meiosis and subsequent gamete fusion. The presence of genes homologous to eukaryotic meiotic genes in archaea and bacteria suggests that DNA repair mechanisms evolved towards meiotic recombination. However, fusogenic proteins resembling those found in gamete fusion in eukaryotes have so far not been found in prokaryotes. Here, we identify archaeal proteins that are homologs of fusexins, a superfamily of fusogens that mediate eukaryotic gamete and somatic cell fusion, as well as virus entry. The crystal structure of a trimeric archaeal fusexin (Fusexin1 or Fsx1) reveals an archetypical fusexin architecture with unique features such as a six-helix bundle and an additional globular domain. Ectopically expressed Fusexin1 can fuse mammalian cells, and this process involves the additional globular domain and a conserved fusion loop. Furthermore, archaeal fusexin genes are found within integrated mobile elements, suggesting potential roles in cell-cell fusion and gene exchange in archaea, as well as different scenarios for the evolutionary history of fusexins

    3D-Beacons: decreasing the gap between protein sequences and structures through a federated network of protein structure data resources.

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    While scientists can often infer the biological function of proteins from their 3-dimensional quaternary structures, the gap between the number of known protein sequences and their experimentally determined structures keeps increasing. A potential solution to this problem is presented by ever more sophisticated computational protein modeling approaches. While often powerful on their own, most methods have strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, it benefits researchers to examine models from various model providers and perform comparative analysis to identify what models can best address their specific use cases. To make data from a large array of model providers more easily accessible to the broader scientific community, we established 3D-Beacons, a collaborative initiative to create a federated network with unified data access mechanisms. The 3D-Beacons Network allows researchers to collate coordinate files and metadata for experimentally determined and theoretical protein models from state-of-the-art and specialist model providers and also from the Protein Data Bank

    Black rings in global anti-de Sitter space

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    © 2015, The Author(s). Abstract: We construct five dimensional black rings in global anti-de Sitter space using numerical methods. These rings satisfy the BPS bound |J| Hℓ| ≤ 1, indicating that they should be unstable under superradiance. At high temperatures, the limit |ΩHℓ| ↘ 1 is attained by thin rings with an arbitrarily large radius. However, at sufficiently low temperatures, this limit is saturated by a new kind of rings, whose outer circle can still be arbitrarily long while the hole in the middle does not grow proportionally. This gives rise to a membrane-like horizon geometry, which does not have an asymptotically flat counterpart. We find no evidence for thin AdS black rings whose transverse S2 is much larger than the radius of AdS, ℓ, and thus these solutions never fall into the hydrodynamic regime of the dual CFT. Thermodynamically, we find that AdS black rings never dominate the grand canonical ensemble. The behaviour of our solutions in the microcanonical ensemble approaches known perturbative results in the thin-ring limit